Took note of Drudge’s 4 top headlines/links:
Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force…
Participation Rate Lowest Since 1977…
‘Fed never going to raise rates’…
Markets at ‘panic levels’…
and a cold shudder of dread barged in… and it occurred to me to recall:
The Black Monday crash of 1987 ushered in the presidency of George H. W. Bush in 1988. The ‘dot com’ crash that began in March 2000 signaled the rise of George W. Bush later that year. The stock market is on the brink of another crash portending… a third Bush? It hasn’t happened yet but I await the Fed Res gaming the interest rates and Goldman Sachs’ execs’ open positions revealing massive shorting and put option holdings.
If something can’t go on, it won’t.
But the Left will use any crash as a golden opportunity to seize even MORE power, even MORE of our personal money and assets. See: Cyprus, Greece.
Don’t forget that the initial jobs report each month is an estimate and will be revised in several weeks when all the data is in, nearly always downward (unless it’s a metric where less is better, like inflation.) It’s even worse than it looks.
The media will normally trumpet these estimates if they’re favorable to Obama, then the actual lower revision is later buried between the obits and the want ads. In this case the jobs estimate is grim, so if it’s reported at all, it will be in a perfunctory manner.
There’s something here I don’t understand.
Unemployment has been skyrocketing in US since 2009. You don’t believe me? Check the labor force statictics
Unemployment at 5.1% is completely surreal. US economy is sinking down.
Now compare the GDP (the same, press “10Y” to show the 10 years graph. You can select line in another button at the right, which is clearer than bar graphics).
Every index shows a terrible picture EXCEPT GDP and Unemployment Rate, both of them showing a rising country. Both of them, coincidentally, being the two indexes that people usually check.
The Obama administration has warehoused millions of the jobless on Social Security Disability, where they’re no longer as unemployed. In 2009, they counted relaxed the rules for being approved for nebulous, inverifiable “disabilities” for depression, back pain and more. That’s why the Disability Fund is now projected to be out of money in the next few years.
I don’t trust a single statistic coming out of this administration.
I’ve often asked on blogs like Volokh for leftists to explain their suicidal alliance with Islam and gotten no answers, but they do share a love for taqiyyah – lying.
>> “The Obama administration has warehoused millions of the jobless on Social Security Disability, where they’re no longer as unemployed.”
This unbelievable.
My country (Spain) is a traditional nest of corruption. I always have looked at countries like US, UK or Germany with admiration but… even here, the government wouldn’t dare to take people on welfare out of unemployment statistics.
I don’t know if you understand the implications of it but…. that level of corruption (because it’s corruption) would be very high even for some Mediterranean countries. If you described this situation in Europe, I would need to think that you were talking about Greece, because it would be the only European country right now where something like that could happen.
If you want to know where that path leads, check Greece itself.
You have a very serious problem. And I must say: Obama is not the problem. Obama is only a symptom. When that happens in a society, and this society accepts it like it was normal, it just goes worse.
I’m afraid that in some years from now you’ll have another president that will make Obama look like a honest guy. This is a slippery slope, and once you enter and unless something changes it, it only goes down.
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Not Good? It may be a portent of DOOM!
Took note of Drudge’s 4 top headlines/links:
Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force…
Participation Rate Lowest Since 1977…
‘Fed never going to raise rates’…
Markets at ‘panic levels’…
and a cold shudder of dread barged in… and it occurred to me to recall:
The Black Monday crash of 1987 ushered in the presidency of George H. W. Bush in 1988. The ‘dot com’ crash that began in March 2000 signaled the rise of George W. Bush later that year. The stock market is on the brink of another crash portending… a third Bush? It hasn’t happened yet but I await the Fed Res gaming the interest rates and Goldman Sachs’ execs’ open positions revealing massive shorting and put option holdings.
If something can’t go on, it won’t.
But the Left will use any crash as a golden opportunity to seize even MORE power, even MORE of our personal money and assets. See: Cyprus, Greece.
Don’t forget that the initial jobs report each month is an estimate and will be revised in several weeks when all the data is in, nearly always downward (unless it’s a metric where less is better, like inflation.) It’s even worse than it looks.
The media will normally trumpet these estimates if they’re favorable to Obama, then the actual lower revision is later buried between the obits and the want ads. In this case the jobs estimate is grim, so if it’s reported at all, it will be in a perfunctory manner.
There’s something here I don’t understand.
Unemployment has been skyrocketing in US since 2009. You don’t believe me? Check the labor force statictics
(press “10Y” to have the graph showing last 10 years)
Compare with pretended unemployment:
Unemployment at 5.1% is completely surreal. US economy is sinking down.
Now compare the GDP (the same, press “10Y” to show the 10 years graph. You can select line in another button at the right, which is clearer than bar graphics).
Here is the GDP from manufacturing:
And here is the industrial production index:
Another index that gives some idea about how a country is doing is electricity consumpltion. Here you have
Every index shows a terrible picture EXCEPT GDP and Unemployment Rate, both of them showing a rising country. Both of them, coincidentally, being the two indexes that people usually check.
The Obama administration has warehoused millions of the jobless on Social Security Disability, where they’re no longer as unemployed. In 2009, they counted relaxed the rules for being approved for nebulous, inverifiable “disabilities” for depression, back pain and more. That’s why the Disability Fund is now projected to be out of money in the next few years.
I don’t trust a single statistic coming out of this administration.
I’ve often asked on blogs like Volokh for leftists to explain their suicidal alliance with Islam and gotten no answers, but they do share a love for taqiyyah – lying.
>> “The Obama administration has warehoused millions of the jobless on Social Security Disability, where they’re no longer as unemployed.”
This unbelievable.
My country (Spain) is a traditional nest of corruption. I always have looked at countries like US, UK or Germany with admiration but… even here, the government wouldn’t dare to take people on welfare out of unemployment statistics.
I don’t know if you understand the implications of it but…. that level of corruption (because it’s corruption) would be very high even for some Mediterranean countries. If you described this situation in Europe, I would need to think that you were talking about Greece, because it would be the only European country right now where something like that could happen.
If you want to know where that path leads, check Greece itself.
You have a very serious problem. And I must say: Obama is not the problem. Obama is only a symptom. When that happens in a society, and this society accepts it like it was normal, it just goes worse.
I’m afraid that in some years from now you’ll have another president that will make Obama look like a honest guy. This is a slippery slope, and once you enter and unless something changes it, it only goes down.