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Le Pen winning more gay support in France — 15 Comments

  1. It also hits against the European propaganda that all these anti immigrant and anti Muslim right wing groups are the second coming of the Reich, with you know as the natural counter and solution (Marxism). This mirrors Hitler’s idea that Marxism was a competitor and Nazism was superior because of national economies.

  2. It’s about time that some of the members of the grossly mismatched progressive left victim groups wakes up and takes notice. I have a lot of gay friends and I continue to be amazed by their blind support of a far left that supports muslims over groups that are routinely abused by muslims in any place that they take control of. Likewise my many female friends who support feminist issues and my New Agey, definitely non-Abrahamic faith friends, all of whom take for granted being free to express and act on their beliefs without getting killed or persecuted.

    It’s truly amazing how the left (and the media running interference for it) manages to divert attention from persecution, murder and abuse by muslims TODAY into, “Evil right! Christians! Inquisition and witch burning and stuff!”

  3. One might think an area of agreement between the political factions in western society would be unequivocal opposition to those who randomly kill the helpless. However, the left since at least 1917 has taken a subtle and nuanced approach to mass murder as long as 1. it was done for equality, social justice and the working class or 2. done as anti-colonialism/racism/imperialism.

  4. Too bad the family Le Pen and their party are so repellent. Just reading this piece about a brewing family feud made me want to wash my hands, or take a shower.

  5. What, Ann? Repellent? More repellent than whom?
    Personally, I find Merkel and her Ministers repellent, along with all the EU bureaucrats, the International Criminal Court, the ECB, Hollande, Cameron…..

  6. Many leaders of Europe’s far-right (the stuff that the American right wouldn’t label “right”) have been gay.

  7. It’s the old “They came for the As and I didn’t protest; they came for the Bs and…” The Left has leaders and allies, and all the allies are temporary.

  8. Wanting your culture/society back is not repulsive, and family feuds are not unusual. We need more ‘family feuds’ in America. Enough of the multicultural salad bowl… the West must insist on the soup bowl of the melting pot. Otherwise, there will be no such thing as Western Civilization and our grandchildren will live in the next dark age where fanatical barbarians rule. That is not the fate I wish for my progeny.

  9. Ann,
    … this piece about a brewing family feud made me want to wash my hands, or take a shower…

    Please, it is from the Independent. A UK leftist rag.
    Please, be discerning. This is no child game.
    Please, do not disseminate leftist character assassination.
    Please, do not help their narrative.

    This is no child’s game. We are in the late 1930’s …
    We HAVE to win the war!

  10. It’s ironic that both liberals and Muslim extremists reject principled tolerance in favor of selective exclusion. The selective normalization of homosexual orientation by psychiatrists and forced normalization of homosexual behavior by executives and judges will be left for future generations to reconcile. They seem to enjoy creating moral hazards that they will later exploit and treat symptoms at a profit.

  11. Reminds me of Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn, who was sounded the alarm about this very problem in his own country over a decade ago.

  12. Lizzy. You mean the late Pym Fortuyn, of course. Before he was murdered–which is most important to him–he was vilified by the Chattering Classes in Holland for being seventeen kinds of a bad person. Racist, just to start.
    His thing was to suggest Muslim communities treat women and gays in accordance with Dutch tradition and law. The same things the Chatterings demanded, except when applied to Muslims. Of course.
    Gay writer Bruce Bawer has a lot to say on this, having tried to live in Amsterdam. He went there because he was concerned about conservative protestants. All the right sort of people are concerned about conservative protestants. Last I heard, he lives in Oslo, which is marginally safer but at least contains few conservative American protestants.

  13. Too bad the family Le Pen and their party are so repellent.

    You wrote before Ann that your community doesn’t reflect the American Leftist bias of feminism or youthful corruption. Yet you don’t actually notice how strongly the European propaganda environment has indeed affected you and the people close to you.

    This is proof positive already. European propaganda is designed for European demographics. American propaganda would not normally reach the European demographic, if only because of cultural or language issues.

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