Home » The NY Times tries really, really hard…


The <i>NY Times</i> tries really, really hard… — 11 Comments

  1. So how will the NYT story read when Iran tests its nukes?

    Probably along the lines of a balance of power in the Mideast and that it is good that Israel is no longer the only nuclear power in the neighborhood. Yes indeed. Pakistan and Iran are friends of the United States and have been for years!

  2. And I add that it is incomprensible to me as to why we are even negotiating with these murderers.

    We had them on the ropes with economic sanctions!

    We are now the world’s swing or marginal oil producer. Obama had it within our ability to be completely energy independent. We don’t need oil from Iran or the Sauds.

    Texas and North Dakota gets rich and we drive Iran into bankruptcy. What’s wrong with that picture?

  3. What’s wrong with that picture? “Texas and North Dakota get rich.”

  4. Dean Neo,

    I love you and I love your blog, an island of decency and perspicacity in an ocean of Internet bile and willful ignorance.

    So it was with something greater than dismay that I beheld your sinking to the level of cheap name calling and childish making up of titles.

    IT IS NOT Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. It pains me even to type such a thing.

    It is SUPREME LEADER Khamenei.

    And don’t you forget it.

  5. Restated, the GNP of the US increases with the primary beneficiaries being employees and owners of oil companies based in Texas and ND. You can buy stock in Continential Resources and about 100 other public companies tomorrow.

    With lower gasoline prices, reduced imports and tax and severance payments, the US is a net, net winner if we disassociate ourselves from the Mideast.

    And there is no way in the world that HRC can deal with a nuclear Iran. She botched Libya and Russia.

    Hillary Clinton must be defeated.
    Carthage must be destroyed.

  6. no one but hamsters, budgies, and liberals read the times… ever see their commercials? dont you like the liberal woman who says, i want them to tell me what to think?

    being in the back pocket of the soviets, they argue and play kerry, obama, and communist party member jarret (now outed by the FBI), the same old way…

    ie. deals are limits for their opposition, but are ignored and sidestepped for advantage while your opposition is stuck complying to what you dont.

    Signaling that Tehran may be toughening its stance ahead of an end-of-June deadline for a nuclear deal with world powers, Khamenei called demands that Iran halt the research and development portion of its nuclear program “excessive coercion.”

    “We don’t accept 10-year restriction. We have told the negotiating team how many specific years of restrictions are acceptable,” Khamenei said. “Research and development must continue during the years of restrictions.”

    Iran’s parliament has already passed a bill that, if ratified, will ban access to Iranian military sites, documents, and scientists as part of any future deal. The bill must be ratified by the Guardian Council, a constitutional watchdog, to become a law.

    Russia ‘violated 1987 nuclear missile treaty’, says US

    There have been questions dating back at least to 2008 over whether Russia was developing a weapon that might breach the treaty. So one issue is why Washington has decided to make its declaration now. Is it a reflection of the general deterioration in US-Russian relations

    and the thesis

    On 30 April Foreign Affairs published a piece by Valeriano and Maness titled Paper Tiger Putin: The Failure of Russia’s Anachronistic Antagonism. The two authors suggest that mankind is done with national antagonism. Incredible, isn’t it? One looks back at twenty five centuries of written history and there isn’t a century without national antagonism — including the present century. What could they possibly be talking about?

    Valeriano and Maness have written Russia’s obiturary before the actual outbreak of hostilities. And why have they done this? Becuase they believe that America has already won the peace. But this is demonstrably not so. Simply look at who the U.S. president is. Look at what is taught in American schools. Now ask yourself whether this has happened through a process unconnected with Russian military strategy. The nonsense of “cultural Marxism” is nothing more than a form of psychological warfare used in advance of a military attack. The promotion of nonsense in place of common sense is a form of sabotage. This kind of sabotage has been practiced on us for decades. And we have not challenged it.

    even Victor David Hanson is wondering whether this is 2015 or 1933…

    Valeriano and Maness are victims of a broken intellectual culture. This is demonstrated by their apparent belief that war itself is obsolete. Where did they get this idea? If the reader cannot guess by now, then the reader is also a victim. A dangerous idea, repeated by intelligent people, which stands unquestioned by nearly everyone, is like a beacon. Only you have to know what the beacon signifies. Typically, our experts today believe that power is no longer measured in terms of actual military capability. Here is the real anachronism. If we are to measure strength and weakness properly, before the military arguments play out in strikes and counter-strikes, the only relevant measurement is the hard power measurement.

    you see? fukiyama said, history has ended
    war and power is not measured by nuclear weapons, and so, iran is a nothing. an anachronism, who doesnt understand that the age of war is over… right?

