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Score another one for Fiorina — 29 Comments

  1. The interviewer is pushing for an answer re: Abortion exception for rape and incest AFTER 20 weeks as if the prior weeks don’t count. If abortion is a consideration due to rape or incest, why can’t the woman decide BEFORE the 20 weeks are up?

    I am not a woman so I would welcome any explanation (for abortion after 20 weeks) from a woman.

    p.s. I watched all 3 videos and was greatly disturbed by the content.

  2. Ron,
    20 weeeks is what we can possibly get. So long as women can imagine themselves as pregnant in a difficult situation, they won’t budge any further for now. Actually, the law doesn’t matter as much as the attitude of women toward the baby they may be carrying. The PP videos are probably changing the views of women who had babies and can remember feeling the first kick in their belly and their excitement. This attitude has to widen among other women, especially the young. Then abortions will decrease no matter what the law permits.

  3. As to Carly, not enough people are paying attention. But I think they will. Trump is sucking up too much attention right now. Maybe some independents and reasonable libs will give her a chance when they hear how reasonable she is and how competent compared to Hilllary.

  4. I’m very impressed by Carly. I must also say I was surprised to be very impressed with Mike Huckabee’s interview with Katie Chouric. Right now, those two are my favorites, followed by Ben Carson. The rest of them, so far, have only shown me that they are politicians, not Presidential timber.

    I think we should let the Donald be the stalking horse, find out the issues that are bothering Americans most, and then hit on those issues hard, hard, hard.

  5. Fiorina is expressing a point of view that many if not most Americans find troublesome, namely that actions have consequences and that denial exacts a high price. Leftists, liberals, RINOs, the politically apathetic and the entitlement minded are willfully blind to Fiorina’s message.

  6. Richard Saunders, I think Huckabee is a very nice man, and an excellent debater. If he is the nominee, I will grudgingly support him. What are my objections to him?
    1. He, like Bill O’Reilly and some others at Fox News, have accepted that CO2 is a pollutant that needs to be regulated. AAAARRRGHHH!
    2. He believes in the “Fair Tax,” a Libertarian national sales tax invention, that ignores the fact that the tax would destroy retail markets such as real estate and autos where people would avoid the tax by never buying new. In addition, black markets would spring up in all kinds of retail non-perishables. We see a small example of that here in Washington where cigarettes have a huge state tax on them. People buy them in quantity where they are cheap and sell them out of the back of their cars.
    3. As governor of Arkansas he pardoned a murderer, a man with a very bad record and attitude, who then moved to Washington State and murdered four policemen in cold blood. Do politicians make mistakes? Yep, but that was a very big one.
    4. He was not a small government governor in Aransas. He, like so many politicians, wants to help other people. That always leads to more government programs.

    I consider him to be a lower tier candidate.

  7. I don’t know, but it’s a bit frustrating. Carly Fiorina is perhaps my favorite candidate in the field. I like Scott Walker, I like Ted Cruz, and I somewhat like Rubio and Rand Paul, but Fiorina’s a breath of fresh air, and I really wish she was getting more traction. I love Ben Carson, and would love to see him in a Cabinet (Surgeon General maybe?), because I think he’s an extremely honest and principled man, and I love what he says, but I worry he might be a little “too nice” for the job.

    If the election were tomorrow, I’d vote for Fiorina in a heartbeat.

    I will note, and people may hate me for this in many ways, but if Jeb Bush ends up being the nominee, I’m either abstaining from National elections (doing only state/local), or voting 3rd party. If the opposing nominee ends up being anyone other than Hillary, I would even consider voting for them.

  8. Fiorina is doing exactly what has not been done, what has been missing, showing leadership.

    She is brilliantly disarming.

    Look at her subtlety of mind. First she emphatically (but proportionately) challenges Hillary’s fuzzy media cocoon, then she confirms her belief in the exceptions of rape and incest.

    IOW, she did not snivel or placate to Tapper. She showed political smarts, not implicitly conceding the premises of the left.

