Home » France’s Marine le Pen faces trial for hate speech


France’s Marine le Pen faces trial for hate speech — 47 Comments

  1. Nine years ago, and now synagogues in Paris are being protected by the military. The ignoring of reality routinely seems to be a premise for the Left. “Hate speech” laws indeed. Oriana Fallaci had a lot to say about that atrocity.

  2. Bad as it is here (and it’s pretty damn baad after 7 years of Obama), it is always worse in Europe.
    The Euros are citizens without countries.

  3. “It is scandalous that a politician should be sued for expressing their opinions,” Marine le Pen

    “It is now a form of secular blasphemy (not an oxymoron) to state the truth” neo

    It is always verbotten to speak any truth that conflicts with a totalitarian ideology’s narrative. As a totalitarian ideology gains dominance in government, its true nature becomes less hidden. Both the Left and Islam are totalitarian competitors in a temporary union of convenience.

    “When I am the weaker, I ask you for my freedom, because that is your principle; but when I am the stronger, I take away your freedom, because that is my principle” Louis Veuillot, “French journalist and author who helped to popularize ultramontanism (a philosophy favoring Papal supremacy).”

    “In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell

  4. Well if you do not know, these parties are hardly “far right”, in fact some of them are rather left wing economically, including the National Front.

    They are certainly not capitalists.

    But of course, this sort of labeling is the sort of thing communists have done since the 1930s: labeling the Italian fascists and the Nazis as “far right wing” when in fact they are of the left, in that they are collectivist statists and–socialists–they are just not international socialists. There is little about these parties that could be called right wing, let alone “far right wing”.

    If they are stupid enough to go have le Pen like this, they will just grow her party, and the party will blossom with or without her.

    The old elites of the EU and the USA are living in a dream world; they are going to get a shakeup in the next 10 years.

  5. This might bring her more support, but maybe not. She has been trying to play down the National Front’s association with racism and anti-Semitism, after all. She even ousted her father from the party last month because of his continued anti-Semitic remarks.

    He, by the way, is hopping mad and intends to create a new far-right faction, distinct from the National Front. That could also cause some lack of support for her.

  6. I read some where that the Left (wonderful liberaters that they are (snark) were celebrating the end of
    Laws prohibiting religious blasphemy that were on the *books* in some countries yet the Left are totally on board with much more onerous personal restrictions like
    *so called hate speech, ( by whose definition is it hate)
    & *hate crimes* which can apparently only be committed in one direction, the offended must be a professional victim group.

  7. harumpf –

    They’re European right, which is different than American right. Author Sarah Hoyt, who was born and raised in Portugal, had an article about the two “rights” on her blog last week.

    Part of the problem for the US political right is that people constantly conflate it with the European right.

  8. @harumpf17 I agree with your *observation/prediction* that the elites in EU, USA & really the Worldwide elites
    will get a huge wakeup over the next 10 years.

  9. She can use this.


    They’re European right, which is different than American right.

    The European right used to be different from the American right. Now a days, the political differences won’t make much of an impact given the commonalities.

    Patriotism, self protection, and security focused. Americans first vs Norwegians first vs French first.

    Maybe this time Europe will get the whole nationalist movement right instead of putting a Hitler into power.

  10. Euro right differs from American Right, this is true
    If you tell them on an English site you are an
    American Republican they think you are
    * Anti Monarchy* LOL !

  11. Molly, America has a God King though, so that certainly splits ups from the Elizabethan monarchies.

    Christianity took great pains to separate the religious head from the secular head. Henry the 8th executed so many of his wives and got excommunicated because he wanted a male heir, and just ended up creating the Church of England instead, in his desperation.

    The religions with a religious head the same as the secular head would be the Caliph, an actual title. Could order great jihads as well as tax people to fund those jihads. Perfect synchronized self funding war. Especially since a war needs money and manpower. Where do Islam get their manpower? Taking slaves and impregnating foreign women and their own. Where does the money come from for the sinews of war? Jizya taxes on the Iqta system as well as normal taxes for the Muslims, funds a lot of wars.

  12. Hate speech laws are simply an attempt to criminalize motive. Now of course you can’t put motive on the witness stand or display it as physical evidence so it’s all hearsay.

  13. Pardon moi, but I doubt that a country that voted twice for Obama and that is ramping up the importation of future Democrat voters is going to wake up in 10 yrs. We already have “hate crime” as a legal category and restriction of free speech on college campuses. We are moving toward Europe, not away from them.

  14. Ymarsakar: “Maybe this time Europe will get the whole nationalist movement right instead of putting a Hitler into power.”

    I hope so, too.

    Oftentimes, Hitler and the Nazis are held up to warn schoolchildren against nationalism, at least US, Anglo, and Western European nationalism.

    But in fact, the Nazis were not nearly the only version of nationalism in Germany.

    The problem is the competing German nationalists chose to stay within the confines of electoral politics, such as they were in the Weimar Republic, even while being openly out-maneuvered by the Nazis in the activist game – then and there as here and now, the only social cultural/political game there is.