    Russian S-500 surface-to-air missile system, which is designed for intercepting American intercontinental ballistic missiles as well as high altitude bombers. There is nothing like this system anywhere in the world.

    the Armata Universal Combat Platform — a heavy tracked vehicle with an unmanned, remotely controlled turret. The crew of this superior tank will be housed in an armored capsule. It has a 30 mm cannon and a 12.7 mm machine gun. It will also be equipped with a deadly laser-guided anti-tank missile. The tank’s armor is lightweight (designated 44S-SV-SH), maintains its strength at sub-freezing temperatures, and employs the latest digital technology.

    the Topol-M “Sickle B” intercontinental ballistic missile. It is a cold launch, road mobile, three-stage rocket that carries an 800 kiloton nuclear warhead.

    It is far in advance of anything possessed by the United States.

    they are always in need of a scapegoat.

    WWII it was hitler who agreed to start things

    korea, stalin gave permission to have a go at it once russias nuclear arms worked.

    let us acknowledge that Russia could drop one bomb and destroy the entire U.S. power grid.

    but the truth is that iran can do the same
    forget the idea of delivery systems
    you dont need such depending on what you want to do…

    yeah… to sit in a chair, and hit a button, and strike the US, you would need a missile system with great range, and the US has a great chance of knocking it down if it isnt the new russian one (as the russians can shut off our military systems with a flick of a swtich they are so compromised)

    but in truth… a shipping container docking in nj?
    a boat a few hundred miles out to sea, dropping it under the water… dont worry, suicides are common enough that its easy enough to do… and a tidal wave would hit the coast. attach it to a weather balloon, detonate it way up, power grid zapped.

    here is one, set it off in a crack in the cliffs of africa, the potential wave if it falls would reach past kentucky…

    but lets keep ignoring all that
    lets pay attention to the mullahs
    and ignore the arm of the puppet masters
    forget china and russia
    and forget what the new treaty will allow

    Following the advice of Valeriano and Maness, the balance of power must continue to shift against the West. And this is perfectly okay because weapons don’t really matter any longer. Weapons are a self-defeating thing. We are told that “coercive diplomacy” doesn’t work. Yet, coercive diplomacy worked in 1918 and 1945. If you wipe out your enemy on the battlefield, in fact, his diplomatic position is entirely negated.

    would the liberals cry out to obama to give up, sign a treaty, give the other guys control, but just dont hurt them any more?

    That our best minds have been misinformed, that they will continue to misunderstand, is given. In consequence, the West’s position will continue to erode away. This is not seen, however, because today’s prevailing mode of thought sees the future as an extension of today’s normal life.

    From this perspective it does indeed appear that Russia has suffered a defeat. Russia’s economy has suffered and Russia has lost diplomatic prestige. But Moscow has not changed course because Russia is not trying to preserve today’s “normal life,” and diplomatic prestige is not as important as nuclear supremacy. The sum of diplomatic approval from militarily ineffectual countries is of no value. Temporary economic losses are meaningless. If strategic nuclear supremacy is acquired, the world can beg for negotiations as Gen. Krebs begged General Chuikov. But negotiations will not take place. Only surrender will take place.

    from VDH
    Aggressive Adversaries Are Redrawing the World Map

    China is vastly increasing its strategic air force and navy – and reminding its neighbors from South Korea to Australia of its new military clout. It has recently instigated various territorial disputes with Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam. As a clever way to control key sea lanes and oil-rich areas in the South China Sea, the Chinese are building new military bases by turning small coral reefs into islands of sand.
    Is this 1939 or 2015?

  7. sorry… such thin columns make posts longer..

