Home » RIP free speech: Little Brother is watching you


RIP free speech: Little Brother is watching you — 37 Comments

  1. Recent example of similar behavior at UCLA – the student council that tried to deny a young woman a position purely because she was Jewish. The administration acted to correct the wrong that was done. But so far as I know, nothing happened to the students responsible.

  2. One has only to look at the countries most like us to see how oppressive the speech police can be. Arrests of citizens in Canada, Britain and many western European nations purely for expressing politically incorrect opinion is common.

  3. While the founders should be lauded for placing freedom of speech in the first amendment to the constitution, the frightening problem we face is that 4 current Supreme Court justices would almost certainly hold that OU had a right to close the fraternity and kick out SAE students, because social justice. If the lefties can convince Kennedy or Roberts to vote the ‘correct’ way, then we’ll have effectively amended the freedom of speech to freedom of speech for leftist-approved speech.

  4. Wes Dorman:

    Alternatively, if something were to happen to any of the conservative SCOTUS justices during Obama’s presidency, it would be over. The Court would be reliably liberal.

    That’s one of the reasons I have never never understood the propensity of some conservatives to vote for third party candidates. We’ve had it out on all aspects of that argument many many times before on this blog.

  5. Free speech is only dead if we refuse to pay the consequential price. That price may be public shaming or loss of livelihood or even prison. If we are unwilling to pay that price, then we are already enslaved because we have decided to place the chains of silence upon ourselves.

    The way to combat shaming based in political correctness is to refuse to apologize for speaking the truth, only in accepting politically correct criticism as valid can it affect our sense of self-worth.

    Our founding father Samuel Adams spoke of times such as these and his words apply today as much as they did when he spoke them;

    “The liberties of our Country, the freedom of our civil constitution are worth defending at all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have receiv’d them as a fair Inheritance from our worthy Ancestors: They purchas’d them for us with toil and danger and expence of treasure and blood; and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle; or be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men. Of the latter we are in most danger at present: Let us therefore be aware of it. Let us contemplate our forefathers and posterity; and resolve to maintain the rights bequeath’d to us from the former, for the sake of the latter.”

    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
    ― Samuel Adams

  6. What is it with the search for remedies? Are courses of action off the table because they have not a coda attached — “trust in this, this will work, this will stay the event, reverse the course”? Will no-one, pick up a spade without first a guarantee it will produce a ditch?

    Geoffrey Britain and Sam Adams have and had it right. The very fact of the ability to spy on anyone whenever, whether public or semi-private, or private, makes indifference to the consequences imperative. Those who are rattled and are capable only of public displays of angst are useless. Those who wish to make a point might make one by dismissing the consequences of non-PC conduct/speech as inconsequential. A angelic choir, a heavenly host, singing, saying what other people don’t like is, if not a remedy, an anodyne.

  7. I reserve the right to use my words to p*ss of anyone who disagrees with me, along with the right to give a lead injection to all who wish me and mine harm. All they can do is kill you, and if they want to kill you, they will not hesitate to kill all your kith and kin. There is strength in knowing you have nothing to lose. Embrace it and hold it tight.

  8. parker‘s my man.

    Underlying the apparent “racism” of the “youngsters”, they are youngster ain’t they or would be with the right melanin skin hue, I thinks is this phenom:
    USA! USA! USA!
    They’ve had enough of the BS. They have detectors …

    Or at large this:Identitaires
    They’ve had enough of the BS. They have detectors …

    A part of the population’s gotten petulant. Not those you’d think, the “minorities” that is …
    The “youngsters” don’t buy it ….

    I blame the voters …..

    parker you’ll have it hard. A procrustean attitude is of the essence. We’ve had enough of the BS. We have detectors …
    USA! USA! USA!

