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First post-debate polls — 6 Comments

  1. I dislike states with the caucus system. I prefer the closed primary method. If you want to register as a R or a D, then you better do it within the state’s timeframe. In OK, it is 30 days before the primaries.

    Since we vote later in the year, I have to keep options open. Who I like now may drop out by the time I get to vote my preference.

  2. The system isn’t rigged. We saw last cycle that the voters changed their minds constantly, with a half-dozen candidates rising to or near the top then falling. It’s happening again. In a year we’re going to be laughing about the Trump blip.

  3. Yea Nick, I’m sure people like you who think 130% reporting in various city precincts, isn’t rigged. That puts you into the same slot as the rulers all right.

  4. Ymarsakar – Sorry. I didn’t realize you were talking about voter fraud. Yes, that happens. But it doesn’t have anything to do with the accuracy of pre-election polling.

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