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We… — 45 Comments

  1. I remember when i said this before even obama was elected, and bush was still in office, you said it was negative thinking, and i said it was realist…

    realist wins…


  2. We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.


    So you think that money is the root of all evil. Have you ever asked what is the root of all money?


    “Ask yourself why totalitarian dictatorships find it necessary to pour money and effort into propaganda for their own helpless, chained, gagged slaves, who have no means of protest or defense. The answer is that even the humblest peasant or the lowest savage would rise in blind rebellion, were he to realize that he is being immolated, not to some incomprehensible noble purpose, but to plain, naked human evil.”


    “Every movement that seeks to enslave a country, every dictatorship or potential dictatorship, needs some minority group as a scapegoat which it can blame for the nation’s troubles and use as a justification of its own demands for dictatorial powers. In Soviet Russia, the scapegoat was the bourgeoisie; in Nazi Germany, it was the Jewish people; in America, it is the businessmen.” [and white males]


    “Watch money. Money is the barometer of a society’s virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion – when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing – when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors – when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you – when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice – you may know that your society is doomed. Money is so noble a medium that it does not compete with guns and it does not make terms with brutality. It will not permit a country to survive as half-property, half-loot.”

    heck.. i knew we were doomed when winston churchill was turned into fiction, and sherlock holmes was mde real – artfldgr

  3. Sorry; was trying to compose this with voice activation. Silly little Luddite Ackler should know better.

    In fairness, the situation is a little more confusing to LIVs because control of Congress is split. It has only happened in 12 of the last 82 years: 1981-87; 2001-03 and 2011-15). I might have missed something in the poll, but it appears as though Rasmussen separated out the two questions as to control of each body without asking it combined: Do the Democrats control both the House and Senate or do the Republicans control both or are they split? I think a much higher percentage than 63% would affirm the split. Many just cannot remember who controls what.

    I think many voters recognize Reid and Boehner’s names and most of them could tell you which is the Democrat and which the GOP. But they are less likely to remember who is the Senate leader and who is the House speaker. It also doesn’t help that both the House alone and the two bodies combined are sometimes colloquially referred to as “Congress”

    I realize all of the above is still Civics 101 and I agree that there are far too many LIVs aming the electorate. But, I don’t think this group is as numerous or quite as ignorant as this poll suggests.

  4. And the news media are doing their very best to insure that the voters are ill informed and confused. It is not my nature to wish anyone to hell. But I will observe that the media has certainly earned a first class ticket there.

  5. kaba
    if your a dante fan, then you might realize that in his trip with virgil displayed a stratification of hell, in which, the “betrayers” held a very special and worst place.

    It is in the ninth circle where the worst sinners, the betrayers to their benefactors, are punished. Here, these condemned souls, frozen into the ice, are completely unable to move or speak and contorted into all sorts of fantastical shapes as a part of their punishment.

    Unlike many other circles of Dante’s Hell, these sinners remain unnamed. Even Dante is afraid to enter this last circle, as he nervously proclaimed, “I drew behind my leader’s back again.”

    Uncharacteristically of Dante, he remains silent in Satan’s presence. Dante examines the sinners who are “covered wholly by ice, / showing like straw in glass- some lying prone, / and some erect, some with the head towards us, / the others with the bottoms of the feet; another like a bow bent feet to face.” This circle of Hell is a complete separation from any life and for Dante, “the deepest isolation is to suffer separation from the source of all light and life and warmth.”

    the inhabitants of the infernal region are those who have lost the good of intellect; the substance of evil, the loss of humanity, intelligence, good will, and the capacity to love. – Virgil

  6. A dumbed down electorate is by far the easiest to control.

    How dumbed down are the 1/3 of likely US voters?

    Besides the 2012 election results, we have: “College Students Sign Petition to Imprison All Registered Gun Owners!”

    But wait! It can be even worse… “Half of young women can’t ‘locate their vaginas'”
    “As Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Cancer month kicks off, a study shows half of 26 to 35-year-old women are unable to correctly identify a vagina on a medical diagram of the female reproductive system”

    Now that’s dumbed down!

    What the left has done to the West is an atrocity.

