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“A defeat without a war” — 9 Comments

  1. Excellent edit suggestion, Neo. I think Sowell would approve. Also, just out is Strategic Failure
    How President Obama’s Drone Warfare, Defense Cuts, and Military Amateurism Have Imperiled America by Mark Moyer. WSJ gave it a long, favorable review yesterday. I wonder if Moyer would agree that Obama is “determined to undermine…” rather than a “Military Amateur”.
    – See more at: http://books.simonandschuster.com/Strategic-Failure/Mark-Moyar/9781476713243#sthash.Ieel8WqK.dpuf

  2. Alan F:

    Yes, I think Sowell is being deliberately understated, and somewhat sarcastic there.

  3. One of my sources produced a secondary trail, a hint. Several of the veterans, now civilians, in the military community have been executed by police SWAT raids as a result of domestic or welfare checks. One of the former military members in his house, with his wife, reported that he only lived through a SWAT raid because he reinforced his door against the SWAT kick in. It took about 2 hours for them to assemble such a paramilitary force.

    I wonder just how many years it would take them to whittle down the veteran community in the US, before people realize that their future guerilla leaders and coordinators are being massacred in order to prepare for the “future”.

    As for the methodology, it’s most likely some kind of firearms or veteran status registration. They know that these homes contain veterans. They know that these demographics probably have guns. The police unions were ordered to get rid of them, and they ordered their police LEO minions to come in force, for “safety”. What that means of course is no knock raids, in order to instigate a shooting incident. If a LEO dies, that’s useful to the unions in prosecuting the veteran or getting rid of the family with lawsuits. If a LEO doesn’t die, then the home owner dies because they raised a weapon against the LEo, who they should Obey and Lay Down their Lives, becaues the LEOs are protecting them…. like the LEOs protected the Baltimore citizens.

  4. Charles Duelfer (UNSCOM, Iraq Survey Group), “Iran Verification — Wobbly”:

    Note that Duelfer’s reference point for the Iran deal is the ceasefire standard of disarmament for Iraq.

    The Iran deal directly follows from the successful application of the false narrative about the Iraq mission that shifted blame away from Saddam’s demonstrated noncompliance and ignored Saddam’s accomplices and enablers.

    Thus, instead of learning from the Iraq experience to better disarm Iran, including correction of the collusion by the accomplices and enablers of Saddam’s noncompliance (eg, Russia, China, and France), the opposite happened: the accomplices and enablers of Saddam’s noncompliance wrote the Iran deal.

    Correcting the false narrative about Operation Iraqi Freedom in the zeitgeist was necessary to effectively criticize the Iran deal and its proponents, but the critics of the Iran deal and its proponents chose to cede – even stipulate – the false narrative about OIF, instead.

  5. It’s my (possibly merely idiosyncratic) view that the Munich Agreement is a very poor analog to the ClownDeceptor’s deal with Iran. I e-mailed Mr. Johnson to this effect, suggesting that he seriously look into what I believe to be a better analog, namely, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Plying bad analogs only seems to me to intensify the confusion regarding this disastrous alliance with Iran in the midst of an already too confused, too mistaken American people. Let them see what their tyrant is actually up to doing.

  6. sdferr If Johnson was as smart as people thought he was, he might have realized by now that the Leftist alliance is allied with Islamic Jihad.

    Half wits, mid wits, and those who think they are experts on the world because of Degree A and Award Z, are… not up to snuff if they continue their way blind and deaf down the tunnel.

    I think if Johnson had realized, he would have thought of the Pact more than the peace agreement. After all, Chamberlain wasn’t a traitor to Britain as far as we knew. To compare him to Hussein would be a rather harsh indictment against Chamberlain’s character and intentions.

  7. neo….

    IIRC, more than one gay gentleman from the Chicago gay scene fingered Barry Soetoro as a well known player… and sometime sex play partner.

    Shortly after which the man was dead.


    The actual fellow that had tapped the State Department records of 0bama, Clinton, and McCain was set to testify about same. He was liquidated in what cops call a professional hit… no suspects… no leads.

    He was Brennan’s employee, of course.


    In Stalin’s early period, he had his BEST FRIENDS murdered, long before he became widely known as a mass murderer.

    One of those, a fellow revolutionary, was run over by a car. The strange thing was that the whole city had at best two cars.


    This ^^^ is a Russian production — over dubbed in English.

    It will astound. It covers details not widely known in the West about Stalin.

    I can’t emphasize enough that everyone watch it. (55 min)

    Lest any not get the trend:

    Not one of these bloody tyrants went the full distance during their first six-years in power.

    Then, all Hell was set loose.

    Seven-year itch?

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