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Police brutality and race — 40 Comments

  1. Another “moderate Democrat” that people will surely tell me is innocent, like their goodly feely neighbors and family.

    They’re all “moderate” and “innocent” as far as some people are concerned.

  2. Also, another thing. Soros can only ever be guilty of being a Nazi collaborator. Why? Because he actually was a Nazi collaborator, that’s why! It has nothing to do with his guilt in this century.

    Then again, that means people who did all the evil in this century are immune to being collaborators of the Nazis, whether in kind, moderation, degree, or ideals.

  3. So, finally the conclusion becomes, the US can never have collaborators to the Nazis because the Nazis are last century’s old stuff that we have outgrown.

    We’re immune. Deal with it, as they say. It’s good, we’re immune. We are immune, right?

    Nobody’s friends or family will become blood guilt ridden with collaboration right? They can’t collaborate with evil, that was the last century.

  4. Ymarsakar:

    If you read the link I provided in the first paragraph on the words “a leftist,” it’s pretty clear that Simon is not a moderate Democrat. So I don’t see that he’d be defended as a moderate:

    During a November 2013 speech at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas in Sydney, he said that America has become “a horror show” of savage inequality as a result of capitalism run amok, and that “unless we reverse course, the average human being is worth less on planet Earth. Unless we take stock of the fact that maybe socialism and the socialist impulse has to be addressed again; it has to be married as it was married in the 1930s, the 1940s and even into the 1950s, to the engine that is capitalism.

  5. Re the black cops beating on blacks, I am reminded of my experience as a teacher. Many progs claim that schools disproportionately discipline black children because of racism. My reply to that: see who is doing the disciplining- writing the referrrals, handing out In School Suspensions, etc. How many of those meting out discipline to black students are black themselves? My experience with black teachers and administrators was that they were no more willing to put up with misbehaving students than were white teachers and administrators.

  6. Having read Simon’s article, I have come to the conclusion that he has a point. In the interest of getting favorable crime statistics for a run for Governor, Baltimore’s Democrat Mayor, Martin O’Malley, instituted dubious police procedures, such as sweeping the streets of people, or erasing mention of guns from many police reports.

    This is a city that has been run by Democrats for a half century. One previous Democrat Mayor of Baltimore:

  7. Isn’t this book cooking basically what they do for everything? Isn’t that essentially why the unemployment rate is (cough, cough) 5.8%?

  8. Having read Simon’s article, I have come to the conclusion that he has a point. In the interest of getting favorable crime statistics for a run for Governor, Baltimore’s Democrat Mayor, Martin O’Malley, instituted dubious police procedures, such as sweeping the streets of people, or erasing mention of guns from many police reports.

    This is a city that has been run by Democrats for a half century. Consider two Democrat Mayors of Baltimore: Nancy Peolosi’s father and brother, who served as Mayor of Baltimore from 1947-1959 and 1967-1971.

    Hard to blame the misgovernment of Baltimore on the wingnuts.

  9. Can’t blame Republicans or white people for this mess. What to do, what to do … blame “society” (“class,” “social control,” “racism,” “the drug war”.) 50 years of Dem control and black folk in charge at every level but it’s not their fault. Deflector shields: UP. This idiot will vote to perpetuate the mess because his emotional investment in big government and hatred of America is more important than the issues faced by the people of Baltimore who, after all, make such entertaining background figures and collateral damage for gritty television true crime shows. Feh.

  10. In downtown of NY city there is place the police not abel to go there.
    So whatever reasons put for this recent indecent in Baltimore its rooted long in US society.

  11. Well now we’re respected in society
    We don’t worry about the things that we used to be
    We’re talking heroin with the president
    Well it’s a problem, sir, but it can’t be bent

    Get out of my life, don’t come back

  12. Martin O’Malley predictably blames America (and, predictably, Not Martin O’Malley).

    Jake Tapper: “What do you say to conservatives who say, ‘This shows that liberal policies are failing urban America. Everything – this is a Democratic city, in a Democratic state – everything that they wanna do, they do here. And look at west Baltimore. It’s still horrible.’”

    Martin O’Malley: “Well, what I would say to them is, beyond the … beyond the tangible progress of nation-leading crime reductions, beyond the fact that we’ve made our schools, as a state, the best in America for five years in a row, I think the real question, or the real conclusion we draw from Baltimore, from Charleston, from Ferguson and other places, is that America is failing America. We are failing to live up to the sort of people that we expect ourselves to be. That our grandparents expected us to be, and that our kids need for us to be. You cannot create an economy that treats people and labor and human beings as if they’re worthless commodities. You cannot create pockets of unemployment and extreme poverty without creating extremely dangerous conditions. And that’s what we’ve done in our country.”