  9. – fixed link –
    Underlying the apparent “racism” of the “youngsters”, they are youngster ain’t they or would be with the right melanin skin hue, I thinks is this phenom:
    USA! USA! USA!
    They’ve had enough of the BS. They have detectors …

  10. It’s Idiocracy. Morons who have selective historical knowledge and morality and a raging will to power are roaming the streets and the policing the internet and everyone else is too scared or exhausted or busy to confront them. How much easier it is to scold/punish these racist idiots than to point out that their speech, however repugnant, is still free.

  11. g6log,

    I am who i am, and a large extended family stands with me for 3 generations. We know how to grow food and preserve it. We know how to hunt. And, we know how to put a 30 cal on the forehead at 400. Let them come to the far north of flyover country. All they can do is kill, its all they know. We know the lessons of counter insurgencies. We have the will. Unitended Consequences is the way.

  12. g6loq:
    Chanting, “USA! USA!” is racism. Celebrating Cinco de Mayo is not. Got it. Effing beaners. And effing Gramscian school administrators, which are the root of the problem.The soon-to-be-men have fortunately developed BS detectors, at least the alphas have.

  13. ” . . . it’s been my experience that many people have trouble imagining anything other than the situation that is actually before them.”

    Neo, that is spot on. Except I would change to MOST people. Whenever I hear someone say that such and such should be banned and I tell them that would lead to so and so being banned the response is always the same – “Oh, but, that’s different!”

    I rarely hear any other response.

  14. Now, Charles, it’s different because All White People Are Baaaad.


    I doubt the SAE boys are particularly prejudiced. I think they’re teenagers who happen to be white, straight males, and they are fed up to the back teeth with the nonstop prejudice and vilification directed at THEM.

    So they kicked back. Quelle surprise.

    Expect more of this, the more the Thought Police crack down. Humans can only stand so much.

  15. Lost.

    The sad fact is that those who want to suppress free speech are in control of almost all meaningful institutions.

    Aside from that, it is so easy to convince decent people that the speech that needs protecting is not nice; or could be dangerous.

    You could not even organize opposition, because in doing so you would be guilty of a conspiracy against the established order.

    One exception. The established order has apparently decided that anti-semitic, or general anti-white speech is healthy when employed by disadvantaged minorities because it airs past sins. I have figured out why misogynist speech when used in rap lyrics is acceptable.

    Hate to be such a pessimist; but, I believe that is the case.

  16. Robert Byrd said and did much worse than the SAE guys, and he didn’t get expelled from the US Senate.

  17. “a mixture of cowardice and moralism not uncommon”

    As a former activist on campus of more recent vintage, I can say that this is still the norm.

    It’s not a dead end for Right activists. It’s an opportunity and opening.

    Right campus activists only need learn how to calibrate to it like Left campus activists have accomplished in order to make progress.

  18. Eric Says:
    March 14th, 2015 at 12:20 pm
    “a mixture of cowardice and moralism not uncommon”

    As a former activist on campus of more recent vintage, I can say that this is still the norm.
    A current overview:
    SJW, Vaginas and all that

    Beverly Says:
    March 13th, 2015 at 10:08 pm
    I doubt the SAE boys are particularly prejudiced. I think they’re teenagers who happen to be white, straight males, and they are fed up to the back teeth with the nonstop prejudice and vilification directed at THEM.
    Yup! That’s my thesis. Enough with the moron’s petulance:
    USA! USA!
    They, have had enough of the BS. They have detectors …

    Or at large this: Identitaires
    They, have had enough of the BS. They have detectors …
    We, had enough of the BS we’re detecting …
    Soon my brothers …

  19. Racism equals Racial Animus Plus Power
    So that means that Hitler wasn’t a racist until he attained power.

  20. Pingback:LITTLE BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU: “The SAE brothers were in public, but next up will be the monitorin… | CRAGIN MEDIA

  21. Not to put too fine a point on it, but the obvious solution is to split into two countries. I’m not really sure why this isn’t clear to other people, but everything else is just whistling past the graveyard.

