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Carlywear — 47 Comments

  1. Good taste! And as you earlier noted, a fine figure. However, I am often amazed at how many people with a fine figure can still get it so wrong!

  2. Of little consequence, though the thought recurs to me again and again, is another matter of Fiorina’s appearance — that her eyes frequently register to my gaze as “off”, as mildly uncoordinated each with the other. But to emphasize: it matters little.

  3. You are correct, she does exude class. Although I don’t suppose anyone would call her beautiful, style and grace more than compensate.

    Younger women–and those who try to mimic them–could learn a lot. And just so no one thinks me sexist; I feel the same way about males.

    Although I enjoy the casual dress codes of the day, I do think that it detracts from an occasion when folks show up who have obviously made no attempt to “dress up”.

  4. Note that Rush was enthusiastically promoting Carly Fiorina on his show today.

  5. I only remember her talking on CNN soon after HP board fired her as CEO.

    She seemed much younger back then.

  6. You have to recognize that the Hilldebeast is a lot more rotund than Carly is.

  7. The thing about Carly, though, is that she looks as if she’s got tons of money, and a terrific body to boot. Hillary, on the other hand, picks clothes that don’t scream money and has a figure much closer to that of the average middle-aged and older woman. I think there’s an appeal there not unlike that of the Queen’s.

  8. John Dough:

    In my comment yesterday, I mentioned that for Fiorina, having a great figure helps.

  9. Ann, then please explain the appeal of Hillary to our clients that look a lot more like Carly with regard to wardrobe, not to mention commensurate net worth. And these are the people bank-rolling Hillary. Without their support, etc., Hillary isn’t a contender. Someone already mentioned Nancy Pelosi who matches Carly in good style-sense. I don’t believe Hillary is picking out clothes or hairstyles based on your explanation, I just think she has poor taste to match her execrable ideas.

  10. Oh, I didn’t mean to say I think Hillary is picking out clothes in a carefully planned sort of way. Just that her poor taste does have some political advantages for her.

  11. And notice no pantsuits. Thank goodness. She’s a very classy lady. Love her!

    After listening to an interview with Rush Limbaugh and Ted Cruz today, I’m hopeful that Cruz and Fiorina can make it well into the primary season. These two deserve a chance.

  12. Saw her today in Norwalk, Iowa at the fire station.

    She wore a dress that was a pinkish-rose-salmon color kind of like the second from the top picture.

    She is very thin and really has a lot of energy. She shook hands with everyone; even an interloper from Nebraska and some Asian exchange students.

    Very understated on the jewelry. Her wedding ring, some pearls that I guess are costume given their size and some earrings that were hardly noticeably.

    She dressed like a lawyer or doctor; not a multi-millionaire. She could have bought her clothes at Dillard’s in Des Moines.

    I will submit a full report to http://www.powerlineblog.com. She was very impressive. And she was nice as pie. My seatmate liked her. People in Iowa seem very undecided. She did four events today starting at 7 AM.

  13. I’m another one on the Cruz-Fiorina bandwagon. I also think that Fiorina radiates what might be called “personable intelligence.” Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, flips between impatience and calculation — or looks that way.

    If the eyes truly are the windows to the soul, then Fiorina beats Clinton six days a week and twice on Sunday.

  14. Patrick: “Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, flips between impatience and calculation.”

    Impatience. Yes, that reminds me of when Hillary went off on that poor African student who dared to ask the wrong* question when she was first made Secretary of State:


    That is NOT someone I want, or would feel safe about, in the White House with a hand on the nuclear football.

    * while not shown in this YouTube clip, it was reported later that the question was mistranslated. That doesn’t change the fact that she responded in a downright rude manner; not at all appropriate for America’s Top Diplomat to act.

  15. I hate to say this, but Ted Cruz reminds me of Ben Stein’s portrayal of the teacher in Ferris Bueller: I keep expecting him to say “Anyone? Bueller?” He has anti-charisma. Yes, he probably is the academically smartest one of the 16 dwarfs, but he can’t win. People will fall asleep listening to him.

  16. I wish I looked that good. I am leery about her considering what I remember about her ouster at HP — don’t really know the story, though.