    So, We Built That? (Perhaps we should consult with the other Candidate-in-Waiting about what “we” did and did not “build;” she’s such an expert on the topic.) But I would like to know how, exactly, “we” created “pockets of unemployment” and “extreme poverty” and how “we” treated “people and labor and human beings” [redundant much?] as if they were “worthless commodities”? I’ll bet it has something to do with a galactically wrong and dizzyingly stupid notion of how capitalism works and ignores entirely government’s contribution to demoralizing and debasing entire populations of people for the convenience of the government.

  13. I picked up on a kinda-meme a long time ago; about the time that I was a teenager. And that was that black cops might actually be harsher on black criminals that they encountered in the course of their duties; sometimes out of a sense of shame that “look, you a**holes, you are letting us all down!”

  14. Neo asks me to read some tripe “if I’m interested.”
    I am not. Tripe is the new normal.

  15. I would think that part of it may have to do with the cops feeling especially responsible for enforcing socially acceptable behavior within one’s own tribe. When there’s diversity the Left tends to display the “soft bigotry of low expectations”; they give a little slack to accommodate for possible cultural differences thinking they are doing them a favor. When it’s someone in your own tribe you know the culture and have less tolerance for those not meeting the acceptable level of behavior.

    I see it as not unlike the media praising the black mother whacking her son and dragging him from the group of rioters. The praise seemed to come from people who so wanted to see someone from within the rioting community – anyone – actively reigning in a rioter.

    For some reason it also makes me think of this Repo Man clip where one young white guy doesn’t cut a guy he knows any slack because they grew up together:


  16. Sooooooooooo, didja see Rev. Tawana Sharpton riding point for Her Honor the Mayor and helping her bodyguards push Fox News guys outta there way??

    And, didja see that the strong, moral, principled Mom who hunted down sonny-boy for thuggery and smaked his ‘yootful chops on camera is being called “abusive” by the Lib-Leftoids and having “embarrassed” and “diminished” the po’wittle’wascal??

    CANNOT Make This S*** UP!!!!

  17. Sgt. Mom Says:
    April 30th, 2015 at 8:37 pm

    I picked up on a kinda-meme a long time ago; about the time that I was a teenager. And that was that black cops might actually be harsher on black criminals that they encountered in the course of their duties; sometimes out of a sense of shame that “look, you a**holes, you are letting us all down!”

    That makes sense to me. Likewise with the mom smacking the shit out of her son for acting like an idiot. She could get away with it because she was his mother, but if one of his peers “dissed” him like that, it would have ended in gunplay.

  18. Sgt. Mom Says:
    April 30th, 2015 at 8:37 pm
    And that was that black cops might actually be harsher on black criminals that they encountered in the course of their duties;?

    This may be true to such degree, this brings to me the stories when Britts when they occupied ME they used Sikh believer of Indian solders in there mission in the heart of Muslim World.

  19. The Adrian Peterson case should alert you to a basic human reality:

    Inttra-familial violence within Black families is not only common — but robust.

    Likewise Samoan families swing the fist — often — and don’t think twice about it — against their own kids.

    This tick is a fusion of DNA and culture.

    As the Samoans demonstrate it has absolutely NOTHING to do with being the descendants of slaves. No-one ever enslaved Samoans… but they exhibit the identical family ethos.


    This carries on back to Africa — and Samoa — which, in both cases — let slide many violent behaviors and gang behaviors.

    In both societies it’s the NORM for teenage boys to wear and flash gang signs.

    It’s not for nothing that both societies are addicted to tattoos.

    And as American citizens, both ethnic blocs are wildly over-represented on the crime blotter… with the Samoans eclipsing the Blacks by epic percentages.

    [ In my Uncle’s jurisdiction Samoans constituted only 0.4% of the county population. At any given time they were 20% of the violent crime case load! And by far most of their crimes were committed against their fellow Samoans.

    Indeed, the PRIMARY reason that Samoans leave those islands to brave American weather (they regard California as too harsh) is to escape Samoan on Samoan violence back home.

    Which, come to recall, is EXACTLY how the Hawaiians came to the Hawaiian Islands. Yes, all were ex-Samoans — as their DNA establishes.

