Home » The Middle East “migrants” in Europe: no end in sight


The Middle East “migrants” in Europe: no end in sight — 39 Comments

  1. And I don’t think this crowd will be filling the empty Catholic churches in Germany. More like burn them down.

  2. Frightening!
    Also chilling: the increase in rapes in Germany, paired with the usual advice from authorities that women should cover up. Yeah, that’ll take care of it!!

  3. “Previous ones” really really good english… (not)

    not to mention they are speaking in absolute terms not proportional terms…

  4. Recently, I’ve read several pieces claiming that the EU’s treatment of eastern European countries, over migrants, will drive those countries out of the EU and back into Russia’s sphere of influence. I don’t know anybody who lives there, so I’m not well informed on the issue, but it sounds like a logical change.

    Also — though I don’t have citations at hand — I’ve read that about 75% of the migrants are single men, and that the rest are split evenly between women and children, who of course appear in all the media photos. Finally, I’ve also read that only about 30% of the migrants are from Syria. Sorry, I don’t have the time to track down the source of these numbers, but if my memory can be trusted (???), I think they’re derived from UN surveys.

  5. If I am not mistaken the EU has a refugee bill of Rights,
    (what Ted Kennedy & his cohorts introduced in the USA ) They are ENTITLED to, a place to live (free)
    medical care (free) a monetary allowance, lessons in the host country’s language (free) & they can apply to have all their extended family brought over too.

  6. Like the US, the trick is not to let the people know that they are in a soviet state and have few rights and that the principals of that are gone…

    (your not allowed to say much as no one is free to say what they want the way they want. like islam, people claim the right not to be offended… and will act on it if they can)

    And the fact that the leaders of the Eastern European countries are not allowed by the EU to say “no” is chilling. This isn’t just an issue that involves sovereignty; this is at the very heart of sovereignty.

    at what point would all the people calling it the european soviet not get it?

    at what point will americans realize the same operation is trying to link up canada, usa, and south america the same way?

    make sure to respond in proper Sprachregelung

    As these ideas are whats dominant today…
    as is the ignorance that lets them live, thrive and be supported by the most unlikely of promoters and defenders.

    all over europe are laws that seek to prevent offensive dialogue that prevents people from being woken up or even mounting a protest. under the idea of hate speech laws and laws against being offended, the method of defense has been negated…

    “What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.”
    ― Salman Rushdie

    “Nobody has the right to not be offended. That right doesn’t exist in any declaration I have ever read.

    If you are offended it is your problem, and frankly lots of things offend lots of people.

    ― Salman Rushdie

    but now, that is the more serious method that was used to negate any protest, and certainly any proitest that would annoy or offend sensibilities to try to wake people up. just ask Jean-Marie Le Pen

    the nefarous way this works is that it leads to something worse than overt censorship. Self sensorship. the goal of every despot large and small is to exert power in one case, and then cause that to spread without application of other cases. this then causes paralysis of action, and people then just shut up and self expresion dies.

    Self-censorship is the act of censoring or classifying one’s own thoughts and expressions. – (slightly edited)

    This is done out of fear of, or deference to, the sensibilities or preferences (actual or perceived) of others and without overt pressure from any specific party or institution of authority

    Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights guarantees freedom of speech from all forms of censorship. Article 19 explicitly states that “everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

    its outcome is Gliechshaltung
    its method is first Sprachregelung, then law…

    for fear of offending some, no one can protest anythning some left group is doing or some left groups basis of thought or equvalence.

    its the core of all despotisms, large and small, and whats happening in europe is the outcome of such practices as instigated by the EU leadership, the leftists, etc…

    under such a thing you can have a happy despotism, in which people do not say what they think and cant express things in a way that shocks people awake and into understanding. which is its whole point. it often hides under a rubric of good manners, etc.

    them, right? you have a right to not be offended, and it wont be tolerated: or else
    [edited for length by n-n]

  7. Frog Says at 4:12 pm:

    “Ethnic cleansing is awaited. The question is who will clean who.
    Kick the can….”