    Then and there as here now, they either failed to appreciate or were paradigmatically unable to adopt activism in order to counter the insurgent activists seizing upon an unstable norm.

    I hope modern-day American “mainstream” conservatives and “establishment” Republicans have internalized the historical lesson of their interbellum German counterparts who were defeated by the Nazis in their activist game: electoral politics while necessary are insufficient to counter zealous, ambitious activists. Activism is needed to compete with activists.

    However, judging by Republicans and conservatives, including commenters here, I fear the fatal handicap is not a failure to recognize the insurgent threat but rather a paradigmatic inability to adopt the Marxist-method activism needed to counter the insurgent threat. I consistently see correct diagnoses of the Left yet mismatched prescriptions that lack the essential activism and are instead limited to the conventional advocacy of favored GOP candidates that’s insufficient on its face.

    I see a similar shortcoming in the reaction to the activist character of the Trump phenomenon.

    Therefore, I suspect modern-day American “mainstream” conservatives and “establishment” Republicans are repeating the fundamental error of the German Right whose shortfall of activism cleared the way for the loss of Germany to the activist Nazis.

    The question is whether the failure to adopt the needed Marxist-method activism, even in the face of urgent obvious need, is a constitutional flaw or a self-destructive choice.

  15. The problem is the competing German nationalists chose to stay within the confines of electoral politics, such as they were in the Weimar Republic, even while being openly out-maneuvered by the Nazis in the activist game — then and there as here and now, the only social cultural/political game there is.

    There was also the Rommel issue. Nationalists were prominent in the Prussian/German military families. They were the loyalists but they ended up being loyal to Hitler, whether they liked it or not. They failed to kill him and take power to save Germany, so Germany got invaded, raped, and parceled out to the victors.

    This time, the Leftist alliance is going to manage the military arm a little bit better than that. Although Stalin was so scared of the military he purged them straight out.

    And as for any methods used by Marxism, your branding has an issue there Eric. Human psychology tends to reject stuff that are foreign, what enemies use, and what makes them similar to their enemies.

    That’s why GamersGate, Reddit rebellions, VoxDay / Baen fighting Tor publishing mainstream gate keepers, don’t use the Marxist methodology to brand themselves. They use a local cultural term instead, whether that is the gaming thing, the internet thing, alpha game thing, or whatever. Something people already have an identity and community around, they turn around and use that as the core matrix to kill the Left with. They just happen to use tricks that the Left also uses, but they don’t actually believe in it, because their core identity is more pragmatic.

    And that’s the resistance you see against your Marxist Lenism ish methods. It reminds people, once again, of what they hate. People aren’t going to adopt foreign customs they hate. Not in this century at least.

    If Americans can successfully rebrand and reposition their concepts of patriotism and nationalism to mean “hating the Left” or “wanting to destroy the Left or even Islam”, some progress may be made. They will naturally begin to adopt SJW methods, if only to survive.

    Currently new methods are embraced by the new generation, not the old. Many of the people who saw the truth of the Iraq conflict in 2004, are not part of the GamerGate or Alpha Game communities. What they say about Bush II and think about Iraq makes that obvious. They still fall for Leftist propaganda there. They only “Woke Up” after that period, after 2008. The communities they lived in or were in online, however, existed way before 2008 though.

    There’s not merely an ideological and cultural gap, but also a generational one.

    The resistance is divided. The house is divided.

    Which is why you don’t see me running around the internet being optimistic.

  16. G6loq

    Good video there. Although I don’t mean it in the normal sense.

    Political reformists and fighters often need bodyguards. The British suffragettes had personal Judo trained women as bodyguards. The peaceful candle light vigil protestors in MLK’s movement were protected by the gun armed and violent blacks of Malcom X’s wing of the liberation movement. Even after he saw the deception of the Nation of Islam after going on a hajj. And that’s why the Left killed both of them. Then they were in the way. Their movements couldn’t be taken over if the leaders were resisting the Leftist authority.

    Now we have “Reverend” Jack and Shar here doing you know what. As if they “built” the civil rights movement.

    I recommend training in H2H, not merely firearms. There are situations where the State won’t allow you to have firearms or when traitors within strike at you when you lack firearms. It can always happen. Airports are one thing and planes another.

  17. In 2013, the European Parliament, of which Le Pen is a member, lifted her immunity, allowing the Lyon court to launch a formal investigation, which led to Tuesday’s decision that she would have to face trial.

    So Chirac who was corrupt and selling French arms to terrorists and dictators, he gets a pass cause of his immunity.

    But the EU Parliament mysteriously lifts the immunity on Le Pen, right before an election where she is leading.

    Marine Le Pen is due to face trial in Lyon in October, in the midst of what will be a highly publicized election campaign for a seat in the depressed Nord-Pas-de-Calais region. Le Pen is leading opinion polls over her main conservative rival in the region, Xavier Bertrand, who was formerly Labor Minister under President Nicolas Sarkozy.

