CNN may be changing its rules for the debate…
…in a way that would let Carly Fiorina participate in the first-tier debate.
That’s unofficial and may just be a rumor. But, if it does happen and she replaces Chris Christie, don’t expect him to take it lying down. My best guess is that they’ll let him stay in, and have 11 instead of 10. The more the merrier, right?
If they do let Fiorina participate, it will be edifying to see her up against the more major players. Many people theorized that she shone in the first debate in part because the contrast between her and the people on the stage with her was so great. Interest will certainly be exceptionally high for the second, and all eyes on her if she is allowed in.
[Hat tip: commenter “KL Smith.”]
UPDATE 5:51 PM: This announcement indicates the rule change is official. It seems to still be limited to 10 candidates, though, which would mean that Christie gets the boot.
The media is hard at thought trying to figure out a way to sabotage the process so that their Leftist candidate wins, at any costs.
They’ve been given their orders. Now all that remains is to witness them carry it out.
Expect a stunt from Christy at the happy hour debate.
Hubris begets Nemesis. Fiorina just might be the one who gives The Donald a much needed haircut. She is wicked smart and a master of the stiletto. She will attack him. She has already done so more than once. Trump will have to be very careful not to fall into a trap. Does he take the bait or does he ignore her? Either way is potential disaster.
Just listened to a CNN exec in charge of the debates on the Hugh Hewitt show. He indicated that there could be 11 candidates on stage. That would satisfy the New Jersey hugger.
Carly whipped them. And never raised her voice, nor used any pejorative including the word stupid.
Fiorina needs to use her sharp wits to prick the donald’s ego and provoke him into an angry rant. It should be easy.
What is this feeling inside of me?
Oh, excitement. Yes …
If it does mean Christie is out; oh well, tough luck Chris.
As a resident of “Lanapehoking” I swore I would never vote for him again after he dissed Romney and gave Obama that photo-op post Hurricane Sandy just before the election.
And, yes, it will be good to see Carly join in and see how she does. I’ve got my fingers crossed for her. (Although, I still favor Walker)
We’ll see how it turns out. I think being at the early debate helped Fiorina a lot last time. The questions were much better and more serious than the ones at the “real” debate. I think she wouldn’t have gotten as good of a reception if she’d been at the later one.
But she needs to debate with the “frontrunners” if she’s going to continue to increase her exposure.
I will be surprised if Trump goes after her. Rand Paul in the first debate was about his speed. Now he and Jeb are in a real war–of words. Just read that Jeb is running very negative ads–that means telling the truth–about Trump’s history. So, Trump will go after Jeb for sure.
Doom that is pretty disgusting commentary. Wonder why Neo would put up with it on her pretty classy site.
Trump’s already slammed Fiorina with a Twitter post claiming that listening to her for more than ten minutes gave him a headache. So I suspect that he’s already planning in going after her. And Fiorina has been remarkably non-aggressive in going after her fellow candidates… with the notable exception if Trump. She’s thrown a few careful jabs his way, including a comment in the debate about not having received a call from the Clintons.
I think in a way she’s his biggest threat, as she’s arguing many of the same points he is – without all of Trump’s negatives. If Trump is thinking along similar lines, then he’s got to be working on a way to deal with her. And stupid comments like his Twitter insult will likely backfire if people continue to be impressed by her speaking.
I’m with Oldflyer on this one. Although the tone on Neo’s site is sometimes a bit irreverent we all realize that this is serious business. Each and every one of the Republican candidates are extremely distinguished and with great accomplishments. Personal attacks on them are declasse, in poor taste, vulgar. Please go sit in a corner somewhere until you are ready to engage in an adult conversation.
Fiorina was on my short list. I gave her the benefit of the doubt on her 2001 Islamic comments. Today I see this on Breitbart about her immigration views. No vote from me! I went to her Face book page, where I was one of the “Likes” and told her so. Then I un-liked her.
I’m with Trump on at least one thing. Being nice has ruined this nation. Go on, Roy and Oldflyer, be nice all you want. But do look up what “nice” has meant all through history. I do agree, in that historical sense, you are nice.
There is a reason history has not allowed women to be a party to politics. There is a flaw in that allowance that has brought us to a point where so-called citizens believe a woman, or politics at all, and being nice, will save the nation and are required in political discussions.
I wish I could help you. As is, you are pointing out, through your words, what is wrong with this nation. It will either return to how it was, or fail to Mexican machismo or muslim psychopathy. Just the numbers require it. But, go on, be nice, believe in equality, and keep proving why and how America has failed and will revert or die.
