Home » The Hitler “Downfall” parody to end all Hitler “Downfall” parodies


The Hitler “Downfall” parody to end all Hitler “Downfall” parodies — 14 Comments

  1. Routinely devastatingly funny parodies. The Brian Williams episode was quintessentially a shiv in the kidneys.

  2. Besides being hilarious it makes one wonder how the boychild reacts when he encounters a minor set back. Megalomaniac tyrants are all the same, they can’t take a joke or any oopposition to their grandiose plans.

  3. I have tried to hate these. Just something… But I can’t seem to. Oh, a Williams one? I’ll have to look that one up. Gah!

  4. This, I’m guessing, is what we all believe a megalomaniacal narcissistic personality would act like when reality smacks him upside of the head. Whatever. It lends itself magnificently to parodies of all sorts. I never fail to get a good laugh out of them.

    As Professor Reynolds says, “Bacon, is there anything it can’t do?”
    A corollary is, “The Hitler clip, is there anything it can’t parody?”

  5. I wasn’t that crazy about these when they first came out – maybe I was a little overly sensitive because I’m Jewish? But I’ve gotten to like them and the one on Pete Carroll’s disastrous Super Bowl play call was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen, had me literally LOL.

  6. Interior: Fuehrer Bunker, April 1945 (We hear rumbling artillery above.)
    Close on two sweating aides as they approach Hitler’s Office Entrance: As Camera enters with them we see the Fuehrer standing with 2-Generals’ His attention is drawn to the aides who obviously have news they’re not anxious to give:
    First Adjutant
    Mein Fuehrer….I have news…re..garding the Soviet artillery…and..the…Berlin..Zoo,,(He audibly Gulps)
    Ya…Please be brief. Speak..!
    Adjutant(Now sweating profusely)
    Mein Fuehrer…The Soviet artillery barrage destroyed the Zoo entirely and has slaughtered most of the animals and wounded countless others….! (He nervously reaches to let steam out of his tight collar)

    (All Present are scared to death at the coming reaction. Hitler stares in disbelief and finally removes his hat…throws it on the floor and stomps on it in RAGE..!!)
    Hitler (YELLING & Red Faced)

  7. This is too much!

    The circle closes…. fast!

    Now, no parody, what can happen when one’s surrounded by yes men:
    Beyond parody!

  8. That’s actually the first time I’ve seen the full native clip from Der Untergang, and it’s quite powerful–as far as I can discern with my somewhat rusty German, the translation is on target. Must have been an absolutely blood-curdling moment in that bunker. I can’t imagine it, really.

  9. Philip:

    I had never seen it before either. I had thought if I watched it, it would have become slightly comical because of having seen so many spoofs first. But it still had a lot of power, and I attribute that to the acting of Ganz as Hitler, and the incredible high drama of the situation itself. Yesterday I put the movie in my Netflix queue as a result.

    I read in some comment somewhere, by a German speaker, that Ganz got Hitler’s voice right (I assume they are talking about his public speaking voice, because they wouldn’t know what he sounded like in private). The movie “Downfall” was based on a whole bunch of written memoirs from various people who were there, including Hitler’s secretary (one of the women in the scene), whom I’ve written about before, here.

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