  17. Two thoughts in response to comments.

    Richard Saunders; Sixteen Dwarfs? Oh, come on. You must be a giant among men to look down on the likes of Walker, Perry, Kasich, and even Bush. Not to mention Dr Ben Carson, Senators Rubio and Cruz, and Carly Fiorina. All with significant accomplishments.
    My response back in the day might be, to say (to put it crudely) that “you couldn’t carry half of their jock straps”; politically speaking.

    Gail Finke. Why are you uneasy if you do not know the story of her ouster? The truth is that she got into a nasty fight with the descendants of the founders who resisted change–and still controlled a large share of the voting bloc. She was convinced that change was necessary; but, the board ultimately sided with the family. As she says, the changes she forced through before her firing have proven sound. I would not get too wrapped around the axle that she lost a battle in the dog eat dog world of corporate in-fighting so many years ago. From appearances she is a lot smoother, but still just as tough.

  18. Carly is a very nice looking lady, and as always, the most attractive thing about a lady is what is between her ears.

  19. Charles, that Hillary clip shows some of her famous temper (awful); also, she has undeservedly occupied various high positions ONLY because she was, however briefly, Bill Clinton’s bedmate.

    Enny way….

  20. Re Carly, Rush Limbaugh gave her some very valuable praise, at length, on the air for the way she handles herself and especially the media. Let’s hope some people check her out now.

  21. Plastic surgery, liposuction, a non-feminist dresser… Looks great for a lousy businessman and a politician with absolutely no experience. Basically a GOP Obama in full drag with even less experience and no accomplishments other than being allowed “past the glass ceiling” to absolute failure. Whatever.

  22. Doom:

    I was right up close to her yesterday. The only surgery she’s had was removal of her breasts due to cancer.

    She’s naturally thin and clearly no lipo as she’s had no need for it.

    And she broke the glass ceiling on merit; not as an Affirmative Action hire.

  23. Richard Saunders, I respectfully disagree. I do not see “Bueller, Bueller” (and I know you are using hyperbole).

    I see a deeply appealing equanimity and a confidence-inspiring understanding and insight into other actual human beings.

    I re-post these clips:


    His interview with Katie Couric:


    I was compelled to watch yesterday’s senate speech to the end. It gave me great hope not just for substance and significance, but also because of the word-perfect delivery and understated intensity.


  24. Oldflyer- – ty for your comments on Carly’s ouster. They were enlightening.

    I totally anticipate that Fiorina will choose the right occasion/timing to explain her HP experience. Your information is the first I have seen which shows what she might say. Interesting.

  25. charles at 8:36 PM – –

    Just watched your clip. Wow. That is the very definition of petulance. (And it looks very much like the daily irritability and anger of an alcoholic, whether sober or drunk).

    What I find interesting is HC’s lack of self awareness.

    A gracious person would naturally let the question pass, understanding both that it was of zero consequence and also that the questioner should be treated with respect regardless of any perceived “insult”.

    But at the very least, a shrewd politician would do a quick cost/benefit analysis and shut up.

    HC’s imperious manner, which suggests a profound insecurity, can take control at any time, like a child squalling.

    Contrast Cruz and Fiorina, who have been blasted with unfair provocations frequently.

    Their responses have uniformly shown their intelligence, prudence and maturity. Can you imagine either petulantly berating another human being? Nope ….

  26. I read Fiorina’s most recent book, and I recommend it.

    She explains what happened at HP–she turned that company around; that’s definitely an accomplishment. There is no chance that President Obama could have achieved that. He is a terrible executive, she was an excellent one.

    Fiorina’s experience, once you learn about it, is impressive, but it’s her world view that’s really heartening. She believes in human potential, in our founding principles, and in the free market. And she can explain why.

    Her candidacy is a very pleasant surprise, and worth celebrating.

    Nothing wrong with observing fashion, either. It’s fun. And the way people dress is of sociological interest. Where Fiorina exudes class, Hillary exudes uncertainty and sloppiness; she doesn’t seem to have a personal style, she lurches from one look to another in an apparent attempt to keep up with modern fashion that is as pathetic as it is fruitless. At least she finally got her hair under control; that was painful for a while. Carly’s hair is looking pretty good for someone who had cancer. Did you know that when she was running for the Senate and going through chemotherapy she didn’t wear a wig? She just let her baldness show. Can you imagine Hillary doing that?