  8. Frog Says: Ethnic cleansing is awaited. The question is who will clean who.

    no… the cleansing is over… just look at the population collapses and the states need to import people because of it… they are already gone, the old infertile ones are whats left…

    Population decline can refer to the decline in population of any organism, but this article refers to population decline in humans. It can be used to refer to long-term demographic trends, as in sub-replacement fertility, urban decay, white flight or rural flight, but it is also commonly employed to describe large reductions in population due to violence, disease, or other catastrophes

    demographics dont care if the reason no one is there is ovens and guns, or ideas and behaviors that lead to the same end…

    Sub-replacement fertility

    As of 2010, about 48% of the world population lives in nations with sub-replacement fertility

    the wiki then goes through the stuff that causes it, but avoids being erased by not telling you which movements and things made it happen voluntariliy

    a large number of them, surprise surprise, are the common outcomes of mass feminism… (ie. a movement that causes changes to happen all at once. even if postive in idea, comes out negative because it happens all at once!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Higher education – more women go to school, the more you need immigrants to make children for them (espcially for those that hate the idea of a family or men, etc)

    Contraception is a no braner… but so is using abortion as contraception which can cause infertility for births one actually wants

    Female social role

    Growing female participation in the work force has led to many women delaying or deciding against having children, or having fewer children. A longer pursuit of education also delays marriages. Greater access to contraception and abortion, and greater proclivity of women to use them, also has reduced rates.

    Other social changes both separate and related to feminism also have played a role. Bearing children is regarded as less of a social duty than it once was in many societies. Women’s social status increasingly correlates with their work or behaviour as consumers rather than from their role as mothers. Indeed having a large family is often socially deprecated, being associated with lower status groups.

    [edited for length by n-n]

  9. So how’s them Japanese that avoided this issue by taking the hit to their birth rate directly, without importing in a bunch of foreigners?

    The translations of their stuff from Western sources, often talked their population growth issues. Part of it was a smoke screen to distract gullible Western readers about what was really going on in their own countries. Their own countries have positive population growth rates… but only because of immigration.

  10. As for the inevitability of Civil War II in America post 2007, it didn’t take a genius to figure out how to connect the dots. All you have to do is connect the dots and see the Left for what they really were.

    Even an idiot can connect two dots together with a line. In fact, that’s the very image of a village idiot and also Bush II.

  11. “Ethnic cleansing is awaited. The question is who will clean who.”

    Drudge linked to a report this a.m. about a huge riot at a German refugee camp (400 rioters) over food, and how authorities were pushing for an “apartheid” by religion within refugee camps because of ongoing flare-ups. Oh, and the German intelligence was looking into cranky, anti0-immigrantion German right-wingers because they might get violent.

    Amazing who they’ve pegged as the biggest security concern, eh? I’m sure those rioting refugees, and the ones having flare-up w/refugees of a different religion will fit right in once they get their free housing, entitlements, etc..

  12. And the fact that the leaders of the Eastern European countries are not allowed by the EU to say “no” is chilling.

    It’s also a bit pointless. They want to go to rich countries with plenty of jobs, an existing community from the same background and a full welfare system I.e. Germany or Sweden. They’re just not going to go to Romania or Poland.

  13. The border crash invasion is designed for the destruction of the tattered remnants of Western Civilization. When the invasion is merely a trickle, the 5th columnists require decades to subvert the host. When the invasion force is in the soon to be millions, it takes only a few years to complete the subversion. A large minority realize what is happening. This is what blows wind in the donald’s sails.

  14. Bilm99uk,

    As I understand the situation, based largely upon the UK press and other sources, Brussels wants to force all of the EU to take a quota of ‘refugees’ whether they like it or not. Hence we see push back developing not only in Eastern Europe, but in Austria, Germany, and now Sweden. Intersting times indeed.

  15. The UN stats were that only 20% — TOPS — were claiming Syrian status.

    Further, fake Syrian papers are a land office ‘business’ at this time.

    Genuine Syrian documents — where would the come from — after all the years of civil war?

    Assad has NOT been cranking out passports for Sunnis, Druze, and Kurds — that’s for sure.

    The reality — obvious — is that all of the ‘Syrians’ are fakes.

    True refugees are TOO BROKE and still at the back of the line — usually still back in Jordan.

    The ‘migrants’ are from the BALKANS.

    It only takes a couple of hours to roll down the highway.

    The other common trait: an astonishing number can speak good English. This crowd really is waiting to get into England — thence America.

    Of course, they also represent a severe brain drain out of the ummah.

    This is typical of all humanity for all time: the retards get left behind. The smart fellas hit the road. Then they import the rest of their family.