  7. I’ll absolutely guarantee you that the 30% of pinheads aka Low Information Voters are facile, nimble and perpetually glued to their android and i-Devices. Can we hear it for boys with spikey hair, skinny jeans and a sense of entitlement??

    Oh, and they are Obama voters-swooners.

  8. GB…

    It’s only critical that the boys can find it in 3-D — even in the dark.

    I strongly suspect that it’s the word itself that’s the puzzle.

    Low Insight Virgins simply stay with common street terminology. If the question were phrased so, the response rate would leap to 100% — as the menses provide a reminder once a (lunar) month.

  9. If you’ve ever watched Bill O’Reilly’s “Watters World” interviews at various venues you won’t be surprised that low IQ/info voters have low IQ’s and know nothing (the segments are on YouTube and are quite amusing as well as shocking).

    The educational system needs to be overhauled and voting should not be a universal right.

  10. Fact is, we’ve always had a sizeable chunk of low information citizens. Traditionally these people were out of the loop entirely – they didn’t bother to vote just like they didn’t bother to educate themselves on current events, so it was not really a problem. About 30 years ago the Democrats figured out this was a treasure trove of voters and began outright pandering to them. They still don’t follow current events, but the Dems make sure they get to the polls.

  11. In the bad old days of segregation, blacks had to pass a civics test in some jurisdictions to be allowed to vote. As a general rule, no answer they gave was graded “correct”. Just a scam.
    I have a test which might serve: Anybody who can tell the Kardashian sisters apart may not vote or breed.

  12. G. Joubert: “Fact is, we’ve always had a sizeable chunk of low information citizens.”

    Right you are. I recall seeing a TV man on the street interview of people in downtown Sandy Eggo back in 1962. Most were just as clueless about politics and current events. It isn’t new at all. Most Americans are busy trying to make a living, raise a family, have some fun, etc. Politics bores them and current events often have no context for them. Few have taken the time it takes to understand the background. Few have grasped how history informs us about present day events. At least in those days there were news trailers (remember Movietone News?) on current events before the movies started. A bit of force fed current events, but it didn’t seem to make that much difference.

    “About 30 years ago the Democrats figured out this was a treasure trove of voters and began outright pandering to them.”

    The progs are busy proving de Tocqueville was right:
    “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”

  13. “And 31% don’t know what the House and Senate are.”

    Yea, you made that up – and made the number way too low!

    I can’t find a link; but, there was a poll of local and state (no federal) politicians asking them about government a couple of years back (maybe it was something you, Neo, linked to?)

    Some questions were things such as name the three branches of the federal government (i.e. Executive, Legislative, and Judicial). It was amazing how many said things like the three branches of government are the CIA, the Military, and the FBI. Really – I am NOT making that one up.

    Which in one sense is worse than voters not knowing because these are the people who govern us!

  14. Neo, If you haven’t watched “Waters World” on O’Reilly, you’re missing out. The roving Jesse Waters interviews people on the street a couple of times a week, and the ignorance on display about everything and anything that has to do with government, politics, current events, you name it is incomprehensible. Real people, real stupid. All ages, all walks of life.
    The scope and breadth of the empty headed and clueless is beyond description. You just have to watch it to believe it.

  15. The Founders created a republic in which voting was an earned privilege, not a right. They strove to ensure that only the best educated and most responsible citizens had a voice in government. They were perfectly aware that a democracy, in which the ignorant and foolish could have an equal voice, would lead to ruin.

    Today we have a pure democracy, for all intents and purposes. Nothing that is happening today would have surprised them. If they could speak, they would say, “We told you so.”

    The universal franchise will destroy us. There is no way around it.

  16. RA Says:
    September 11th, 2014 at 6:34 pm

    In the bad old days of segregation, blacks had to pass a civics test in some jurisdictions to be allowed to vote. As a general rule, no answer they gave was graded “correct”. Just a scam.

    Some time ago, Ace of Spades linked a so-called “literacy test” used in Louisiana in the 1950s. It didn’t measure literacy or civics knowledge or anything of the sort. It was just a collection of brain teasers with vague instructions that were open to interpretation. And missing one question meant automatic disqualification.

    For example, one question was, “Draw a line under each letter of the following sentence…”

    A prospective voter who simply underlined the whole sentence would have been told, “That’s not right. It said ‘draw a line under each letter’.”

