Home » Corker-Menedez passes with overwhelming Senate majority


Corker-Menedez passes with overwhelming Senate majority — 18 Comments

  1. The problem named obama has no solution when the msm and sheeples still give the boychild a pass. The bill is a glass half empty, but it is a glass. I have to accept that glass although I am thristy for a glass half full.

  2. From the Scott Johnson link: “The first obligation of the federal government is to provide for our national security. There is no national security issue more salient than the catastrophic arrangement in process with Iran. The stated rationale of Republican leadership concerning the need to move on does not pass muster. I take it as a procedural argument masquerading as support for the bill.”

    Because any ‘agreement’ with Iran is so critical to our national security is why Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) voted no on the bill’s lack of merit.

    It’s true that if the Corker-Menendez bill had been voted down, “there is not chance it would even come up before Congress at all, because Obama would consider it not to be a treaty, and he could win that argument.”

    It’s also true that the Corker-Menendez Bill gives Obama and the democrats the political cover they’ll need when Iran goes nuclear. Obama can now say that Congress and the GOP had input during the approval stage yet to come. That ‘input’ won’t change a thing but Obama and the democrats will spin it and lie and with the assistance of the MSM they’ll make their lies stick with the LIVs, which vote wise is ALL they care about.

    I’ll be happy to be proven wrong but I’m virtually certain that when the agreement reaches Congress, the Senate will rubber stamp it.

    And because they will, millions are going to die as a result and, that’s why Sen Cotton is willing to make perfect the enemy of ‘good’ because there’s nothing ‘good’ about surrender to Islamic fanatics. Make no mistake, Obama’s ‘agreement’ with Iran is surrender, writ large. And when the US Senate doesn’t block that ‘agreement’ it will in effect ratify America’s surrender to Islamic fanatics.

    “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter, and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Abraham Lincoln

  3. That tree is about to die. Be sure to protect your innocent “moderate Democrats”, though, I’m sure they’ll sprout a Second Tree called totalitarianism on the corpse of the first one.

  4. Wilson, next FDR, and then LBJ paved the way for the destruction of bho. The msm, academia, the abandonment of conservative principles by the gop establishment, and the dumbing down of the populous have stacked the odds against us. At least it will be a target rich environment.

  5. So is congress now going to have to pass a bill every time Obama violates the Constitution?

  6. I prefer not to insult people that may have stronger principles and convictions than myself. Especially when they are usually on my side. Each to his own.

  7. Those with the power to do something don’t want to act because they are comfortable, and have things to lose.
    That goes for both the politicians and the voters. Prosperity is killing this country, but don’t worry: I have a feeling that won’t last too much longer.

  8. Mark Levin is violently opposed to this. See his argument here:

    Mitch McConnell and John Boehner are running Congress like mobsters; cutting campaign funding of fellow Republicans and removing them from committees if they don’t bend to their will.

    Now the Senate has passed, 98-1, to surrender treaty powers to President Obama; instead of no sanction relief until Senate approval of a deal, sanction relief will begin after 30 days unless 2/3 Senate vote against it.

    Whatever deal Obama has will be the deal put in place while nobody in Congress will be able to change it, and McConnell knows it. Every day this Congress meets and Obama exercises power not belonging to him, we lose more and more liberty.

    Also, the transparency standard of an NFL quarterback is higher than the U.S. Secretary of State. Maybe the NFL should run the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s corruption instead of the Obama administration since they actually hand out penalties for breaking the rules.


  9. The idea that Republicans in Congress can do anything is overrated. PillowC and Reid’s blackmail list won’t allow any Republicans to do anything that the Left refuses to allow. Or else those Republican incumbents will have various things published about them, such as why they take oversea trips.

  10. The only immunity is either not being an incumbent or not being in politics as a career or being a Tea Party candidate that was raised to power. But even that is not complete immunity.

  11. The idea that the Left is going to play by the rules, now of all things, is like people who think bullies and Islamic jihad will respect and obey your society’s rules, after killing most of your family.

    The Left is going to obey rules of Congress, while in Congress? What the heck are people talking about, it’s as if they failed Strategy 101 in war.

  12. Frankly, anymore, all of Congress is dead to me. With the possible exception of half-a-dozen POSSIBLE “good guys” (and who can read the hearts of men to know about them for sure?) they should ALL be shot for treason.

    Rule-of-Law is dead. The Constitution is dead. The idea of rights-balanced-by-responsibilities is dead. Self-governance is dead. Morality is dead, at least in the public sphere.

    About the only thing left to do is smile and wave as we circle the porcelain waste-disposal device. (Glugg.)

  13. Who else will be dead are those who speak too loudly against the Left or Islam. Wait for it people, if you think it’s funny or crazy.

  14. Ayatollah Soetoro has totally out foxed McConnell — AGAIN.

    He ought to be making common cause with Reid…

    As a stopped clock can be right twice a day.

    An ayatollah won’t even get that much correct.

  15. Pingback:Iran deal | John Kerry

  16. Pingback:Kerry: Iran talks “will not be rushed” - Freedom's Floodgates

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