Home » I only recently discovered this dancer…


I only recently discovered this dancer… — 7 Comments

  1. “There isn’t a moment you aren’t assured that her balance will be plumb straight. There isn’t a moment she isn’t fully stretched, particularly her endless (and somewhat thin, even for a dancer) arms. Nothing is left to chance, nothing is unintentional, and everything is of a piece. … she gives the illusion of filling the entire stage not just with her presence, but with her body.

    I’ve never seen anything like it. … her poses are the fullest, most extreme expression of the music and the ballet I’ve ever seen, and she does all of this without looking like a gymnast or contortionist.”

    In the first video, starting @ 3:36 she exhibits perfect balance, total control and exquisite grace.

    Why is it that some of the very greatest artists are not appreciated until well after their time?

    “She was the first of the crop of tall Kirov ballerinas with long and thin lines, introducing a new aesthetic look to ballet audiences. Mezentseva is recognized as a dramatic performer, and is known for her improvisation. Mezentseva completed her dancing studies in 1970 at the Vaganova Ballet Academy in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The intensity of Mezentseva’s best live performances is believed to not translate well into the (few) available recorded presentations. Most of these recordings were taken after a severe achilles tendon rupture experienced by her in the early 1980s.”

    “When you’re one step ahead of the crowd, you’re a genius. When you’re two steps ahead, you’re a crackpot.” — Rabbi Shlomo Riskin

    The contrast in public appreciation between Michelangelo and Vincent van Gogh would appear to support the good Rabbi’s observation.

  2. OMG! She is just amazing in The Legend of Love!

    Actually, she is just amazing – period.

    Thanks so much, neo!

  3. Tonight, on 60 minutes (channel 2), interview with ballet dancer Misty Copeland…

    and funny funny, interview with Jack Barsky – KGB sleeper mole living in the US that changed sides and will be cluing us in on what he did…

  4. I’ve never been a fan of ballet, but Galina Mezentseva’s rendition of Swan Lake was just enchanting. The discipline required to reach that level of skill is beyond my comprehension.

  5. Last version of Swan lake i saw was the all male gay version… after that, i had all kinds of gay mail, literature, and naked pictures in my mailbox… cause everyone who loves broadway has to be gay, right? (and broadway wonders why few bother to go… but then again, why go if you have the angry inch?)

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