Home » For all you masochists who watch the State of the Union address


For all you masochists who watch the State of the Union address — 50 Comments

  1. I indeed feel fortunate in that my grand daughter has a high school soccer game tonight at the very time (PST) that he will be speaking.

    Otherwise my spouse would no doubt chide me for not “listening to the opposition (enemy)” so that I can counter him effectively. As if I have any power to do so.

    However, I know that we will all be deluged with commentary and analysis—and some folks call water boarding torture.

  2. For them that’s not watching our beloved Dear Leader praising criminal aliens, and slandering the well to do and the rich, in short the successful, don’t forget that Joni Ernst is going to give the Republican reply. Tune in just to give the Republicans ratings.

    Let’s hope she does well as this speech has damaged some Republican 2016 candidates. And while she’s not up for 2016 she could be an important figure in the party down the road.

  3. As much as I enjoy being lied to by a Manchurian Candidate subversive, moral alien, and enemy of all that is holy if not wholesome, I’ll take a pass.

    As I said before, I wrote to my Congressman asking why they bothered inviting this clown to stand before them and shit in their faces. After all, he has no right to be there without an invitation.

    The answer was Tradition, Respect for the Office, Decorum: you know all the things masochists like to ritualistically lay before the contemptuous sadist as they assume the position of humiliation.

    The question is no longer how bad the sub-moral collectivist cost shifter problem in this country is; it is how to develop a workable strategy to keep their morally diseased paws off your life and their stinking mitts out of your pocket.

    It’s going to be tough. They would rather die than lose access to your life. In fact their lives are about nothing else than interfering with yours.

  4. Go see American Sniper. Then listen to Joni Ernst, if she nails the response she will gain a lot attention as potential future leader.

  5. One effective attack on the liberals online has been that the midterms were the ultimate popularity contest, and Obama himself said his policies were on the ballot.
    The usual response is “historically low turnout,” as if this negated the results.
    I’m hoping the SotU gets very few viewers, as it will again bolster the idea that Obama and Democrats are unpopular.

  6. I can’t believe anything that he says, so I will not bother. I am looking forward for the rebuttal by Senator Ernst. She will be a leader sooner rather than later.

  7. Corn v. Gophers on BTN.

    As the bluest of blue Creighton Bluejay, I would rather watch the Corn than Barack.

  8. We’re watching The Bourne (Something), doesn’t matter; it’s better than Obama anything.

    I will watch Joni, though.

  9. The biggest complaint I have about the ‘State of the Union’ speech is that they hardly ever talk about the current state of our Union. They always spend 99.9% of the time talking about what they would like to do if they were king of the universe.

  10. parker: good advice on “American Sniper”. Let’s put our money where our mouths are and support a movie that sends a message to Hollywood.

  11. Scan the TV channels carrying the SOTU and watch how they pan in tight to catch the applause of the Dems and avoid the larger part of the Chamber sitting on its hands.

  12. I would not watch even if I could. I haven’t supported the TV industry in years. Between Netflix, Vudu, CinemaNow and the Internet my entertainment choices are sufficient and I selectively choose what I watch. I can catch Joni Ernst’s response later but frankly, her being chosen by the GOP is indicative of political calculation (her gender) rather than that leadership’s agreement with her purported POV. She’ll probably say the right things but its delusion to imagine that the GOP leadership gives those principles anything but lip service. For such as they, the founder’s principles are platitudes.

  13. The GOP responses are generally so poor as to be beneath notice.
    Remember Jindal’s? All written and produced by the RNC, probably, and blessed by our man Mitt the Gentle.
    Who knows? Maybe someone, someday will take the gloves off. You know, like in the good ol’ days before 1861.

  14. Well, I spent my time watching a Father Brown Mystery (Catholic Priest who solves murders in his English village) on PBS instead – it had to be a more believable plotline that anything Obama told.

  15. Yep, complete waste of time. You almost could’ve replayed any other speech he’d given. It’s the same old bit of looking like he’s an outsider decrying the Washington establishment.

