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The war against educational meritocracy — 28 Comments

  1. this was my life story
    but feminsits and the left erased me

    Prof. Espenshade Runs From His Own Research | Minding The Campus

    I’m empirical… 
    No Longer Separate, Not Yet Equal: Race and Class in Elite College Admission and Campus Life

    to quote:
    At the private institutions in their study whites from lower-class backgrounds incurred a huge admissions disadvantage not only in comparison to lower-class minority students, but compared to whites from middle-class and upper-middle-class backgrounds as well. The lower-class whites proved to be all-around losers.

    this been going on since the late 70s

    i have been homeless twice because of it
    the first time, was so i could go to continuing education at Barnard Baruch, as going to Bronx Science wasnt good enough for a poor white guy to get college.

    it was scary, as at that time, kids would pour lighter fluid on you and set you on fire if your sleeping

    i worked really hard to get in.
    grandma was a seamstress /grandpa was a janitor, as was my uncle (and myself as a child)
    both illiterate… dad had only high school, mom a GED
    the other grandparents were better educated but not part of our lives as dad did not marry a latvian

    by the time we moved out from that area, i had had my nose broken half a dozen times, stabbed several times, shot once… but that was before i was 15…

    i eventually went into stem… but the feminists destroyed that too… faking a murder, destroying my career which was going good, taking my son, and more

    now… i am hoping to die soon
    my life is over, and there is nothing
    i am priveleged and so cant get more
    ie. lucky to have anything.

    i was supposed to be a researcher
    but i went into programming
    now, my boss and the vice president of the department informed me when icomplained i had not gotten raises or such – among other things…

    feminist boss put me in a tiny room, hot, agravated my medical contitions till i had a TIA stroke. they still left me there. my complaint was that i was afriad i would die in that room and no one would know…

    trainee got desks and raises

    me? well, i solved the big data problem… even knew about it before it was a problem. made a chip design. but since MSSM bet on schadt, they exposed it to CHINA, my competitors, and then took it. they sat on it, while a liberal doc also diddled along. 6 years later, no chip, no paper, mssm reserves the IP for themselves

    and no matter what i do, or achieve, i can never have a raise or promotion for the rest of my life

    in fact, after 30 years in the field, fortun 10, fortune 50, startups, my own companies and prior experience. i make near entry level and can never make more.

    i am going to divorce my wife as they are hurting her and forcing her to be barren for loving me… we are going over funeral details as that is something i can actually have… (then again, maybe not)

    1. I have a chip design for big data. Solved the problem…
    2. I have genetic tools I made for the creation of new assays
    a. (ie. goes through a library of restriction enzymes and other
    i. things to create a combination of them that can isolate a genetic target)
    3. A solution to the French flag problem
    4. A new propulsion system for water based craft
    5. Lighting systems for aquarium tanks and zoos
    6. I helped create a UV detector for porphyria patients

    the office they put me in was smaller than a bathroom stall.. 47 inches by 57 inches. no windows, undersized door. but i stuck it out as i hoped i would have that chip design. had a stroke, permanent damage – incurable now…

    what did they do for such a trooper?
    put me in a 110 degree storage room with a 90 decible fan and in the middle of a slum 40 blocks awy from the group i was assigned to

    now i am here, with others in midtwon, but my own boss wont give me access to program so that i cant show what i can do… its reserved for the darker skinned and those with pudendas

    once done with the family part
    i will leave this world
    there is absolutely no reason to continue
    as all of that is signs of privelege and this is now systemic

    i wasted my life
    now there is no life left
    they took it
    and when i complained, i became a racist, a women hater, etc

    they erased my clio award
    they erased that i did the first site
    they erased my future
    they erased my music, art, and inventions
    they erased everything

    there is no me left.

    now, they are going to attack the school i worked so hard to get to that should have at lest given me a chance.

    i wont suicide, but i may take a ticket, my camera, and go take pictures in syria, and so on… and let nature take its course…

    as i said.
    ovens are actually more humane than to find out late in life that you never had a chance… and your life is one big exercise in humoring someone to negate them.

    aspergers just makes me a perpetual victim
    and since i have a 175+ IQ (confirmed)
    and my reading level was 13th grade when i was 7 years old… and i dont sleep… my co workers and such spend their time hurting me, ignoring me, and making sure i have less chance

    yesterday a coworker deleted my work and system
    no… they wont be punished for it,. they are ex soviet
    i will be puniushed for it as that work was my effort to try to change the edict that ends my life

    my poor wife
    made barren cause she loves me

    go ahead neo. show them the office, art etc
    or not…
    it wont make a difference in anything

    after all, they extermiantec the rest of my family., and not a peep of anything did that make a difference

    so one never been no one likes going away, wont metter either any more than the dinosaurs dying out means anything.

