Home » Dr. Rick Sacra to Megyn Kelly: about those ebola patients without fevers


Dr. Rick Sacra to Megyn Kelly: about those ebola patients without fevers — 62 Comments

  1. if “Miss Hickox” is a carrier she wont have a fever either, and tests require a certain amount of material to register (As they are not going to do a full sequencing that can drop to 100 virii)

    on another note…
    someons should tell her that she is going to destroy doctors without borders ability to get charity funding.

    ie. people are going to say “if that is the kind of people that organization sends out, then why would i give to them?”

  2. and note…
    just as i said way back in the first posts, you can get it from the air. the CDC is now admitting it… i even linked to the study of rhesus monkeys that showed that happening…

    but in order to appear reasonable, some decided to deny its possiblity… so the issue is a bit larger than what it is given peoples response to basic information which can come from a trusted source, but be passed on and negated given that the passer is not the trusted source.

    like huxley, being reasonable is the positoin we decide to take when there is a crisis and we dont know what to think or do… so we posture reasonableness, and so, when there is a crisis or such things, nothing EVER stops it.

    just think of the fascistic laws and changes being made to the state, and the attacks by race, and all that… the reasonable thing to do is sit and wait and not do much at all, letting others test the waters until its so late that only a nut job can deny it.. and they will.

    the clock is ticking on the deadline for the ineffectual administration and the external entities wanting to maximise their taking advantage of it. not just from a desease like ebola, but from conflict in which the reasonable response is to freeze like a deer in the headlighs rather than be decicisve.

    NATO Intercepts at Least 19 Russian Military Planes in 1 Day

    NATO intercepted at least 19 Russian aircraft flying far outside Russia’s airspace today, worrying the organization’s officials.

    “These sizable Russian flights represent an unusual level of air activity over European airspace,” NATO said in a statement released this afternoon.

    The Russian fighter jets and bombers were seen flying in three different regions. The intercepts came a week after widespread reports that a Russian submarine may have been spotted off the coast of Sweden.

    ebola is the least of our worries..

    there are some things more terrifying and capable of doing a lot more and not much can stop them

    until now they have been moving so slow that one does not pay attention to them given other distractions

    like a predator moving slowly, the prey does not see it

  3. Maybe Sacra should talk with the doctor in California just back from Liberia who’s put himself in quarantine for 21 days — here’s what he said:

    “I’m California’s most experienced Ebola physician. I won’t take a single chance. My wife is away, my dog is away – there’s no downside to a little personal convenience, 3 weeks will pass.”

    So, apparently quite experienced with Ebola, and he “won’t take a single chance.”

  4. Here’s confirmation of Artfldgr’s claim that the CDC now admits Ebola can be infectious through ‘airborne” transmission.

    “CDC admits droplets from a sneeze could spread Ebola”

    ““If you are sniffling and sneezing, you produce microorganisms that can get on stuff in a room. If people touch them, they could be” infected, said Dr. Meryl Nass, of the Institute for Public Accuracy in Washington, DC.

    Nass pointed to a poster the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention quietly released on its Web site saying the deadly virus can be spread through “droplets.”

    “Droplet spread happens when germs traveling inside droplets that are coughed or sneezed from a sick person enter the eyes, nose or mouth of another person,” the poster states.

    Dr. Rossi Hassad, a professor of epidemiology at Mercy College, said droplets could remain active for up to a day.

    “A shorter duration for dry surfaces like a table or doorknob, and longer durations in a moist, damp environment,” Hassad said.

    The CDC did not respond to a request for comment.”

    Here’s a visual of just how far a sneeze can travel.

  5. Carl beat me to it. I would think trying to reach a producer on the show would be the most likely way to get it to someone’s attention. The Producers invariably have admins reading their mailboxes, but if they would bring it to their boss’ attention if they found it significant.

  6. Art-We gave a sizable gift to Doctors Without Borders last year and have already chosen a substitute charity (a retired Los Angeles doctor, with an outreach in Africa) to fund this year, based on the stupidity of Dr. Spencer & Nurse Hickox.

