10 things I’ve never done—not
I was looking for something else last night and instead came across this post from early in my days as a blogger, nearly ten years ago. It was written in answer to one of those memes that used to be tossed around among bloggers when the whole blogging endeavor was relatively new: a request that I list 10 things I’d never done.
The first thing I noticed about the post is that it was Norm Geras who gave me the meme. He was a big blogger back in the days, and very helpful to a lot of us when we were first starting out. But alas, Norm is no longer with us; he died a little over a year ago (my tribute to Norm is here).
As for that list, here it is again:
10 Things I’ve Never Done
”“bought a new car
”“painted my toenails
”“been fired, or fired anyone
”“had my horoscope done
”“eaten anything bigger than my head
”“lied about my age
”“worn a T-shirt that said anything
”“kissed a man with a beard
”“seen any of the “Godfather” movies
”“owned a cat, or wanted to
What a difference almost ten years makes. It turns out that since then I’ve done 5 of the things on the list. Which ones do you think they might be?
I’m sure you own a cat by now and…
You probably bought a new car. Right? And…
I’d guess you wore a tee-shirt that said something, if only “Lysdexics of the World, UNTIE!” And…
You finally kissed a man with a beard. I’m guessing he was Santa at some point.
The last one? You probably DIDN’T see a Godfather movie…
Car, age, beard, Godfather (and not just one), t-shirt. Might as well do your nails next, while getting a reading, to see where you will find the perfect cat. :p
To go through life without seeing the first two Godfather movies is a life unfulfilled.
—bought a new car
—painted my toenails
—worn a T-shirt that said anything
—kissed a man with a beard
-owned a cat, or wanted to
The kiss. It’s the romantic in me.
I’d say probably #1 and #9. After that, I’d go with any three including 2,3,7, or 8.
I hope one is “—kissed a man with a beard”. I’ve had a beard most of my adult life and gotten lots of compliments for it. But, never from my mother.
I couldn’t begin to guess.
But I do know that I have never; painted my toenails, kissed a man with a beard or owned a cat, nor shall I ever do so.
1.) Smooched a man with a beard. 2.) Bought a new car. 3.) Painted your toe nails. 4.) Seen a Godfaddah Movie. 5.) Lied about your age.
Hey…Just sayin’……((-:
I don’t care what you haven’t done. Your life: not my business.
Painted toenails, t with message, finally watched the first godfather (a truly great film), kissed the bearded man, and number 5 is purring on your lap right now.
Neo, you can t own a cat
everybody knows they own you
I still have my list of links to blogs, including yours, I collected and read regularly in the mid-2000s. Almost all of them are gone. Thanks for sticking with it.
Cats have owned me since 2000.
I could write volumes about my neighbor’s cat Chloe, and how I fell in love with her, and how I adopted two of her kittens at age 42 when I had never had cats in my life before. Now I can’t imagine not having them.
I bought my first new car on June 30 of this year, a Mazda 5. I like it so far.
The Godfather movies are excellent.
Is there a prize for guessing the most answers correctly?
The prize is the intense satisfaction of guessing right.
I will reveal the answers on Sunday or Monday.
You have mentioned some kind of back or neck problem more than once so I have doubts about painting your own toes.
I’m guessing one of them is that you had your horoscope done.
If not, I’m volunteering.
I’m a post 9/11 Changer, like you. A passionate civil litigator, ’47 Bronx boomer, logic addict, lurker here for many a year, and an astrologer for 41 years. It works (and I can prove it to you).
And it helps, immeasurably. Because you understand.
In any event, God bless you for what you’ve done now that we’re strangers in a strange land.
Aloha from Holualoa, Hawaii
I hope you bought a new car or better yet a new truck. That’s fun! Last May I bought a new pickup, an F150 crew cab 4X4, for the first time.
My guesses:
1. You bought a car.
2. You saw a Godfather movie
3. You wore a T-shirt that said something
The other two I don’t know.
Lied about your age to the bearded man who proposed to you while you were watching The Godfather and making out at his place, then afterward you got your toenails painted with the words “I do”; then drove the new car you bought together to a quiet seaside resort to celebrate.
