Home » What is the opposite of “legal immigrants”?


What is the opposite of “legal immigrants”? — 35 Comments

  1. Further, the word “immigrant” itself implies that a legal status has been obtained from the government of the host country. I’m not an immigrant simply because I say I am one. A person who comes into this country without permission is an “illegal alien.”

  2. About 5 years ago I helped an elderly friend apply for Ohio Medicaid. She was a widow, permanently disabled from a brain tumor, neurosurgery, and anti-seizure medication. She was living on her own on Social Security and really was choosing between buying food or medicine. She did not qualify. However, liberally sprinkled throughout the application instructions were the assurances that they would not investigate nor take into account the immigration status of the applicant. It’s not new with Obamacare.

  3. I forget where I saw it, but someone mentioned that the word “migrant” is increasingly being used instead of “immigrant”.

    An immigrant is a person who enters the borders of a sovereign nation. A migrant is simply a person who moves from place to place.

    This is all about deconstructing the United States of America. I’m convinced that it is a preparatory move towards a North American Union or world government.

  4. All the more reason we should use the language that is accurate, refusing to adopt the euphemisms that have been established for the purpose of deconstruction.

  5. Whenever possible use the term illegal alien, refuse to speak their agitprop.

  6. Maddening!

    I recently wrote a message about the political ramifications of reaching voting age to my twin grandchildren who will turn 18 next week.

    I did not tell them how to vote; I mainly discussed the importance of the Constitution to our history and to our future.

    I did caution them to be alert for those who corrupt language to gain political or personal advantage; and mentioned that it is endemic these days.

    It is amazing how corrupted our language has become, and how easily the corrupted terms become part of the vernacular these days. I firmly believe that whoever controls the language is positioned to control the political process and the social landscape.

  7. This is too serious an issue to mince words, regardless of motivation, they are “illegal alien invaders“. I’ll excuse the very young, the rest are criminals.

    “This is all about deconstructing the United States of America.”

    Yes, that and illegally accomplishing permanent one-party rule.

    “I’m convinced that it is a preparatory move towards a North American Union or world government.”

    The end-goal of all totalitarian ideologies is to achieve world domination. It is absolutely fundamental to their rationale. It’s motivation is always at base, the accumulation of total power and control. It’s source is a revolt against God. The ancient, “better to rule in hell, than serve in Heaven”

  8. either as asylum-seekers, or more likely under the Victim of Trafficking Act or Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

    i know people from Latin America who fled for their lives whose applications for asylum have been denied because the State Dept. can’t bring itself to understand what elected dictatorships are like.

    Never mind the fact that Jews and Christians in the Arab countries would meet the requirement for asylum because of persecution.

  9. Yup, accepted usage went from “illegal alien” to “illegal immigrant”, putting them on a similar footing with everyone else in this country since we are a nation of immigrants, to “undocumented immigrants”, making the illegality as trifling as not having your car registration in your car.

  10. Establishing one world, or even North American unity, is a pipe dream. Humans are too rambunctious, diverse, and down right spiteful to allow one world goverment. Mass hypnosis within a nation state is possible, but it can not spread cohesively across the globe. Regional, tribal passions rule. This is why the USA is gradually breaking apart. I may not live to see it, but one day America will dissolve into 6 to 20 separate entities. It can happen peacefully or it can happen with a great shedding of blood, but it will happen.

    Personally, I am ready for flyover country to go its own way with an agreement to maintain to shipping down the Mississippi to the port of New Orleans.

  11. This misuse of language is common. For instance, health is defined in the dictionary as a personal condition. It isn’t a commodity or service you can buy. You can’t buy health insurance or health care but people believe the government can provide them for free.

  12. When I was 4 yrs old (1954) the government decided I was in the USA illegally (I was 13 months old when my American mother and Swiss father brought me here). In the letter of deportation sent to my parents I was referred to as an UNDESIREABLE alien. How things do change.

