Home » Princess TBA is born


Princess TBA is born — 11 Comments

  1. “He’s no slouch either…”

    Thank you for the chuckle. A truly northeast term. After leaving New York at 18 years old, I’ve not heard that phrase used anywhere else.
    It reminds me of another; “shylock”. Hadn’t heard that one until I did so in the film, “The Pope of Greenwich Village” (1984).
    So many more are region specific.
    Brought a smile to this curmudgeon…

  2. It seems that so many of the “Royals” really do not have happy lives. These parents seem to genuinely love one another, and to be well-grounded individuals as well. I hope it bodes well for “TBA” and her brother.

  3. Delightful to see the love between these two. The baby is adorable. Happiness.

  4. It’s a girl and they are serenading her in pink. Congratulations to Kate and William. Take pride in the life you have brought to our world.

  5. Sweet. What a lovely little antidote to the usual.

    And her daddy was at the wheel for her first car ride. 🙂

  6. Well, my late Mother’s name is Charlotte and so is my daughter’s name as well. Obviously, I am very partial to it and hoping that will be the one chosen. As to that other grandma’s grandchild….well, let’s just ignore that one shall we? 😉

  7. If Prince Charles had a single pair of brain cells left in his head, he would abdicate in favor of his son, William…I’m pretty sure that the Queen is holding on for dear life for that reason alone, hoping Charles will have the good sense to die, and therefore save the British monarchy…Charles should NEVER have divorced Diana, and many of their current problems stem from that one event!

  8. She’s amazing. Can’t believe she was able to leave hospital just few hrs. after delivery! Apparently her problems w/ pregnancy occur in first months with that terrible morning sickness (about which both Queen and Camilla gave her such grief) (According to reporte news)

    And Kate and William do radiate genuine love and affection for each other, and their family and have tried to live (relatively) down to earth life, even with all their wealth and advantages. And it is truly heartwarming.

    As for baby’s name, I thought sure bet was Diana. But perhaps that will be one of her middle names. Think Royals usually have several.

    Diana won in the end because she was so determined that her sons not grow up in artificial bubble because they were “Royals.”
    @ cas:
    Don’t think he has even 2 in his head (a pr.) & never had them to lose (“had…left in his head)

    i believe there’s no need to abdicate. Think he made a deal w/ Queen when he married Camilla (as whole Camilla affair and how he treated Diana was huge screw up and prob. one of biggest embarrassments for Queen). Think deal was he won’t ever be King (and NO WAY Queen wanted Camilla to become Queen!). and deal was that William would be made next King.
    Just can’t figure out why she’s remained Queen so long into old age…William is certainly old enough. Tho’ I was thinking recently about his chosen career to fly helicopters and how it prepares hi. to be King! But I guess it’s mostly symbolic anyway).

    scandal was

  9. It is official: “our” newest royal, fourth in line for the Crown, is HRH Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge.

    cas: If I recall correctly, there is actually no method by which the monarch of the UK can unilaterally abdicate, especially before he or she has assumed the throne. When Edward VIII “abdicated,” what actually happened is that he informed Parliament that he intended to abdicate, and Parliament (as well as the Parliaments of the Commonwealth Realms of which he was separately King) passed legislation confirming that there was a legal “demise of the Crown,” meaning that the Crown passed to the next in line (his brother, subsequently King George), and excluding any issue of Edward from the line of succession.

    If Charles would like to abdicate, he would have to request that the Parliaments of the Commonwealth Realms each specifically exclude him from the line of succession, or, if he wants to abdicate once his mother has passed, he would have to request that they remove the Crown from him.

  10. @Cindy simon “Just can t figure out why she has remained Queen into old age ”
    At her *anointing as Queen* Elizabeth took a
    *vow* ( a vow is a one up from a mere promise)
    “that all of my life, be it long or short, will be dedicated to your service”
    Elizabeth comes from a time when a vow was
    upheld regardless of outside circumstances.

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