Southpaw – I’m pretty sure it went like this…
One evening, Neo was trying to back up but she went into a ditch instead. So, she finally got a new car with one of those backup cameras. Since she was sore from the accident, she went to a spa where she had a pedicure, complete with her toenails painted. The masseuse tried to guess her age but was off by 15 years, so Neo did not correct her. As she left the spa with the t-shirt that had the spa name beautifully embroidered on the pocket, she discovered a kitten by the car. While driving the animal to the local animal shelter, it stole her heart and she was adopted by the kitty.
My guess is: 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7.
This is very good.
It reveals very significant things about you. Mainly, the degree to which you treat and value your fellow man.
By these things not being on your list, you have no doubt personally experienced:
1.) Volunteering time to a worthy cause; one which presumably focuses on a purpose greater than self.
2.) Donated cash to a similar effort aforementioned.
3.) Helped save a life. (physically, emotionally, spiritually)
4.) Invited stranger(s) (i.e. soldier, elderly, homeless) into one’s home (with proper precautions) to enjoy a meal (Thanksgiving, birthday, or other celebratory experience) and conversation with.
5.) Sang Christmas (or Hanukkah) songs to an appreciative audience (neighborhood, retirement community, hospice or hospital environment, school, etc.). Preferably with a group to mask any potential mistakes.
There are more, of course.
All very fulfilling accomplishments, bringing so much more in return than what is invested. Only those who’ve done them truly know their value. Congratulations in order.
Well, I’ve done the first three, anyway.
I wish!
Car, fired, t-shirt, beard, Godfather
The “cult of personality” aspect of having a blog. Some of Ann Althouse’s followers, for instance, are probably very interested in her toenail polish and what t-shirts she’s worn. But then, it’s a slow news day. It’s hard to care much about another missing airplane somewhere in the vicinity of Indonesia. And it seems like there’s recently been a recipe. Obama’s in Hawaii playing golf.
My purpose in listing these was to provide some context for yours.
It is not common for one who engages in philanthropy, or, charitable acts to broadcast same.
Louis Zamperini won 3 purple hearts and did not advertise them. Did not discuss them—-save for that time he stuffed them away while recognizing that the real heroes, those worthy of the awards, were those who lost a limb, or several in their service to country.
Nor did he award them to himself; rather they were given by others to recognize his heroism, and his significant contributions/actions.
Mine was an effort to point out that you most likely engaged in these more significant projects/acts.
More significant than the purchase of a new vehicle, etc.
It was suspected that their was the strongest likelihood that you would not bring them up.
So I did.
Now you are just being teasingly coy. Save with the bearded man it seems. :p
You never painted your toenails? Not even as a little girl? Was it because of your dancing?
Anyway, one of life’s little joys, and can make the plainest of girls feel pretty.
Agree with Illumanti: you need to buy a Ford F-150 pickup truck.
Why? Because 90% of truck owners are conservative. Maybe not 90%, but the percentage is high.
Why the F-150? It is the iconic pickup truck. Ford is also introducing a new lighter and better gas mileage model this year. Aluminium frame.
And why Ford? Here in Nebraska (as in many Midwestern states) Ford just had way more dealers in the small towns. That’s how people became Ford people. I think Texas is different and Chevy is big there for a reason I don’t know.
People will ask why you don’t have anything to put in the back or bed of the truck. It makes no difference! Most truck owners rarely use the back. It is just the idea of having the space.
You are what you own. Brands are badges. Brands are identity.
As a Ford F-150 pickup truck owner in New England, there will be no doubt you are a conservative. You won’t even have to put any bumperstickers on it.
If you can find someone to shot a 9mm or larger (,45s are prime) thru the tailgate of your pickup, your street cred will be maximum.
Sam L…I’ll happily loan our wonderful landlady my S & W .45 acp Model 1955 for that what’cha’call street cred. ((-:
Happy New Year to you and your MISSUS.
All the best.
If you’ve done the first three, the rest are easy, except the last. You can’t own a cat.
my guesses…
—bought a new car
—painted my toenails
—lied about my age
—worn a T-shirt that said anything
—seen any of the “Godfather” movies
I don’t see you as a liar, or as someone who would suffer astrology gladly. The rest, I have no idea.
The first Godfather movie is art.