    It’s like the system is rigged…

  18. Le Pen is on the right when it comes to France is for the French. Otherwise, she is on the soft left when it comes to economics, regulations, and the social welfare bureaucracies.

  19. Michel Houellebecq, the very popular French novelist, was also taken to court for alleged “hate speech” ten years ago or so. My then-wife and I contributed to his defense fund. A character in one of his novels said (and I can nearly quote it verbatim) that all religions are stupid, but Islam is the stupidest. That’s all. Houellebecq was ultimately not found liable, but he does not live in France at this point, and a review of his latest novel was on the cover of Charlie Hebdo magazine that foul day when 12 members of the staff were assassinated by Muslim gunmen. I urge you all to support Houellebecq by buying his books, even if you don’t read them. He pisses off feminists as well as Muslims by his fiction. If you find his view of our current situation and future too dark, well…

  20. How soon before that happens here? The reaction to Ben Carson’s comments on Islam has been condemnation from fellow candidates (not Trump), the media and the left. He has stuck to his guns, and good for him.

    As I predicted in a previous comment on this site, Islam is going to be the next hot-button issue in this campaign that the elites wanted the people to ignore. Carson has brought it the forefront, with some support from Trump.

    The folks don’t much like Islam, just as they don’t much like illegal immigration. They may not know about young America’s fight against the Barbary pirates and the white slave trade, but they do know which religion the 9/11 hijackers subscribed to, which religion ISIS follows, which religion hangs gays from cranes or throws them off buildings, which religion restricts women’s rights, and which religion is causing so much turmoil across the world.

    The elites have been telling us that the Islamic radicals are not representative of the “Religion of Peace”. In reality, they are the most devout followers of Islam. They are doing what every good Muslim should do; emulate the prophet Mohammed in word and deed and follow the Koran to the letter.

    As Neo says: “It is now a form of secular blasphemy (not an oxymoron) to state the truth about what’s going on with the Islamic inhabitants of Europe.”

    Marine Le Pen has let the cat out of the bag in France and Ben Carson has done it in America. When the votes get counted, we will know what people really think.

  21. Houellebecq seems to have changed his mind about Islam:

    Houellebecq is not a believer himself. But he isn’t happy about it. As Marc Weitzmann writes in the Magazine littéraire, he is a ‘disappointed mystic’ who believes that ‘the technological revolution and its rationalism have condemned the West to death, to nihilism,’ and that ‘regeneration can come only from another religion.’ In Atomised, the new religion was Comtean positivism; in Soumission it’s Islam. According to Houellebecq, Soumission was inspired by the crisis of faith he suffered after the deaths of his parents (and his dog). Atheism, he realised, couldn’t console him, and it became clear to him that he couldn’t turn to Christianity either. His original plan had been for Frané§ois to follow in Huysmans’s footsteps and embrace Catholicism while staring at the Black Madonna. But Houellebecq couldn’t write the scene: it struck him as a ‘deception’. For Houellebecq, France’s dilemma resembles his own: France has attempted to replace God with the secular religion of republican citizenship and laé¯cité, but at the price of leaving deeper questions unanswered. And the abandonment of God has left France without a sense of direction or purpose: ‘The search for meaning has returned. People aren’t content to live without God.’ This isn’t a new argument, but Houellebecq turns it to a very different end by suggesting that Islam, a younger and more confident religion, might be a better vehicle for setting Europe back on track than Catholicism, which has ‘run its course’.

    It’s quite a volte-face. In Atomised, Islam is described as ‘the most stupid, false and obscure of all religions … doomed just as surely as Christianity’. In Platform (2001), Islam is the absolute Other: Michel Renault, the narrator, has ‘a vision of migratory flows crisscrossing Europe like blood vessels’ while he talks to his father’s Muslim housekeeper; ‘Muslims appeared as clots that were only slowly reabsorbed.’ Later, Renault finds a reason to ‘feel hatred for Muslims’ when his girlfriend dies in a bombing carried out by Islamic terrorists in Thailand: ‘Every time I heard that a Palestinian terrorist, or a Palestinian child or a pregnant Palestinian woman, had been gunned down in the Gaza Strip, I felt a quiver of enthusiasm at the thought that it meant one less Muslim.’

    Houellebecq changed his mind about Islam after reading the Quran. It ‘turns out to be much better than I thought’, he told the Paris Review. ‘The most obvious conclusion is that the jihadists are bad Muslims… an honest reading will conclude that a holy war of aggression is not generally sanctioned, prayer alone is valid.’

    The full piece is here.

  22. Michel Houellebecq’s latest novel, Soumission, will be released in English next month.

    Talk about topical topics! It’s about a French presidential election where the two candidates are Marine Le Pen and a French Muslim Brotherhood-type candidate, who beats Le Pen with the help of the French left.