  7. So, the bottom line here is that, as many of us divined from the cacophony of different placating administration, doctor, and supposedly official “authorities” statements concerning Ebola and its symptoms and methods of spread, ”the science is not settled.”

    With so many open questions about such a deadly hemorrhagic virus, why in God’s name would anyone take any chances, such as—for instance–breaking a state ordered quarantine as Traci Hickox is arrogantly doing right now in Maine?

    P.S.–I agree that the lack of candor and/or character demonstrated by the two Doctors Without Borders volunteers–the MD in New York now in the hospital with Ebola reportedly lying at first to authorities, claiming that he had self-quarantined himself and had not had contact with anyone, then his later admission that he had been “out and about “and travelled extensively throughout New York City, potentially exposing hundreds, if not thousands of citizens to the possibility of contracting Ebola, and Hickok deliberately and defiantly breaking the quarantine the State of Maine tried to impose on her–are both flagrant examples of bad character and bad behavior that I imagine will cause many people to reconsider whether they really want to donate to an organization that has this type of “volunteer” working for it.

    In the case of Hickox, especially, does she have no comparable consideration and compassion for the anxious and/or frightened citizens of her own hometown?

    Right now, in view of Hickox attitude it would seem that it is really all about her and her feelings and her rights, not anybody elses.

  8. And yesterday Obama was having photo ops with returning US doctors and nurses from Ebola-stricken countries, none of whom have cleared quarantine, wherein he shook hands with them all and hugged some too. How dumb is that?

  9. Thanks for ebola information that is way beyond what the ‘journalists’ of the msm seem able to dig up. This latest cover up of another dangerous bho fiasco can be characterized as SNAFU.

  10. When thinking about the plague of ebola, we are beyond the borders of the map. We don’t know where we are. We have no ability to determine latitude or longitude. There be monsters there. Thinking otherwise is suicidal.

  11. Hubris is so thick you can slice it with a butter knife.

    Wouldn’t it be great if we could find some supposed expert or person in authority in DC with just a tiny bit of humility?

  12. “yesterday Obama was having photo ops with returning US doctors and nurses from Ebola-stricken countries, none of whom have cleared quarantine, wherein he shook hands with them all and hugged some too. How dumb is that?”

    It’s an indication that he believes what he’s saying regarding infectious transferability.

  13. GB…

    Isn’t it just as likely that Barry figures Allah would never permit anything to go awry while he’s on jihad?

    At a deeper, much deeper, level, Barry’s unconscious would love to reboot his persona by way of a medical emergency.

    One is reminded of Nixon’s phlebitis — which only ever erupted when his emotional story-arc required a hiatus from critique.

  14. I watched the interview, too. My first thought was, ‘If you know so much why did you get Ebola?”

    Actually, watching his responses and facial expressions I was also left wondering if the Ebola somehow affected his brain. It certainly seemed as if there were something wrong with him. I felt a little sorry for him.

    He seemed most confused when he heard the CDC position that if you have been in close contact with Ebola patients you should not get on a commercial plane even if you are asymptomatic.

    I had no trust in his opinion at all.

  15. As others have said; these two “health care professionals” have done some damage to Doctors without Borders.

    Because they clearly didn’t think through how their seemingly selfish behavior would reflect on that organization.

    On a related note; I read the news article in which the NY Doctor at first lied to NYPD about his whereabouts. It wasn’t until they scanned his MetroCard (the card that is used for paying for riding the NY City subway) and it showed that it had been used recently and where he went.

    Somehow this doesn’t surprise me. He is fitting the stereotype of so many do-gooders – “I’m a do-gooder, I help mankind, therefore the rules don’t apply to me as they do to everyone else.”

  16. “yesterday Obama was having photo ops with returning US doctors and nurses from Ebola-stricken countries, none of whom have cleared quarantine, wherein he shook hands with them all and hugged some too. How dumb is that?”

    Hey, they only SAID the nurses were from Ebola land. They could has just as easily been from Baltimore.

