Home » Something seems to be going on in Dammartin-en-Goele


Something seems to be going on in Dammartin-en-Goele — 9 Comments

  1. Lets join the entire American left – with the notable exception of Bill Maher. We all know the routine. The fact that the killers were shouting Allahu Akbar and killed blasphemers means nothing. Muslims are the real victims here. Islam is a glorious religion of peace and no one must ever imagine that this attack or any past or future attacks have anything to do with Islam. Anyone who connects Islam with terrorism is a dangerous Islamophobe.

  2. Even Maher is doing his bit to support the Leftist alliance. So long as people can point to Maher and say “see, he’s agreeing with you while he’s on our side”, they don’t have to look at the Left’s alliance with Islamic Jihad. They don’t have to feel responsible or guilty about the blood on their hands. No, you have to feel responsible, they think.

  3. I remember after 9-11 feeling angry when an Israeli friend told me that he saw some good coming out of 9-11 in that maybe Americans would now wake up and see what Israel faced everyday.

    Now, I’m feeling guilty in feeling the same way about this – maybe the French, as a nation, will now see what their appeasement of the radicals in their midst has done.

    I won’t link to it here; but the one video of the gunning down of the cop in Paris was just sickening. The cop had already been hit, held up his hand as the gunman approached him (clearly begging for his life) and then shot him in the head. Just sickening.

    The one news report claimed that the cop was a practicing Muslim – trying to somehow or other claim a certain irony.

    I guess it would be asking too much for them to do more than hold up pens; But, part of me wants every Frenchmen to see that video and get angry enough to do something about the radicals. In the very least throw them and the rest of the loons out of France.

  4. I don’t remember the outcry for concern that there would be a backlash against Christians when a (clearly) rogue individual would kill an abortionist. Such clear hypocrisy. I’m beginning to believe that Michael Savitch is right about liberalism being a mental disorder. Mental disorders are rooted in inability to grasp reality. I can’t think of a single liberal position that has any basis in reality whatsoever.

  5. The solution to this problem is easy, difficult politically, due to the overwhelming Marxist dominance of the elites.

    The solution:
    –ban all Muslims from coming to America, for any reason. The only exception would be diplomats.
    –begin deporting all non-citizen Muslims.
    –close all Mosques built with foreign money or support, including Saudi Arabia.
    –close all Mosques with Imams who have foreign connections, including Saudi Arabia.
    –explicitly pass national laws banning the use of Sharia law and/or principles.

    Unfortunately not a one of these things will be done. And several decades down the road large sections of the country will be ruled by Sharia law.

  6. Sharon W:

    Generational or progressive liberalism is libertine and narcissistic. Hebdo was the perfect representative of liberal efforts to debase men and women who did not accept their religion and faith.

    Individual dignity. Intrinsic value. Liberal society seems incapable or unwilling (hence “pro-choice”) of reconciling these moral axioms.

    That said, both Islam and liberalism are universal churches (i.e. faith and religion). The mistake that the Islamic (French, really; legal immigration) terrorists made was to overestimate liberals’ tolerance of pro-choice policies. Liberal society is notorious for its “NIMBY” or privacy mindset, which protects the delicate sensibilities, and leisure space, of its “decent” patrons.

    I think it would be great satire to publish comics depicting Hebdo publishing pro-choice comics in Gosnell’s little clinic of horrors, surrounded by decapitated and dismembered bodies, with clumps of cells blocking every available toilet. Hebdo would be plunging with all of his strength to flush the evidence before his “decent” patrons condemn him for exposing them to the senseless slaughter brought by their pro-choice (i.e. selective) moral principles. Obama can stand next to him, crying: will no one rid me of this burden!?

    Unfortunately, the French terrorists missed that opening, and instead decided to occupy their competitor’s office. The consequences were televised outside the clinic. Liberals were outraged to observe consequences of private policies on public display a la Gosnell’s little clinic of horrors. Opportunity lost. Answering the age old question of when and by whose choice human life acquires and retains value is skillfully avoided.

  7. Christians and right-wingers hold collective guilt, but the Left and Muslims are risk oppression when one of their own does something bad. Since the left is in charge of this country, it makes no sense.


    OT neo – but here’s some additional info on the whole Rolling Stones / Jackie fiasco. It’s not the 1st time it happened to that fool reporter: http://www.bigtrial.net/2014/12/before-rolling-stone-was-conned-by.html

    I pulled the link from http://thesestonewalls.com/gordon-macrae/fr-charles-engelhardta-rolling-stone-gathers-no-facts-just-dirt/

  8. Islamic Jihad cannot be defeated without first destroying the Leftist alliance. The Leftist alliance cannot be destroyed without first defeating Islamic Jihad.

    Unfortunately, there’s no Alexander to cut that Gordian Knot.

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