Home » Claptrap from the CDC director Tom Frieden on travel bans


Claptrap from the CDC director Tom Frieden on travel bans — 37 Comments

  1. “It must take a fair amount of brains, medical knowledge, drive, and a record of impressive achievement to get to where Dr. Frieden is in the world.”

    And holding the proper views. Dr. Frieden, as New York City health commissioner, was behind Bloomberg’s large soda ban.
    Interesting to see which bans he will support.

  2. Wow, Lizzy. That clearly broadcasts what the progressives think is important and actionable. What a divergence from the actual role of government.

  3. Rhetorical question indeed. Dr. Frieden, Director of the CDC is a 2009 political appointee of one Barack Obama.

    He’s also the former head of the Human Genome Project and connected to TGEN, both of which are using State Children’s Social Services to forcibly remove children with rare diseases from parental supervision and subject them to forced experimental drug therapies, which are demonstrably harmful. They are using children as human guinea pigs.

    ‘Pelletier II’: Sisters seized from parents in AZ, subjected to destructive medical regimen

  4. I wonder whether Obama has given the order that borders will remain open, so it doesn’t matter what Frieden says. The problem is that the more things he says that are changed a day later, the less likely people are to believe anything. You are offering a huge space for conspiracy theories and misinformation–and unthinking panic. If they would close the borders, I think most Americans would be very supportive of any help we could provide Africa. With open borders, most will say Obama and friends don’t care about us, so we take care of ourselves.

  5. Watch Bill O’Reilly’s Talking Points on this topic last night.

    He nailed it. Called for Frieden to resign.

    Liars. All of them.

    80% of Americans believe the Obama Administration lies to them per recent poll.

  6. Normally I’m not a fan of Bill O’Reilly. On this he is the voice of reason and I pray it will be heard. One of the problems is, the same people that voted in this administration, do not seem to understand that this government works for us…not the other way around. The idea of limited government, a pyramid that can be controlled by the voters has certainly died and we have an upside-down pyramid that is crushing the people for whom the government was created. Troubling times indeed.

  7. Ah, now the salon’s hostess is asking rhetorical questions as well.

    The answers are blowing in the wind, no?

  8. A death cult needs its sacrifices.

    The government cannot function without supporters, a tax base, and officials/bureaucrats.

    No bureaucrats, no gov. No tax base, no gov. No gov supporters, no gov.

  9. I live outside Wash. DC and I recall that you didn’t need any talent to obtain high position in the Marion Barry administration. All you needed was personal loyalty to Marion Barry.

  10. a record of impressive achievement

    Runs in the family. Sounds like he comes from one of those red diaper sects. Such folks should stick to physics or mathematics where they have less opportunity to cause harm.

  11. Ebola, EV68, drug resistant TB join abortion as the latest tool of the eugenicist elite headquartered in Chicago on the Potomac. A travel ban and a serious boots on the ground at the border effort are required, its simply uncommon sense and we know dear leader will resist this simple solution until the political pressure becomes too much. By then it may be too late.

    Frieden is but a symptom, dear leader and those who voted for him are the disease.

  12. Remember the reports during Obama’s transition period about how much background info they were requiring of those seeking jobs in his administration?
    I thought at the time they were screening out potential embarrassments. Turns out they were actually hoping to find applicants who had been members of the Young Marxists club.

  13. I wonder how many people are beginning to make preparations to shelter in place when things get bad?

    Since a bad ice or snow storm can cripple my little southern city, I always start reviewing my cupboard and start stocking items about this time of year. It’s much easier to stay home and not battle the crowds at the grocery store for that loaf of bread and milk.

    I think I’ll review my prep plans and bump up supplies now.

  14. The higher one ascends career-wise, in any field, one’s survival becomes political. It’s no more complicated than that. The Director of the CDC is a political animal, within the chain answering to Obama, and Obama doesn’t want travel bans anywhere except to and from Israel. Because, racism.

  15. Liz,

    Growing up on an Iowa farm my parents, who experienced the depression and WW2, were adamant about having a year’s worth of food stored in the pantry/basement. My siblings and I took that to heart. Don’t forget water. You need at a minimum a quart a day per person and that does not include sanitation.

  16. Krikorian’s take, like Romney’s prognostications in 2012, don’t require deep smarts or knowledge – just common sense on the basics.

  17. Maybe this Keystone Cops administration was meant to be, maybe the exposure to government ineptitude and dissembling will equate to hitting bottom. It happened almost a hundred years ago, when Progressivism was thoroughly discredited, due to the failures of Woodrow Wilson. Like the current president, WW was supposed to be the “second coming”, the “be all and end all” of American progress; the spin and hyperbole was much the same as 2008. But it all went wrong, and Modern Republicanism – in the form of Presidents Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover – and modern liberalism both emerged as reactions to the excesses of Progressivism. The backlash was severe enough that even the term, “Progressive”, was discarded. Michael McGerr (U of Ind and historian of the Progressive Movement)
    Just speaking for myself, I just long for steady, even handed, practical, competence without all the sneaky dissembling and histrionics.

  18. I am pretty stunned at how ineffectual the CDC appears to be; they had months to plan and prepare for contingencies, for Pete’s sake. Again, I am compelled to wonder what do they do all day?
    As for their efforts to update the public, maybe they just don’t realize that they sound like dissemblers, or even liars, to the folks outside the beltway. Maybe they believe they sound profound and nuanced. But, I think the “church lady” tsk,tsking and cluck, clucking is the real tell. They cannot resist the opportunity to scold and insult the public with insinuations of racism or imply that average Americans are on the brink of hysterical over reaction, because ……bitter clingers.

