Home » Obama’s Iran speech


Obama’s Iran speech — 30 Comments

  1. “Just because Iranian hard-liners chant ‘death to America’ does not mean that that’s what all Iranians believe.”

    Yet he couldn’t be troubled to support the Iranians who don’t believe that in 2009.

  2. Obama said:

    “”It’s those hard-liners chanting “death to America” who have been most opposed to the deal.”

    “They’re making common cause with the Republican caucus,” ”

    This is another favorite technique Obama uses – accusing the opposition of doing exactly what he is doing. The fact that Obama uses that technique repeatedly shows that he is beyond amoral, his behavior is befits a vicious sociopath. Michael Savage thinks that Obama is a master at rhetoric to pull this off but, personally, I’m not impressed by his mastery of the language. In my opinion Obama’s success at lying so convincingly is because he is incapable of experiencing guilt or shame when he tells whoppers and that assurance enables him to lie glibly with seeming sincerity.

  3. A colorful description Neo. I applaud you. I only wish I had a fresh pair of trousers.

    Some glass-half-full folks have said the the U.S. has survived bad Presidents in the past, and will do so again. There is a difference though from at any time in the past, because we have a President who apparently does not respect America, its heritage, its institutions, or its people. Not even the Office of the Presidency. The damage he is doing is on a different scale from anything previous.

    On an altogether different level, I wonder if the country can survive an electorate so ignorant, or so shallow, as to elect this man twice. I await 2016 with a measure of trepidation. If we continue to play Russian Roulette in the Oval Office, the odds will surely catch up to us.

  4. It only takes about 1,000 Iranians at the top to launch an actual death to America nuked up ICBM.

  5. So if a nuke drops in on the US, who are we going to blame?

    Domestic terrorists like the Tea Party and biker clubs, maybe?

  6. Oldflyer: “Some glass-half-full folks have said the the U.S. has survived bad Presidents in the past, and will do so again.”

    George Will (whom I like a lot, but is bizarrely clueless on occasion, like Krauthammer) offered the opinion “we will muddle through,” regarding a circumstance I have forgotten.

    Oldflyer: “I wonder if the country can survive an electorate so ignorant, or so shallow, as to elect [BO] twice.”

    We have long since become a victim society, a colored ribbon society, a two minute hate retributive society, a society dedicated to the union organized “responders” and “nurturers.”

    There is no cost benefit analysis left in the polity or culture.

    America is splitting (has been split) between the beleaguered producers and the beleaguers, the latter ranging from clueless through conniving.

  7. “Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing.”
    ― Mark Twain

  8. “everyone must reconcile themselves to us. We are there, We are not going to go away and we shall gradually win the people over to our side…

    We do want to do that not by banning newspapers but by gradually influencing the people while we shape and form public opinion.

    The age of individualism was finally destroyed and replaced by an age of national community feeling. The individual was replaced by the community of the nation.

    From now on the people will be at the center of public, private, spiritual and political activity.

    The ideological breakthrough of a quite unimagined extent will not be abated.” — PJG

  9. Yea, Iranians shout “Death to America” and he is okay with that.

    But, fly the Confederate battle flag and you’re a racist who has to be taken as a serious threat to Black Americans because only racists intent on harm would fly that flag.

    Oh, and sic the IRS on “tea-baggers.” They’re a serious threat too.

  10. The big lie, though, is this- the hardliners are the people he negotiated the deal with, not the Iranian people.

  11. Obama is probably the worst man to be president in my lifetime (I was born during the Johnson Administration).

  12. “…Obama said to laughter and wild applause.”

    What scum.

    When the Iranian nuke goes off somewhere, whether it be delivered via ballistic missile or shipping container, would it be too intemperate of me to hope that as many of Obama’s fanbois in that room as possible are somewhere in the blast zone radius?

  13. Today, I just read Jack Cashill’s eBook, “Liar,” the chapter devoted to recounting Obama on “The Constitution,” together with the opening one on “Postmodernism.”