  23. You know how these “hate-speech” laws started? In my country as anti “anti-semitism” laws (like an anti-“Holocaust denial” law, that netted precisely one idiot), end of the 80s, beginning of the 90s as far as I can remember. These laws were never meant but as a hit-job, and to villify. Those who pushed these laws are now (really always were) in bed with the honest to God islamic Jew-haters.

    Why this remark? Because this is one of those things which really annoy me no end. Those laws were the genesis of all likewise laws that followed. Frankly, it makes me unsympathetic with most (*) of the “anti-semitism” complaints. Especially since no-one has ever bothered to make, say, an anti “Holodomir denial” law.

    (*) A mitigating fact for me was that not all jewish organizations were complicit in these laws. It seems to have been a dutch/french language divide in my country.

  24. The move to criminalize free speech, as seen in Canada and Europe, and on college campuses with their odious speech codes, is a lot of what initially moved me toward the right. As a writer of some controversy, and someone who values a search for truth, at any cost, and who is interested in writers and artists who pursue truth and who are outside of mainstream opinion – whether left or right, I was moved to rethink my politics. One thing led to another. When you open the door and look outside, well, you never know what you may find – in time. Heh —

    I hope Le Pen is able to fight this one out and come out stronger. I am not necessarily in favor of all her political stances, though it is encouraging she is trying to flush out anti-semitism in her party, but I do think that basically they are on the right track regarding Islam. There will be no recognizable France is they don’t start fighting for her now. In fact, it may be too late. Also, if something is not done now to fight the tide, something worse may be done later. I don’t support genocide. And, I hope that the EU does not come to actual armed civil war.

    I am horrified about the Muslims pouring in there of course…. sigh — 🙁

  25. I am horrified about the Muslims pouring in there of course…. sigh

    Reminds me of when they poured into Spain and Persia. Should have seen that back in the day.

  26. harumpf17 Says: Well if you do not know, these parties are hardly “far right”, in fact some of them are rather left wing economically, including the National Front.

    everyone gets the right left thing WRONG… its to the point i am tired of hearing the old wacko explanation of the french court… it has NOTHING to do with the french court and EVERYTHING to do with soviet communism.

    lets see, in the interest of neos call for validity and truth, if we can get the freaking thing right so that we can understand it and whats going on rather than sit there trying to fit a square peg in a round hole by making things up that actually dont apply.

    one more point before the explanation:
    For almost 10 years now i endlessly suggested that people read and study the soviet system and then they will understand what is going on as all the people they are complaining about, discussing, etc, are following the soviet system. not the french system, not the EU system, not any other system than the iconic model of all of this which is SOVIET COMMUNISM

    Right Opposition

    The Right Opposition (Russian: Правая оппозиция, Pravaya oppozitsiya) was the name given to the tendency made up of Nikolai Bukharin, Alexei Rykov, Mikhail Tomsky and their supporters within the Soviet Union in the late 1920s.

    It is also the name given to “right-wing” critics within the Communist movement internationally, particularly those who coalesced in the International Communist Opposition, regardless of whether they identified with Bukharin and Rykov.

    Note that the designation “Right Opposition” refers to the position of this movement relative to the other Communist movements on the traditional spectrum.

    Relative to contemporary political centrism, the Right Opposition is still very firmly on the Left.

    OK now? can everyone get this right now that someone has laid out the history AGAIN.. its VERY frustrating to hear over and over people discussing stuff in ignorance, making up crap, and then pretending that this is a form of erudition. OR hearing someone wondering how this all works cause obviously the way its applied does not make any sense.

    well, let me make sense of it for you. the soviets in america act and think as if there is no other spectrum today than the spectrum of the early soviet days and that either your a leftist purist communist, like obama, hillary, etc.. or your a rightist communist like fiorina, etc… (even if they dont know thats what they are or admit it openly).

    a person like trump is especially hated as he shows that this spectrum they are ASSUMING that erases all others by ignoring them, is not the only spectrum.

    The struggle for power in the Soviet Union after the death of Vladimir Lenin saw the development of three major tendencies within the Communist Party. These were described by Leon Trotsky as representing left, right and centre tendencies, each based on a specific class or caste.

    ie. the concepts ignore the fact that OUTSIDE the soviet union there was more to the spectrum, but inside the soviet union, there was no other spectrum, so they divided the one they have into thirds. the soviets/progressives/anarchists, etc in the USA are pretending its like the soviet union, and that there are only these three socialist positions to argue about with the left trying to win as they did in the soviet union and make the hardest most totalitarian brutal and dirty system the winner. A layered piss cake where only the man on the top, does not get pissed on.

