Home » If you want to watch Hillary Clinton’s press conference live…


If you want to watch Hillary Clinton’s press conference live… — 26 Comments

  1. So far its just a bunch of cops and tools wandering around. Won’t be much different when the crone comes in.

  2. Still hanging about with nothing going on. Maybe trying to get to the point where Rush Limbaugh can’t comment live.

  3. This is like waiting for Keith Richards to show up. Except he’s better looking.

  4. Oh my now we get to watch her walk by Picasso’s Guernica. Be still my heart.

  5. You know this is probably the most that one person has had a comment section to himself at neoneocon…. ever.

  6. And she opens with a broadside of feminist flatulence. With a bumpup to the Clinton foundation.

  7. Oh gawd…. I just threw up a bit in my mouth listening

    She’s puffing on about the Obama iran deal.

  8. I thought it would just be easier.

    It just didn’t seem like an issue.

    My emails went to gov employees so it was kosher cause they were captuered by government.

    Providing all my emalls that “could possibly be work related”

    Other emails were just personal,,,,,. yoga routines…. moms funeral… etc.

    Unprecedented step of making “all my work related emails available.”

    It was just easier to use one device [that fit in my pocket/purse] rather than two devices.

  9. This is rich: “It was my practice to email dot govs so my emails were preserved”

    …. in widely different email accounts not in mine.

  10. Ah yes… ““The server contains personal communications from my husband and me,””

    And earlier we learn…

    But just before Hillary began the press conference at the United Nations building, the Wall Street Journal reported that Bill Clinton does not use email.

    “The former president, who does regularly use Twitter, has sent a grand total of two emails during his entire life, both as president, says Matt McKenna, his spokesman,” WSJ reported. “After leaving office, Mr. Clinton established his own domain that staff use – @presidentclinton.com. But Mr. Clinton still doesn’t use email himself, Mr. McKenna said.”


  11. Thanks for the running commentary, Gerard. Better than watching it, that’s for sure.

    Hillary just can’t be bothered to do it the way regular citizens are supposed to. “Wouldn’t be convenient – have to carry two phones. What difference, at this point, does it make. Now shut up and accept the inevitability of my Presidency.”

  12. It amazes me that Hillary, a woman we’ve been assured is so intelligent and capable, couldn’t handle using a work email for work, and a private email for personal use. I simply don’t know any working adults that can’t manage this.

    So I wonder when her defenders are going to get around to explaining why Hillary intentionally set up a system that mixed the two. Or three, since there likely was a third set of communications related to the Clinton Foundation. Oh wait, it’s becoming clear…

    Also still wondering where that email server resides, who maintains it, who manages the backups and archive data, etc

  13. This thing is far from over.

    Just wait until Israel leaks all of the emails it hacked from her private account.

    She left state secrets out in the open for the world to see.

  14. Way back in 2000 I had a friend ask me (I’m a computer guy) about putting a password on her email account (on the mail that had already downloaded) that she had from work. I don’t remember all the details but anyway I told her that if she wanted real privacy she needed to have a second account. Even then there were free Yahoo accounts, etc.

    So a few months pass and guess what news hits the fan? Her boyfriend had gone onto her computer and found emails between her and a married guy she worked with. Her boyfriend had contacted the guy’s wife and it all blew up in public. My (stupid) friend’s work email wound up getting subpoenaed in the ensuing court case. So her employers had to go through her mail archives and supply that to the court. Think of the embarrassment she could have saved herself if she had just kept the two separate. Her boyfriend probably wouldn’t have found out and even if he did she wouldn’t have had to drag her bosses into the whole mess.

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