  16. I am convinced that one of the main reasons Obama is coming out with multiple proposals (free JuCo, tax increases, trade agreements, etc.) is to get ahead of the republican ones.
    He relishes the thought of vetoing conservative bills—then complaining that his proposals have been rejected by an intractable congress and Senate.
    I love his “trade agreement” proposal. It was Harry Reid who blocked previous efforts by conservatives to put forth more than one economy-boosting, trade agreement.
    As a matter of fact, Harry Reid essentially blocked everything that did not have to do with ObamaCare.
    And that part where Obama touted our “oil independence”—of which he had NOTHING to do with. Period.
    I’m simply glad Obama said nothing about the raging conflict in Yemen. That’ll ensure its dissipation.
    And all of the other increasing terror conflicts and incidents; too many to list. Their irrelevant.
    Yep—–despite his declaration that he would not put a list of things to get done, he had a veritable laundry list registered. And no indication in sight that his lack of management style is going to change. FACT.

  17. And surely I am not the only one who was laughing at this clown who talked in some detail of the BUDGET he was going to be generating.
    The very guy who would not speak of nor put pen to paper on one for his first four years.
    Finally—–love that part where he preached about a “new politics”, you know, a civil one. This from the most divisive administration of my lifetime. Calling Tea Partiers, “terrorists”. Demonizing all of his opponents.
    Overseeing far more than a “smidgen” of corruption in the IRS as it targeted conservative groups.
    Accusing the Cambridge Police Department as, “acting stupidly” towards that poor black Harvard professor before he had any facts.
    Heightening the racial tones in the Trayvon Martin case.
    Elevating racial tension in the Ferguson, MO incident.
    Yes—-divisive both racially and politically and personally. However, now he wants to preach to his opposition about, “new politics”. YeeHaw…

  18. I just read some of the articles about the speech at WSJ, NRO, and PJM. They were pretty boring too. How could they be otherwise when the writers probably had to keep pinching themselves to stay awake? We have all known for years that Obama is a narcissistic liar who has never had contact with the real world. Adding a few more pages to our evidence file doesn’t change that. The only thing Obama does for us is lower any potential need for sleeping pills.

  19. Finally–—love that part where he preached about a “new politics”, you know, a civil one.

    You used the right word, ‘preached’. I will not listen to President Historic First scold me like a first year TA because I hadn’t done my lab work. I don’t listen to any president to be scolded, but that’s all Owebama The Scold has in his arsenal.

    Let Oblowme preach in Church if he desires to preach, as long as the lightning bolts don’t get him first. But Owebama’s not my religion, so I have no need for his preaching.

  20. New politics that are civil require Conservatives to
    STFU, only the Libs should/will be heard
    They redouble their efforts to take out Limbaugh,
    Fox news, newsMax & restructure the first amendment
    for us !

  21. I did watch the SOTU (I am that sort of masochist) and one of my big takeaways was his insistence on providing “universal child care”. Translation: Your children are now wards of the State. Of everything he said last night, I found that to be the most chilling.

    Of course, this will all be “free” in the sense that the “rich” (i.e. the middle class) will be paying for it through higher taxes they can’t afford.

  22. Since parental influence is the foremost obstacle to leftist indoctrination of children, we may be sure that the recent calls by Obama and other’s on the left pushing for “universal child care” are indeed the next step in making our children in effect, wards of the State. The Left has reached the apogee of indoctrination in the schools with Common Core being merely a formalization of that indoctrination, further gains require even greater reduction of parental influence. The younger they can get to the child, the deeper the indoctrination.

    “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted. Give us the child for 8 years and they will be a Bolshevik forever.” Vladimir Lenin

    I wonder if Lenin ever read this Lincoln quote? “The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.”

