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Indeed — 37 Comments

  1. The Tea Party. Of course, Obama isn’t weak at all when it comes to battling his real enemies.

  2. The GOP’s utter incompetence in the face of Obama is the best reason I can think of for a third party. If they can’t defeat Obama, what are they going do with something like ISIS or someone like Putin?

  3. Agree about the GOP. They have been terrified of being called racists or sexists (both could apply when we are thinking of Obama) and they haven’t figured out that they are going to be called that no matter what they do.

  4. The gop establishment is more interested in reelection, invitations to the in crowd cocktail parties, and cushy jobs as lobbyists when out of office. Same goes for the dems. However, we’re better off under the gop establishment than the dems because they will kick the can down the road more slowly giving us more time to prepare and scout the territory.

  5. parker: “Same goes for the dems.”

    On equal footing, the GOP can take on the Dems fine. The real effective opponent is the full-spectrum Left activist social movement that’s using the Dems.

    What’s needed is a competitive full-spectrum Right activist social movement.

  6. “Is there anyone or anything in the world that hasn’t taken advantage of Obama’s weakness?”

    Obama, or rather the gang behind him, took advantage of the US Electorate’s intellectual weakness in 2008 and again in 2012.

  7. Well…he’s not weak when it comes to the GOP. He’s always been at his most strong, most ruthless, most cunning, and had the most allies possible, when confronting the GOP.

    And it doesn’t matter whether the GOP was on offense or defense, whether their tack was cautious, fool hearty, sophisticated, subtle, or bold, each and every time he’s picked a fight with the GOP, or been backed into a corner by them, he’s won.

    He’s not weak. He’s strong, ruthless, relentless, and joined in the battle by every element of our culture and half do the population (maybe much more, considering all of the GOP haters on the Right, too) for whom the Republican Party has been anathematized.

    There is no weakness to take advantage of. The toxic mix of media bias, internal strife, odd and demented racial guilt, sophisticated political messaging operatives, and a monomaniacal desire to utterly destroy the opposition party put Obama at the zenith of his potential strength when facing off against the GOP.

  8. He’s strong, ruthless, relentless, and joined in the battle by … half [of] the population (maybe much more, considering all of the GOP haters on the Right, too)

    Every time he does something that, to me, is particularly galling, he just seems to strengthen the Dems’ grip on power. His supporters, of course, support him even more. And his detractors … they vow never to vote again for those weakling Republicans! — unsurprisingly, that ALSO strengthens the Dems.

    They seem to have woven some spell over the country so that no matter what they do, people respond by vowing, in their own way, to strengthen the Dem electoral position.

    LOL but only because I don’t want to cry every day.

  9. I feel like Michelle used to feel……which, I am sure, pleases her beyond all her hopes and dreams.

  10. Actually there is a rather large, potent, group, of men and women, who have done nothing. Conservatives in America.

  11. “Is there anyone or anything in the world that hasn’t taken advantage of Obama’s weakness?”

    I havent…
    but with whats in the paper, that they are dumping thousands on people to dump white guys in STEM, his stuff is sure taking advantage of me… 10 years, no raises, and now, because i am not young, and not a protected class, i can never have a raise or promotion for the rest of my life no matter waht i do or achieve.

    so, will someone shoot me as i am already dead?

  12. Hussein, like most dictators, are only worried about internal enemies and foreign powers powerful enough to invade and kill them.

    So long as Hussein O has bodyguards, ISIL isn’t a worry for him, nor for the Left’s Hollywood. That’s what the meatshields are for.

  13. The MSM can’t protect Obama from foreign threats. They can eviserate republicans however with LIVs

  14. If they can’t defeat Obama, what are they going do with something like ISIS or someone like Putin?

    A lot of conservatives are hesitant or afraid to go to war against Democrats. They aren’t afraid to go to war against foreign enemies, though.

    Funny how that works, because the Democrats are normally the reverse. They love making war on Americas via Wacos and Elian Gonzales incidents. But they pretend to be loath to intervene militarily with ground forces in other countries.

  15. thats because in a war against the other, the people support them… in the other conflict they want to exterminate them.

    wish i was dead…

  16. Although Obama is pathetically weak overseas, he is, domestic political terms, virtually unassailable. His initiatives can be resisted in Congress, but he has workarounds for that. Weakening his position would require the GOP to make an attempt to explain to groups that normally vote Democratic that Obama is actively harming their interests. One example of such would be White college educated women, who will lose big time in the job market from the planned deluge of H1B visas. Instead, the GOP keeps trying to win groups, such as illegal immigrants, who will, following amnesty, become part of a Democratic vote farm. Or they simply whore after donations without regard to the long term electoral consequences.

