Home » House passes resolution saying Obama didn’t comply with the law


House passes resolution saying Obama didn’t comply with the law — 13 Comments

  1. Despite the MSM declaration of an Obama victory, it appears that a minority of House and Senate members are willing to join him in treasonous treachery. That’s the good news.
    The bad news is two-fold: As usual, Obama goes ahead anyway via executive order, and a solid majority of the MSM are shamelessly cheering him on.

  2. I predict that all the House Democrats who vote against the deal will have been pre-approved to do so by their leadership. Their opposition will not be principled, and they will all be from the most vulnerable districts. The rest could give a rip.

    The Democrats always use this trick. If passing the deal in the Senate was dependent on his vote, does any sane person believe that Schumer’s views wouldn’t suddenly “evolve”?

  3. I’m flabbergasted that any Jewish lawmaker is running with the President as he guts the entire structure of non-proliferation… enabling Iran, in particular… a nation that explicitly threatens BOTH America and Israel… with vocal holidays celebrating such venom.

    The sole and only purpose for Iranian ICBMs is to reach the USA. They already have IRBMs that can reach all points in the Old World.

    Yet the ‘deal’ did not address that program, either.

    The mullahs are as crazed as Adolf and just as fanatical.

    Nothing deterred Hitler.

    Nothing will deter the mullahs.

    The Nazi regime died with Adolf. Given half a chance, even his minions abandoned his crusade against the world.

    Whereas, there is no prospect that Khamenei’s replacement would moderate Iran’s perpetual jihad. Theirs is an institutionalized hatred.

    No amount of charm, mutual trade, or payola will mellow the mullahs.

    Hence, the President is simply mad, mad as a hatter.

    One would have to go back to Munich I to find such feckless national representation.

  4. Hold the champagne. The dems in the Senate just gave Obama the go-ahead to fund Hamas and Hezbollah with your tax dollars. Mitch McConnell was seen whimpering in the corner of the cloakroom…

  5. Blert:

    It is inexplicable to me that any American, much less a Jew, would vote for this deal. Franken? Blumenthal?

    Tester of MT and Heitkamp of ND also voted the party line. Considering how bad Iran can hurt WTI prices, I find those two votes astounding. ND and MT are very small states and generally vote GOP. I hope they both lose due to today’s vote.

  6. I’m at the point where it may be counterproductive to broadcast my thoughts on a blog. The Obamafascists may well be taking names.

  7. “I’m at the point where it may be counterproductive to broadcast my thoughts on a blog. The Obamafascists may well be taking names.miklos000rosza Says:
    September 11th, 2015 at 7:23 am ”

    I have been thinking this for some time.

  8. Miklos and Janetoo – in my darker moments I also worry, but it takes a different shape, perhaps from reading too much science fiction.

    They’re not taking “names,” in the usual sense. Other computers are surfing, tracking, collecting, gradually adding up bits and pieces that suggest some people are not quite reliable. What “types” of people are unreliable will gradually come into shape and their lives will be less and less favored by legislation (and especially regulation) at all levels. Nothing personal. The data will simply show that people who use Chrome, order books about WWI, and drive Jeep Liberty’s are 6% more likely to commit gun crimes.

    No human being has to be aware of your particular information for this to happen. You don’t have to be singled out. The various collections of groups and subgroups you belong to – the type of neighborhood, what type of internet device plan, whether you have 1.7+ children and what type of schooling they are in, etc will be enough.

    The practical effect will be that people with unreliable profiles will invisibly have diminishing opportunities, greater scrutiny on unrelated aspects of their life, and a little more vulnerability and insecurity, and thus more incentive to pipe down. This will affect even many of the people who think they are pulling the strings, not realising they are cooking their own geese. The crocodile will eat them last. It will have a mind of its own, and have no animosity toward you at all.

  9. Assistant Village Idiot Says:
    September 11th, 2015 at 2:48 pm

    Too many metaphors. Sorry.

    You really need an assistant.

  10. What you are describing AVI is Jonah Goldberg’s “Liberal Fascism.” Always what those in charge think is best for you. To the point where the most frightening thing that can happen is a knock and the door and a cheery young woman saying, “Hello there. I’m from the government and I’m here to help you solve your problems.” Soft dictatorship.

  11. I’m at the point where it may be counterproductive to broadcast my thoughts on a blog. The Obamafascists may well be taking names.

    yea, and you just wrote two key words their Google spy bots search for. Nice job staying under the radar there.

    That’s only half a joke btw, Google spy bots working for the NSA/Feds do exist.

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