  23. Snipers are Yellow-Bellied, Cowardly, Murderers.
    Thou shalt not kill.
    Obama Isn’t, & Never Was, the president.
    Blacks, on average, score about 16 points Lower on IQ tests than Whites.
    Blacks are substantially less intelligent than & genetically inferior to Whites. That has been scientifically verified, according to
    Psychology Professor Richard Lynn of the University of Ulster (“The Global Bell Curve” – 2008).
    Also study Herrnstein & Murray’s book.
    Because of their Inferiority, Blacks cannot vote, participate, run, etc. , in White elections, especially on a 1:1 basis.

  24. After watching the video in which americans wished MLK had a holiday… was not assasinated in 68 but died the other day at 93, and was the first african american on the moon… there was little hope left for things not ending up as norman thomas said…

    Idiots end up slaves to the few, even if the few call them genius for being idiots.

  25. I did not see the SOTU, nor the response. I did just read the transcript of Sen. Ernst’s response.

    I can imagine it playing well in Peoria. But a couple of things bother me. For one, it’s not really a response. It’s a campaign speech. Are we now in the Obama Era, in which every speech by a politician is always a campaign speech? God, I hope not.

    Second, President Obama has made me acutely aware of politicians who speak primarily about themselves. By my count, Sen. Ernst’s speech was 1219 words long (including “Good evening”). I counted “I” 14 times, “me” and “my” eight times, and an awful lot of “we” and “our”. (Some of that was inclusive — we all have felt the sting of economic hardship lately — but some of it was quite personal as well.)

    Yes, I know she needs to establish her bona fides as a new Senator. But I do hope that, going forward, we hear things from her that are not campaign speeches… and in which she talks less about herself.

    I also look forward to seeing her take a stand when it counts, as her colleagues Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have done — or to seeing her addressing the President head-on without flinching, as Paul Ryan once did. Sen. Ernst, we elected you. Now let’s see what you’ve got.

  26. Don’t we already know the state of this union without a thug telling us what we should think?

  27. Geoffrey Britain Says: recent calls by Obama and other’s on the left pushing for “universal child care” are indeed the next step in making our children in effect, wards of the State

    way way way too late… they are already wards of the state under parens patriae and that was done decades ago….

    Parens patriae is Latin for “parent of the nation.” In law, it refers to the public policy power of the state to intervene against an abusive or negligent parent, legal guardian or informal caretaker, and to act as the parent of any child or individual who is in need of protection.

    The same principles apply to individuals whose mental capacity is impaired and who are being abused by carers or other individuals, whether family members or otherwise. Since these individuals cannot protect themselves, the courts have an inherent jurisdiction to appoint a guardian ad litem for particular proceedings

    So if you do what the state says, you get to live with your kids… if your ideas of raising children are different, like protesting teching children how to use female condoms for anal sex – then your abusing the child, and the state takes over…

    ie. children were nationalized by feminists decades ago in their desire to move all child control and determination to women…

    this was informed to me by a judge who explained how as a male i had no more rights any more… and that was back in the 1980s

    under the law, the police needs a warrant to enter your property and act… but under Parens patriae, they can take your children when they wish, and like civil forfeiture, you will have a very hard time getting them back or proving your innocence to do so.

    I started this anti communist, mens rights, and parents rights battle back in the early 1980s, and have been deep in the facts behind it for a long long while

    State governments may not properly override parental decisions or terminate custody, unless 1) parents delegate their authority to the state voluntarily and knowingly, or 2) the state demonstrates through appropriate due process that there is clear and convincing evidence that the parents have triggered state parens patriae interests by placing their children in clear and present danger. C.f. Croft v. Westmoreland County Children & Youth Servs., 103 F.3d 1123 (3d. Cir. 1997).

    its how socialists define present danger that is the loophole being used… if your child is homeschooled, he/she may not be socialized as with other children, that can then cause issues later (under presumption) and so homeschooling your kids often is used as a reason to seize them. odd religious beliefs, beliefs that dont match the efforts of the state to change society are defined as harmful. ie. you dont want your 5 year old to learn about sex, your then harming your kid, and they may attempt to take the child and put the child with people who would not stand in the way of the childs edumacation

    this is where the legal fulcrum of the “best interests of the child” is played out

    The “best interest” test is almost totally arbitrary, and in practice it allows virtually unlimited government interference with families. Additionally, governmental agencies often have structural conflicts-of-interest, often related to budgetary incentives, which cause them to systematically act contrary to a child’s bona fide best interest. For these reasons, the “best interest” test is only appropriate in divorce cases, or in an adoption placement decision where the consent of a biological parent and any other blood relative are not feasibly available even after the performance of due diligence. “Best interest” is an inappropriate review in other situations where the biological parents are united in their opposition to the government’s proposed disposition of a child.