    Trotsky argued that his tendency, the Left Opposition, represented the internationalist traditions of the working class. The tendency led by Joseph Stalin was described as being in the centre, based on the state and party bureaucracy, tending to shift alliances between the left and the right. The right tendency was identified with the supporters of Nikolai Bukharin and Rykov. It was asserted that they represented the influence of the peasantry and the danger of capitalist restoration. Their policy was closely identified with the New Economic Policy developed by Bukharin.

    to the left in the USA we have been very communist since FDR and his NEP… but as i keep mentioning, they fail to teach the public this so that the confused public looks to leaders to know what is the right position to take (or else). This is one reason their positions are not logical, when logical you can work out the rules and not need to look to the leadership to know what is right or wrong and not get in trouble. when its illogical you have to keep looking to the leaders to copy their positions to avoid aprobation.

    It was further argued that these three tendencies (a working-class “left”, a bureaucratic “centre” and a peasant-oriented “right”) could be found in many of the major Communist Parties throughout the world. Indeed, a “left wing” which agreed with Trotsky and supported world revolution could be found in almost every section of the Communist International (Comintern), just as representatives of Stalinism and the idea of “Socialism in One Country” could also be found. But a “right wing” only developed in a limited number of countries, and in each country where it did develop it stood between the left and the centre factions. This was because the right tendencies were usually not critical of the Comintern or of Stalin’s regime but only of the leaderships of their own Communist parties

    so to make it VERY SIMPLE given the lack of the other knowlege that is around all this stuff that people never bothered to learn but do bother to discuss endlessly in ignorance.

    trotsky, the marginalized and assasinated, basically was for the poor, while stalin was for the beuracrats, and the others were the ones critical of both leaders…

    so stalin and trotsky kill off the critical ones, then stalin kills off the trotsky leaving the centrists.

    now, when hillary or obama say they are centrists, you think they are talking the whole spectrum and its confused.. but people like me and my ex soviet friends forced to learn the history and who know this stuff watching the ignorant flounder around (and be too lazy to learn or figure it out or even listn to someone who knows more telling them as that makes then unequal), and shaking their heads.

    hillary is a centrist… she is a stalinist who is for the beurcratic class that should run everything and have power over everything… bernie sanders pretends to be a leftist who stands for the poor… they hate trump because he is on the right? ie. critical of the party members… (in their eyes).

    they are playing parcheesi and the public is losing playiung go fish and not understanding any of the rules of the game.

    i have to continue this in another post so that its not edited out for size…

  27. The various right oppositional groups loosely aligned with Bukharin within the Comintern were forced to form their own organisations when they were, in their turn, purged from the national sections of the Comintern.

    In Europe, the most important and substantial of these new organisations was the Communist Party Opposition (KPO) in Germany, led by Heinrich Brandler. In the United States, Jay Lovestone, Bertram Wolfe and their supporters founded the Communist Party (Opposition) and published the newspaper Workers Age.

    And once again we find that LEAGUE like (neo) LIBERAL means communist… we dropped that once people got clued in and stopped supporting it the way they are now getting clued in and are starting not to like liberal openly. this is why the original communist UN was the LEAGUE of nations. and that FDRs wife was big on the LEAGUE thing as well with her organizations. it became a simple way for the wealthy to conntribute and make sure that THEY end up being the party, and like the ford quote “i want to own nothing and control everything” because they realize that control is the key not ownership. (under facism you have ownership, but no control, under communism, you have neither)

    so why is the right the nazi group?

    The ICO began to disintegrate in 1933. With the coming to power of the Nazis, the German party had to go underground and establish an exile branch in Paris. Paris was also the new home of the international ICO headquarters, which became dominated by the Germans. The Norwegian and Swedish groups left later that year to join the new “centrist” International Buro for Revolutionary Socialist Unity (or London Bureau) established in Paris that August. The Czechoslovak affiliate was weakened by the defection of its Czech members in December, making the party a largely Sudeten German group while that community was becoming increasingly attracted to the Nazis. The Austrian group had to go underground after the Dollfus putsch of March 1934, and the majority of the Alsatian section was expelled that summer for its pro-Nazi sympathies. The Swiss affiliate went over to the Social Democrats in 1936, and M.N. Roy took his Indian group out in 1937. Furthermore, the suppression of POUM in May 1937 and the execution of Bukharin and other “rights” in the Soviet Union had convinced many that the Communist International could not be reformed and the idea of being an “opposition” within it was untenable

    you see… they started to side with the fascists, and since communism didnt want them, and fascism was not yet bad, this was what happened.

    so THIS is why the people on the right are considered NAZIs and to the leftists who know history its not a smear cause in their world view, the right communists went over to the fascists before the shoa/holocaust.

    the rest of the world did not make much distinction between communist left, communist center, communist right, to them they were all communist.

    today you can see the same with feminists, you have slut feminists for sex, more reserved feminisms for the ones who are less full of sex sex sex, you have moderate feminism, you have all kinds… but they are all the same thing with differences of little distinction that make sense outside where people are looking at it and leaving out feminism as the common term and focusing on the different points. but its all communism as feminism is a communist movement of the womens class

    and for those people mentioned you have no idea about as they dont teach that and people dont look to fill in the gaps with knowlege they can spackle in with fantasy pretending to be erudition

    Jay Lovestone (December 15, 1897 — March 7, 1990) was at various times a member of the Socialist Party of America, a leader of the Communist Party USA, leader of a small oppositionist party, an anti-Communist and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) helper, and foreign policy advisor to the leadership of the AFL-CIO and various unions within it.