    Look at Tapper’s countenance (and he is one of the marginally better of the soviet crew).

    She gives hope despite the seemingly hopeless situation.

  9. nyght @ 6:28 PM – –

    A dear friend of mine and committed Democrat told me yesterday that he does not know a single Democrat friend of his who will vote for Hillary. They are Sanders all the way.

    And no, he does not care if not voting for Hillary means electing a Republican.

    I realize this is a meaningless anecdote; for example is not proof.

    It merely gives me hope that a strange combination of events could give us (the non-left) more time to
    sort things out, to do what needs to be done, and to find a leader.

    Typically (I think) my friend has zero clue what is going on outside the leftist/Democrat world. On the other hand, I can recite every relevant detail going on in his world.

    He reads the NY Times and listens to NPR.

    All he knows is Jeb (and sort of Christie and Paul), but somehow he realizes Jeb means a revolt of the masses (in parallel to the revolt against Hillary).

    So he surmises Hillary v Bernie v Jeb v the revolt of the GOP masses (Palin?).

    It is all subjective and speculative.

    Just a long-winded way to recognize your pov, and to guess (with optimism) that you will not be faced with that horrible circumstance.

  10. I am not sure why she isn’t getting more traction either. The best way to keep her around is to donate to her campaign. If she’s got money coming in, I am sure she will stick around as long as possible.

    I’m hoping that some of the candidates I really do not want will drop out before we get too far into the primaries. If Carly sticks with it, she may have a shot yet.

    Or, I’m hopeful that some of my favorites are considered for VP or cabinet positions. Carly would make a great presidential candidate, but would also be fabulous as someone’s VP. I’d love to see a woman on the ticket again.

    She is so good at sticking it to the press. Can you imagine her on a debate stage? She would be electric!

  11. First, shame on Jake Tapper (one of the better journalist in the MSM) for trying this type of “gotcha” question. They so rarely do that with Democrats, and I don’t remember any being done with Obama.

    Second, I AM impressed. She handled that better than well. She floored him, took control of the conversation, and brought across her valid points in a polite, yet, firm manner. That shows leadership, without, being a bully.

  12. Good question. As some have suggested, only the likes of us are paying attention. If she gets on stage in a national debate, I think people will notice in a big way.
    But… I also believe that the RNC power brokers are against her in a big way, and will sabotage her, or in the least, not support her. The reason is I believe they view her as unknown or unreliable. She’s clearly not somebody they can count on to promote their big donor’s complete agenda — she’s got her own ideas, which represent risk for them. Rove and people like him make a very good living out of collecting money from people who want something, and if they’re not sure they can keep padding their own accounts by delivering a candidate who will bow to the money first, and the country second, they’re not going to back her unless they’re forced to
    It’s a shame, because she’s been solid on every issue the media or anyone else has thrown at her, she articulates it better than any other candidate, and she’s fearless in front of any audience answering questions without a bit of vascillation – and she answers everything in a straightforward, congenial manner. There’s virtually no position I can think of where I would have an issue with her. We should be so lucky to get her on the ticket.

  13. Not sure if it’s still the case, but Tapper’s wife’s resume reveals she has worked for Planned Parenthood. This was obvious from his attitude. But shouldn’t he have formally disclosed that?

  14. Quite right, Fiorina deserves more attention than she is getting. If the field consisted of three or four rather than 16 her percentage points would be considerably higher.

    That said, who cares. My contention is that with a fortress of at least 250 to 270+ electoral votes the election (and the US) is more or less a done deal. The Dems need to take Florida and the game is over.

  15. I think many in old media are deliberately ignoring or downplaying Carly Fiorina’s candidacy as a kind of back-handed compliment. They like to think they still set the national agenda, and if they turned the spotlight on a dangerously competent candidate like Fiorina, the resulting groundswell of support would likely upset their preferred narrative (which I’d paraphrase as “Bread, Circuses, and Democrats”).

    Donald Trump plays at being contrarian but still fits the “circuses” part of that dominant narrative. Fiorina can’t be pigeonholed that way, and so, in their minds, is best ignored.

