Home » Memorial Day: if you’re reading this…


Memorial Day: if you’re reading this… — 7 Comments

  1. Most of us do, or should, feel a very strong gratitude to the young men and women who sacrificed their lives to defend liberty here and abroad, and a very strong sorrow that it was necessary. On Memorial Day, we thank them.

    WE do.

    Some do it with ice cream.

  2. Too many view Memorial Day as just another paid day off work or off school. It used to be called decoration day when the public in rural Iowa put flags and flowers on the graves of vets.

  3. “And know my soul
    Is where my momma always prayed that it would go.”

    Beautiful words, just beautiful.

    G6loq – that someone says it with ice cream doesn’t surprise us at this point, does it?

  4. Neo: it is the job of a musician — or any artist / entertainer, really — to evoke an emotional response. Some are content with a shallow response (e.g. a chuckle, a smile); others go for something deeper.

    This is as it should be. I was once asked, as a singer, what I was trying to accomplish. I said that I was trying to sing a song, as well as I could. No, came the response. Your job is to create an emotional journey, an emotional roller-coaster ride, for your audience. You want them to go home tonight, feeling that they’ve been somewhere, and that they are glad for the journey.

    A work of art that touches your soul, be it a song or a painting or a sculpture or a movie or whatever, can leave you feeling as though you’ve just had a stiff drink or two. This remains true, even if you contemplate that the artist in question was pulling at your heartstrings deliberately, trying to pay the bills. It means that the artist is good at his or her job, that’s all.


  5. It sings much better than it reads.It’s a terrific, moving song.
    But its theme represents the last vestiges of the Greatest Generation. Who today wants to have BHO as a C-in-C?
    Who today wants to serve in the Fustercluck nourished by BHO in Iraq, the BHO who pisses on the graves of the Americans who died there, the BHO whose DOD is a mere shadow of its needed size?
    Those days will be a long time coming back.

  6. It is much easier to destroy something than to make it. How long did it take terrorists on 9/11 to kill a building that took how many months and years to build?

    The Left can destroy life, that took the parents how many years to raise and protect?

    Such is the power of evil, for when it comes, people underestimate it and think it’s a Clown Car.

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