  27. The Obamabots were having tinging sensations running up and down their legs merely at the sight of their messiah’s well creased pants.

    So, no, this isn’t a frivolous subject.

    And Carly Fiorina is one smartly dressed lady.

  28. Sarah: again, wow about Carly. I did not know that.

    Not wearing a wig while undergoing chemo-therapy is exactly the type of life detail which can tell you a lot about a person. She deserves respect for that.

    I just took a look at the 2012 Republican candidates again:



    I know … it is early. I hope Ted has been faithful to his wife and that Carly’s financial house is in order. ETC ETC for all the other candidates.

    But look now at the potentials who seem to have the intelligence (actually, high intelligence), political savvy, acumen, understanding, integrity and principle: Ted, Carly, Jindal, Walker, Carson. That is a great group.

  29. Cornhead,

    Hahahaha! I don’t care how close you were. Plastic surgery isn’t SUPPOSED to be visible. Naturally thin? Merit? Definitely, for you? Her or Hillary are the only way. You’ve… come a long way baby. Just keep drinking that cool-aid. It’ll take you the rest of the way.

  30. Carly wasn’t actually bald when she ran for the Senate in 2010. She had hair, very short, but hair — what this article calls “a stylish buzz cut”.

  31. Doom:

    I’ve saw her extremely close up, and I’m a woman used to evaluating body types, from my ballet days. She has a body type that is very lean all over, and has always been that way if you look at her earlier photos. See the one taken with McCain in 2008 here, for example.

    Unless she has had liposuction across every square inch of her body surface, I’d say she’s never had liposection. She is a very slender woman with a slender body type.

    She may of course have had some cosmetic surgery of the facial variety, however.

  32. Cornhead @ 6:24 PM — great, well written report.

    OT: I have a total double standard for reasons I don’t understand.

    What is cosmetic good for the goose is not cosmetic good for the gander, mostly breaking along sex lines, assuming a distaff goose.

  33. Cornhead @ 6:24 PM (again) – –

    I liked this deft paragraph in your report:

    She had a very clever close. She described the roles of Lady Liberty and Lady Justice in American symbolism. The listener can conclude that Carly is both. The female listener can think, “And it is about time a woman is in charge.” But she didn’t say either thing directly. A conclusion that a listener reaches by herself is more strongly held. That was a masterful touch of persuasion.

    Among other details, interesting that her dad was an appellate judge.

  34. Good job, Cornhead. And thanks for being politically active. It matters.
    Did you talk to folks afterwards? Reactions?

  35. Carl:

    Just a bit. When people hear her, they are impressed. She has a great message and near flawless delivery. That being said, she doesn’t have the celebrity/name-recognition of the other candidates. I suspect many are undecided and others will flip. I don’t see how Carson or Huckabee will keep their voters. Huckabee is old news.

    The Donald filled a HS gym today. I wonder how he did it as I didn’t learn about it until a couple hours to the start and it was many hours away.

  36. Presentation more than mere appearance is what impresses me most about Carly Fiorina. She projects classy intelligent leadership like no one else. I had strongly favored another candidate for months, but the more I have seen of her, the more confident I have become that she is best suited to lead the country. After yet another round of YouTube vids following Neo’s previous post about her, I jumped and donated to her campaign. I’m in.
    See also this from Iowa: http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2015/07/live-from-norwalk-its-carly.php

  37. I am leery about her considering what I remember about her ouster at HP – don’t really know the story, though.

    Much of it was MSM propaganda. I can remember that much. People weak to mind control back then, would be affected beyond the norm.

  38. I have an observation–not an issue–with her face. Her nose is long and straight but does not protrude. This gives the appearance of…a rabbit. I know, it’s not accurate, but subliminally, it does not project forcefulness. Some people, with big, beaky, in-your-face faces project forcefulness when they don’t actually have the slightest.
    But the point is the subliminal perception.

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