  17. One example of such would be White college educated women, who will lose big time in the job market from the planned deluge of H1B visas.

    the raises and promotions and SBA 8a programs, scholarships and business assisteance, are all reserved for them… even more so if they are tanned.

    i wish i was dead…
    i have no life, future, or hope
    i exist for them to hurt me more.
    and there is nothing i can do to stop it
    just sit and wait to die…
    and hope it comes fast

  18. http://www.sba.gov/content/about-8a-business-development-program

    Benefits of the Program

    Participants can receive sole-source contracts, up to a ceiling of $4 million for goods and services and $6.5 million for manufacturing. While we help 8(a) firms build their competitive and institutional know-how, we also encourage you to participate in competitive acquisitions.

    8(a) firms are also able to form joint ventures and teams to bid on contracts. This enhances the ability of 8(a) firms to perform larger prime contracts and overcome the effects of contract bundling, the combining of two or more contracts together into one large contract. Also, see the Mentor-Protégé Program for more information on allowing starting 8(a) companies to learn the ropes from other more experienced businesses.

    Mentor-Protégé Program

    The 8(a) Business Development (8(a) BD) Mentor-Protégé Program is designed to enable successful firms provide various forms of business development assistance to 8(a) BD Program Participants. The goal of the 8(a) BD Mentor-Protégé Program is to enhance the capability of 8(a) Program Participants to be competitive, achieve entrepreneurial success, and contribute to the strength and vigor of our economy.

    Benefits of 8(a) BD Mentor-Protégé program

    Technical and management assistance

    The mentor’s expertise, resources, and capabilities are made available to the protégé.


    Mentors can provide assistance relevant to performance of non-8(a) contracts so that protégé firms more fully develop their competitive capabilities.

    Mentors can enter into joint-venture arrangements with protégés to compete for, and perform on, certain federal government contracts.

    Financial assistance in the form of equity and/or loans

    Mentors can own up to 40% in of the protégé to help it raise capital.

    no raises or respect or future at work
    thousands of programs for others
    no ability to earn, or patent my ideas
    no abilitu to get loans
    no friends, no family, nothing left.
    all gone.. all angry at me and ignorant of the above programs… no participation… banks told me that the competition gets so much for free that they wont even look at me.

    no home
    cant have children without raise

    cant change my age, race, or sex
    no room in this world for me, my ideas, or anything

  19. Art, Art, learn the Serenity Prayer and heed it, think on it.
    None of us will get out of this life alive.
    Beware of the deep hole of self-pity and stop digging.
    I’ve been there.

  20. no scholaships
    no financial assistance
    no contacts

    i was homeless to get a continuing ed cert to achieve.
    they have taken my future away

    shoot me…

  21. They also found that a history of bullying was also very much associated with thoughts of suicide. What’s interesting about this group of findings is that they suggest that the chances for suicidal ideation are less related to the neurological differences related to having autism, but more related to social factors….in other words, how we are treated as a result of those differences. This is an important distinction — one that’s missed by many.

  22. Hey Art, you have half the list made – the cons. Let’s see the other half- the pros.

    As a man of ideas, ability to articulate them, a mind to flesh them out and to live in a country that is, despite its many problems, free enough for you to capitalize somewhere, in some way on your own efforts I’d say you have a lot of opportunity.

    Quit focusing on what you think you know and learn something out of your box.

  23. If they can’t defeat Obama

    I’d like to know an example of “defeat”. Is it the 2012 election you’re talking about? Is it fighting the bills he wants passed? Because I’m not sure what else the GOP should do, at least until they take the senate.

    I wish they were more steadfast, so I’ll concede that. But legislatively, what else could the GOP do that wouldn’t have caused the media to go into nuclear winter mode and ruin any chance the GOP would have of taking the senate?

  24. There is no weakness to take advantage of. The toxic mix of media bias, internal strife, odd and demented racial guilt, sophisticated political messaging operatives, and a monomaniacal desire to utterly destroy the opposition party put Obama at the zenith of his potential strength when facing off against the GOP.

    This X 1000. The GOP has to battle more than just Obama, they have to battle the other stuff as well.

  25. Anyone from NYC in the 80s will get this. We have a President Dinkins in Office. In SO many ways. And we have very dangerous Squeegee guys circling the nation.

  26. Squeegee Guys on Steroids, Jim K!! Our country desperately needs a Rudy on Steroids to bring the right kind of aftermath to this leftist carnage.

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