Home » Baltimore prosecutor Mosby ordered increased policing in the area where Freddie Gray was apprehended


Baltimore prosecutor Mosby ordered increased policing in the area where Freddie Gray was apprehended — 22 Comments

  1. It looks like she might now be a star witness for the defendants (ostensibly to “help” explain the context of their conduct). I don’t know about Maryland law but down here a lawyer can’t usually be both an attorney/advocate and a witness (unless it relates to an uncontested issue). Maybe she can stay on (and avoid having to testify) by just stipulating that she gave the order(s), but I doubt that defense counsel will back off.

  2. The police are expected to obey their orders, and they will.

    The idea that they are deciding for themselves which laws to enforce or not, is not as widespread as people would like to think.

  3. In a truly just society Mosby would be tarred and feathered, and shunned for life.

  4. I was listening to a radio talk show this morning and the host asked for lawyers to call and comment on this. A lawyer called and said Mosby would have to recuse herself because you can’t be a witness for the defense and the prosecutor. That”s a conflict of interest and unethical.

  5. New way for the Lois Lerners to take the Fifth. Leftist R and D in action.

  6. Mosby should be recused, for that and a host of other reasons.

    Mosby should be fired for being a lying, duplicitous bitch.

    (For any Social Justice Wankers reading that, suck on it.)

  7. She’s way, Way, WAAAAY outta her League and will likely get justifiably squashed.

  8. But wait, there’s more…

    The judge presiding over the prosecution of six Baltimore Police officers involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray
    struck the state’s motion for a gag order in the case.
    Judge Charles J. Peters ruled the motion lacked standing in an actual proceeding, as it was filed by Baltimore
    State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby’s office in Circuit Court on May 14. At that time, the officers’ cases were still in
    District Court. They weren’t transferred to Circuit Court until May 21, when the officers were indicted.
    Rochelle Ritchie, a Mosby spokeswoman, declined to say whether the state planned to file a new gag order motion,
    which Peters’ ruling did not preclude.
    “We’re not going to litigate this case in the media and discuss our trial strategy,” Ritchie said


  9. This commissioner Batts needs to grow a pair and drop this uptick in crime dead on Mosby door step. First she has stopped the good police from policing due to what charges she may file against them. Second is her complete miss handling of this case she has shown criminals that she can’t get anyone convicted. She needs to resign but is to arrogant and ignorant to do so. How many African Americans need to be shot in the street before she is removed from position? Why is she not charged for wrongful arrest she set this extra aggressive policing in place demanding results in that part of town for her hubby. Perception is reality and the perception is that she is an idiot. Under her idea of law she should be accountable for the increase of crime why is she not being held to any standards of conduct. Save the city get rid of her completely. She simply has to get her face in spotlight, she hides behind no comments on tough question, yet wants center stage for anything positive the police do.

  10. When this *story* was breaking, Mosby called her mother to give her the heads up that
    She was gonna be on the National news !!!
    Apparently she got her law degree at the same place Neil degrasse Tyson got his “astrophysicist*

  11. Certainly they can advocate or recommend a course of action, but outside of working together on prosecution, since when did prosecutors “order” police on police work?

  12. Can’t claim credit for this: At another site, a commenter said she has to be somebody’s pet rock.

  13. I wouldn’t believe anything the blue thugs say about anything. The facts are still a guy in their custody died. The key word is custody. The idiot police have become the sheriff of Nottingham. And no one likes the sheriff of Nottingham.

  14. ‘Actor Ron Moody, who played Fagin in the hit film version of Oliver!, has died aged 91..

    ah, Jack Dawkin will always remember his pal fagin, who gave em his name… artful dodger…

    The Artful Dodger is characterized as a child who acts like an adult. He is described as wearing adult clothes which are much too large for him. Like an adult, he seldom gives in to childish urges.

    The Artful, meantime, who was of a rather saturnine disposition, and seldom gave way to merriment when it interfered with business, rifled Oliver’s pockets with steady assiduity.

    Jack Wild is still around…

    we return to the thread in progress…

  15. Where is the autopsy? She won’t even let the police department see it. She charged the officers a couple of hours after finally getting the coroner to put cause of death: homicide and give her the thing. The guy died in the hospital so the hospital records are material too. Did she even read it, digest it, ask questions, evaluate it before charging six police officers? And the press is pushing back on sealing the autopsy with their own motions since it is a public record. Except for autopsy photos there is no reason to hide the autopsy except to cover herself.

  16. Certainly they can advocate or recommend a course of action, but outside of working together on prosecution, since when did prosecutors “order” police on police work?

    When the unions took over, the hierarchy became a mafia light. Which means family connections became more paramount and the orders of affiliated groups, such as lawyers, became binding.

  17. The same thing can be seen in Scott Walker’s state, where the unions were said to be defeated. They were so defeated, that the prosecution lawyers ordered SWAT raids on the homes of Scott Walker supporters.

  18. its easy to understand whats going on if you understand Morton’s Fork

    a specious piece of reasoning in which contradictory arguments lead to the same (unpleasant) conclusion. It is said to originate with the collecting of taxes by John Morton, Archbishop of Canterbury in the late 15th century, who held that a man living modestly must be saving money and could therefore afford taxes, whereas if he was living extravagantly then he was obviously rich and could still afford them.

    anther name is caught between a rock and a hard place… or heads i win, tails you lose.

    Elected officers sometimes may have recourse to a variant on Morton’s Fork when dealing with unhelpful unelected officers, or civil servants. This variant asserts that an unelected officer’s non-compliance with the directive of their elected officer must be due to one of two equally unacceptable causes: either the civil servant is lazy or incompetent, or the civil servant is acting willfully or maliciously against the instructions given by his or her elected officer.

    Catch-22: damned if you do, damned if you don’t
    Chicken or egg: which is first of two things, each of which presupposes the other
    Double bind: conflicting requirements ensure that the victim will automatically be wrong.
    Ethical dilemma: a choice between moral imperatives.
    Extortion: the choice between paying the extortionist and suffering an unpleasant action.
    Fairness dilemmas: when groups are faced with making decisions about how to share their resources, rewards, or payoffs.
    Hobson’s choice: a choice between something and nothing; “take it or leave it”.
    Morton’s fork: choices yield equivalent, often undesirable, results.
    Prisoner’s dilemma: An inability to coordinate makes cooperation difficult and defection tempting.
    Samaritan’s dilemma: the choice between providing charity and improving another’s condition, and withholding it to prevent them from becoming dependent.
    Sophie’s choice: a choice between two persons or things that will result in the death or destruction of the person or thing not chosen.
    Zugzwang: One must move and incur harm when one would prefer to make no move (esp. in chess).

    in chess, this would be the concept of pieces blocking moves that would negate the situation your in, and which were set up over time before the situation was clear..

  19. Eric expressed my question exactly.

    Where are the police officials in these officer’s chain of command? I cannot imagine a competent, functioning police commissioner, chief, or unit commander allowing a Prosecutor to dictate patrol policies.

    She must have delusions of grandeur and think she is another Obama, Holder or equivalent; and the police chain of command must have feared cries of racism if they opposed her. Oh, wait. I believe that they are all of the same race.

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