  17. I watched the interview also, and was struck by his demeanor as being combative and overly confident- like a lot of the experts who have weighed in since the outbreak.. Which is possibly one reason he contracted it. If it’s relatively easy to know who is contagious, he was either reckless, or incorrect about how it’s transmitted.
    Learning from personal mistakes is something people with average intelligence usually do. A supposedly trained medical professional who gets a deadly disease from “treating” affected patients, then afterwards fights common sense precautionary measures, is probably a dunderhead.
    “Treating” is still a bit of a mystery to me. There’s no cure, so what are the doctors doing other than ordering hydration through IVs, and giving whatever drugs they can to make the patients more comfortable? How are they exposed to diarrhea, vomit, and other bodily fluids, and why would they be?

  18. What about genetics?

    Remember when medical studies were conducted on white males? Treatments for women and other races were not always correct – heart attacks symptoms in women and hypertension in blacks are two examples.

    So, what about race, sex, age, past illnesses and general health – how do these factor in to determine the symptoms, treatments and eventual outcomes?

    There is so much we do not know about this virus.

  19. Liz,

    Viruses and bacteria rarely, but sometimes, show no gender or racial discrimination, although sometimes there are preferences.

  20. Barry is true to his confused roots, choom boy with mixed emotions about his sexuality and his racial idenity, and later his religious affinity. He’s just a drift on the ocean of his narcissism.

  21. southpaw:

    Actually, from what I’ve read, Dr. Sacra was not treating affected patients. That is, he didn’t think his patients were affected. He was treating pregnant women. One (or more) of his patients had ebola and he didn’t know it.

    For example, if a pregnant woman has ebola and miscarries (which usually happens if a pregnant woman has ebola), and the doctor or nurse didn’t know the patient had ebola, that situation is especially dangerous. Unless they wear hazmat suits to treat every pregnant woman, there is quite a danger of infection.

  22. Kaci Hickox is probably correct, she probably is not contagious and she will probably not come down with Ebola. When she does survive the incubation period unscathed, she will take that as vindication for her actions. The fact that she may appear to be vindicated is the worst part of the situation. President Obama will lead the cheering for Kaci and for her brave stand for science against what he and she call ignorance.

    The people who are responsible for protecting the citizens of Maine from an Ebola outbreak also know that Kaci will probably not contract Ebola. Their problem is that no one knows which healthcare worker will be the unlucky one who does come down with Ebola. Therefore they have to treat each returning medical worker as if he/she were the unlucky Ebola victim.

  23. Neo – which makes his general position on Hicokox even more, dare I say, idiotic? He was defending her because she was “in good health”, which he judged by her “appearance”. Presumably, he made the same thorough diagnosis of the women he was seeing who were carrying it.
    It’s beyond me how this position he is taking, and hers, is considered scientific.
    And that isn’t the issue anyway. If a society is unable or unwilling to enforce a law that is designed to protect the majority of citizens from great harm, and cannot because one citizen arbitrarily decides it doesn’t apply to them, that is anarchy. I don’t understand why we are even having this debate with her.
    But that seems to be the attitude this country has been leaning toward more and more. Whether it’s immigration law, tax law, or constitutional principles, we’re being conditioned to live with a legal system that is purely political and arbitrary. Like a banana republic. And it’s the citizens who are at fault for tolerating it or ignoring it, whichever is the case.

  24. Despite Kaci Hickox’s grandstanding, the public health officials are actually quite relaxed in their quarantine standards. They have chosen 21 days even though a few patients may become ill later that 21 days.

    As Neo has pointed out, Ebola sometimes presents is unusual ways so one can not rely on one criterion ie. fever to determine whether someone is contagious. Since there is no way to determine exactly when someone becomes contagious, a 21 day isolation is reasonable.

  25. I believe I saw a report somewhere in the last few days in which some doctors noted that the “2 or 3 to 21 day incubation period” is just an average of the incubation periods during which most people manifested but that, because of the individual differences in humans, outliers can take as long as 31 days to manifest.

