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Headline of the day — 18 Comments

  1. Considering that about half of all Republicans are women, this is not going to happen.

    The odd thing is that many Dems actually believe that headline.

  2. Well….. If the vaginas to b e erased included Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Andrea Dworkin, Diane Feinstein, and Barack Obama I might be persuaded.

  3. What weird concept – “erase vaginas”. I quess I was mistaken in thinking progressives were the party of science.

  4. It might just be that I’m not 20 years old and haven’t been for a while but I am just not outraged by the idea of having to pay for some of the costs of my own recreational sex.

    I don’t think any health care coverage omits coverage of real female health issues, and that has never been what the Democrats are fighting about.

  5. Kyndyll, And the actual 20-year olds wouldn’t be outraged either, just as they weren’t in 2011 before Obamacare. And the Democrats know it, which is why they always phrase it as “they’re trying to cut off your access to birth control.” The media repeats the lie, and the outrage flies.

    And I just have to say to vanderleun that you win the internet for today. 🙂

  6. Wow, that was incoherent.

    Try as they might, feminists cannot convince us that abortion is just another disease; pregnancy is not an STD, ovarian cyst, cancer, etc..

    However, I am on board with her desire to quit using euphemisms like “choice” for abortion.

  7. Kyndyll, 4:06 pm — “I don’t think any health care coverage omits coverage of real female health issues, and that has never been what the Democrats are fighting about.”

    Indeed, as David Horowitz helpfully points out*, “An SDS radical once wrote, ‘The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.’ In other words, the cause of a political action — whether civil rights or women’s rights — is never the real cause; women, blacks and other ‘victims’ are only instruments in the larger cause, which is power. Battles over rights and other issues, according to [Saul] Alinsky, should never be seen as more than occasions to advance the real agenda, which is the accumulation of power.”

    * See, for example,

  8. Sam,
    Try your local sex shop. The clerk should be able to tell you what they look like.

  9. This is not about the vagina. This is about money, sex, ego, and convenience.

    Squeamish liberals don’t want to talk about the evolution of human life from conception to birth to death. They find comfort in the false doctrine of spontaneous conception, conventionally known as “stork’s delivery”. They believe women should enjoy an extralegal (i.e. exception to murder statutes) and extra-moral (i.e. exception to right to life) right to abort a human life when it is perceived to be a “burden” in the privacy of a “clinic”. It is their final solution to an inconvenient, personal responsibility.

    The libertarian principle is that an individual’s rights end where another human life’s rights (e.g. right to life) begin.

    The libertine morality is pro-choice or selective.

    The Democrats are fundamentally corrupt. The Republicans are exceptionally corrupt. The prerequisite for men and women to enjoy liberty is the capacity to make better choices. This is why immature boys and girls have their liberty restricted. This is why criminals have their liberty restricted.

  10. Anyway, women, and men, in good conscience, enjoy a right to prevent conception. Women, and men, are only morally and legally eligible to abort a human life as an act of self-defense. The normalization of abortion has perverted the popular understanding of what constitutes and justifies self-defense. Neither women nor men are legally or morally justified to abort a human life, throughout its evolution, for causes of money, sex, ego, or convenience.

    Make life, not abortion.

  11. “What weird concept — “erase vaginas”.”

    Well back in the dawn of time when people did mechanical drawing with pencils on drawing paper on drawing boards mistakes were handled by a hand held item that drove an nub of an eraser at a high vibrating cyclical motion. Could happen,

  12. Parker: They’re ALL about Feeeeeelings and Intentions, Dude. NEVER science. Ever. Nada. Nyet. Nein. NO. ((-:

  13. Viva la vaginas.

    Don’t erase my vagina bro !

    A vagina in every pot.

    Tipper canoe and vagina too.

    In your vagina you know he’s right.

    American exceptionalism: the best vaginas in the world.

    Vaginas again in America.

    Putting vaginas first.

    A kinder gentler vagina.

    Vaginas. Fired up and ready to go.

    Vaginas. Drill baby drill.

    Vaginas. Forward

    Si se puede vaginas.

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