  22. To elaborate on my thesis, if the Left really believed what it says about those who are not in alignment with it, i.e. that they are irredeemable morons, racists and generally uncouth people who produce nothing of value to modern society, the Left would be clamoring for a split into two countries, Leftie-ville and Jesus-land. That they are not is kind of a Hound of the Baskervillles scenario in my mind. The dog that isn’t barking is the one to listen to.

  23. Let us call “pc” what it is, exactly: it is fascism, pure and simple. When will we realize that, and name it expressly. The “progressive” (so-called) left ARE the fascists of our time. We must “punch back twice as hard,” as a wise man has said.

  24. Racism is the belief of inherent genetic superiority of one race over another.

    Somehow, bigotry and prejudice no longer apply. Being called a racist means nothing to me as the only thing inherent to all humans is bias. Every person on the face of the earth has bias. Whether they want to admit it or not. Disagreeing with my statement is bias. Accept it and get over it.

  25. njoriole Says:
    March 14th, 2015 at 8:47 pm
    We must “punch back twice as hard,” as a wise man has said.

    And more:
    ** Obama: “They Bring a Knife… We Bring a Gun”
    ** Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
    ** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
    ** Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
    ** Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
    ** Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
    ** Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
    ** Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”
    ** Obama to supporters: “I’m itching for a fight.”
    Obama to UAW mob: “Fight for me!”
    For the record because, civility.

    Wonkette thinks referring to the record is is acting stupidly and will call you by name on it because, pompous, sanctimonious, condescending, holier than thou and because,
    doesn’t have to worry about a HIJAB … for the moment.

  26. The solution is Exit. The solution that BS Inc. proposed.

    In the meantime, identify the SJW’s involved in these internet political mobs. Doxx them online and make their lives miserable.

  27. They, the evil ones, will never let us be, the sane ones to peacefully depart from their evil. Its just who they are they are . That is why they must die. De javu all over again.

  28. “The SAE brothers were in public,…”

    Why do you say this? I thought they were in a privately chartered bus.


  29. Now professors don’t even talk about the sanctity of the university and its principles; its main principle seem to be the defense of politically-correct thinking and the suppression of anything that smacks of its opposite.

    The “long march through the institutions” has been nowhere more successful than in the Halls of Ivy. There’s a moral in there: If you oppose a principle, it’s less effective to combat the principle directly than it is to replace its defenders and practitioners.

    That this was possible in the case of freedom of expression suggests that we relied upon a concentration of forces in assailable points. Note that it has not occurred in the case of firearms. Undertanding the reasons for the contrast could be critical to our hopes for a renaissance of freedom.

  30. Ever support the old definition of marriage being a man and a woman? They’re working hard at making that one a thought crime.

    It’s because they’re bigots who can’t handle the diversity of having such a unique institution. Leftists, “Progressives”, whatever they’re calling themselves these days, are everything they claim to hate.

    Because their minds are under the sway of the evil one. Our foe here is bigger than man. He the purveyor of deceit.

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  32. That’s one of the reasons I have never never understood the propensity of some conservatives to vote for third party candidates.

    You’re just not thinking things through all the way. Do you actually think that SCOTUS is protecting the Constitution? It matters not one whit if Obama turns the high court irretrievably to the left–because the final destruction of the Constitution is already a foregone conclusion based on unchangeable precedent. At the federal level the ratchet turns inexorably leftward. The real problem with a third party is that they would quickly become as corrupt as the existing two. Look at what happened to the Tea Party Patriots if you doubt.

    The only (slim) remaining hope is state nullification. If the states can manage to reassert their sovereignty there is hope. The prospects here are bleak, however. The federal government long ago seized supremacy that was never codified in the Constitution. They will not cede it willingly.

    Yep. It’s pretty much over.

  33. “…4 current Supreme Court justices would almost certainly hold that OU had a right to close the fraternity and kick out SAE students, because social justice.”

    Mr. Dorman:

    Not if you look at Snyder V. Phelps, where supposedly conservative Alito was the only justice unable to comprehend the meaning of the 1st Amendment in the 8-1 decision.

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