  28. @Geoffrey Britain

    The courts are divided as to whether probable cause or a warrant are required before a social worker is justified in demanding entry into a residence

    once feminists destroyed ones right to know ones accuser, and to question that, they destroyed the ability of a parent to deny entry, and enabled warrantless action under exigent circumstances.

    a hateful family member, a co worker with a grudge, a neighbor do gooder, all can drop an anonymous dime and so initiate an action in which siezing the child and or starting warrantless actions is an allowed thing.

    a police officer cant do that, but a CPS worker can

    The Supreme Court sanctioned a warrantless caseworker’s visit to the home of a recipient of Aid to Families with Dependent Child, even though it characterized the visit as a “search” The Court found that the search was nevertheless reasonable and did not violate the Fourth Amendment.

    the caseworker’s home visit was not a search triggering traditional Fourth Amendment protection. Alternatively, the Court found that even assuming that the home visit was a search, it did not offend the Fourth Amendment. The Court reached this result by examining the focus of the home visit requirement. Because the focus of the home visit was the welfare of the child, the intrusion was reasonable even without a warrant or probable cause, due to the visit’s “rehabilitative” and “service” orientation. Additionally, the Court recognized that although the fruits of the caseworker’s home visit might lead to criminal prosecution, it noted that such a result was merely an “expected fact of life and a consequence no greater than that which necessarily ensues upon any other discovery by a citizen of criminal conduct.”

    while some cases find that neither probable cause nor warrant are required, others hold that they are required for police and not social workers.

    it all depends on how its played out… if a parent believes in god, and teaches a child the same, SOME CPS people have siezed children under the idea that believe in non real entities existence, and lving under that, or passing such beliefs forward constitute abuse.

    When the state seeks to remove a child from the care of its parents, it is an infringement of this parental liberty which requires that the state provide the parents with due process of law…

    sounds good eh?

    Due process of law does not, however, require a state to provide parents with a hearing or other procedure before taking a child into custody. Courts have held that the state’ s temporary assertion of custodial authority in the face of a reasonably perceived emergency does not violate due process.

    ie. sieze and destroy childrens lives first THEN afford due process is how its played out.

    “When a child’s safety is threatened, that is justification enough for action first and hearing afterwards.” while the courts have acknowledged that a parent’s rights to retain care and custody over their children are fundamental, they have also held that the state has a compelling interest in the health and safety of its children which may justify interference with that care and custody.

    however, the determination of threatened safety is by the same persons doing the seizing and so, there really is no limit or ability to halt the state from seizing any child, and then saying afterwards they were wrong, and returning the kid months later after the childs sense of security, family, and so on have been destroyed, and the child has mental issues going forwards.

    The Supreme Court has never answered the question of whether probable cause, or some lesser standard governs the removal of children in cases of suspected abuse or neglect, although some lower courts have indicated that “probable cause” is the appropriate standard.

    and so a case worker can make an anonymous call, establish probable cause without a right to know the accuser EVER, and so, seize whatever child they want.

