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Amateur hour — 11 Comments

  1. “The question is not why the White House can’t keep a Defense secretary for two years, it’s what quality of person the White House can get,” said the national security expert.

    That sums it up pretty well. It will have to be someone who is OK with being overruled, ignored, and at times, completely left out of the decision process for Defense issues by Obama and his band of young, inexperienced political hacks. Which is someone we don’t want in such a critical position.

    And as we’ve seen with Obama’s replacements, each one is worse that their predecessor. For example: John Kerry.

  2. While there is so much wrong with Wright’s sermon above, I want to seize this opportunity to point out the that US interned German and Italians during WWII, as well. My father remembers going as a boy to visit his German father in an internment camp in the USA. Wartime internment is currently portrayed as comprehensible only as a horrible expression of racism. That’s just ridiculous. My German great-grandfather and great-uncle were similarly interned by Australia during WWI; it wasn’t because of racism but rather because of the unpleasant realities of war, suspicion, and defensive behavior.

  3. The Reverend Wright sounds like a typical leftist, full of rage and hatred. Too many black people believe his sermon that they are helpless victims of the evil white man. Obama continually plays the victim. He spent the first 4 years blaming Bush and the last 2 years blaming the Republicans in the house for all the bad things that happened.

  4. What does it signal?

    “When a bulding is about to fall down, all the rats desert it.” – Pliny (AD 23 — AD 79)

    Given things like:
    “The End of Perestroika and the Russian KGB’s Revival of the War Against European Civilization.”

    he is moving away from a situation that ultimately will be problematic at best, and have no good solution for him, or be beneficial.

    ie. he is leaving the coming problems to the next sucker

  5. Ray,
    They still haven’t given up on the Bush card. I read yesterday that Kerry was bragging about how successful the administration’s policies for AIDS had been–better than under Bush. He didn’t mention that they had cut spending by 10%.

    This whole group can’t survive without enemies. They are disgusting.

  6. There is not much to add. I still think Obama’s agenda is much larger than “to purposely go against the interests of the country, to defang and punish it for its supposed sins”.

    Whether Obama is actually a Muslim or not, his African family which he reveres are Muslims. If Obama can turn this country into an Islamic dominated country he will be a hero to billions of Muslims who will sing his praises for a thousand years.

  7. The more they push, the deeper they become mired in an agenda that doesn’t produce jobs, stabilize endangered communities, turn the lights on in Detroit, etc. Their days are numbered.

  8. Illuminati,
    I don’t think Obama reveres his African family as real people. What he reveres is the idea that his heritage makes him special. It’s always all about him.

  9. Expat:

    How better can a narcissist feed his narcissism than to go down in history as the greatest Muslim conqueror in 1,000 years. The man who succeeds in destroying the greatest Christian nation that ever existed and turns it into an Islamist nation will win everlasting fame and eternal praise among Muslims. Muslims are still singing the praises of Saladin who didn’t accomplish 1/10 what Obama has already accomplished in defeating the most powerful kaffir nation in history. If he succeeds, it is not an exaggeration to say that Muslims will be singing his praises for 1,000 years, t is an understatement.

  10. If he succeeds, it is not an exaggeration to say that Muslims will be singing his praises for 1,000 years, it is an understatement.

    Not in the “Star Trek” universe: Joke (or is it prophecy?).

  11. “… somewhat lacking as a rubber-stamping yes-man …” Well, seeing that Obama himself reads everything from a teleprompter I have since long speculated whose “yes man” he is?

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