  16. As to ethnic cleansing, it really does not take many cleaners. The Nazi SA are proof.
    It will just take a few thousand soccer hooligans and skinheads to get things rolling with random strikes and some arson. Assuming the domestic side cranks up before the thugs on the migrant side do, that is. Right now the domestics have the edge, but in two years, who can say?

  17. Neo, sorry to be vulgar, but it’s not a matter of “biting off more than they can chew”. It’s a forced toxic enema.

  18. As I understand the situation, based largely upon the UK press and other sources, Brussels wants to force all of the EU to take a quota of ‘refugees’ whether they like it or not.

    We see it here in the US as well with forced wealth redistribution and suburban expansion, as cities force suburbs to take in 50% blacks because the city is black. It’s part of Hussein’s disparate impact programs, to force Republican communities to shatter by invading it with blacks and other minorities, while the Left’s gate way mansions are 99.9% white.

    And they are backed by the Law, as people like to talk about.

    The Law is not going to save many people who think of it so naively, in a society that is falling into chaos and with a Ruling Class based on totalitarian power.

  19. parker

    Yes, the EU (mostly Germany) is trying to force other countries in the Schengen area to take a quota. The UK isn’t in, so the only option there is “moral blackmail”. But if they don’t have the will to forcibly deport them to their home countries, they’re not going to have the will to forcibly deport them to, say, Romania. And they’re not going to go voluntarily.

  20. I followed a link from Rantburg to an article by Soern Kern for the Gatestone Institute, and it was quite horrifying to read –

    Basically, the central government is paying landlords more than they get from their ordinary German tenants to house refugees … and so tenants are being evicted right and left. And worse – local governments are confiscating or talking about confiscating private property for the same purpose.

    I’ll bet there is certain degree of unhappiness about this from affected German citizens … at this point. I can imagine that being thrown out of your rental home and having to live in your car, while your elected representatives lavish attention and benefits on refugees will certainly ratchet up the unhappiness among ordinary citizens.

  21. Btw, one of the reasons why I kept harping that “we were running out of time” before 2012 is because if people take too long fighting the Leftist alliance in the US, imagine what happens when Islam takes over Europe and gains control over France’s nuclear capabilities, which they have a lot of.

    Even if you win against the Leftist alliance in America and beat them off, you will obtain only the Ashes of Victory, as Islamic Jihad will nuke whomever is left, then take over entirely.

    Time is running out, because time has already ran out. Islam has progressed further due to their ‘unexpected’ aid from their Leftist allies. Unexpected for the blind perhaps.

    Logistics > Strategy > Tactics

  22. I’ll bet there is certain degree of unhappiness about this from affected German citizens … at this point. I can imagine that being thrown out of your rental home and having to live in your car, while your elected representatives lavish attention and benefits on refugees will certainly ratchet up the unhappiness among ordinary citizens.

    That’s the price of being a serf and a human livestock slave to the Left. What they giveth away, they can take away as well.

  23. This is what Golden Dawn is fighting against. This is what Marie Le Pen’s National Front is fighting against. This is what the British parties against Rot and child sex slavery were fighting against.

    And Europe calls them fascists. Getting the picture yet?

    Europeans were already getting hammered, Americans just never heard about it before now. They were getting hammered by Islamic rapes and raids on a daily basis.

    “Abstract statistics” about rape in Norway doesn’t give you any real idea.

    The real numbers are much closer to the Left’s 1/5th lie, perhaps even higher than that, certainly in areas that Islam dominates it can rise to over 50%.

    The people forming national citizen defense groups against this, are called fascists by the European elites. What kind of picture does that paint?

  24. I’ll bet there is certain degree of unhappiness about this from affected German citizens … at this point. I can imagine that being thrown out of your rental home and having to live in your car, while your elected representatives lavish attention and benefits on refugees will certainly ratchet up the unhappiness among ordinary citizens.
    Putin opines:
    Schools Merkel…

  25. We have to wait till the good words are perceived as bad before it will change… as we cant use bad words and cant properly label things.

    its a game of words…
    you cant turn people away from things if you cant use terms that turn them away… madison ave will teach you that…

    thats the whole point of hate speech laws
    its the whole point of easyspeak
    its the whole point of Sprachregelung

    you control people by changing how they think and you change how they think by forbidding language that would set them free… (and that language is always disliked)

    how can you tell the world what they are like if your not allowed to use negative shocking terms and are not allowed to even describe the essence of somethign in a way that brings its nature and focus home?

