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Obama’s lies… — 27 Comments

  1. “If you like your Jerusalem, you can keep your Jerusalem.”

    And that’s a promise.

  2. Bibi Net: “We believe the president. We know that he’s looking out for us Israelis. We TRUST him completely. I, myself, have been treated with demonstrable RESPECT by him whenever I’ve come to Washington……NOT…NOT…NOT!!!”

  3. The MSM is as guilty as Obama. In fact, arguably more so because without their support he never would have been President and he could not get away with a tenth of what he does. They have repeatedly betrayed their very reason for existence and any just reckoning would demand that they pay the ultimate price.

  4. I wouldn’t say NO interest–their interest is in keeping we the people from hearing about them

  5. It would be truly amazing if Saturday Night Live did a spoof on Hillary’s first two weeks after announcing her candidacy and asked her some of the same questions that the media has asked the Republican candidates.

    Following that, they could have the Republican candidates being asked the same questions the media has been asking Hillary…to soften the lack of questions, they could show all of the media running to “see” Hillary before interviewing each Republican candidate with no questions.

  6. Geoffrey Britain wrote:

    The MSM is as guilty as Obama. In fact, arguably more…

    All roads lead to the MSM. They’re a big factor in just about everything that’s going wrong. I’m really beginning to believe that the MSM is The Great Malefactor promoting the impending disaster I still hope can be averted.

    I know the constant complaining about them gets boring, but I think their role cannot be overstated. Without their continual, lavish support, would Obama and the left have succeeded nearly as much? Would the indoctrination from universities and pop culture be effective without daily reinforcement from the lefty MSM?

    In spite of everything, I still think the US is more conservative than progressive, and that most people do not want an oversized, imperious government swilling taxes and controlling us as much as it can–and that the country’s direction would reflect this were it not for the fat thumb of MSM propaganda firmly placed on the left side of the scale.

  7. The priests and acolytes cannot be interested in whether their boss is lying. They would no longer have a position in the hierarchy if they rebelled against their Authorities.

    What was foolish was in thinking that the ability to publish, equaled an ever vigilant, ever objective, class called the “press” that were supposed to be watching us.

    Free men and women don’t need a class of aristocrat commissar officers to watch them or tell them what to do. The very idea of the press is wrong and broken.

  8. I’m really beginning to believe that the MSM is The Great Malefactor promoting the impending disaster I still hope can be averted.

    The MSewerMedia is a mere fraction of the Left’s true power. Those that are puzzled by the bouncing cat ball, should be warned that they do not see the full picture.

  9. W.R.T. the MSM being responsible for Obama’s election; recall that in Sept. 2008 McCain pulled safely ahead just before the financial crisis hit. The MSM was not responsible for that, nor was the MSM responsible for 52% of the public ignoring a resume that consisted almost entirely of red flags. The MSM tried desperately to get better qualified Democrats elected before and failed. Frankly I do not understand how something like Obama could ever be taken seriously but several things come to mind. First no one needs to grow up in America to be safe, secure and marginally well off. One can spend one’s life of frivolities and get away with it. Two, crowds do insane things, especially if they find a cause that appeals to self-esteem and create the perception of peer pressure.

    Perhaps a better question would be what could the MSM done to prevent the election of Obama.

  10. Obama was also *foisted* upon us by Caroline Kennedy who got her ambassadorship as a reward, & Oprah just smugly
    so *sure* that he would be that ideal prez, who would prevent climate change, & get everybody who ever went to an ER
    *cured* for free ! Qualifications ? Don t need no stinkin qualifications !

  11. MSM is mostly blameless.

    Dems have 47% no matter what.

    Bengazhi, amnesty by Executve Order, flooding the border, etc is all just scandal fatigue.

    There has to be a a giant event to wake people up. A big event that was completely avoidable and that can be pinned directly on the Dems.

  12. “All roads lead to the MSM.”

