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I wonder how far… — 10 Comments

  1. Neo: “On the other hand, there’s no question that the base is deeply angry.”

    The “base” needs to measure itself first.

    In order to fairly expect the GOP to be effective in electoral politics, the “base” must hold up their end with competitive activism and stop out-sourcing the Right’s greater, primary social responsibilities to the GOP.

  2. George Pal: “And why is the base deeply angry?

    They keep falling for Patton and keep getting
    a good Cry.”

    Case in point.

  3. There are plenty of people to replace him. He has not done what was hoped for or promised. He needs to go.

    We need someone who will do what Bobby Jindal recently did. And we need the next Boehner and the next McConnell to do it all day, every day, all the time. Period.

    I read today that when Jindal was targeted by Planned Parenthood protesters, he turned the Capital Building into a movie screen that showed the undercover videos. Like the Wicked Witches of the West these demons from hell are they melted and left.

    We need that on every issue.

    All day.

    Every day.

    All the time.

  4. Like the Wicked Witches of the West these demons from hell are they melted and left.


    A counter insurgency or an insurgency needs uniformity of tactics and strategy. Logistics will help a lot as well. To a cellular based organization fighting tyranny, whether they have A as leader or X as leader doesn’t really matter. It’s the uniformity of tactics and strategy which wears down the enemy.

    It’s the enemy’s morale that matters, not who “takes charge as leader” in a C4 based resistance wave.

    That’s because the Left and Islamic Jihad have been bred to be very good at one thing. Taking over, corrupting, and dominating the good works of other people, cultures, and religions.

    The Left took over the civil rights and all the fruits of their labor, as well as feminism. Jihad took over Constantinople, Persia, parts of India, and Africa. Then they declared Indian Numerals to be “Arab numerals” and then talked about the glorious peace of Allah, after castrating millions of African slaves they used to guard their harems full of sexual slaves taken from Spain and Europe.

    The point is that if a resistance movement has one leader, that leader can easily be corrupted and taken over by the Left, then the Left tells that leader to self destruct the organization. Game Over, check mate.

    Without that reliance on Authority and top down leadership, instead substituting a reverse pyramid or a bottom up hierarchy like as seen on the internet or in special ops teams, an organization becomes much harder to crack.

  5. What Yarmasaker said about a leaderless, distributed insurgency – just independent, self-coordinating cells operating for the same purpose. No leadership cadre to corrupt or neutralize. It’s what the Tea Party was, and still is – although I think that many Tea Partiers have gone to ground and are acting even more independently.

  6. It’s what the Tea Party was, and still is

    The Tea Party was independent from GOP bureaucracies and funding, I think. But the moment they took to the streets and gathered together, they became a moving army, occupying DC or America. That kind of target is too juicy for the Left not to nuke. If everyone is gathered together, they won’t even need Wisconsin, Fast and Furious, ATF, FBI death squads to go door to door, house to house, grabbing the rear ends of these rebels.

    There was also talk about the GOP infiltrating or subverting the Tea Party movement for the GOP’s own re elections.

    But definitely for the Smaller Tea Parties, they were exactly the kind of de-centralized budding organization that is best fit to fight the Leftist alliance for human perfection. Which is why the Left nuked them. The Left knows very well what’ll happen if they allow another organization, like theirs, to come into power via the same channels. The Counter Revolution has its own army to stop that, in Iran for example. Or maybe that’s the Anti Counter Revolution, hard to remember with all these Communist knock offs and disinformation double thinks.

    Another example of this isn’t in warfare. I think counter insurgency and COIN stuff about war makes people think of the wrong things in an insurgency, like bombs and suicide shooters. That’s the wrong image. Look at the self publishing community today with Kindle, Amazon, vs the give 5 Publishers, the status quo Occupation army.

    It’s the same fight, but no guns (yet). That kind of fight is what people need to visualize and then win.

  7. The reason why the Tea Party got hit so hard is because they didn’t have any advisers that were “crazy” like me. They were made out of mostly law abiding Republicans, conservatives, and patriots. The survivalists and the crazy preppies… they were underground or offgrid, no way would they take themselves or their families to DC, to wait to get napalmed by the Ruling Regime. That’s not how they think of survival in the coming Apoc or Regime Collapse or Authoritarian Totalitarian Crisis.

    So the Tea Party trusted the system and maybe even Democrats or Republicans, and got burned. Now they know better. An insurgency cell that “trusts” people outside the group is not going to last very long.

    I would have told them the reality of facts about the current day 2008 “American Regime”, that marching to DC isn’t necessarily a good idea unless you want a bunch of martyrs. But they didn’t ask me, and they had no reason to… not then at least. But now a days, go around the internet comment threads and you’ll see “paranoid crazies” almost everywhere.

    Critical mass has been reached, somehow. So the next Tea Party movement will know better what they are up against. It ain’t a political party, that’s for sure.

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