    its why the US lasted so long with freedom of speech we no longer have, and why these other places got rid of that stuff as fast as possible

    without that… there is no way for the people to be free… as they cant even think in terms that would allow them to make conclusions or considerations when all they are allowed to say and think is what the society allows.

    after all, its not the state that acts like police
    its the tiny places all over that do the heavy lifting
    the schools, the organizations, the news, the tv, the radio, the blogs… getting them all in line, who would dare try to assail that with language that is forbidden?

    not I
    it results in the deputies of the zeigeist correcting things to the point were there can be no REAL oppositoin or even honesty…

    the most overt thing might be hate speech laws
    but the same is true in the tiny forms which impose a pavolivan outcome..

    This is what Germany and Russia made so clear last century and why the language games of feminism and then the language games of racialists and then the language games of eu islamics.

    its why the president will deem the proper term for terrorism is man made disasters…

    why do that?

    because terrorism as a word is vulgar to the sensibilities of the cadre… and the other thing causes things not part of it to be included and then dilute the meanings.

    imagine if tolstoy was only allowed to use half the disctionary with the other half verboten? would we still think his works great?

    after all, we are now going to remove samuel clemens from the bookshelves cause the word ni**er is in the books… and ni**er is a vulgar word… just ask lenny bruce.

    funny, but the people at the forefront of this in history are the people that rule the roost… the women, not the men…

    the hand who rocks the cradle rules the world

  26. Ymarsakar Says: As for the inevitability of Civil War II in America post 2007, it didn’t take a genius to figure out how to connect the dots. All you have to do is connect the dots and see the Left for what they really were.

    but that cant be done as they keep switching labels to take the cache of other labels. in the early days they were anarchists, but that was hated, and they changed to communists… but still some anarchists exist… and they increased their division.. then they changed their name and didnt use communist as that became a bad word, so they switched to socialist… or progressive.. they labeled their organizations leagues, but when people got clued to league they changed to peoples, and now, its democracy, or some other.

    the bad always hides behind good words nad makes bad words illegal, or forbidden.

    we use words to think…
    so doing that stops thinking

    if you live under other regimes this is somethign you learn, but americans have a very poor grasp of it.. which is why they are falling victim to it.

    WE refuse to tell mrs grundy to go fly a kite..
    Grundy runs everything and to quote pink floyd

    Hate-Speech Laws Aren’t the Answer to Islamic Extremism–They’re Part of the Problem
    [edited for length by n-n]

  27. Artfldgr:

    Vulgarity and obscenity is not the same as strong or powerful words. In fact, they are weak words that turn people away and shut people down, and make the speaker less credible rather than more, and less likely to be listened to.

    Strong words that actually mean something and convey something important without obscenity are quite different. There are indeed outlets that won’t use them, such as the rule that many news outlets put in place a while back against using the word “terrorist.” That is the sort of insidious problem that you are describing, and that blogs like this one fight against.

  28. the EU insured compliance in various ways and with lots of tricks.. one of the most useful was was that brussels, the home of marx and das capitol, decided to be able to make laws against speech that became law in all the lands without having to play the games that our freedom of speech and structure makes very hard. (and why the idea of removing states power to the fed so as to make the same thing here… an easy way to make X the law of the land)
    Since the end of World War II, many European countries have witnessed a proliferation of hate speech legislation designed to curb incitement to racial and religious hatred. Though originally intended to guard against the kind of xenophobic and anti-Semitic propaganda that gave rise to the Holocaust, today, national hate speech laws have increasingly been invoked to criminalize speech that is merely deemed insulting to one’s race, ethnicity, religion, or nationality. Under the guise of tolerance and co-existence, Islamists have often manipulated such laws in a bid to monopolize debate and define what is beyond the pale of permissible public discussion.

    yes… once you create a prohibition, your picking sides even if you dont want to… playing favorites even if that is not your goal. but dont worry, you can just ignore that and pretend that isnt so… what are they going to do, remove you?