  26. @Sharon W

    Its a shame that such choices have to be made, but i applaud your deciding to share your wealth with others for some good purpose of your own choosing. (better than taxes, as charity comes post expense and self care, and taxes come before everything, including food, housing, and so on. not to mention how the politocos tax that tax as it goes by, redirects, it, etc)

    ultimately, the issue with doctors without borders is that its become a political piece of BS. the docs who want a certain kind of career and cache decide to join into it, the way that a student vying for certain colleges will join the yearbook committee.

    so what happens is that they join to “prove” they are compassionate and care, but as you can see by the behavior of TWO of them (not all of course), that they dont really give a flying f*ck as to other people, but care more as to the reputation they instantly garner for ‘sacrificing’ some time in another country so that later they can say, i did x, and have that status. oooh, ahhh, ohhhh goes the crowd.

    sadly, this is the difference between people who really care for others, and really are sacrificing their time and expertise to such a thing, and those cargo cult narcissit opportunists, who do things for image and future cache.

    is it any wonder that the latter of the two is dominated by surface cargo cultish liberalism and socialist/communist advocacy people?

    after all, isnt the whole of socialism to garner looking good and kind to others while empowering the state to steal from faceless people and harm faceless people, while focusing on the presumptive stated reason for such (with little regard for the actuality of the outcomes)?

    to the leaders of socialism, this is just power plays and a means to using people in a formal way in which they cant call you to the table on it. but for such doctors, it becomes just one more tick on a resume in which the person desires regard and defference as a reward for faux sacrifice and more.

    after all, in africa, they seem so caring
    but once they get here, where did their caring, compassion, and consideration go? it went no where, as they never had any of that, all they ever had was the self agrandizment and desire to be regarded in a favorable way in which no one would question it (until they see their return behavior)

    sadly, if they cared for humanity, not just black down trodden victims of reality that when assisted gives them the rewards of the bibilcal hippocrits not hippocrates…

    while vile creatures they are revealed to be if one cares to pay attention

    for those who are not familiar with the biblical points on the subject, i offer this without offense:

    If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

    If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion [is] vain.

    these people love themselves so much as to act in such a way to get others to love and reward them for something that they should not care as to rewards.

    Matthew 7:15 – Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

    Titus 1:16 – They profess that they know God; but in works they deny [him], being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

    Jude 1:16 – These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling [words], having men’s persons in admiration because of advantage.

    Matthew 6:24 – No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

    Matthew 6:2 – Therefore when thou doest [thine] alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

    there is so much more..

  27. Wolla Dalbo: Right now, in view of Hickox attitude it would seem that it is really all about her and her feelings and her rights, not anybody elses.

    But isnt that what feminism is all about?
    its never been about actual liberation, because going from a free person with a mate, to a state tax slave is not liberating. All there is, is the ME of ME, justified by some social communial cry that pretends to make such selfishness the order of the day, while pretending that its selfless

  28. illuminati:

    Yes, Kaci and her supporters have perverted the entire reasoning behind a quarantine, as opposed to isolation. You isolate people with a disease. You quarantine people who have been exposed to one and might get it.

    They either don’t understand the principle (fool) or are purposely perverting it (knave). I think Kaci herself is probably the latter.

  29. Illuminati: “Since there is no way to determine exactly when someone becomes contagious, a 21 day isolation is reasonable.”

    This point seems nit-picky but the semantics matter, particularly as a legal matter: while isolating someone is part of quarantine, quarantine and isolation are not the same thing.

    The key element of isolation is symptom. The key element of quarantine is exposure, not symptom. As such, the procedures are different. Yet pundits and Obama officials have (deliberately?) misrepresented symptom as an element of quarantine.

    From http://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/qa-executive-order-pandemic-list-quarantinable-diseases.html :

    What is the difference between isolation and quarantine?

    Isolation refers to the separation of persons who have a specific infectious illness from those who are healthy and the restriction of their movement to stop the spread of that illness. Quarantine refers to the separation and restriction of movement of persons who, while not yet ill, have been exposed to an infectious agent and therefore may become infectious. Both isolation and quarantine are public health strategies that have proven effective in stopping the spread of infectious diseases.

    As a legal matter, while Hickox is correct that there is a higher (different) bar for a quarantine-based involuntary detention than an isolation-based involuntary detention, I believe State passed that bar on Ebola quarantine because Ebola was already designated by the CDC and Executive Order as a “quarantinable (communicable) disease” before the current outbreak.