  19. There are so many things wrong with those statements I wouldn’t even know where to begin, but I think I can sum it up by saying the guy is an idiot, and it’s shocking (well, probably not considering it’s the Obama administration) that he holds that position.

  20. It will be interesting to see at what point in the coming Ebola pandemic the administration has to a: quarantine those coming in from West Africa (and other, down-the-road Ebola hotspots) and then b: do something, at last, about the porous southern border. Because the American people, already strongly in favor of fixing both those messes, are just one Beslan or Monrovia away from doing it themselves, with militias at the airports, the border, and in offices in D.C.

    I’ve feared for years that the fabric of our society was so frayed, one good tug would unravel it. Now it seems Ebola might give that tug.

  21. If you start by concluding that Barack Obama hates Americans, as I long have, and has learned that he can demonstrate his undisguised contempt for this people whom he openly hates and still get his way, it all kinda makes sense.

  22. Identity politics has transformed quite a few voting Americans (and even more non-voting Americans, hence the drive to make more of them) into mendacious, mealy-mouthed matrices of sexual intercourse.

  23. Did anybody else hear this gnome, Frieden, whine that the CDC “hadn’t handled anything like” Ebola before, and ergo, they didn’t know what to do or expect?

    And I sat there with my mouth agape, and thought, “You moron: you’re telling us the Centers for Disease Control doesn’t know how to handle any standard viral hot zone???”

    What a bunch of feebs. (Or, rather, they think We are.)

  24. Thomas Frieden is wrong. I am a physician with 25 years of experience. The basic tenets of infection control are three: isolation, contact tracing, and quarantine. Thomas Frieden’s adamant refusal to ban travel from Ebola-infected three African countries to the U.S. is absolutely wrong. Banning such travel will not prohibit humanitarian flights to Africa. Frieden is wrong. By association, Obama is dead wrong too.

  25. To them, importing in enterovirus to kill American children from the M-South border is the Right thing to do.

    They don’t have the same priorities or even goals as normal people.

  26. A second case of ebola in a Texas HCW, clearly “nature will out”. Nature defies, defeats, and stomps on the neck of human hubris. Shouldn’t WE ALL have learned this from the movie “Jurassic Park” or did some of us miss the moral of the story?

  27. Nature’s just angry that mortal humans think Global Warming is a big species killer. That motivates nature to produce a real species killer.

    So long as we don’t sacrifice environmentalists, Greens, and Al gores to a volcano, nature will continue to be like this for some time.

  28. Just heard from a nurse friend that nobody is absolutely sure how ebola spreads. She is hyper-educated in a variety of fields and overflows with commonsense.

  29. “Thomas Frieden’s adamant refusal to ban travel from Ebola-infected three African countries to the U.S. is absolutely wrong. Banning such travel will not prohibit humanitarian flights to Africa. Frieden is wrong. By association, Obama is dead wrong too.” Tom

    Frieden does what he’s told. The Director of the CDC serves at the pleasure and direction of the President.The CDC does not have the authority to ban travel. That is solely Obama’s prerogative.

    Frieden knows AND Obama has been advised, that isolation, contact tracing, and quarantine are the basic tenets of infection control.

    So this is INTENTIONAL on Obama’s part. It’s NOT incompetence, it’s not some warped idea of it being racist to ban travel. This is about keeping the southern border open so that the maximum number of illegals infiltrate into the country. If Obama bans travel, it begs the question as to why, given the potential for ebola to arrive through that access point, that he doesn’t also close the southern border.

    This is about creating a permanent democrat majority by whatever means are necessary, including the deaths of innocents. That is the ‘legacy’ Obama seeks because creating a permanent democrat majority means ‘game over’ and the triumph of the left. Obama would go down in the history books as ‘the man who made it happen’.

  30. Don’t worry, if there is ever a problem in the US, the US Regime and Hussein O’s family will be flown out to some isolated island, for safety.

  31. I agree with Tom that it starts with isolating the virus, i.e. each case, in the hospital and at the borders. We all need to contact the individual congress people who represent you and make your case for a travel ban. This will not affect humanitarian travel if implemented properly. Tom Friedan should hang his head in shame for his arrogant and politically correct decision. In the case of protecting lives, this begins first here at home.

  32. Gee, I wonder who will be the first famous liberal to get ebola.

    Also looks like O’Keefe has already gamed out and done a trial run for what probably occurred to many of us, but went unmentioned: a suicide terrorist self-infected with ebola coming to our shores … and perhaps showing up at your neighborhood mall with an explosive belt just in time for the holiday shopping season.


    Since it is in Islamist terror organizations interest to keep us vulnerable by keeping the Demos in power, don’t expect it to occur before the elections though.

  33. Hospitals are a better target. It will overload the system via a mass casualty strike, as well as contaminate first responders with a “viral bomb spread”.

  34. Because people are already sick in the ER ready type rooms, the panick might cause even more mistakes to be made in triage and diagnosis in the nearby other hospitals as they have to take on the load.

    They will make mistakes. Being human, that would be the case anyways, but with additional infection amongst first responders mixed with the various flu and anti bacteria resistant superbugs like MRSA spread amongst the other targets, it’s a biowarfare test lab in action.

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