    Someone who drew a line under each letter would have been told, “No, it said ‘draw *A* line’. You drew several lines.”

    You’re right; it was just a scam meant to keep blacks from voting, or anyone the local election officials didn’t happen to like. Anybody who was asked to take that test would have flunked, including me.

    There’s nothing wrong in principle with a literacy or civics test, provided that it is applied fairly to all voters.

    I could disqualify at least 25% of all prospective voters with a single question: “Name the three branches of government.”

  17. Artfldgr Says:
    September 11th, 2014 at 2:50 pm

    Those were excerpts from Francisco D’Anconia’s speech about the nature of money from Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged.

    Here is the full unexpurgated version, which is my favorite passage in the whole book. I strongly recommend reading it in its entirety:

    Francisco’s Speech

    I put that together so I could print it out and frame it for display in the lobby where I work. The full size is 12″ x 18″. I work in a printing shop, so I have the necessary equipment to print it at full size. Others may need to download the file and take it to a print shop or Staples to print it out.

    It cost me about $100 to have it framed, which I paid out of pocket. It was worth it.

    Although lately I’ve been thinking of replacing it with “The Gods of the Copybook Headings”.

  18. blert,

    How many “26 to 35-year-old” “Low Insight” virgins can there be in the UK or in America for that matter?


    As we all know, an education isn’t what it once was, so today the most ‘educated’ would yield a disproportionate amount of academics and ‘professional’ students. There’s that law of unintended consequence…

    As for the most responsible, BTW an excellent metric IMO, I’ve recently begun to conclude that military service is the best determinate of those who place country above personal aggrandizement. They are the only profession that willingly signs on to the possibility that their country may require of them that “last full measure of devotion”.

    Limit the voting franchise to veterans who’ve served at least two consecutive enlistments, who would vote on a citizen’s admittance to a pool of qualified applicants and let a random lottery drawing choose a President for 6 years, one term. Not perfect of course but there would be considerable advantages. Something has to replace a clearly broken system.

  19. Changing the Presidential term of office to six years with no re-election would be a considerable improvement imo. No constant campaigning for president is one example. No need to worry about re-election is another.

  20. I’ve said for some time that the problem in this country politically is the electorate NOT the politicians like Reid, Pelosi, and of course Obama.

    I’ve also said that requirements for voting should be stricter. But it ain’t gonna happen. The Dems won’t allow it.

    So yeah…we ARE screwed.

  21. The Democrat Victims Class are squealing and bleating in Georgia about ,Eeeeeeeeeeeeekkk, Vote Suppression by Evil Republicans AGAIN. Yep, a valid ID or Voter ID to exercise our most precious right is an Wacist OutWage!!

    What absolute shameless horseshit.

  22. rickl,
    too bad you dont live by me, i would have helped you frame it for nuttin… ie, over time get the frame from the trash and cut the glass from disposed windows. as a starving artist, i do it all the time… 🙂

    ok, not so starving i am also a software engineer, and a lot more. i would love to show some of my work here, but i guess a neo run art show post is not in the cards (or fair?)..

    its a good speech…

    but here is another point for you..

    today is the day that the last part of atlas shrugged (The new movie) comes out..

    Who is john galt?

    if money is the root of all evil, what is the root of money?
    [by the way, they ALWAYS mess up the bible quote, which says the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. as your fav character points out, money is a tool. falling in love with a screwdriver is just nutters]

  23. southpaw
    wahts incomprehensible is not tha they dont know, but like many people here, they refuse to admit they dont know and then piss into the brains of others by adding made up crap that they think is right!!!

    its one of my largest pet peeves. you may not know an answer, but making up a wrong answer, and hiding behind opinion is really screwing the heads of others and creating discourss in which some people know X, some people know some false thing, and some know another false thing and all three cant get together!!!

  24. There’s that law of unintended consequence…

    in a causational world this is not a true thing. one CAN work out what happens next, and be very accurate about it. the statements purpose is to push off responsiblity for knowing into some fault of the unknown world, when often, it was easy to predict what would happen – it just wasnt what they wanted, believed in, fantasized, or desired when they implemented a failed thing. once they did that, they are responsible for the outcome, and how do you shrug that off? blame it on the law of unintended consequences (that replaces the intended consequences and leaves the person in power trying, blameless, and ready to try again)

  25. “Limit the voting franchise to veterans who’ve served at least two consecutive enlistments…”

    I agree with you in principle, however, I would be adamantly opposed to a *two* enlistment requirement.