    What’s interesting is that Hawaiians are uniformly mellow! They are wildly UNDER represented in the crime blotter…. particularly for violent crime. (It helps that the police force in Honolulu is massively Hawaiian, don’t cha think?)


    Samoan and Black violence is largely innate.

    Jewish violent crime is virtually nil. American Jewry considers violent crime déclassé — an affront to Jewish norms.

    Conning their fellow Jews out of epic amounts of money — well that’s stylish. (ask Bernie Madoff, Samuel Israel III, et. al.)


    All of which is to say that HBD has established that there is no such thing as the universally average man.

    The races have biases, ticks if you will, that are as much rooted in DNA as culture. I rather doubt if they will ever be teased apart.


    As I read posters above, I can see that there is a general blindness to the impact of power intoxication.

    Certainly simple Simon can’t see it.

    And it’s a very good bet that he has NEVER had to get (economic) performance out of any dull soul. He’s a WRITER. He’s only ever hung around with other highly literate souls.

    This causes him to conflate high IQ Black performers that he’s worked with to the average bloke in the ghetto.

    Well the AVERAGE IQ in the ghetto hovers around 80ish — often less. They have been — in so many words — ‘genetically abandoned’ by their fellow Blacks.

    Intermarriage? As IF!

    The bottom of Black society dropped down and out when Black Americans were permitted to leave their ghettos and live anywhere they could afford.

    In less than a generation, all of the Black talent up stakes and fled to Whitopia.

    The gal across the street and the guy up the road fit that description — lifestyle — perfectly. (MY neighbors.)

    We, America, have absolutely no solution to a sub-society that has been rejected by their fellow Blacks… even though they are the majority of Black citizens.

    My Black neighbors are my neighbors precisely because they’re afraid of the ghetto…. They make no bones about it.


    EVERYONE would be better off if Blacks had the opportunity to flee back to Africa. For many youngish Black men, Africa would be — like the old American frontier — the PERFECT way to abandon a nasty criminal record.

    [ You’d be shocked as to how many frontiers men were fleeing either the law, debts, or a double crossed indenture deal. ]

    In our digital era, it’d mean a LOT to many to walk away with a new identity.

    ( IIRC, that feature was a big part of The Dark Knight Rises. (Batman))


    A guy with an IQ of 80 is at a profound disadvantage in modern America. It does not need ditch diggers.

    In Africa, such an intellect would be ABOVE average in most nations, average at worst.

    It’s better to be prince of a small domain (own your own farm) than a pauper in America. (Barry’s vote-hostage plantation)

  20. I offer no explanation, shame for “our group” or whatever. I can just say that, from 1980 through ’83, I worked in the only full time emergency department in Austin. It was like Rick’s bar, sooner or later, everyone came to Brackenridge. We just simply saw everything. From the high perch, I observed that, most definitely, the most brutal cops were Black, whether they were beating up Black perps or White ones. Before I understood the insignia, who outranked whom, I was puzzled that cops would turn away in disgust, but not intervene to stop the beatings. There was a particularly brutal Black sergeant, who was outranked, of course, only by the lieutenants, much fewer in number. He got away with nearly everything, not, I think, because of his color, unless that was part of how he achieved his rank. It’s a fairly small thing, just my two mites in support of the general premise.

  21. A bit of playing the devil’s advocate.

    He never defines “class”

    ‘class’ as defined by American leftists is a euphemism for ‘white’.

    or “social control,”

    “social control” as defined by American leftists is a euphemism for the maintaining of ‘white privilege’.

    “Nor… are police officers, black or white, members of some privileged class in the economic sense. If he’s thinking that this is a class war, it would have to be between the working class and those at or below poverty level, a division which seems to me to be a function more of work ethic than anything else.”

    Black police officers as defined by American leftists are ‘house ni**ers’ who actively support the maintenance of ‘white privilege’. American leftists firmly deny that a work ethic has anything to do with it.

    “As for “social control”–well, isn’t that the goal of police work? I’m stumped by that one.”

    That’s because your white ‘Eurocentrism’ is getting in the way neo. Remember, “social control” is a euphemism for maintaining America’s ‘white privilege’. Were there not white privilege, blacks and minorities would equal or surpass whites in every category.

    “How can you have law and order without some method of controlling people’s behavior in order to discourage and/or punish lawlessness?”

    But there would be little crime if only whites weren’t racists! In America, “law and order” is another euphemism for maintaining America’s ‘white privilege’. It’s all of a piece, extending from the originating premises, i.e. leftist memes.

