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Entertain this hypothetical — 15 Comments

  1. Indeed it is an excellent point — one that is terrifying to contemplate. Cynical opportunists on all sides are tearing our society apart. America, in Arthur Schlesinger’s terms, has been “balkanized” and everywhere resentment reigns supreme.

  2. Line #1:
    ” Civil rights leaders Sunday condemned the ambush killings of two New York police officers and
    expressed fear that the backlash over the bloodshed could derail the protest movement
    that has grown out of the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.”

    Can’t allow derailing the protest; no way, no how!

  3. The Left, the Democrats, and their propaganda arm, the MSM, pull this crap all the time, as they continuously create and maintain a phony alternative reality, as they deliberately twist the road signs to misdirect their readers/viewers in absolutely the wrong direction.

    Thus, the MSM deliberately leaves out critical pieces of information, its twists the things it does mention, emphasizes certain points and de-emphasizes or just doesn’t report others, and it often just “disappears” an inconvenient story after the initial reports have been made, or its next updating reports are so far after the initial event that they minimize the importance and impact of any new information and distance and disassociate it from the initial story.

    So, for instance, we were told that the “gentle giant” Michael Brown was an aspiring “rap artist,” by an article that included an interview with his sorrowful high school music teacher who talked about his potential as an “artiste,” along with a very carefully selected and unobjectionable few lines of his “rap.”

    However, digging a little deeper, it turns out that most of this gentle giant’s rap was the usual rancid stew of misogynistic, hate, violence, and profanity filled Thug life crap. Moreover, it was hardly ever mentioned, and then in passing, that Brown had another “rap,” Brown’s extensive rap sheet.

    Similarly, we were fed the image by the MSM of the young and peaceful Treyvon Martin (no pictures of him bulked up, with an obvious attitude, a gold grill, aggressively flashing gang signs used as illustrations in these stories, just pictures of the younger and much smaller Treyvon sweetly smiling at the camera) just going out to get some “Skittles and Sweet tea” on that fateful night but we were not told, except in a very few places here and there on the Internet, that Sweet tea and Skittles were two of the three ingredients —Robitussen was the third–in a narcotic concoction whose street name was “Purple Drank,” or “Lean,” and whose admitted use and narcotic effects Martin extolled in his postings on the Internet.

    I note, too, that the MSM reportage on the latest assassin who killed two New York city cops usually fails to mention that the assassin was a Muslim, or that he quoted a verse of the Qur’an about “spreading terror among the unbelievers“ in his web postings.

  4. Right on. Remember how the media portrayed the Rodney King beating? King was just an innocent motorist who was stopped for no reason and savagely beaten by some white racist cops.

  5. Announcing the fear of a “backlash” is always a useful tactic of the Left, too, to divert attention away from the incident, the motives for it, and the perpetrators in question and, in addition, to gain sympathy for those who are supposedly going to be the innocent targets of this backlash.

    Muslim groups (the Left in an alliance of convenience with ISLAM) such as CAIR are masters of announcing that there is going to be a “backlash” against “innocent and peaceful Muslims” after each new Muslim terror attack.

  6. “The Left, the Democrats, and their propaganda arm, the MSM, pull this crap all the time, as they continuously create and maintain a phony alternative reality, as they deliberately twist the road signs to misdirect their readers/viewers in absolutely the wrong direction.”

    And it works, just a few days ago Gallup reported that Obama’s approval rating is back up to 47%.

    America is headed for a train wreck engineered by the left.

    On every front the left is attacking America’s sociological, economic and military infrastructure and those poll numbers demonstrate that many Americans are in willful denial. They don’t want to know what’s going on and refuse to recognize it.

