Home » Iran, axis of evil


Iran, axis of evil — 19 Comments

  1. When George Bush called Iran part of the axis of evil he was mocked for using such a term.

    One might surely mock him but liberals/Leftists — Islamic apologists to the core — weren’t the ones to do it. Anyone who would see an axis of evil in the Middle East and not see the basis of that evil — Islam — ought to be mocked – with derisive laughter. To believe Iran’s aspirations are akin to run of the mill geopolitical machinations is too obtuse by half or too treacherous by a liberal measure.

    “America treasures the relationship we have with our many Muslim friends, and we respect the vibrant faith of Islam which inspires countless individuals to lead lives of honesty, integrity, and morality.” — George W

    Muslim members of our Armed Forces and of my administration are serving their fellow Americans with distinction, upholding our nation’s ideals of liberty and justice in a world at peace.” — George W

    “Islam brings hope and comfort to millions of people in my country, and to more than a billion people worldwide.” – George W

    ”Islam, as practiced by the vast majority of people, is a peaceful religion, a religion that respects others.”
    – George W

    “Islam is a vibrant faith. Millions of our fellow citizens are Muslim. We respect the faith. We honor its traditions. Our enemy does not. Our enemy doesn’t follow the great traditions of Islam. They’ve hijacked a great religion.” – George W

    “Islam is a faith that brings comfort to people. It inspires them to lead lives based on honesty, and justice, and compassion.” – George W

    ”Your [Muslims’] commitments to morality, and learning, and tolerance led to great historical achievements. And those values are alive in the Islamic world today. You have a rich culture, and you share the aspirations of men and women in every culture.” – George W

    Mockery is merited – for both, Bush and his mockers.

  2. Bush declared that North Korea, Iran and Iraq formed “an axis of evil” and that “the United States of America will not permit the world’s most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world’s most destructive weapons.”

    I have no problem with it either but do find it notably incomplete. Qatar and Saudi Arabia have to be considered as at least provisional members and, Russia and China have repeatedly protected the rogue nations in the UN from effective international sanctions.

    Russia is the primary facilitator of Iran’s pursuit of nukes. and China has stated that she would militarily assist Iran in the case of a military attack by the US.

    China has called for the World to Be ‘De-Americanised’. China assisting N.Korean missile program. China is also responsible for Pakistan having nukes.

    If all of that isn’t enough for inclusion in the axis of evil, then I guess only an attack against the US would suffice.

  3. “spreading corruption on earth”

    Under sharia law this alone is all Iran had to prove to put this man to death. Pretty vague by design yes but that is sharia law.

  4. We, the West, are slumering in a drunken hangover of 70 years of relative peace and prosperity. We see no, hear no evil, and refuse to accurately speak about the evil that is at the gates of our civilization, the most free and humane civilization in all of human history. Yet we refuse to defend it with no holds barred.

  5. OT

    Ebola has arrived in America — ten days ago.

    Ebola-man has been wandering the streets of Dallas since September 20, 2014 — and since he’s arrived by jumbo jet — take a wild guess as to how many have been exposed and infected.

    My pleas for a quarantine seem to be for naught.

    The idiots with a microphone actually think we can solve ebola with a checkbook are ‘running the show.’

    Interestingly enough, and to show you where Big Digital Medicine’s head is at, ebola-man was discharged from the ER September 24, 2014. He was already showing symptoms.


    So he returns spitting blood four days later.

    No-one has any brains anywhere in sight.

    His relatives will be lucky if they are not all dead by November.

    They all figure to be massively infected.

    It’s also important to note that he made the entire transit while not showing any symptoms… so he says.

    As to why and how he received a visa — Barry only knows.

    In a major city like Dallas, ebola-man could’ve infected hundreds directly, tens of thousands within the next cascade.

    That’s what contagion really means.

  6. Parker — I would put it as a 300-year hiatus in Islam’s 1500-year war against the world, now resumed in full swing.

  7. Qatar and Saudi Arabia have to be considered as at least provisional members?

    Everyone in ME talking about them (here, also some western news outlet writing how those billions showered jihadist in Syria, Iraq and other places?

    No One in US make fuss of it why?

    Oh, those billions went to that business who supplies weapon and training advisers as so on.

    As for Mullah Iran, Iran: 35 years of success , with her nuke program what done till this moment nothing, the funny thing here US administration brought those thuggish gangs one of them Maliki is a son of a bitch who well trained and midwifed by Mullah and put them in power in Iraq (), however they are the other face of same coin, in Iraq they are friend to US, but Mullah in Iran, axis of evil!
    So where is the truth?
    Again I borrow neo-neocon words here:
    It’s sad. Sad that so many people can be fooled–including scientists, despite the fact that it’s been known for many years

  8. Yes, RS, its been a many centuries war as far as the towel heads are concerned. We in the west dropped the ball during the enlightenment. I was referring to the post WW2 era when the West ignored the arab support of hitler’s agenda. When arabs lay down with other muslims, nazi scum, camels, or goats; they become infested with fleas. Anything less than extermination is a waste of blood and treasure.

  9. Y,
    I was raised to assume that dc was the enemy. Nothing in almost 67 years has happened to dispel the wisdom of my ancestors. Don’t tread on me (and mine) .

  10. parker, I looked at how many people voted for Hussein and against Palin in 2008, for DC. The number was 97%. I realized then that the problem was a lot more than elections or who won or lost them.

  11. Black people voting 95% for Democrats is one thing, Democrats enslaved blacks in mind if not body. But DC is the heart of American power and is the court of the Divine King. A lot more influence there.

  12. Of course, Mohsen Amir-Aslani might have been the Muslim Martin Luther but we’ll never find out.

    And all American High School students will be taught that 500 years ago the Catholic Church burned Galileo at the stake for stating that man evolved from apes.

    No High School student will be taught anything of this incident. Tenebris ex Lux.

  13. I hate to quote one of the most reprehenisble figures in human history, but in this case, he’s appropriate: “Kill them all. God will know His own.”

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