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  1. Isn’t there a third way that nobody has mentioned? Rescue them but immediately return them to their point of origin.

  2. If you see a Democrat or Hussein voter, make sure to thank them to their face for the glories of human salvation

  3. LondonTrader…

    The authorities are picking one notion that I tossed out the other day: sabotage/ shoot up any craft that would be suitable for the traffic in human suffering — at night — while they were still unoccupied.

    The authorities are in a twist as that would require them to come straight to the beaches — and it’s their inclination to run this fiasco past the UN for approval.

    Certification is required before action.

  4. LondonTrader,

    The humane version of your third way is to secure and aid the refugees intra-region with the goal of repatriation.

    For example, President HW Bush, remarks (link) on assistance for Iraqi refugees, April 16, 1991:

    Eleven days ago, on April 5th, I announced that the United States would initiate what soon became the largest U.S. relief effort mounted in modern military history. Such an undertaking was made necessary by the terrible human tragedy unfolding in and around Iraq as a result of Saddam Hussein’s brutal treatment of Iraqi citizens.

    Consistent with United Nations Security Council Resolution 688 and working closely with the United Nations and other international relief organizations and our European partners, I have directed the U.S. military to begin immediately to establish several encampments in northern Iraq where relief supplies for these refugees will be made available in large quantities and distributed in an orderly way.

    I want to underscore that all that we are doing is motivated by humanitarian concerns. We continue to expect the Government of Iraq not to interfere in any way with this latest relief effort. The prohibition against Iraqi fixed- or rotary-wing aircraft flying north of the 36th parallel thus remains in effect.

    Our long-term objective remains the same: for Iraqi Kurds and, indeed, for all Iraqi refugees, wherever they are, to return home and to live in peace, free from repression, free to live their lives.

    [We] must do everything in our power to save innocent life. This is the American tradition, and we will continue to live up to that tradition.

    However, as with the Iraq intervention and other humanitarian missions that approach that level of non-permissive environment, the humane third way calls for a dedicated military commitment that takes us to the line of regime change.

    To wit, President HW Bush, ibid:

    Do I think the answer is now for Saddam Hussein to be kicked out? Absolutely. Because there will not be normalized relations with the United States — and I think this is true for most coalition partners — until Saddam Hussein is out of there.

  5. The Left engineered the catastrophic failures in Syria, Iraq, and Libya. Now they are using that as an excuse to get in a bunch of Islamic Jihadists as refugees. Look at France and Britain’s rape capitals, to see how well that worked for them, the re colonization of the West.

  6. Europe faces the equivalent of the dilemma of an overloaded lifeboat. Whatever its capacity might be, at some point adding even one more person will capsize the boat and everyone will perish.

    Alfred Hitchcock’s “Lifeboat” (1944) offers great insight into this dilemma. I haven’t seen this movie in perhaps 50 years and I still remember its gripping drama.

    So, you’re in a lifeboat filled to its rated capacity but there are lots of other desperate people in the water… what do you do? The choice is simple; suicide or voluntary manslaughter. Sometimes life’s a bitch.

  7. Geoffrey, there may be a far more apt work that describes the current predicament of Europe with regard to refugees. You may have heard of the novel Camp of the Saints. It revolves around a mass immigration of third world poor to Europe which in turn overwhelms and destroys European civilization. This occurs because the new immigrants have no desire to assimilate, just reap the material advantages of living in a developed country. The Europeans allow this colonization out of political correctness.

    When it was first published in 1973 it must have seemed on the level of science fantasy. I understand since its reissue in 2011 it has become a best seller.

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