    Most people who stay in the military service for two enlistments go on to make it a career. In the case of a two enlistment requirement, that would mean the voting rolls would become dominated by career military. In my opinion that would be a situation that would be as bad, or possibly even worse than what we have now.

    No, if we are going to have a service requirement for voting eligibility, then one enlistment is quite enough.

  26. Roy,

    I put in the two term enlistment criteria to eliminate those who join the military strictly for the school benefits. The voting rolls would become dominated by former career military… i.e. veterans, who are no longer in the service. I don’t see that as a bug but a feature. As I said, only the military profession, as an inherent condition, volunteers to potentially sacrifice themselves for their country. What greater expression of civic responsibility can there be than being prepared to render that “last full measure of devotion”?


    Since civilian authority would remain and retain control of the military and franchised veterans would only vote for the pool of qualified candidates but would NOT select the President (which would be done by lottery) I see the concern over a potential military dictatorship as being obviated.

    So, a group of veteran citizens who’ve proven their willingness to place the welfare of the country before personal aggrandizement, voting for a pool of qualified candidates that would be selected from the general population by computerized testing and then selected by random lottery.

    Thus, no more Presidential campaigns and no more politicians seeking the Presidency. And the random lottery as the mechanism for actual selection prevents one party from accumulating momentum toward dominance of the political process. It also returns the President to his primary functions; executive management and decision maker in foreign policy. Six years to do his best and then he’s out of there with no one knowing who the next President will be but knowing that they’ll be qualified.

    The greatest difficulty I see is determining the necessary qualifications for a President and the means of determining those who possess those qualities.

    What we have today gives us candidates like Jeb Bush, John McCain, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. Can anyone make the case that any of those people are actually qualified to be President? That any of them possess the qualities that even a merely good President should have?

    Romney appears to be the sole exception to nominating a qualified candidate and under our present system he couldn’t get elected. Why should it be different in 2016?

    Today, the sole qualifications for a Presidential aspirant is being telegenic and talking a good line. Prior relevant experience unnecessary… if a minority or a woman with PC trumping any other consideration.

  27. “I’ve also said that requirements for voting should be stricter. But it ain’t gonna happen. The Dems won’t allow it.” texexec

    Absolutely true. However it’s also true that the ‘system’ the dems are driving us toward is NOT sustainable. Will any conservative feel loyalty toward a future government that imposes tyranny? And that is where the dems have us headed. Will conservatives consent to live under such a system? People who have lived with liberty will not tolerate tyranny indefinitely.

    Whether its fiscal collapse, foreign aggression, secession, civil war, a return to sanity with LIVs awakening… something fundamental has to change because this cannot go on. ” A house divided cannot stand”.

    So, I’m really talking about the replacement for our current system.

  28. First, I would like to point out to you that John McCain is career military. And he comes from a long line. His father and grandfather were both Admirals.

    Please don’t misunderstand me. I am not knocking McCain’s military service. Far from it. (I served in the USN myself.) But I am pointing out that military service does not equal “good politician” (or even “good person”).

    And I’m glad you brought up John McCain, because that reminds of another point about military service. Anyone who has served any time in the military knows that it is a microcosm of the society from which it draws. You encounter great people, good people, mediocre people, run-of-the-mill assholes, and the truly evil. All of it. John McCain, during his first campaign, reminded me of all the martinet pop-in-jays I met when I served. They tend to make life difficult for everyone, so I said “no thanks” during the 2000 primary, and was glad when GWB won. (In 2008, I held my nose and voted “No-Bama”.)

    And finally, when you say “I put in the two term enlistment criteria to eliminate those who join the military strictly for the school benefits.”, you do realize that you have insulted nearly everyone who has served and did NOT make it a career. I’m sure you didn’t mean to, but there you are.

    I respect your opinion, but stand by my own.

  29. You make some excellent points and I did not mean to insult those who only served one term, which would include myself. Yes, the military is a microcosm of the larger society. I’m not suggesting it would be a perfect system, just arguably better than what we currently have.