    Preach it, bro, I have been saying this for years. Bob from Virginia, you are right that the financial meltdown was a big factor in the Republican loss in 2008 without much help from the MSM. But the reason a comparatively unknown Obama was nominated in the first place over HRC was the MSM. And while the press has always leaned left their naked partisanship has ballooned dramatically since 2000 and especially in the age of Obama.

  13. The Abortionist in Chief, the trillion dollar deficit man, the Medicaid delegation reform man, the selective equality (aka trans equality) man, the unannounced war and regime change man, and what else?

    Of course JournoListic press will not report his lies. They know who provides the opiates. Follow the secular profits of wealth, pleasure, leisure, and narcissistic indulgence, with a side of sanctimonious hypocrisy.

  14. Hitler had to buy his own newspaper (The Vé¶lkischer Beobachter AKA “People’s Observer”) to spread his socialist propaganda. The U.S. media do it willingly and for free.

  15. When do we admit that there are two Americas; that the battle is between good and evil; that the Constitution speaks of enemies foreign and domestic and that these last 40 years America’s enemies are the domestic ones?

    I know why we don’t want to admit that: The admission means we have to stand and fight; or else shelter in place and lose the last hope of humanity.

    What a horrible choice we have.

    I will know when we have made the decision: when we no longer as “why?” – about the MSM, Democrats, Obama, Lies, etc., etc. What a ridiculous question. The mere posing of it shows a lack of seriousness that is monumental and tragic in its own right. The posing of the question shows a level of decline and decay that is perhaps insurmountable in itself.

    The day it is not asked will therefore be in its won self like the dawn of a new day where hope, small as it might be, rises over a distant horizon.

    My guess is it will be a youth movement – by the young in body, and in spirit.

    The befuddled pretenders will continues to “Why?” us to death and behave as if some rational argument and demonstration will make the devil himself change his plans about the war of hell against heaven.

  16. Bob From Virginia wrote:

    …nor was the MSM responsible for 52% of the public ignoring a resume that consisted almost entirely of red flags.

    I respectfully disagree. The MSM significantly abetted the public’s ignorance by not mentioning–or seriously downplaying–the “red flags,” and spending all their efforts cheerleading in the most embarrassingly fawning ass-kissing way on behalf of their wondrous, transformational, most-intelligent-ever, dream-candidate, The One.

    Almost anyone else with Obama’s lack of experience, hard-left, nasty politics and odious associations would have been hammered day after day by the MSM, eg:
    How is it possible, Mr Obama, to belong for two decades to a church run by an America-hating racist and remain ignorant of this? Did you sleep through all the sermons? Why shouldn’t we assume that a member of Mr Wright’s church would absorb or agree with his sentiments? Why won’t you release your college transcripts? How can someone with the most liberal voting record in the senate claim to be a “uniter”? Wouldn’t such an extreme position be divisive? etc, etc, etc.

    Admittedly, some of that 52% never would have listened to anything negative about their hero, but a significant portion would have. That 52% probably contained at least 16% – 20% LIVs. If just a quarter of whom (4% – 5% of the vote) had flipped or stayed home, Obama would have lost. And reversing just 25% of wishy-washy LIVs is not that great a feat–had the MSM given Obama a normal level of scrutiny.

    But they didn’t. They actively protected him, as they continue to do even now–hence this very post about the MSM’s failure to report King Barack’s many, many egregious lies.

  17. Ultimately the MSM is no excuse …

    The issue is:
    The danger to America is not Barrack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with no accomplishment or qualification to give any hint that he would or could execute the duties of the world,s most important job..

    It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of this President than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved uneducated electorate looking for handouts thus willing to elect such unqualified men for their president.

    The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.

    The Republic can survive a Barrack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president.

    ” Author …..Former Premier of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus.

  18. c6loq:

    It’s a good quote, but it’s not at all clear who said it. When I tried to find more about it, I could find no original source. See this.

  19. ” Author …..Former Premier of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus.

    I know. Fake but accurate. 🙂

  20. Obama lies, MSM lies, Hiltlery lies …


    We are all responsible. There is no victimhood at large except for … children.

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