My brain made me do it!
Everyone who diets knows how hard it can be. Here’s another discovery that, if true, shows one of the many reasons why:
He explains that these [specialized AGRP] neurons read circulating signals in the blood to detect when an animal has started to lose weight. The neurons then increase their activity and, in turn, release neurotransmitters that increase appetite. “We showed that the neurons transmit a signal with negative valence that is shut off by nutritive food,” he states. “And this is likely important for learning what satisfies hunger when an animal is losing weight. Therefore, these neurons are part of a motivational system to force an animal to satisfy its physiological needs.” So part of the motivation for seeking food is to simply shut these neurons off.
…“Through a mechanism that is not currently well understood, your body defends a narrow range of body weight,” adds Sternson. “So if you fall below this range, these neurons are instrumental in fighting that process.”
You can fight it for a while. But that can set up a struggle so intense that sooner or later the dieter succumbs to the siren call of the AGRPs.
And please, please, please, let’s not reawaken the old Paleo/Atkins/Taubes arguments that engulf every diet thread I’ve ever started. See, for example, this and this, if you want to stroll down memory lane.
Fine. I won’t say Atkins!
Good Day to you madame!!
I said Good Day!!
In other word, no comments.
Yujin and FourWFive:
Of course, you’re free to say anything you want. But if you look at the links I provided (and those are just two; there are more discussions of the same type at this blog), we’ve said almost all there is to say about it, over and over. I’m just tired of repeating myself.
Well then just scrub the comments that are repeats. Next.
I think you’ve said that before. 🙂
I’m not sure where the agouti related protein fits in to the entire scheme. It seems to be one link in a complex chain with links which are probably still undiscovered.
I was just messin’ with you. You are right, it’s been talked to death.
It’s called homeostasis.
You gave me something to chew on.
one day the madding brains from NJ will be coming after YOU!
Obama voters, a pox.
Guys need not worry about the diet and exercise stuff, things are a changing.
The glory of a happy medium!
Atkins or no Atkins, it worth to remind that 99% of our species evolutionary history our ancesters were on the brink of starvation which clamed much more lives then all other causes of death combined. No wonder that we are excelently armed by our brains wiring to fight hunger and very poorly to fight abundance.