    What alternative would you offer? Because our country is a case study in what the evolution of a democratic republican evolves into, a society incapable of self-rule. The left and its premises isn’t going away nor is human nature in regards to wanting a free lunch. How do you maintain a moral people conversant with common sense in the face of the left’s machinations while retaining free speech?

  30. This has been the main issue going back to the 60s now. It’s not a surprise and there is no use trying to fix any issue if this one is not remedied.

    The Left, since it is serious about destroying and remaking, does what it takes to win. In this case it was dumbing down the population, DE-emphasiing everything really important and over-emphasizing the crapola. Everyone knows that we should go against tradition. They’ve been train/brainwashed how to approach “intellectually” all the issues. No one knows anymore what the tradition is, or even what tradition is.

    Plato was 100% correct: The two most important things about any society is who teaches the children and what they teach them.

    The Left won that war. They won. We lost. If we are serious, we’ll take up (intellectual) arms and beat them.

    If not, what happens when stupidity reigns will happen. It’s already happening.

  31. Imagine if the USA had a law similar to Australia’s, where voting is required. It would doom our Republic.

  32. There is no way that this county will ever have a test for the vote. Ever. Not with what such tests were used for in the past. It’s an impossibility.

    Given that fact, the only way to increase the average understanding among voters is education. We can complain about how hard that is, we can propose schemes for excluding people from the vote, but the only thing that we can do, that we can do do, is get to work trying to educate current and future voters.

  33. Geoffrey Britain

    Despite my son being a naval officer in the pacific, I do NOT agree with your argument…

    Especially given history…

    It would make a country driven by military perspectives

    though i would not mind a return to the original way it was in terms of who could and couldnt vote, as it prevented people from voting benefits from the public till as only those who were putting into the public till could vote (this would also include a removal of income tax as it was)

  34. By the way.. there are a lot of holes in the logic of your idea (and yes, i know its not just yours).

    funny funny, but i will bet you that the people who get to decide what the qualities that are best would be ACADEMICS… and so, they would not only select the qualities, but would also be the ones writing that damn program…

    nope, wont work…

    there is the point that people rise up to the expectations put upon them, and so, some people who would be presumed to be awful presidents may be great, and visa versa.

    i can see several ways to game the system you propose, and even easier than the current one.

  35. ack. hit enter too fast.

    the first thing is that the military has been selecting politically correct soldiers and outing the ones who are not part of that idea…

    so, what you would get is more of what you ahve now, and even FASTER change based on that.

    “I wonder if the Naval War College tossed out teaching Halsey, Farragut or other great naval war fighters because they were not politically correct?” wrote retired Senior Chief Electrician’s Mate (SW/AW) Charles March

    you might want to look at the rules for things like CPO365 (Which is navy), and similar..

    and then there is this…
    Transgender is now allowed BUT only if they have not yet had surgery on their genitals and other things (The medical component). Basically they are free to serve as long as they dont show or display, and then after service can proceed on to their changes.

    care to read about other changes that have been made?

    Military personnel must not actively advocate supremacist doctrine, ideology, or causes, including those that advance, encourage, or advocate illegal discrimination based on race, creed, color, sex, religion, ethnicity, or national origin or that advance,encourage, or advocate the use of force, violence, or criminal activity or otherwise advance efforts to deprive individuals of their civil rights

    however, the above is about active advocacy…
    not what you believe without being active.

    so you can have tattoos now, but cant collect money for your favorite anti government social group… in fact, you may be very surprised as to the changes that have been going on since the late 80s as the pool of acceptable recruits had been reduced by politics, and all kinds of things

    Executive Order 10450–Security requirements for Government employment

    and what about things like civilian officers who have military rank, like the medical community? which of course is rife with certain kinds of thinkers..

  36. U.S. Army sociologists are worried that a lack of black officers leading its combat troops will have detrimental effect on minorities and lead to fewer black officers in top leadership posts. …

    The Army reports that only 10 percent of its active-duty officers are black, which has contributed to its dearth of black officers leading soldiers with occupational specialties in infantry, armor and artillery.