    In large part, the movement to circumscribe the bounds of free expression has its roots in three instruments of international law–the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD), and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

    the rules are simple which makes them effective

    if you use a forbidden word, your argument, reason, thoughts, etc… are to be automatically negated… marginalized… etc.

    the punishment may be social banishment (marginalization), banishment to prison (criminal action), the erasing of your works or position (stalinism), banishment from the country, unemployment, and in some cases death (see back stabbed van gogh)
    [edited for length by n-n]

  29. but that cant be done as they keep switching labels to take the cache of other labels. in the early days they were anarchists, but that was hated, and they changed to communists… but still some anarchists exist… and they increased their division.. then they changed their name and didnt use communist as that became a bad word, so they switched to socialist…

    An org or an army can change their leadership and label all they want. They are still going to have to get food and the sinews of war, money, from sources which can be traced.

    A bunch of white KKK nationalists are of little threat to the racial integrity of America, until they are funded by the Demoncrat party, for example Robert KKK Byrd.

  30. https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/tim-larkin-banned-from-the-united-kingdom/

    I always suspected or just knew in my guts, that the UK didn’t want Larkin there because he was giving the people of Britain real weapons to use against domestic terrorists and rapists.

    Of course back then it wasn’t popular to talk like a mad man online about stuff that nobody had “proof” on. Well, we all know why there was no “proof” back then, eh.

    This was around 2012.

    There are a bunch of BBC and other British propaganda articles about this incident online, just look em up if you want to read that stuff.

    I have a tendency, some call it a paranoia, to believe the worst about autocracies and members of the Leftist alliance, whether they are small time NGOs, governments, or individual leaders. The more social authority, awards, and titles they throw at me, the more hostile I become.

    Sometimes, ladies and gentlemen, the worst is true and also untrue. Because the worst is only what you can imagine, what I can imagine and what you can imagine, are perhaps different scales of the same spectrum.

  31. People say that this is cultural suicide and of course they are right.
    But I would rather say that this is the result of cultural suicide.

  32. Phil D Says:
    September 29th, 2015 at 3:41 pm

    People say that this is cultural suicide and of course they are right.
    But I would rather say that this is the result of cultural suicide.



    It’s an attack, plain and simple.

    Bezmenov spelled out the systemic nature of the social warfare attack thirty-years ago.

    The cultural suicide you post of is not a suicide because it’s initiated from the outside.

    The KGB was entirely behind the rise of Islamism — which the various players were at pains to point out after the Cold War ended.

    Islamism = Islam + Communism :: 30% + 70%

    That Islamism is a fusion of Islam and Communism is still roundly denied. Indeed, the MSM flatly refuses to accept Bolshevik ideals as being perverted. Hence, you never hear any MSM outlet whisper about the Bolshevik structure of the jihadi state. Yes, it’s all top-down, with no elections ever.

    The MSM LOVES the Big State. Expansive government means more job slots for the MSM. Expansive private commerce does not.

    Hence the MSM is overrun with ideological lobbyists… always flogging the public for more government, more invasive meddling, more, more, more.

    We’re being attacked by social parasitism. Once weakened, attacks will come from all quarters.

  33. Well, Blert, can’t agree with you there. The nihilistic “Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll” wasn’t imposed from the outside. That came from within. I remember reading “Helter Skelter”, about the Manson murders, and thinking that almost everyone mentioned seemed to be on the drugs. And California was still “Republican” at the time!

    The fact that you yourself write;

    “The MSM LOVES the Big State. Expansive government means more job slots for the MSM. Expansive private commerce does not.

    Hence the MSM is overrun with ideological lobbyists… always flogging the public for more government, more invasive meddling, more, more, more.

    We’re being attacked by social parasitism. Once weakened, attacks will come from all quarters.”

    disproofs your point because, after all, no foreign army installed the MSM.

    Of course we were/are under attack. But that has always been the case. From proverbs “Adversity kills only where there is a weakness to be killed”.

    Also I’m reminded of the following quip;

    “If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war.”
    “A Nation at Risk (1983)”

    The point of course being that NO foreign power had done that, it was self-inflicted.

    It is same for Europe and my part of it. We have thrown our own heritage overboard because we no longer saw a need for it. Perhaps in the end it’s a prosperity disease.

  34. 75% of the KGB’s funding was for disinformation and demoralization of the West.

    Which means even if the KKK was a white local organization, there’s a big difference between the KKK when it was locally funded, when the KKK was funded by the Robert KKK Byrds, and when the KKK was funded by Democrats that were funded by the Soviets.

    It’s a tier effect, where the larger the funding, the more influence people can have.

    As for attacks coming from within, that’s what the KGB propagandists were using the funds for, to convert and subvert local agents that would act as saboteurs or double agents.

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