  13. kgiff…

    Undesireable alien was the legal standard for pursuing judicial ejection from the USA.

    The famous “lady in red” (sic: she wore orange) who gave up John Dillinger, the criminal, at the Biograph Theatre was deemed “undersireable” by the FBI. She was a madam from Romania.

    So, back she went.

    Hoover had major sexual hang-ups. If he’d played his cards differently, no hood would’ve ever been able to find sexual release without subsequent imprisonment. Every whore in the land would’ve dropped a nickel on them.

    If you read:


    you’d come to understand that essentially ALL of the infamous hoods used whores exclusively.


    Democratic Dictatorship is exactly where Barry intends to take the Democrat party.

    Of course, by such a time, it will be the Democrat party in name only.

    You see this morph in Hawaii. That state’s Democrat party has no alignment with the values of the national party AT ALL.

    That’s the first thing that in-migrants from the Mainland tumble to. It may take one-year or five elections, but eventually Whites discover that they have no (policy) voice in the Democrat party. In fact, it’s not a liberal institution what-so-ever. It’s a racist (Japanese) party, right down the line.

    The occasional White figure head usually is a total kook.

    (Niel Abercrombie, pals with the Dunham family. He’s parodied in “Joe versus the Volcano” in the Checker cab scene — that’s HIS CAR and HIS FACE on its side — when Joe is escorted by {hyper-anti-dependent} Angelica (Meg Ryan))

    { The character embodies all of the turmoil of someone who is both totally dependent and rebelliant against their patron. That’s Abercrombie in a NUT shell. }

    No-one calls out the Democrat party of Hawaii as being the Japanese party, of course.

    BTW, none of the Federal laws — especially the 1964 and 1972 legislation are actually applied in Hawaii.

    Even Federal bankruptcy law — as practiced on the Mainlan — does not reach into the Islands. It’s its own provincial world — and a paranoid one at that.

    Its rules would put Alice off her game. You have to run twice as fast to merely lose ground!

  14. The opposite of a legal immigrant is–logically–an illegal emigrant. An example of this would be an escaped convict fleeing across the border to Mexico.

  15. My hope is that such databases can be used by a future administration for the purpose of tracking down and deporting illegal aliens.

    This is the Achilles’ heel of statists: the need to document everything.

  16. Per Sharon W’s post:

    After the shift in language has been widely adopted, the use of the “archaic” form serves to highlight the corruption of the language.

    Imagine if someone were to use the term “negro” in conversation. The initial reaction is an emotional response. If the speaker can then justify the use of the term, it serves to add emotional resonance to the argument.

    (BTW, as sometimes happens, and for full disclosure…I’ve been drinking.)

  17. Chaos, hatred and division.

    This is why BO condemned hatred in his latest pronouncement.

    The media is a Soviet media. Among other things, that means no discussion of anything on a human, objective level.

    The media, etc etc etc. All the cultural organs.

    The Left smothers free intellects under tons of sodden newspaper. So dreary.

    My tomatoes are wretched this year, all that work for so little. Nothing but blight, and for the first time all the plants expiring.

  18. Two problems. First, there is no difference between illegal aliens and an invading force. Second, a misinterpretation of our Constitution has enabled an invading force to conquer our nation through reproduction… while Americans abort their children by the millions annually, and remain blissfully unaware that normalizing evolutionary dysfunction has consequences.

  19. Parker and GB,

    Either you’re too high strung, or I’m not high-strung enough. Have a glass of wine, or three. Chill, dudes. I’ll see you here soon.

  20. @Tonawanda,

    Sorry about your tomatoes. Speak to them.

    Advice from Matt_SE, the tomato-whisperer.

  21. Matt,

    I’m not high strung, I am just old enough to see where things are headed.Unless there is a 180 change in course we have to agree to part amiably or we wade through blood and gore with an unknown outcome. I, and many others, are not open to ‘bipartisan’ compromise. There is liberty or there is death. All they can do is kill you and if they want to kill you they want to kill you, your children, grandchildren, and everyone whoever spoke kindly of you.

