Home » Obamacare: to know it is to hate it


Obamacare: to know it is to hate it — 9 Comments

  1. Cornhead –

    Let’s not forget that paragon of disgrace, Arlen Specter.

    And in the House, a very special shout out goes to Bart Stupak.

    So much ugliness went into making this ugly law, it is hard to wrap the mind around. Someone should make a kind of Bayeux Tapestry about it fashioned from bleached, burned pieces of American flag, hang it on a wall and sell it for a hundred million in SOHO. It’s surely disgusting, soulless and absurd enough to qualify as modern art.

    Just my opinion.

  2. A lot of people are to blame for Obamacare. Obama, sixty Democrat senators, “pro-life” traitors in the House, the media, and a public too stupid to notice that : NO people are not laying dead in the streets from lack of healthcare. And don’t forget the Republicans who put up a good fight until Christmas Eve. Couldn’t let the delaying tactics that were working interfere with their holiday.

  3. “Just wait till Obamacare starts affecting employment-based insurance more and more. Then the proverbial excrement will hit.” neo

    Only one of the many factors that will ‘mug’ liberal low-info voters over the coming years. They’ve ‘turned their back on the fire and will now have to sit on their blisters’.

    From no more school bake sales to rampant disease, from huge increases in health care premiums to skyrocketing utility bills, from a jobless economy teetering on the brink of collapse into a new depression to the coming flurry of jihadist terrorist attacks, America is about to reap the consequences of its support for the left.

  4. Obamacare will, if ever fully implemented, rain destruction upon a potemkin economy.

  5. I wish for nothing more than the implementation of the employer mandate. That’s a blow from which the Democrats will not recover in a long while.
    Obama knows that. That’s why it will never be implemented while he’s in office.

    But that also can be used to our advantage: ask Democrats why the employer mandate isn’t in effect, if Obamacare is so great. Watch them squirm.

  6. Matt, for my money, the 0-care scheme is already contracting the economy.

    Instead of reporting the truth, the BLS is conjuring up growth stats in front of the election — just as was done in 2012, if you’ll recall.

    The contraction is impacting Wall Street at this time.

    The nation’s working capital is being seized up by the Medical-Pharma-Insurance-Attorney cartel.

    That’s enough friction to round off the gears of the economy.

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