    Bertram David “Bert” Wolfe (1896—1977) was an American scholar and former communist best known for biographical studies of Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, and Diego Rivera.

    so what you have are parallel histories that the left leaders are following. they have assumed control and they are fighthing the old fight of centrists vs everyone, while the rest of the public is rolling around in stupidity not being able to oppose them as they dont have the knowlege necessary to even make a cogent argument to the people that look down on them.

    to the communists the common ignorant man needs to be controlled as they dont even have the common sense to learn about what is going on and where the history is or antyhing else as even the women prefer to have animal base sex and ignore things (while constructing the prison they will put their children, if they have any, into)

    very devious.
    and it hinges on ignorance
    and i know they are going to win
    because every attempt i have made to combat ignorance has been met with, leave us alone, we WANT to be ignorant so that others who arent can control us..

    you get what you want
    even if what you want isnt cogent and based on a trick
    the very fact you can be tricked so easily makes them look down on you and self justifies in their mind your too stupid to be in control of your own life. you cant even get right left and centrist right like those academic geniuses.

    and thats the truth.. thhhhfffffpppppfft!!!! – Edith Ann (lilly tomlin)

  28. here is proof tha tothers know what you dont and dont bother to learn people.

    from the americn center of democracy
    Obama Discovers American Exceptionalism

    Before the Moscow Trials of the mid-’30s, when Stalin settled all political scores by reducing his enemies by a head as he once joked, when there were still convoluted arguments over international Marxism inside the Communist world, American exceptionalism was an issue. In 1929 Jay Lovestone took off for Moscow to plead his sudden dismissal as U.S. Party chairman. At a meeting of the Comintern, the supposedly independent directorate of world Communism, Lovestone argued that Communism would not come in the U.S. through revolution. Given his living standard, Lovestone argued, the American worker was not of the European, Asian and African “proletariat” whom Karl Marx had promised would be “the gravediggerers of capitalism and forerunner of the Revolution”.
    But Stalin was having none of it. In fact, as Lovestone told me, he barely escaped Vladimir Lenin’s self-appointed heir. Only through the assistance of the American Communist capitalist Julius Hammer, father of his more famous son Armand Hammer (who with Soviet assistance became an international oil figure after World War II), Lovestone sneaked out of Russia. He came back to the U.S. to found, briefly, the American Revolutionary Communist Party. How he escaped assassination as was the fate of so many of Stalin’s enemies, even those abroad, is a bit mysterious. But decades later Lovestone went on to become collaborator with George Meany, the old plumber who headed the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations. Together with the infant Central Intelligence Agency, they broke the hold of Moscow’s International Federation of Trade Unions on Western European labor unions at the outset of The Cold War, which was crucial in bringing the European social democratic parties, particularly the West German SPD, into the anti-Communist alliance.

    yes. they know the history they are participating in, the fools they manipulate dont… if they did, they would not even have a small chance of doing so… and its easier to manipulate the confused and ignorant.

    go ahead.. be honest.. how many people have any knowlege of this history and all these names i bring up… obviously the people in the know who talk about obama in the know DO have this knowlege as its in the articles and things they discuss, study, and work from. even if you dont.

    people should be angry that this is the game they played on you
    your ignorant more for their lack of teaching, but also for their inbueing in the public a laziness born of consumption that would get them to be very incurious about such stuff when there was more fun somewhere else to be had.

    Obama’s Praise for Ho Chi Minh Recycles Old Communist Ruse

    In the October 1981 issue of the American Historical Review, Allen Goodman of Georgetown University recounted asking former Comintern member Bertram Wolfe about Ho Chi Minh, whom he had spent three months with touring the Soviet Union as part of the Comintern in the 1920s.

    Goodman quotes Wolfe’s reply: “Ho was the sharpest, most callous communist organizer I ever met. While in public he spoke with fierce pride as a Vietnamese nationalist, in private he readily acknowledged that this was all for show. What mattered most to him was power—gaining it and holding it—and he pledged to manipulate any cause and anyone to these ends.”

    That is the real Ho Chi Minh. President Obama’s statement, while meeting with the current Vietnamese dictator, that “Ho Chi Minh was actually inspired by the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and the words of Thomas Jefferson,” could not possibly be more wrong.

    the question is now whether you will all continue to be played as fools or will you learn what they know and not be fools? obama is not the fool, he is the knave… your the fools, not the smart kind that informed leaders through comedy, but the ignorant kind that cant function in opposition cause they are confused, ignorant, and cant even make an argument within the framework of the reality they live in

    you can hate me, the messenger, but that wont make up for all that knowlege that you dont have, didnt look up, and now, discuss mostly made up nothings that neve existed so that you can not notice the big gaping hole in your knowlege.