    From http://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/historyquarantine.html :

    The list of quarantinable diseases is contained in an Executive Order of the President and includes cholera, diphtheria, infectious tuberculosis, plague, smallpox, yellow fever, viral hemorrhagic fevers (such as Marburg, Ebola, and Congo-Crimean), and severe acute respiratory syndromes.

    The CDC has also stated healthcare providers of Ebola patients are one of the highest risk groups for contracting Ebola.

    From http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/exposure/index.html :


    Healthcare providers caring for Ebola patients and the family and friends in close contact with Ebola patients are at the highest risk of getting sick because they may come in contact with the blood or body fluids of sick patients. People also can become sick with Ebola after coming in contact with infected wildlife. For example, in Africa, Ebola may spread as a result of handling bushmeat (wild animals hunted for food) and contact with infected bats. The virus also can be spread through contact with objects (like clothes, bedding, needles, syringes/sharps or medical equipment) that have been contaminated with the virus or with infected animals.

    With Hickox’s defiant jogging on what appears to be a natural trail, note the risk from infected wildlife.

    Finally, while federal quarantine is rare in the modern period (since the Ellis Island era of federal quarantine stations), Obama officials – especially any CDC official – who has opposed state-level Ebola quarantine is moving against normal CDC practice on quarantine.

    From http://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/qa-executive-order-pandemic-list-quarantinable-diseases.html :

    When does CDC intend to use these quarantine powers?

    In general, CDC defers to the state and local health authorities in their primary use of their own separate quarantine powers. Based upon long experience and collaborative working relationships with our state and local partners, CDC continues to anticipate the need to use this federal authority to quarantine an exposed person only in rare situations, such as events at ports of entry or in similar time-sensitive settings.

    Obama’s vigorous opposition to state-level Obama quarantine is just odd and, more to the point, contrary to the CDC view of Ebola risk, designation of Ebola as a quarantinable disease before the current outbreak, and deference to state and local authorities on quarantine.

  30. From http://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/quarantineisolation.html :


    Isolation and quarantine help protect the public by preventing exposure to people who have or may have a contagious disease.

    -Isolation separates sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick.
    -Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.

  31. Oops. I left out a blockquote at October 31st, 2014 at 11:11 am :

    As a legal matter, while Hickox is correct that there is a higher (different) bar for a quarantine-based involuntary detention than an isolation-based involuntary detention, I believe State passed that bar on Ebola quarantine because Ebola was already designated by the CDC and Executive Order as a “quarantinable (communicable) disease” before the current outbreak.

    From http://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/historyquarantine.html :

    The list of quarantinable diseases is contained in an Executive Order of the President and includes cholera, diphtheria, infectious tuberculosis, plague, smallpox, yellow fever, viral hemorrhagic fevers (such as Marburg, Ebola, and Congo-Crimean), and severe acute respiratory syndromes.

    The CDC has also stated healthcare providers of Ebola patients are one of the highest risk groups for contracting Ebola.

  32. 2nd oops, fix: Obama’s vigorous opposition to state-level ObamaEbola quarantine is just odd and, more to the point, contrary to the CDC view of Ebola risk, designation of Ebola as a quarantinable disease before the current outbreak, and deference to state and local authorities on quarantine.

  33. Art–You encapsulate the sad truth perfectly. So when Jesus says there are those that say didn’t we do x, y and z in your name and He says, depart from me you doer of evil…I never knew you. We get an idea of why that is the case. Fortunately there are indeed many great people and organizations doing mighty works. As for the money, I’ve always said, I’ll compare our giving to any liberal’s charitable contributions (adjusted for income) any day of the week. Faux populists indeed. But I love that saying, “If you want to know how important money is to God, just look at who He lets have it.” And truly, there isn’t one problem this world faces, that money is the issue. ALL of our problems, are moral ones.

  34. Megyn Kelly has a Facebook page (Kelly File not the personal one) – you might try letting her know there that you would like to contact her with info. She is also on Twitter.

  35. Eric:

    You are correct, but I believe I know what someone like Hickox would argue if it ever came to court.

    Some diseases are highly communicable during the incubation period. That makes quarantine absolutely necessary, so people don’t communicate the disease before they exhibit symptoms.