    “King was beaten because he ran? King didn’t “run,” he led the cops on a fairly lengthy and dangerous high-speed car chase”

    A ‘car chase’ is fleeing from the police, i.e. ‘running away’. That makes cops jobs much harder and there has to be a consequence for that, i.e. ‘street justice’.

    “what does Simon think should be done with people who are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol, like King?”

    As a leftist, Simon doesn’t want anything to be done about it, as it provides a great vehicle for trashing America. Were Simon a liberal, lifetime rehab, lifetime counseling and a large lifetime stipend, since obviously their behavior is the result of a societal failure. Clearly, in cases like these, “the village” failed in its parental responsibilities.

  22. GB…

    Preach it brother.

    That’s exactly where simple Simon is coming from.

    A Leftist Thesaurus should always be kept to hand to translate back from Newspeak.

  23. “police reporter for The Baltimore Sun.”
    Point of information- The Baltimore Sun is as much of a liberal rag as the Washington Post or the NYT.

    Don’t look for any real news from them or their rose viewing writers.

  24. Geoffrey Britain Says:
    May 1st, 2015 at 12:50 am

    If “misbehavior” is within range you can have policing. I read 2-3% somewhere. Greater than that you need Military Police type tactics which means … kick ass.

    White collar crime there is no range and no kick ass. 🙂

  25. City State’s Attorney Says Freddie Gray’s Arrest Illegal, Charges Officers

    anyone want to make a lot of money? just go to baltimore and sell security items… fences, stunners, cameras, new locks, and on and on…

    cause its going to get a bit rough soon…

  26. And while the fighting goes on, destabilizing the US, its good to know we still have defense from other countries starting a war while we are not standing pretty

    oh wait… maybe not…

    Retired Generals Say Kids Today Are Too Fat To Fight

    A group of retired generals from Minnesota say 69 percent of the young adults in our state cannot serve in the military due to poor health.

    Too Fat, Frail, and
    Out-of-Breath to Fight

    thats ok…
    we will let the women and the new immigrants be drafted and they will fight to the death to save the rest of us!!!

    the immigrants DO know that they are required by law to sign up for selective service, and to report if chosen, right?

    I guess Obama didnt tell these guys that they are, by crossing the border and living here, supposed to fight for the US… whether they like it or not if sharpton and others get their way in having a new draft or like israel, everyone serves a period of time

    then again, it might be for the new federal military based police force they are now crowing for to replace the police!!!! (you know, like other countries have. after all, a federal police force and no local force, with veterans disarmed by the VA for asking for help, and its going to get ugly)

    Unfit Sue to Eliminate Physical Standards for Police Officers

    Jon Stewart Thinks We Should Bring Back the Draft | Mediaite

    We Need to Bring Back the Draft – Slate Magazine

    Is It Time to Bring Back the Draft? – The New York Times

    Will Women Now Have to Register for the Draft … – The Ledger

    Women in combat: Will they have to register for the draft …

    [if they want to serve in combat rolls, and we are lowering standards for them. then this is what feminist equality means!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

    if your a man, you better stop sitting down to pee
    Georgetown Students Take Pledge to End Urinal Privilege

    so men.. you have male privelege… you get to stand up and pee, and women want you to be equal…

    and i bet people thought i was kidding when i put up the german courts ruling, and the products that women can buy so they can stand a pee… so i guess its make male privelege of standing while peeing a crime, OR get obamacare to buy them the devices, cause men dont have to pay for their penis privelege, so why should she…

    welcome to the new society..
    its like the soviet societ, but CRAZIER…

    the revolution deadline…
    the end of Obama term
    or else they may not have Obama Biden et al to deal with… after all thats the admin that thinks that generals are subordinate to politicans who want to play war games and not let those evil generals do it…

    worked great in vietnam… no?

    bring back the brain trust…

  27. I would argue that the progressive decline of human nature is caused by institutional denigration of individual dignity (e.g. “diversity”, pro-active “affirmative action”, class wars) and debasement of human life (i.e. selective-child policy – a wicked solution to a “wicked problem”) justified with a fantasy (i.e. spontaneous conception) and amoral judgment (i.e. an exlusive right to commit premeditated murder in order to follow the secular profits of wealth, pleasure, and leisure; secure taxable assets (i.e. women); and Democrat’s democratic leverage through spinning political narratives.

    Well, that, and policies designed to compensate for incompetent (e.g. unqualified) or incapable (e.g. physiologically) individuals contributed to progressive dysfunction and what seems to be an inevitable convergence.