    MAO is admired by obama and these others for these reasons and that history… which the public doesnt understand as the public is ignorant of that history.

    and ex soviets dont bother telling you as you will beat them up, dislike them, edit otu the posts, shorten them, etc… while ignoring how well defended these actions are as they favor ignorance and protecting the mental status quo… thats the funny thing about defense mechanisms, the one having them never accepts that this is what it is, but they always claim its a good reason. but in the end, reasons dont matter, and the outcome does… and THAT reveals the truth, that sometimes there is too much truth and stopping it is the order of the day. its comfortable to be ingorant with the masses of ignorant, its uncomfortable to be constantly tagged with the knowlege of what your missing.

    given that this knowlege is not a single fact but a small liberary, cutting things makes it easy.

    the knowlege that HAD to be learned by the people to oppose what is going on has not been transmitted. and in most cases, been cut down and avoided rather than embraced and made use of.

    time to wake up peoples…
    or this will end up being the peoples republic of the americas

  29. be aware tha le pen and the others people are being armchair football coaches about know this as well.. if you knew this you would see and hear the hints and the clues that they employ to gain support by letting others know, and hiding it from the public.

    if you were a rock and roller in the 80s, you would hear the line. “hanging on in quiet desperation is the english way” when the song from Pink Floyd was a hit on the radio.

    but if you were ignorant, you would, at best, think that its a cool line, and at worst, not even notice it. if someone asked you about it, you might make up some logical thing about it that would seem to fit what you know, but it would not be valid at all… even if you and others nod your heads thinking it was.

    but if you knew literature, you would know that they were lifting this from Thoreau… and the waldon pond stuff and that they were also using the misquote.

    “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things.”

    this is the essence of the political game being played on you…

    you cant build an opposition on a foundation of delusion, fantasy, fake erudition, and so on.

    which is why they are winning and have won!!!!
    and will continue to win… their opposition doesnt know the game at all, doesnt know the rules, doesnt know the inside jokes and coded phrases (And wont believe them if you tell them as that would mean their admitting that they dont know and been had, and people would rather suffer a totalitarian life and lose all their freedoms than admit they been had and are continuously being had!!!)

    double sigh
    double face palm sigh

  30. time to wake up peoples…
    or this will end up being the peoples republic of the americas

    Why is Art, and I can tell that he wrote that instead of copy and pasted it cause there’s no capitalization, telling people that they need to wake up when Art himself has said he has given up and is merely waiting for the end while on his supposed “pension” that his Leftist academic lords hold over him in his job?

  31. Jean, I popped into your website about two years ago when I was doing research on right-wing attitudes towards the Affordable Care Act. We were looking at a business plan centered around the exchanges and I was interested in how strong the right was in its commitment to derailing the Act. I made a comment (it looked like trolling which I felt bad about) that it was beyond me why a talented writer, like yourself, would spend her time ginning a few “living in their mother’s basement” crazies (the framing I felt bad about). Well I’m back! I ran into your blog via something about PJ media, so I came back to see if you were still slaving away. And what do I find? Muslims!!! That’s really red meat for your crew and it drove me to again ask why? Why would someone with you obvious talent do this. It can’t be for the money generated from this blog!

    As I mention in my past post, I understand the power of anger and how the “lord of anger ” rush Limbaugh has shown us all how much money there is in the trafficking of it, but after all these years you can’t really believe that your going to get into the big time tolling away on an obscure blog – You seem better than that.

    This country does have big problems, but I know you are smart enough to know that the stuff you pedal here is not helping – it’s hurting

  32. mpg2001:Why would someone with you obvious talent do this. It can’t be for the money generated from this blog!

    Go away Troll. Your smugness and condescending attitude of superiority are clear present in your comments.

    Hey lets get back to facts- How is that Affordable Care Act working out for the country. Not how you envisioned it working out, Huh?

    How is that Illegal Immigration issue working out for the country?

    In fact how has any of your “well thought out” agenda worked out for the country. You and your like are simply Grasshoppers feeding off the stores of hard working ants long since gone to their graves. But you have no clue as to what I am talking about. Do you Troll? 🙁

  33. Neo,
    Perhaps mpg2001 needs to read your post about why you started blogging. mpg2001 doesn’t seemed to have recognized that those of us that frequent, support and appreciate your site agree with the premise that it is a salon where we discuss myriad issues, deeply and respectfully. I’ve never assumed (or have had reason to assume) that the comments are left by socially-inept people living in their parent’s basement…quite the opposite.

  34. *mpg2001* obviously someone who sees *problems* with free speech, free thoughts sincerely expressed by
    comentators who are anything but *cellar dwellers*
    he obviously is adept at *strawman flattery* coupled with projection of what may well be his own feelings about the *peril* the Judeo/Christian West is experiencing !

  35. I actually don’t think mpg2001 is a classic troll; if he/she is a troll, he/she is a rather polite one (at the moment; he/she may not remain that way).

