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Congress’s next step on immigration — 6 Comments

  1. almost quote:

    The United States, Germany, Britain and other EU states are not simply behaving incompetently and allowing their populations to be overrun through their ineptness. On the contrary, they are actively promoting the destruction of their own societies, in the interests of globalisation and the elimination of national identities and cultures.


    ie. the one world order under communism is not a conspiracy, calling it that allows continuance with little opposition.

    using islam and others to destroy the “slavophiles” (racists), and create a homogeneous world in which they control things – of course, the model is the new despotics – marxian communist… or rather communitarian COMMUNist totaliTARIAN… PROmote reGRESSIVE policies…

    of course a world war will be used to seal the deal
    so hang on to your hats dorothy, this isnt kansas any more

    feminism dropped the numbers to such levels that their traditional mates can be ignored… and so that the people who would oppose this, are neutered…

    can i go back to the basement and play my Xbox?

  2. I hope they’re willing to do anything and everything to get what they want. Attach it to funding measures to bypass filibuster, change filibuster rules, whatever. The Dems didn’t give a damn what they had to do to get this stuff passed, so I don’t see why we should give them anything but the same treatment.

    Attach it to things that Obama wants, so he has to veto those. Don’t agree to disassociate it from those things he wants.

    I’m almost positive none of this will happen, but I’ll try to reserve passing judgement until it comes apart, and the GOP caves on everything. “We’re only 1/3!”

    So from that perspective, I agree with you wholeheartedly, Neo. I hope they have the stomach for it, but doubt that they do. My guess is they cave and cower as soon as the first story hits the NYT about how the GOP is going to shut down the government.

  3. I would rather see them talking with one another to come up with a strategy and policy they can take to voters than having single members rushing for their own soapboxes. The Paris attacks may influence the way voters look at uncontrolled borders and unassimilated immigrants. I wish we had a MSM that would cover these things.

  4. If the rino establishment opens the floodgates of amnesty they will see the conservative base abandon the gop and cease to be a national party after 2016. IMO, they will open the floodgates.

  5. “Unfortunately, the Republicans don’t have the numbers to overcome a filibuster” neo

    “Back in the summer of 2013, when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) was threatening to nuke the filibuster for nominations, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made a threat of his own.

    “There not a doubt in my mind that if the majority breaks the rules of the Senate to change the rules of the Senate with regard to nominations, the next majority will do it for everything,” McConnell said on the Senate floor on June 18, 2013. “I wouldn’t be able to argue, a year and a half from now if I were the majority leader, to my colleagues that we shouldn’t enact our legislative agenda with a simple 51 votes, having seen what the previous majority just did. I mean there would be no rational basis for that.”

    Reid went for the “nuclear option” later that year, enlisting 51 other Democrats to eliminate the 60-vote threshold for all executive branch and judicial nominations except the Supreme Court.”

    “The United States, Germany, Britain and other EU states are not simply behaving incompetently and allowing their populations to be overrun through their ineptness. On the contrary, they are actively promoting the destruction of their own societies, in the interests of globalisation and the elimination of national identities and cultures.” Artfldgr

    That’s unquestionably what they are doing but it indicates a profoundly disturbing and dysfunctional geopolitical rationale. Islam, Putin’s Russia and China are NOT going to join in the elimination of their national identities and cultures… the West’s elite cannot ‘globalize’ the world.


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