  28. G6loq
    already knew it, but thats cause my son is an officer…

    but i do appreciate the thought…

    i remember a while back when i was witness to brutality by cop… it was completely undeserved, and i saw the whole thing… in this case, it was an Irish cop, and a Mexican.. NY city subway…

    cop is sitting gabbing with some person not part of the incident. in the corner behind him is the Mexican and his girl.. they are havng fun… and at some point to make noise to make her jump he slams the wall with his open hand making a very large noise, but not damage or antying like that.

    well, he made the girl jump, and she giggled, but he also made the cop jump as he was behind the cop.

    this made the cop furious… at the stop that came, everyone but me left the train…

    the cop drew his gun, and started abusing the man and scaring the craop out of him… the girl crying and wanting to stop him but was afriad they were going to be shot… and me standing there, just out of bronx science, hjomless going to college banard baruce…

    at the nex top he forced the girl outof the car, an then while holding the mexican who did nothing byt a immitation of a rag doll, and put the gun to my head telling me he would blow it off if i did not leave the car… it being very late, the girl alone, and so on, i left the car..

    I tok the girl to the local police department as we did not know what would happen to her boy friend… the police were friendly, seemd concerned, but did not care who i was… sent me on my way and that was that.

    to this day i dont know what happened…
    and from time to time i wonder…

  29. Baltimore, a city under the oppressive management of WHITE people for over 40 years.
    A city led by conservative policies for decades.
    A city led by a WHITE mayor.
    A city led by a WHITE Chief of Police.
    A city with 100% WHITE police officers.
    A city led by a WHITE President of City Council.
    A city with all WHITE council members.
    A city with a WHITE police Constable.

    It’s no wonder the residents are screaming, “WHITE OPPRESSION”.
    Who is surprised that they are angry over WHITE DOMINATION?
    OH…………..WAIT A MOMENT…

  30. I could swear this is the makings of a, “BLACK COMEDY”.
    That is the definition of, black comedy, no?

  31. I am so pissed right now. I lived in Los Angeles during the O.J. Simpson trial.
    Only now does it occur to me that I should have rioted when that court ruling was announced…

  32. A while back i pointed out to neo that the reason a lot of people dont get what is happening or what some are saying (as Geoffrey Britain trys to explain), is that this is the language of the “forked tongue”

    the points the leftists use are either not defined..
    and so, you help by filling in the blank with what variable you pick that makes the point acceptable.

    so rather than say we will kill all jews
    they say we will take care of the problems.

    they dont define problems to the public, so each person in the public fills in the blank with what they think will make the point acceptable to them… this is the normal standard of behavior… (to the point that when someons says they could kill someone we assume that they dont really mean it, till the person is dead, then the cops are using that as evidence… and people wonder why they didnt stop it!!!)

    another game on this same venue is the joining of words into new words, in which the combination can be one of several forms, and of course we do the same pick the nice option game as well…

    [these biological things are from sociology, the science is for controlling whats being studied… and not necessarily in understanding why something is the way it is, the nice option default]

    A portmanteau also called a blend in linguistics is a combination of taking parts (but not all) of two (or more) words or their sounds (morphemes) and their meanings into a single new word The word comes from the English term “portmanteau luggage” for a piece of luggage with two compartments, itself derived from the French portemanteau (from porter [to carry] and manteau [coat]). Nowadays these terms are false friends as the French term has since evolved to mean a coat rack, while the English term still refers to the specialised piece of luggage. (In the past, the French term also referred to a suitcase or bag for clothes.)

    for children this gives you a LIGER… [Lion and Tiger]

    they do thsi a lot and people dont get it, and this gives the leaders who are mostly sociopathic (without any guilt they apply their ideas and goals and lie and cheat to do it), a lovely duping delite which then makes it easier to hurt the people. if they are so stupid, they deserve this, is a common sociopathic concept. (i can quote one sociopath in prison for murder who pointed out that he tought the victim he tortured and cut apart a valuable lesson in what not to do… the fact that the learned died, is irrelevant)

    so we miss when they do this in front of us, and its a big inside joke for them.

    promote regressive policies = progressive
    which is great that there is another positive word to hide the meanin under.