    Obama’s pattern is clear: make virtuous sounding promises or claims; reverse it whenever pragmatic or opportunistic to do so, and proclaim high-sounding reasons for doing so.

    And then blame Republicans for their failures, no matter how tenouos or ridiculous.

    Obama is a dangerous despot, bordering on crazed in his rhetoric. But there is one last point Cashill makes in sounding out the “Obama Pattern:” he relies on the media not to criticize him.

    And they do no, because the pos-modern amoralism of the media began in 1990s, when covering up and abetting the Clinton’s lies.

    This pattern of abetting the Imperial Leftist presidency – agains the opposition – became entrenched after people stopped sking “Why did [Muslims] attack us?” on 9/11, by 2004. It came by dumbing down the meaning of “Lie” to attack Bush in a series of books claiming Bush was a liar. (I WILL NEVER FORGET THE WINTER AND SPRING OF 2004, when Senators Durbin, Rockefeller, and Kennedy sent name-calling of a sitting President to epic lows: Bush is “worse than Hitler,” “Stalin,” and Saddam “Hussein.”)

    This media double-standard cover-up of any honest examination of Islamic evil and culpability became the ruling class default line: only “Islamohobes” and “racists” could believe otherwise!

    Thus, now we are so conditioned that the unbridled vile sophistry of Obama goes unnoticed. Our “President” is now the planets Greatest source of terrorist funding – the Ayatollahs even say so.

    But who will stop this crazed, dangerous despot before its too late? No one.

    This nation is lost because its people no longer know who they are, in the post-Constitutional, post-modern “Power is All” age.

  14. John Hinderaker over at Powerline in his very well-done discussion of this “disgusting slander,” says it perfectly:

    “Barack Obama is a terrible president, but he is a worse man.”

  15. There are no words in polite company to describe what I think about this narcissist mannish boy and his desire to destroy Western Civilization. Unfortunately, there be legions of running dog lackeys eager to kiss his feet. Them and the horse they road in on.

  16. Yancey,

    Its not a matter of being the worst, its a matter of being the president hell bound to utterly destroy what is good and just in this world because he wet the bed for many years dreaming of his misogynistic father.

  17. Obama didn’t support the moderates in Iran. Did support the hardliners in Egypt. Assassinated the regime in Libya. Backed a violent coup in Ukraine. Abandoned the Iraquis, Kurds, Christians, etc.

    #CecilTheLion is dead. #CecileTheAbortionist is out to [legally] poach and sell trophy Americans. Obama condemns the anti-abortionists/abolitionists.


  18. Jimmy J at 12:02 last night: Thanks for that link. Col. West is an inspiring speaker.

  19. In addition to his false choices and strawmen, Obama again denigrates those who oppose his action as illegitimate. Obama slanders his opponents by lying about their motives, as no opposition to him can ever be valid.

    Clinton at least would pay lip service to his opponents by saying they had an honest belief (which Clinton would say was in error) but Obama is a nasty individual.

  20. Ann:

    Over 1,300 shares (so far) of John Hinderaker’s Powerline piece. Probably a record.

    He completely uncovers the deceptions and lies of Obama’s speech.

    Hinderaker’s best since I started reading PL.

  21. If traitors could be gotten rid of via elections, why are they still in their powerful posts?

    And if Hussein is evil, what about the Left and the Democrat founding members?

  22. parker Says:
    August 5th, 2015 at 11:24 pm

    … he wet the bed for many years dreaming of his misogynistic father.”

    Daddy abandonment issues and uh … unconventional mothers.

    Obama … Bill Clinton. Not suggesting a pattern, are you?

  23. The techniques Obama used in this speech are not new, he has been using the straw fallacy and accusing others of what he has done since his first SOTU. When you are a cross between Jesus and Elvis logic and truth are really unimportant. He could barked like a dog and said that proves my point and it would have been enough for his followers.

  24. Yellow dog Democrats. If they were told to vote for a dog because that is the only way to beat Republicans, the ywould.

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