I kinda think she is the closest to the commenters on this blog philosophically. Like neo said; an intelectual blue diaper baby. I know she is anti illegal immigration… plus she has a big advantage over Romney. She ran against a leftist and was beaten because the leftist pulled their usual tricks (including throwing ridiculous non sequitur attacks about hypotheticals). She knows them know and should be better prepared to deal with them.
I have to second Oldflyer, very crass comment doom about Fiorina who is a class act. Do you really think the donald in the general election would garner more votes than Fiorina? And, why do you fail to realize the donald is crapping all over the gop primary race to the benefit of the dems? Sheesh. If you think the donald’s recent conversion to conservative issues is sincere, I have ocean front property in Iowa waiting for a savy investor to make a fortune.
I can’t speak for Oldflyer, though I’ve gained some general impressions via his postings here. I would venture to say that both he and I have seen a bit more of this world than you. Old guys, even us stupid ones, gain a little bit of something resembling wisdom simply by surviving life’s beat downs.
One of the things I have learned is that you will have many adversaries in life. It comes with the territory. What you really don’t want is enemies. You’ll run into more than enough of them. It’s just plain stupid to go out of your way to make more of them.
The two strongest leaders I have seen in my life were Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan. Neither one of them, to my knowledge, ever publicly insulted anyone. They had the proverbial steel fist in a velvet glove. “Love thine enemy, it confuses the shit out of them”.
So, Doom, what do you do when you’ve beaten them – when the furniture is smashed and there’s blood all over the floor? Shoot the survivors?
Abraham Lincoln saw it differently:
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”
That is what we want – peace and good will, for all. It’s a hard slog. It never really ends. Pulling down the walls of the temple about your shoulders to smite thine enemies is madness.
I don’t think that either Oldflyer or I are “nice” in the way that you imply – delusionally weak. I will pull the trigger, but only as a last resort. I don’t like loud noises.
Oldflyer, Roy Lofquist, parker, Doom:
I was busy all day and evening and just got around to checking comments on the blog. I have removed Doom’s comment because it crossed the line from criticism into gratuitously below-the-belt insult.
Well, to change the subject a bit….I suspect CNN realizes the undercurrent of malice toward them and their myopic and idiotic candidate qualification criteria is bad for image….regardless of results….
and frankly, the bean counters probably, finally, figured out (and convinced management) that the anticipation of fireworks between Fiorina and Trump will likely REALLY boost ratings……
In the end it’s the money that prevails even over the overreaching intent to control and manipulate the perception of viewers by trying to control what (whom) we get to see.
actually, BTW….Chistie might be willing to take it lying down if we throw in a bucket of KFC and a quart of Haagen Dazs…..
Trump will keep going after the establishment candidates. Fiorina and Carson help his message.
When the RNC finds their top candidates are Trump, Fiorina, Carson and (maybe) Cruz, Trump will have achieved his primary objective; to crush the GOP political elite; you know, the guys who gave us Bush I, Bush II, McCain and Romney.
Fiorina was on my short list. I gave her the benefit of the doubt on her 2001 Islamic comments. Today I see this on Breitbart about her immigration views. No vote from me! I went to her Face book page, where I was one of the “Likes” and told her so. Then I un-liked her.
You should go listen to the Ace Of Spades podcast where they interview her. She’s pretty clear on what she wants to do regarding illegal immigration. Namely, secure the border (which she says will require a lot more manpower), track those who overstay their visas, and make it near impossible for illegals to get a job.
Do these things, and you essentially deal with illegal immigration.
I am not going to beat anybody. Reality is going to do that. I know I can go a bit overboard. But how loud do you yell at a seemingly deaf old fart who seems to be walking toward the edge of the cliff? Do you try to tackle him? These days, you will be berated and maybe sued for even trying.
Honestly, I don’t think anything can be won, but it can surely be lost, and more thrown away. That is what I see people doing, and claiming civility as the best way to go down with the Titanic. Myself, I plan to get away. I would rather die trying, somewhere away from bureaucrats, politicians, and what passes for medical these days.
Yes, you and he may well have seen more days. But your best days are behind you. You have no real passion left. You probably vote as if you thought it had meaning. I suppose that is why someone like Fiorina is a consideration, Carlson and Cruz too.
As for enemies? I have no friends because I will simply not be tribal. It may seem like that, but if it were true, for a hundred reasons and more, I would be a Democrat. I have rejected all of my tribal ties. Including this soft-serve cuckconservativism. I visit once in a while, just to see how bad it is. And because Neo-Neocon has, and some others of ya’ll have, some good ideas. Then I get stuck reacting to… what I will easily call foolishness.