    Bush was supposed to be on the right, not the left…
    but he was communitarian… Communist Totalitarian

    class equals group but better means SET that contains..

    just as meme, is not what Neo said, because i remember when it first came out and all that BEFORE the story was established.

    same as RAP does not come from inner city games, but from homage to H Rap Brown, who now has a muslim name, killed a cop, and is in prison…

    see? you have to KNOW the inside backstory… if you dont, then your going to argue with the person that DOES know the backstory.

    one of my favorites is the Peace sign… supposedly a pacifist decided to make that from military communication and is symbolic of letters from that which are for no nukes… thats the story you will find if you look it up, and dont know the inside joke… even if i tell the joke, its not believed… which makes it funnier to the insiders… (i did not have the heart to paste the alternative that would have showed neo the game on it, as it would just get cut down anyway… ie. defense is limited in size so cant defend – regardless of the reason why, as the reason does not mitigate the effect, it just explains why its ok to have that effect!!!)

    well, the funny thing is that the whole leftist cultural revolution is an exercise in induced nihilism.. nihilism is death worship… and if you look at the symbol, you may realize that its an inverted life rune right out of norse and hitlers symbology… and this upside down life rune means death… so its kind of funny and fitting that the nihilists are holding up a banner to nihilism they think means peace (and to them it does – just as to a group of buddists the swastika is a sun sign, but to the germans and west its means something else)

    there is LOTS of this… you can see it played out in costumes, symbols, doing things for apperances, and on and on.. the whole time the in crowd is laughing at the idiots that support them.

    another common one is that common terms have dual meanings… that is, they define them differently, and if you dont know these other meanings and so on, you can listen to a speech and think they are talking to you and saying what you want, but they are actually talking to each other, your the dupe, and you wont get it, as you dont know the special meanings.

    one common example is peace..
    they say they want peace, you want peace, we all want peace.
    you define peace as the absence of war and conflict, and so on
    some others defined it as the period in between wars
    but leftists, progressives, communists, et al, define peace as no more opposition to socialism.

    so if you hear hillary talk about wanting peace, you hear her saying she is against war… her followers on the in, hear her say she is fighting a war for communism and there will be no peace until that definitino is fulfilled.. so she IS fighting for peace…

    there is tons of this and i have tried years to clue neo and others in on it, but as i said, they are not on the in, they dont read the stuff i recommend to read to learn it, and so, they deny all of it.

    but it has a common history… i even explained that this game is about being ambiguous and talking in codes… which is why they accuse their opposition of such stuff as they do, as they believe we all do it!!

    this is why a innnocous word is seen as a code word for racism, or ni**er, or some such and most are confused by that. but the point is that they speak in such codes and so see codes in the opposition!! (its the clue that tells you they are doing it)

    one of my favorites is “getting it on the down low” – to the white community it means that its a secret or something getting passed on, in the inner city where i grew up, it means a straight black man who gets sex from gay men… (the ones that do this follow the macho concept in which the recipient is the gay person, not both if the one giving doesnt recieve that way – which is common in some cultures and not others)

    one of the most common forms this takes is when they talk on a podium and say they are going to liberate the people from oppression

    which people? which oppression?
    if its the poeple in the crowd they hear someone is going to stop another person from doing things to them

    if your one of the players, you hear them saying that they will liberate criminals and sociopaths from the oppression of the common good man, and liberate their restrictions from might makes right and total control

    in this case, just switch the subject.

    its a funny game
    but unless you lived under the game, and know how its played you might not even be aware its going on… EXPERIENCE is the key, and i find that people without it, deny it, and so, have to suffer it to find out.

    so hows the slow painful finding out that doesnt prevent anything?
    after all, if you got it before, you could translate and call them out, but if you deny it, dont get it, you wont accept it till AFTER the crime is done, and you cant do anything about it.

    which is the point of it..

    i have pretty much given up trying to clue people in as they spend a lot of time trying to show me i am wrong… but not realizign that if i was wrong, what ish appening to the society would not be happening… would it ?

  33. by the way… google helping you more rather than giving you what you ask for, makes it hard to find the things that would reveal this game…

    but you keep thinking its not there and see where you get

    (and forget your childhood when adults did that to you and you didnt get it until you did and it stopped)

  34. Clarity…AMEN, Brutha!! Baltimore is a total poster child Exhibit A for 50-years of Great Society idiocy foisted upon blacks. Snake Oil, Bribery, Keep’um Down & Dependent, Corruption on Steroids, Assuaging Liberal Guilt, etc, etc, etc. Liberal-Left-Demogrunt Superiority of Thought.
    Democrat run for 50-years and still it’s us white wascally wacists fault!!

    CANNOT make this SHIT up.

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