  37. “the only way to increase the average understanding among voters is education. …the only thing that we can do… is get to work trying to educate current and future voters.” Nick

    “The Left won that war. They won. We lost.” Mike

    “i would not mind a return to the original way it was in terms of who could and couldnt vote, as it prevented people from voting benefits from the public till as only those who were putting into the public till could vote (this would also include a removal of income tax as it was)” Artfldgr

    That’s a formula for an oligarchy and the ‘have nots’ becoming serfs.

    But I do agree that only military veterans having the franchise is a flawed proposal. What’s an alternative that isn’t flawed? I see no substitute for an informed citizenry conversant with logic, reason and common sense.

    “Political ideas that have dominated the public mind for decades cannot be refuted through rational arguments. They must run their course in life and cannot collapse otherwise than in great catastrophe…” Ludwig von Mises

    America has been creating the conditions that will almost certainly result in catastrophe. The only question is which catastrophe will manifest first.

  38. Guys, guys,…

    You’ll get almost all of the real world results you want by just taking women out of the voting population.

    The skew is THAT pronounced.

    A woman — a normal woman — is biologically programmed to take care of family matters FIRST. This is so for strictly Darwinian reasons. Only a young woman has the energy to actually enjoy toddlers. Women can still have babies when they’re older, but they’re never going to enjoy them quite like they would if they were younger.

    ( The same twist happens to men. Young men actually enjoy boot camp, the whole band-of-brother schtick. As men get older, they can still survive boot camp. But you can’t get them to really like it. Weirdly, the older men make BY FAR the better soldiers. This has been known since ancient times.)

    The obvious fact that young women make better mothers than older women has been known since ancient times. It’s why men lust so for Y O U N G women — walking past entirely suitable gals ten years older.

    All of this is wired into the human DNA. It’s beyond debate.


    Because of this universal shift, young women voters have a hugely skewed voting preference — for family benefits — and essentially ZERO interest in foreign affairs. The college crowd interviews neo has posted are absolutely perfect evidence of this skew.

    Even young men have a sharply reduced interest in foreign affairs.


    By the time a woman is mature, really mature, her interests expand to just about everything. The kids no longer dominate her moment to moment thoughts.

    For both sexes, enough history has passed to begin informing them that their professors and high school teachers lived in a dream world. (They always do.)

    Teachers / professors never establish businesses, hiring and firing, and dealing with bonafide dummies — as in having to get actual production out of them — as against just handing out a failing grade and walking on.

    They also don’t ever deal with business death, business turn-arounds, and witness when the rubber meets the road.

    Consequently, the professors/ teachers skew insanely to the Left — and to the notion of perfecting humanity — hopefully in one generation — right now!

    No-one can make good judgments until this fantasy is cast aside.

    All of the above is why adults keep drifting to the Right — and toward limited government.

    Raw experience informs adults that TV cops are not at all like real cops, that real court cases are not at all like TV court… etc. This takes a while.

    Whereas, Hollywood, Big Media, — they all STAY in the professorial bubble. They’ve got an even bigger pulpit — and absolutely no connection to reality.

    Soetoro and Holder are acmes of this career track.

    Because of the children, young women skew the entire woman’s vote to the Hard Left.

    This is something that can’t be changed. It’s innate.

    If women were to be restricted to voting until they were 42, the skew would largely vanish.

    And, due to modern shifts, the men should be restricted to voting only after they’ve reached 32.

    This would replicate the economic dynamic of the early republic. By the time any man was 21 he was economically established. He was not (generally) under the sway of some clique of professors with perfect plans to implement.

    As we all know, Barry is ENTIRELY sustained by the ignorance of the young adults. The great mass of seasoned adults realize that Barry’s world is insane.

  39. The staggered ages also offset the massive over weighting of the female vote during their senior years, as women out live men — doing so when voting participation is sky high.

    We’re getting the policy mix you’d expect from a crowd that thinks the world is run like a nursery.

    Hence, the bizarre level of food aid — which is causing ALL of these problems with Muslims.

    It’s not that we’re importing Muslim oil. It’s that we’re selling food too cheaply — resulting in TFRs that compel mass bloodshed.

    You’ve created millions of Muslims with nothing to do, and only one place to go. The result must end up in a horrific race war — to beat all.

    And all of it was triggered by the best of intentions.

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