    Russia Outmaneuvers Obama in the Middle East

    Being a revanchist means being keenly aware of your country’s history, its interests as defined by prior generations, and that which they so carelessly lost. Steeped as he is in revanchism, Vladimir Putin has put a premium on the national interests of Russia’s leaders of another era. He covets the Black Sea coast, as have all his predecessors dating back to Catherine. He views the United States has his country’s strategic competitor in Europe, as did the Soviets who inherited Stalin’s post-War order. And, like many of the ghosts who roam the Kremlin’s halls, Putin is uniquely conscious of the strategic value of the Middle East. He is fortunate in that the American president is equally determined to extricate his country from Middle Eastern affairs and is presently engaged in a disruptive project to reorder the region so as to facilitate that retreat. Putin has taken full advantage of the every opportunity American military retrenchment and diplomatic restructuring in the Middle East has afforded him, and the future will be darker for it.

    In fact, the effects of the Obama administration’s approach to regional power politics in the Middle East might have been pulled directly from one of the late University of California, Berkeley, Professor Kenneth Waltz’s lectures.

    This real world experiment in international relations theory is actually quite fascinating. If only it were not so extremely dangerous.

    those wishing to read the academic idiocy as to how to run things without really understanding your opposition (negating or reversing the ideas of tsun tsu)…
    go here:

    i have said, the american communists are easy to beat and defeat, you only have to read what thye read, then watch as they try the things they read out… they dont invent, they copy… so they copied hitler, idolized stalin, admired mao, and thats cause these non academics took the world by the horns compared to some weak milqtoast academic theorist.

    the US is in a very seriously weak position.
    how weak?
    weak enough that a war would be over the day it started.. weak enough that we are re-opening up the nuclear bunker sites… weak enough that we cant fight if we also have a civil war going on, broken military… etc…

    what would our boys fight for?
    the man in the harlequin romances, or the ugly women on posters they are allowed to put up, as pin ups are not allowed… the families they dont have? the women that hate them? the society that marginalizes them in favor of women and outside nationals (See obamas new innovation initiative).


  8. U.S. Power Grid Being Hit With ‘Increasing’ Hacking Attacks, Government Warns
    Potential to ‘take down’ U.S. power grids, water systems and other critical infrastructure

  9. And there’s nowhere to “bug out” to. In the second World War, there was America.

    Now? Nowhere.

    The international Left have sapped us of the will to fight by sabotaging us incrementally. The noose tightens one inch at a time, and each inch seems not enough to fight over: until you can’t breathe any more.

  10. Beverly Says: The noose tightens one inch at a time, and each inch seems not enough to fight over: until you can’t breathe any more.

    and as you can tell, warnings from those in the know and who read across the expanse go completely unheaded… in fact, people complain about it… which then causes those people to give up trying and then leave the victims to their fate with the predators.

    think on that…

    you cant rescue a victim that doesnt want to be rescued, and its clear, these victims, dont want to be rescued… at least not if it interferes with their self pleasure, entertainment, the course of their lives, etc..

    and the process you describe is very well known, its called “slicing the salami”

    Salami slicing

    Salami slicing refers to a series of many small actions, often performed by clandestine means, that as an accumulated whole produces a much larger action or result that would be difficult or unlawful to perform all at once. The term is typically used pejoratively. Although salami slicing is often used to carry out illegal activities, it is only a strategy for gaining an advantage over time by accumulating it in small increments, so it can be used in perfectly legal ways as well.

    In politics, the term salami tactics has been used since the 1940s to refer to a divide and conquer process of threats and alliances used to overcome opposition.


    Salami tactics, also known as the salami-slice strategy, is a divide and conquer process of threats and alliances used to overcome opposition. With it, an aggressor can influence and eventually dominate a landscape, typically political, piece by piece. In this fashion, the opposition is eliminated “slice by slice” until one realizes (too late) that it is gone in its entirety. In some cases it includes the creation of several factions within the opposing political party and then dismantling that party from the inside, without causing the “sliced” sides to protest. Salami tactics are most likely to succeed when the perpetrators keep their true long-term motives hidden and maintain a posture of cooperativeness and helpfulness while engaged in the intended gradual subversion.

    from the 1940s, eh?
    once again, they are cupying the previous converstion from democracy to socialist fascism

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