    The party line on ebola is that it is NOT communicable during the incubation stage, but only after symptoms are exhibited. Not only that, but the symptoms must be severe rather than initial ones such as fever alone (and even if severe, you have to come into contact with the body fluids, not just be in the same room or near them). So they say that we have plenty of time to get people into isolation before they become at all communicable.

    Now, I haven’t studied the law of quarantine to see if there have been rulings on diseases that follow the same pattern as ebola—that are alleged to be communicable only after symptoms have developed.

    Those on the other side of Hickox, et.al. say that the state of our knowledge is such that we cannot say people are not communicable in earlier stages, and the danger of the disease is so great that quarantine is justifiable even in the absence of frank symptoms.

  36. Neo,

    From the CDC’s answer to “What is the difference between isolation and quarantine?”:

    Quarantine refers to the separation and restriction of movement of persons who, while not yet ill, have been exposed to an infectious agent and therefore may become infectious.

    Ie, the standard for quarantine is based on exposure, not symptom nor infectiousness.

    Hickox is arguing against the textbook standard for isolation, not quarantine. But isolation and quarantine are different.

    If and when you look into the federal, state, and local law of quarantine, I suggest starting the trail at the Executive Order – linked with other law and policy at
    http://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/specificlawsregulations.html – that designates Ebola as a “quarantinable communicable disease”:

  37. Illuminati,

    Indeed. This is one of those issues where everyday plain language gets mixed up with related-but-not-same law and policy discourse.

    You’re right that in plain language, quarantine is a form of isolation. But as healthcare procedures, Isolation and Quarantine (perhaps upper-casing the terms will help) are distinct with different standards.

    Obama and Hickox are using the plain language that you point out in order to argue against Quarantine using the standard for Isolation.

  38. Eric Says
    “Obama and Hickox are using the plain language that you point out in order to argue against Quarantine using the standard for Isolation.”

    Do you really think they are that sophisticated?

    Artfldgr Says:
    Perhaps Iluminati would be happier with a 23 day quarantine… 🙂

    It would probably be hard to go more than 21 days.

    Incidentally, I chose Illuminati years ago to tweak Muslims when I was talking to them about their conspiracy theories which all feature Jews as the master conspirators.

  39. Illuminati,

    Whether or not they’re that sophisticated, it’s what they’re doing.

    It seems like a tack that a political operative like Ron Klain would formulate. Indeed, the Ebola quarantine controversy reminds me of the distorted politics and confusion even by supporters with Operation Iraqi Freedom despite that the Saddam problem and progression of the Gulf War ceasefire enforcement were headline news for over a decade before OIF. More than that, open-source, easily accessed on-line law and policy, coupled with the UN and ISG findings confirming and corroborating Iraq’s breach of the UNSCRs, provided a straightforward explanation for OIF.

    In short, OIF shouldn’t have been controversial in the 1st place, but it was made to be. Neither should state-level Ebola quarantine be controversial in the 1st place like it’s being made to be.

    Similar to how a cursory review of the law and policy of the Gulf War ceasefire shows the justification for OIF, a cursory review of the FAQ pages on the CDC website regarding quarantine and Ebola shows that state-level Ebola quarantine is justified.

  40. @illiminati

    i was just having a bit of fun, given the name. some people just grab the word, others know the depth of the wackiness around that word. i used to be in a group that referred to it, and the people in it were VERY good on the history, so we knew the degree that a partial knowlege of the history has flubbed people all around.

    given that i figured you knew, i threw out the old 23
    of which there is a huge cult around it 🙂

    most muslims would not know the illuminati
    and even less than the original, the cultish, new world order, secret society that controls everything

  41. its like the priori of zion and the other zion stuff…
    if you know the partial history, you would believe it was written a while back, ford distributed it, and that it talks of a cult of jews that seek to control the world and have done so… but if you know the whole history, it ends up being the longers anti semetic piece of fakery that the russians have been continually fomenting since they took over the thing

    they still produce papers and put them out in the world with that one as disinformatzia…

  42. Artfldgr Says:

    “most muslims would not know the illuminati
    and even less than the original, the cultish, new world order, secret society that controls everything”

    It didn’t take them too long to figure it out.