    All fifty states give some degree of authority to social services personnel investigating child abuse to take a child into emergency protective custody without the parent’s consent and without a court order

  29. LeRoy Matthews, intelligence is not a pre-requisite to voting, or other things… so while a fact may establish a general group issue, it does NOT automate an outcome!!!

    its not the fact that counts, its what you do with it that matters…

    so the germans determined that jews made up 14% of the population, and so used that fact to show how they must be cheating as they also owned 40% of the businesses and banks… disparate impact was a Nazi invention to prove jews who were equal (at best) must be cheating to succeed over others as the disproportionate outcome of their owning businesse and being successful gave them the excuse then, and now as to equalize or remove such people

    note that the study your referring to did not say what you said for ALL blacks, but for sub saharan blacks… just as jews out score whites in general. but sephartic jews dont… and chinese outscore whites as well..

    intelligence is not all its cracked up to be, nor is it a requirement for success in business or endeavors. many many people with average or even below average intelligence become wealthy through steady work, living below their means and constant savings/investments

    its a non point

    though watson, who was aware of such as well, lost his stature by wanting society to be able to make for non homogeneous schooling in which such people could do better by targeting education to their abilities rather than one size fits all. but the left says we are all the same/equal, and so, cant accept that we are not.

  30. LeRoy Matthews,

    First of all, it is “Thou shalt not MURDER” not “kill”.

    If you insist on “kill” then ALL soldiers and supportive military personnel are/were murderers. Did you ever serve?

    Secondly, if you insist upon questionable IQ testing, then by your logic either only Jews and those matching the general Jewish level should have the right to vote.

    “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” Winston Churchill

    Thirdly, intelligence and wisdom are entirely different. I’ve met wise blacks and MANY intelligent white fools. Intelligence without wisdom and common sense is, invariably disastrous.

  31. Artfldgr ,

    The occasional abuses under parens patriae are undeniable. It’s also undeniable that there are unfit and abusive parents, so the need for some societal mechanism for protection of at risk children is needed. The problem is in itself only partially parens patriae, which needs serious revision but more directly it’s abusive, politically correct and “busy body” social workers and governments.

    That said, if there were no advantage to be gained from “universal child care”, neither Obama or others on the left would be pushing so hard for it. That advantage is obvious if you stop and think for a moment. The State cannot implement parens patriae for even a substantial minority of children, much less the majority. So parens patriae is a strictly limited tactic for the left. Thus their need for “universal child care” and Common Core ‘standards’.

    ‘Get to them early and they’re ours for life’ is their mantra.

    Your personal animus (undoubtedly justified) toward radical feminists makes you too close to the problem to think objectively on this issue, evidenced by your rants, otherwise you’d have seen the advantages for the left in “universal child care”.

  32. All Obama’s sops begin with Federal government footing the bill, shortly afterward the individual STATES are
    supposed yo supply the perk.

    BTW I guess Obama would fit the bill as a coward,
    yellow bellied murderer since he
    unabashedly dispatched victims via droning

  33. I second Daniel in Brookline’s comments about Ernst. I watched it today and stopped about 3 minutes into it. Not impressed at all, and the thing that turned me off immediately was her comments about herself. I hope that really wasn’t her, but the heavy hand of RNC editing, but I’m unfortunately skeptical of her now.

  34. @ physics, I disagree totally
    I found her intriguing & especially enjoyed the auto
    biographical part !
    perhaps a *Male/Female thing?*

  35. I want a strong opposition to the Democrats because that will give us more intelligent, entrepreneurial-spirited Democrats –which in turn will motivate the Republicans to vigilantly step up their game. Joni Ernst’s response … this is the LEADERSHIP of the opposition party? She stood there frozen in fright with a canned, disjointed reply that didn’t even respond to the SOU. Bombed it!

  36. And what’s that jail-cell blouse pattern supposed to suggest? It’s not coincidental –it’s symbolic, it’s always symbolic when you’re addressing a primetime global audience.

  37. Geoffrey Britain: amen! A Bill Whittle real-time response to the SOTU, on live television — now that’s something I’d pay cash to see.

  38. You have to be a happy political warrior. And you have to make a connection between your values and upbringing to the values of your intended audience. Ernst did that. I hereby proclaim her president of flyover country. We don’t need the rest of bho’s 57 states. All we need is the right to cross your airspace and unfettered access to the Gulf of Mexico. 😉

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