Home » Holder says to proceed with corruption charges against Sen. Menendez


Holder says to proceed with corruption charges against Sen. Menendez — 5 Comments

  1. It would also be up to them to charge Hill with a felony for violating the Federal Records Act. Which; of course they wouldn’t do…. So; now they have this example of actually prosecuting a dem for something…

  2. Menendez gave a rousing speech at AIPAC last week; you can watch it here starting at the 1:20 mark. I had no idea he could be such a powerful speaker. He got an almost continuous standing ovation. No wonder Obama is going after him.

  3. Poor Menendez.[/sarc]

    Maybe he just wasn’t dark-skinned enough for Holder to look the other way.

  4. Too bad Jon Corzine never got this kind of attention, a real scum bag.