    Also, mpg raises some questions that I’d like to address, albeit briefly.

    Mpg, you’re certainly correct that I don’t blog for the money! Although I do make some money, it’s not that much,. Nor do I think this blog has much of a chance of getting me a whole lot of money in the future.

    I’m no Rush Limbaugh; that’s not my style, and I’m not even a poor substitute for Rush Limbaugh, whom I very very rarely listen to. I don’t listen to other talk show hosts either, except once in a blue moon to get a sense of what they’re about and what the trends are that animate the talk-show world and some of my readers.

    I write this blog because something in my makeup compels me to (a) study the issues and happenings of the day (b) try to tie them into timeless and deeper truths as much as I can (c) use common sense to confront them, explain, them, and react to them (d) without regard for PC considerations or the acceptable political pieties of the day, whether they’re offered by left OR right.

    I call them as I see them. And on Muslims, if you don’t understand what’s going on between the Western world and much of the Muslim world (not every single individual, of course, but generally in terms of its radical activists, of which there are very many), then you are closing your eyes to truth.

    I don’t write to stir up anger. My style, and my cast of thought, is quite different. But sometimes people react with anger. And I am angry at many things, including the left, the law-bending and duplicitous Obama administration, the distorting and mendacious MSM, and an educational system that has failed our students, to name just a few.

    On why I blog, see also this.

  36. My God, Neo, has it been 9 years since you went to Paris to cover the Karsenty trial? Seems like last week.

  37. Surellin:

    I know; crazy, isn’t it? The passage of time seems to accelerate.

    I’ve been blogging for 10 1/2 years.


  38. Thank you for your reply, and your defense of my neo-trollism! I would say the worst thing a troll can do is hit and run. Meaning, leave an inciting post and then go silent. It is worst than having the typical rant-for-rant back and forth that comment sections so often devolve into because it doesn’t give closure to the participants who respond to the trolls comment. So, I’m back to close this up.

    I read your “why I blog” post, and if your position is that you post for the comradely you find with your like minded readers, I stand corrected and walk back my rebuke. Finding you on PJ media led me to the belief that you had greater aspirations. It is those aspirations, the business model of the “anger merchants” I was speaking to. This business plan is often mentioned, but does not get enough genuine discussion. If you say it is not your intent to engender anger via your posts it might be a good topic to explore in one of your writings.

    We live in a country where the manipulation of the anger response, in a certain segment of society, has stymied our ability to find common ground. It’s good business, but bad for the country.

  39. mpg2001:

    If you read very much on this blog I would think it would be obvious that I’m not in the anger business, although sometimes I’m angry, and certainly many of the commenters here are.

    If you want to see anger blogs, there are plenty of them on left and right. No shortage. But this isn’t one of them.

    Of course I’d like to make lots of money and have 100,000-plus daily readers. But that ain’t gonna happen unless something very surprising occurs. I long ago realized that the sort of things I write do not appeal to that demographic, or to the lack of patience it has. I write too long, for one thing. And it’s very rare that I rant.

    However, that said, if you want to donate, you can hit the Paypal “Donate” button in the right column of the blog 🙂 . I’m even deficient in regard to raising money for myself, since I do ask for money but only twice a year, and even then I tend to delay it because I don’t like to do it. I didn’t even have a Paypal button until several years after I started blogging.

  40. “To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?”-Kevin Alfred Strom.

    Meet Robert Menard:
    He proceeded at once to make enemies among his political opponents by placing a nativity in City Hall, recruiting more city police, instituting curfews for minors under 13, threatening to cut off welfare for those offenders of minor crimes who refused to attend remedial classes. Then in May of this year he announced that 64.9% of the pupils enrolled in elementary and pre-school were Muslims based on their first names, an act he admitted was illegal, but that he felt was necessary to show the excessively high proportion of immigrant pupils.

  41. mpg2001 isn’t so much a troll as a clown without a clown car. A zombie without a necromancer or perhaps the necro is paying him to do that Opposition Research the Left’s IRS and Stazi SS teams love so much.

  42. In fact how has any of your “well thought out” agenda worked out for the country.

    I think it has worked out quite well for them, since they make 3-10X what any normal hard working American patriot makes from their loot and rapine.

  43. I don’t write to stir up anger. My style, and my cast of thought, is quite different.

    The anger business is generally dominated by two things.

    1. People who talk about the business, are actually in the business, believe it or not.

    2. Sharpton and Jackson are at the fore front, given the Black Lives M + Islamic Nation connection.

    Much like what the Left accused Bush II of doing with intel, after they were shredding documents, having Huma sell off intel to the Chinese, Russians, and Jihadists, 99% of what the Left accuses you of, they were already guilty of and guilty of first. SJWs always lie. That’s what they are in “business” for.

  44. “I’m not in the anger business….”

    No, you’re not.

    And anybody with a modicum of common sense would understand that.

    Now, Obama and his administration of thugs and liars—that’s another story entirely.

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