  16. Fiorina is too able for the dolts and other mindless zombie voters.The media knows, and it panders to the beetle-browed for market share. The cry goes out: “More pinhead viewers. They form the backbone of our culture and our audience. We educate them!”

    Cecil “the beloved lion” matters,though millions were blissfully unaware as he crunched though his daily diet of live impala and lion cubs but never mind the USA has been hijacked and the Republicans on the plane cannot say, “Let’s roll.”.
    Culturally, it is OK to threaten a dentist, who killed an African-African (lion) with a license costing $55K, under the direction of his licensed Professional Hunter, with death. Different demographic than Ferguson, but same result.
    At some point, God’s patience with his creation is going to run thin. It’s getting closer. I hope He takes Obama and his entire tribe out along with the other millions.

  17. It’s easy to understand why Fiorina is not generally considered in the top tier of GOP candidates. She’s never won an election. She lost the only time she ran. Before that, she was forced out of her only other claim to fame, at HP.

    There may be all kinds of caveats, but when your failures have to be explained (even if it’s all true) that’s not a good introduction. For instance, if Barbara Boxer was unbeatable, then why not run against someone else?

  18. Haven’t seen this mentioned here –

    Carly Fiorina at the Reagan Library on the 27th


    The full text of her remarks is included with the article. The Q&A session afterwards is only available in the video. Probably the best part of the video is the concern troll that shows up at the 54 minute mark and claims that while she likes Republican business attitudes, she’s more interested in the Democratic version of “choices” – i.e. pro-abortion, pro-SSM, etc…

    Fiorina immediately starts out talking about School Choice, before reaffirming that she herself is pro-Life (and then touching on another topic or two as part of her answer).

    miklos000rosza Says:
    “For instance, if Barbara Boxer was unbeatable, then why not run against someone else?”


    She’d have to move to a different state in order to do so. California is a lost cause for any office that requires a state-wide vote. Even the popular Republican District Attorney of Los Angeles lost the vote for the State AG office in the same election that Fiorina ran in (though by a smaller margin). My belief right now is that San Francisco is so heavily skewed toward the left right now that it essentially distorts the electoral politics. Los Angeles has a larger population and is quite liberal, but I suspect that the Bay Area still has a significantly larger number of leftists.

  19. Carly is great.
    But she has never won an election, and she did lose one.

    Plus, Trump is sucking up all the “interest” in something different for politicians, so the media has plenty of political stories with him, and without Carly (or Ben).

    Jeb is sucking most of the big establishment early money.

    More exposures in debates would be good, for those of us who notice.

  20. Why isn’t she higher in the polls?

    cause she is not on either side by pretending to be on both sides… so she doesnt get support from either side as she would if she picked one..

    she isnt who she claims to be…

    and if you followed her from a long time ago to now, that would be clear…

  21. Artfldgr:

    I strongly disagree.

    As an analogy I would say that if you followed me from a long time ago, you might think the same. But you’d be wrong. People change over time—not all people of course, but many.

    Also, Trump is not who he claims to be, or he has changed greatly over time, and he’s leading in the polls.

    No, if she is pretending (and I don’t believe she is pretending) that’s not why she’s low in the polls. I believe she’s low because she’s not held elective office, she lost the one election she entered, and more importantly Trump—who gains more publicity from his statements because he is flamboyant and somewhat outrageous—has taken up the spot she would otherwise occupy, that of “business-oriented political outsider.” He is far, far more well-known.

  22. Why is Fiorina not getting more attention compared to Trump? Let’s see. You’re the MFM, and your entire reason for existence is to keep Democrats in power. Who do you give more publicity to, Fiorina or Trump? The question answers itself.

  23. Pingback:Carly Fiorina | Donald Trump | Election 2016 | polls

  24. “For instance, if Barbara Boxer was unbeatable, then why not run against someone else?”

    Sure, she can always copy Clinton and be in a state she doesn’t even live in and get elected. I’m sure that’s the way to go.

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