  43. anyway… given where i work i end up having to read stuff like this

    Since being designated an Ebola Treatment Center by the State of New York, The XXX XXX Hospital has made extensive efforts to adapt its facilities and organize and train a team of dedicated individuals to care for any patient with suspected or confirmed Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). These efforts are in addition to the preparations being made throughout all emergency departments and ambulatory locations of the XXX XXX Health System.

    We are extremely proud of our team of specially-trained staff from Nursing, Critical Care, Infectious Diseases, Emergency Management, Laboratory, and Environmental Services who are training in our interim Biocontainment Unit, located in the YYY Pavilion.

    In a few days, this team will move to a freestanding Biocontainment Unit that is being completed in ZZZ Park, located between the OOO and HHH buildings. It is being constructed to provide complete safety and protection for our patients, staff, and visitors, and includes the same features as the nation’s other biocontainment units. Suspected or confirmed EVD patients may be taken to this location directly for all aspects of diagnosis and treatment.

    yada yada yada…

  44. New CDC confusion over Ebola as it deletes warning that virus can spread through coughs and sneezes from its website

    It has replaced the old language with new guidance that says there’s ‘no evidence’ Ebola is spread through either
    The CDC also took down on Thursday a poster that said that Ebola can be transferred through ‘droplets’ on hard surfaces, like doorknobs
    It’s unclear why the CDC abruptly changed it’s Ebola advisories
    The quiet removal of information follows a public health campaign by Sen. Rand Paul to get the CDC to be ‘forthright’ about Ebola transfer

    no HUMAN evidence…
    but as others may remember, i put up the link to the nih paper that pointed out how rhesus monkeys in a environment and with no physical contact gave it to each other (they all died).

  45. i guess its time we forget the national anthem of the US as an anachronism…
    time to learn new words

    Arise ye workers from your slumbers
    Arise ye prisoners of want
    For reason in revolt now thunders
    And at last ends the age of cant.
    Away with all your superstitions
    Servile masses arise, arise
    We’ll change henceforth the old tradition
    And spurn the dust to win the prize.

    So comrades, come rally
    And the last fight let us face
    The Internationale unites the human race.

    No more deluded by reaction
    On tyrants only we’ll make war
    The soldiers too will take strike action
    They’ll break ranks and fight no more
    And if those cannibals keep trying
    To sacrifice us to their pride
    They soon shall hear the bullets flying
    We’ll shoot the generals on our own side.

    No saviour from on high delivers
    No faith have we in prince or peer
    Our own right hand the chains must shiver
    Chains of hatred, greed and fear
    E’er the thieves will out with their booty
    And give to all a happier lot.
    Each at the forge must do their duty
    And we’ll strike while the iron is hot.

  46. A Circuit Court judge in Virginia has ruled that fingerprints are not protected by the Fifth Amendment, a decision that has clear privacy implications for fingerprint-protected devices like newer iPhones and iPads.

  47. Interesting. I once became very seriously ill because I lacked a particular symptom and the doctor decided not to check for that possible cause of my other symptoms. Instead, the doctor told me I was just depressed and sent me home. Consequently, I became REALLY depressed and lost weight at a dangerous rate because of my suppressed appetite.

    So I’m a bit skeptical of depending too much on a symptom matrix if it means the proper diagnostic isn’t performed.

  48. I have contacted Medcins Sans Frontiers and let them know their fund raising efforts with me will be in vain unless they condemn Kaci Hickox and demand that all their volunteers abide by their country’s quarantine protocols upon return home. I also wasted a stamp to express the same sentiment on an otherwise empty donation envelope.

    I know I’m not alone.

  49. Re getting Fox News’ attention:

    I’d suggest you look for intermediaries. Do you have a personal or email relationship with a conservative talk radio host, for instance? Other conservative bloggers who’ve appeared as guest analysts on Fox or other networks?

    Someone like that could forward a link that WOULD get through the filters.

  50. Pingback:ebola | treatment | US patients | survivor transfusions

  51. Pingback:ebola | Hickox | Salia | blood tests

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