Home » I actually feel a moment of sympathy for Harry Reid…


I actually feel a moment of sympathy for Harry Reid… — 26 Comments

  1. I know the simplest explanation is the most likely, but –
    wasn’t he sporting another black eye last year? (Maybe two years ago by now…)

    Is it possible somebody –his wife, maybe his son– beats him? Is he in debt to The Mob?

  2. I wonder if he is getting roughed up by a family member or by some corrupt business acquaintance? It would not surprise me if he made promises to get support for re-election.

  3. Reid is so corrupt and mendacious it would be difficult to believe him if he said the sun is hot. So he has brought all suspicion upon himself.

  4. The AP gives some details:

    The accident occurred when an elastic exercise band broke, striking Reid in the face and causing him to fall, said spokesman Adam Jentleson. Reid struck part of the equipment as he fell, breaking multiple bones near his right eye.

    As he hit the floor, he broke several ribs.

    Sounds plausible to me. But, then, I’m a klutz and have never seen an exercise machine that didn’t look like a death trap.

  5. At age 20, my bicycle brakes failed and I collided with another biker, landing on the road on my face. A broken nose and several bruises plus a lifelong deviated septum were the result.

    A couple weeks after the accident, someone stole the bike before I had a chance to fix the brakes. I have often wondered if he suffered the same fate as he rode off from the bike rack with his newly stolen bike!

  6. Considering the damage he has done its difficult for me to feel more than a tiny bit of sympathy for reid’s injuries. And, it is highly unlikely that reid does not have connections with organized crime; but that could probably said of many politicians in our neighboring state of Illinois and elsewhere.

  7. Once again you prove that you are too nice of a person. I myself am evil and hope he’s in a lot of pain. He deserves it.

  8. I think you meant to say, “empathy” (given that you had gone through similar circumstance), rather than sympathy.
    I could muster no sympathy for this man who has engineered large quantities of misery and damage upon this country. Along with Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and Nancy Pelosi and Babs Boxer and just recently, Dianne Feinstein (with her revenge-motivated “torture” report). Especially Harry Reid. He’s held the reins in the Senate. Controlled the lack of legislation to hit Baraka’s desk.
    “Sympathy”? Puhleeze…

  9. Drat! I had hoped Harry had been trying to squat 100# and was pinned under the squat bar. Rubber bands? Hah, about right for a pencil-necked progressive. That may teach him to stay away from gyms. Only real men go to the gym – and they don’t use rubber bands. 🙂

  10. Note to self:
    Nix the new year’s resolution having to do with exercise. Far too dangerous. Send card to Neo in gratitude for the, ‘head’s up’.

  11. Enough already. I’m done with Mr. Nice Guy and Sir Civility as far as reptiles like Reid are concerned. Tried it for years and didn’t like it. What’s more there’s never any, ANY, coming back from our enemies.

    I intend to treat all of them as they treat me…. as an enemy. Off with their heads!

    PS: I don’t care that Cuomo checked out even though every media suckup today seems to think he was Christ incarnate. He wasn’t . Just another traitor and toady.

  12. I clicked thru to see the damage. No pics. Darn it, I needed a smile today.

    Yes, I wish him pain.

  13. Neo, The link you provided led me to your discussion of chronic pain and the difficulty of its treatment. Once again, you see things clearly and explain. Just thank you.

  14. I figure his Las Vegas mob bosses must open up a can of whup-ass on him every year or two. Just to keep him doing what he does.

  15. Dirty Harry seems to have a lot of ‘exercising’ accidents. Odd that this one occurred around the biggest drinking day of the year too…

  16. You are far better a person than me, Neo.

    I haven’t got an a ounce of sympathy for Reid or anyone else who has constantly treated me as the enemy.

    The same for dead Cuomo – good riddens I say.

    Cuomo blamed his losing one election on the voters. He claimed that the American public wasn’t ready for a candidate whose name ended in a vowel (meaning Americans were bigots against Italian Americans). Like many liberals, he believed the cause couldn’t possibly be him – some one else was to blame. Must be the “stupid” voter. Hey, haven’t we heard that recently?

    When Cuomo ran against Ed Koch for mayor of NYC some of his supporters carried signs saying “vote for Cuomo not the homo.” Of course, Cuomo claimed to have nothing to do with it. But, he didn’t condemn them either! Not unlike Obama not condemning those who went after Palin’s kids until later.

    So, yea, I have no sympathy for any of these folks. They’d spit on you if it would advanced themselves.

  17. I’m really surprised that Reid didn’t blame his “accident” on the Koch brothers sabotaging his exercise equipment.

    Yeah, with all the connections Reid has with Vegas, and his surprising accumulation of wealth, it’s hard not to think that he has connections, perhaps long-standing and deep connections, with the Mob.

    As for the tale of how he came by his “accidental injuries,” sidewinder Reid’s lied so many times that I don’t believe he could tell the truth if he wanted to; a lie is so much more useful and satisfying.

  18. Wolla Dalbo

    I’m really surprised that Reid didn’t blame his “accident” on the Koch brothers sabotaging his exercise equipment.

    As for myself, I have never cottoned to the idea of treadmills or stationary bicycles. The proposition repels me. I much prefer to go outside to walk. And Las Vegas has a pleasant temperature this time of year. Where I live the summers aren’t much cooler than Vegas, but I can arrange my walks so that I am in the shade a lot of the time- which would be much harder to do in Vegas. So I would be walking very early or very late in Vegas.

  19. No. No sympathy. He is responsible for harming the people (even as yet unborn) by the use of his high office to help push progressivism.

    I wish he had fallen harder. I would even push him.

    You don’t coddle killers, you don’t forgive greedy power-grabbers.

  20. At 75, I’ll bet it was an age-related fall but there’s no way his supporters/handlers would allow that to come out.

  21. Those bands do not break. With his wild obsessive rants about the Koch brothers, I really wonder about his mental health. He might’ve taken too many hits to the head.

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