  22. Don’t worry, parker,
    If TSHTF, I’ll see you on the frontlines. We’ll get along famously.

  23. Matt,

    I never worry. Instead, I plan and prepare. I have ammo stored in cans, in ideal conditions, that is now worth 400 to 500% of its value from when I reloaded it 5 years ago. 😉

  24. parker Says:
    July 31st, 2014 at 5:44 pm

    Establishing one world, or even North American unity, is a pipe dream. Humans are too rambunctious, diverse, and down right spiteful to allow one world goverment.

    Sure, but that doesn’t mean that the hereditary nobility won’t try to ram it down our throats anyway. They’ve convinced themselves that they are our rightful rulers, and who are we peasants to criticize them?

    History teaches us that bad ideas can be carried to extremes, even at the cost of oceans of blood and mountains of corpses.

  25. The correct name for the current surge over the border is invaders. Not immigrants, not illegal democrats, but invaders. Invaders, colonizers,, and in some cases gang bangers and terrorists.

  26. PC has been gradually strangling our culture for 20+years now. Political Correctness is a framework of lies upon LIES upon L*I*E*S. To tell ‘old fashioned’ Truth now has become a purging offense and, often, Firing Offense. Tammy Bruce’s book, “The New Thought Police”, published in 2000 is on Mach-10 Steroids in the Time of Obama.

    Illegal Aliens have morphed into Undocumented Immigrants. First term was simple, unvarnished Truth. The latter term is a LIE now dominant as TRUTH. A world turned upside down.

  27. Matt, I used to work with a woman who had been a Spanish teacher. She taught in an inner-city school and was fired for teaching her class the Spanish word for black – Negro. The “students” basically rioted and she said she considered herself lucky to escape with only being fired and not torn limb from limb. The power of a word.

  28. Pingback:Today’s illegal alien invasion update | Fausta's Blog

  29. Confucius: The Rectification of Names

    The Bible: Adam names reality.

    Calling things what they are is sanity. It leads to health, prosperity, well-being, reality.

    The surest sign that the Liberal is evil is that they never call a thing what it is. The devil is only the devil by virtue of the fact that he calls things what they are not. The liberal, therefore, is nothing but the devil and what a devil looks like in real life.

    Illegal is illegal. Undocumented is in another thought universe.

    The liberal is diabolical. Period.

    What you get when diabolos runs rampant over the land is described in one simple word too: Hell. Call liberal less than what they are; make excuses for them; allow yourself to believe for a second they are good people (as liberals)? Recipe for more hell.

    We got liberals? We got hell. We want out of hell? Consult Confucius (among others). The way is known.

  30. “Basic macroeconomics says that any such loss in population will result in a collapse of the necessary aggregate supply and demand to sustain long term national economic growth. The population loss due to abortion would have the same negative economic impact as any population loss due to war, epidemic, or natural disaster. “ – Mark A. Olson, a former liberal community organizer turned pro-life consultant

    abortion in America has cost our nation more than $16 trillion in federal revenue

    so guess whose side the feminists are on? not women

  31. 50m dead babies via abortion is 50m people not paying into the Sadistic Liberal’s Social Security and old age expenses. That doesn’t count the $16 trillion loss mentioned above.

    If one could sit aloof and watch them suffer there would be some justice in it. They will pay dearly for that sin; the problem as always with liberals being that the rest of us will pay dearly for their sins too.

  32. Over time, even “undocumented” will become a slur too dreadful to be tolerated.

    Perhaps humor can hasten the day. What is theft but an undocumented transfer of ownership from one party to another? Adultery but an undocumented relationship? Stabbing but an undocumented surgical procedure?

    Watch out! Once undocumented is dropped, only immigrant will be left. And immigrant will be tainted too. What need to call citizens immigrants? Immigrant will mean illegal. Then illegal aliens will be called undocumented citizens.

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