    The latest wrinkle is both Andrew McCarthy and Mark Levin pointing out that the Left and MSM are fomenting the ‘outrage’ at the police in order for the administration to use it as an excuse for a federal civil rights investigation, which when ‘settled’ leaves the feds with greater control of the police departments they’ve ‘investigated’. McCarthy claims that they’ve accomplished this in 20 major cities with NYC next on the list. The Obama administration is creating the pre-conditions that will allow for the federalization of the nation’s local law enforcement agencies.

    But while grim, all is not hopeless. Any plans by the left to turn this country into ‘AmeriKa’ must ultimately have the support of the US Military to succeed. Which is why I am so gratified to see this Military Times survey; “Only 15% of Active Duty Military Support Obama, 55% Oppose”

  7. G.B., regarding your comment above.

    “On every front the left is attacking America’s sociological, economic and military infrastructure” I agree “and those poll numbers demonstrate that many Americans are in willful denial. I think America may be starting to wake up, hence the renewed effort (I say may, I’m trying to be optimistic) They don’t want to know what’s going on and refuse to recognize it. “ Very soon they won’t have a choice.

    Personally, I don’t believe any poll, and I really question this one. Especially the timing, and its wide, almost instantaneous dissemination. I’d like to see what was actually asked. I’d like to see how many were asked. I’d like to know how they determined who to ask. I’d like to know more about their methodology and what the possible error rate is. Polls can be skewed to provide any desired result.

    Ask yourself, if you really feel the way you do about the media, why are you taking this poll at face value?

    The mainstream media has devolved in these final two years of the Obama administration to open and obvious agitprop and disinformation. Take nothing they say at face value without some form of independent verification. Boycott them at every opportunity.

    As for Sharpton, here’s all you need to know about the reverend.

  8. Having having had to find polls on various subjects, and dealt with and talked to people who collected and understood polls, I view them with the greatest of skepticism.

    They say that you can get a grand jury to “indict a ham sandwich.” Well, similarly, it seems to me that you can get a poll to pretty much give any result you want.

    Select the right universe of people to be polled–the number of people to be polled, their age, race, sex, where they live, their socioeconomic status, and likely political viewpoint, etc.

    Then, word you questions in a particular way and ask them in a particular order, and you can almost guarantee that you will get the answers that you are seeking.

    In addition, since some polls like Gallup polls often ask several questions at the same time–sometimes page after page of questions–you often have the option of picking a particular question and answer to publicize and then, of course, you also have the option of interpreting that answer to mean what you want it to mean.

    Thus, I see polls as mostly a propaganda tool, more often than not a tool designed to influence public opinions, attitudes, decisions, and actions by their release and the publicity surrounding them.

  9. The mainstream media has devolved in these final two years of the Obama administration to open and obvious agitprop and disinformation. Take nothing they say at face value without some form of independent verification. Boycott them at every opportunity.


    I think Obama’s real approval rating is around 33 to 37%.

  10. Tim,
    When I was in Junior High (showed my age already!) I was taught a technique called “parsing”.
    I’m sure you know it.
    I apply it to all communication I receive. And I never forget that what they don’t say is every bit as informative as what they do.Probably more so.

  11. There’s been a shooting by a cop in the St. Louis area over night. There is video of the 18 yr old raising his gun at the cop before he is shot by the cop. We’ll see if anyone claims the perp should be given the first shot.

  12. Neo: quite right.

    So far as I understand it, the two slain policemen got their first clue — that they were not talking to a pacifist choirboy — when he aimed his gun at them and fired.

    Keep this in mind next time you’re pulled over for a traffic stop. YOU know that you’re not going to assassinate a police officer… but THEY don’t know that. They have to be professional and polite to the person — you — that might be about to kill them.

    Yes, of course there are corrupt cops. When I was a cop, a lifetime ago, it was made abundantly clear that I would be held to a higher standard than the people I was policing… so that a ticketing offense for them could mean jail time for me. I still think that’s the right approach.

    Nonetheless, when I hear the nonsense about people screaming for justice vis-a-vis police brutality and racism, I wonder how long they’d survive doing the beat policeman’s job.

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