I don’t have allies. I realize that. I will be, in a year or two, give up on a lot of things, getting rid of the internet, maybe sooner getting rid of my smart phone, and then moving to a place where I won’t hear or know, unless they come after me for whatever reason. Even then, I probably won’t see it coming. As for enemies? If you are working for America, but one that is socialist, crony capitalist, amoral and immoral somehow at the same time, it doesn’t matter. I will be civil, but just on my way out. We are enemies.
I just hope you get what you wanted. I just hope to be far enough away that it doesn’t reach out and murder me too.
Hacking, eh? Should have known what I was dealing with. Believe as you like. All you had to do was have Neo ask me to go away. But you, being what you are, don’t work that way. Not sure which one of you did it, but yeah, one of you or yorn certainly. Nice, really nice.
As a Carly booster from the first…
Why am I not surprised ?
feminists are crowing on whisper… hillary is not the one to elect, bernie sanders the communist is the one to elect cause the socialist promises more freebies for women…
good job ladies…
political whores that can be bought for nothing but empty promises..
anyone really thinks that bernie or hillary will make things better have the same idiot desease that said obama cause he is a communist would be better… but dont let anyone know that that is the reason… after all, stalin, mao, hitler, chevez, che, pol pot, kim, etc. made their places wonderful and put women at the front of things.
i still think that feminists are going to be really surprised when they find out they are up to be drafted and killed in equal numbers with the men, except that the men are harder to kill, harder to torture and no one cares about them…
Doom, I suggest you read up on and deeply contemplate “confirmation bias.”
I have sons adopted from Romania and have traveled a bit in Eastern Europe since the 1990’s. Let me tell you what a really bad country is about…
And yet in those places they have meals, they have friends, wine continues to gladden, music is played, young people fall in love.
We need you on twitter.
@theshoebart if anyone is on there.
Carly on Twitter after she learned she’s in the debate: “…and thank you to @RealBenCarson and @realDonaldTrump who spoke out in support of a fair debate process”.
Interesting — both in that Trump helped her in this and in that she looks to be steering clear of “fireworks” between herself and Trump. Both are playing very complicated games it seems.
It will be very interesting to see how Trump attacks Carly or Carson or Cruz. “Attack” is his only strategy, as best I can see. That is the same strategy that ruined Napoleon over time, which also resulted in France being forever a 2nd rate power.
The Trump will have to take care in attacking a very sharp woman (despite MeGyn, who is a talking head after all, and who asked him offensive gotcha female questions, IMHO as a male) or a manifestly decent black man whose public approval is increasing daily; and attacking Cruz will be a fencing duel. Cruz should be able to give him tit for tat easily, reducing him to bluster. A blustering Trump is a crash in progress.
Trump can handle the others, and they cannot handle him.
Here’s some research history on The Trump’s business practices.
And my analysis of the info in the link.
Casinos are automatic passive income in the bank. Native Americans live off that, almost. How did Trump put someone so incompetent in charge, assuming he wasn’t managing it, that he got 3 billion in debt? How is that even possible with a casino, given house odds and retards coming in left and right.
I’ve heard about his casino bust before, but 3 billion is an incredible amount of red.
Well, if I used the intel analysis algorithm I use for Leftist evil, the explanation is simple. He skimmed off the top and bottom for his political pawns. Buying favors isn’t cheap, especially for a new mafia family.
Nevada’s a Reid fiefdom, has been for some time. Although I heard casinos were legal elsewhere as well. Being a casino owning vassal in Democrat holdings, can lead to some very interesting… alliances.
Junior — I’m not sure what you’re saying (are you expressing the opinion above or below the line?) but if you only disagree with Carly on one point of immigration policy, that’s about as close to any candidate as you’re going to get.
In order to get an immigration bill passed, I would give in a bit on certain items — I would grant a five-year, non-renewable visa to all illegals, and allow them to apply for a green card (at the end of the line, of course) within the first three years without returning to their home country. I realize that an effective immigration policy means all citizens and legal residents must “haff their papeahss” with them at all times, and I’m willing to live with that. I also know that putting a 15% withholding tax on remittances from the US — no, I’m not in favor, as the Donald is, of outright confiscation — means that Social Security will go bankrupt earlier than it’s now predicated to, because it’s presently being kept liquid by millions of “Ramon Gonzalezes” and “Maria Fernandezes,” Social Security Numbers 123-45-6789, who are working under false IDs and will never collect. I’m willing to live with that, as well.
Just remember the immortal words of that great statesman Mick Jagger — “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try real hard, you can get what you need.”