    its just sad that i have solutions to great problems and would have had a company and people would have had families, homers and schooling cause i would have given them direction with my designs and solutions.

    dont feel bad guys
    no one gets out alive any way

    thanks for putting up something i could comment on first hand, even if its just the same old whine hold the cheese

  2. nything to get rid of those Asians, I guess, who have never been favored by liberals.

    this is not true
    they WERE favored as they were coolies and victims
    but when they didnt getg on the band wagon and turned out to be, on average, smarter than the liberals, they THEN started hating them.

    its not about race
    itgs about brains
    and its about securing the brains for the top
    and negating the brains of the bottom

    in this way, the morlocks will rule over the eloi in a prison they can never get out of, as their brain capacity will not allow it

    sangers abortions and such insures that the top performers in the black community dont have kids and ebt puppy makers do… the outcome? dumbing down the genetic legacy of blacks in the US…

    cant do that demographic game and think that they will get into school and such.

    but this dont matter. i know the whole game, the papers, the ideological rules and no one cares guys

    we are just some old people looking back
    and we are irrelevant…

  3. I’m happy to report that I’ve just returned, undaunted, from a visit to the belly of the beast – UC Berkeley. I was there to attend the memorial service for a cousin that I was very close to from high school days until her recent death from an aggressive form of dementia. She and I hardly ever spoke of politics. Because of that her memorial was quite a surprise – it turns out she was a leading figure in Progressive efforts to make college entrance more “equal.” Many speakers at the service talked of the Progressive goals she had worked tirelessly for. I had no idea even though we had taken trips to Europe together, worked on helping my brother through hard times, and many family get togethers.

    The after service reception was enlightening. One of her old friends, also a Cal Berkeley graduate, was quite upset because the Cal system had dropped affirmative action with the result that the school is no longer “diverse.” It is now a meritocracy and Asians are the major under grads, with Anglos next, and only a small number of Blacks and Latinos. One of my cousin’s nieces, also a Cal Berkeley grad, told me that she could not get into Berkeley today because the standards are so high.

    I like this turn of events. Especially after hearing all the puffery from the Progs at my cousin’s memorial. When will people wake up and smell the coffee? Any society that wants to continue to grow and prosper needs to make sure the best and brightest are being educated.

    Back in the 50s, my state university had a policy that allowed all state residents with a C or better to enter school and give it their best shot. There was, of course, a high rate of first year failure. The thinking was that many young people had not worked hard in high school, but had the potential to do college level work, if they tried. It allowed the “cream” to rise to the top and often it worked to uncover young people who decided to buckle down and do the work.

    Unlike, the progs, we conservatives know that there’s no way to make things perfectly equal. Allowing those with undistinguished high school grades a chance to do the work is one way to uncover the hidden talent of young people, but I’m not opposed to a strictly merit based system for entrance to the best colleges.

  4. There’s already starting to be pushback in CA from Asians regarding quotas.
    They ought to be a great constituency for Republicans…but then, it’s Republicans we’re talking about, so they probably won’t take advantage of it.

  5. Good blog post, Neo.
    Bit of a crazy comment chain…!
    I think your observations (and those of the article you posted) support what I’ve anecdotally seen in my own world. I went to high school with some of the types that were described here: incredibly hard working children of first generation Asian immigrants. I recall what our guidance counsellor said when one of my friends set her sights on an elite college – your test scores are great, but you’re Asian…
    The implication was that her race was a limiting factor, because there were *so many* Asians with her work ethic and that the college had quotas. Even being very young and not particularly savvy to the politics of things, I remember being struck by how lousy it was. She worked her @ss off, but being Asian was a liability?! Sad that so many years later, this kind of thing is gaining traction with the equality-for-some crowd.

  6. J.J.
    I went to New Mexico State which was required to admit any high school graduate that had a C average or better. The president of the school addressed the incoming freshmen and told us to shake hands with the people around us and get to know them because most of us would be gone by the second semester. He wasn’t joking. There was no affirmative action.

  7. Immigration, itself, causes a partition in the IQ and motivation distribution of that cohort.

    For, in the main, the dummies stay ‘planted’ and drop out of the immigrating cohort.

    (Barry and his crew are entirely reversing this selection with his Orphan Grinder scheme.)

    This selection process hugely explains the American demographic.

    It goes most of the way to explaining why Ashkenazi Jews are so smart: they’re the descendants of the clever fellows who were first to get out of town. (Exodus, redux)

    Black Americans descend from populations that have IQ norms around 70. ( Remember that the global IQ mean is about 85, not 100. )

    Merely surviving the process of enslavement, slave ships and all the other travails shifted Black American IQs up a full standard deviation. (!)

    When Richard Pryor visited Africa he discovered that all of the locals calibrated him as American, first. And in an echo of White attitudes towards Ashkenazi Jewry, they automatically assume that American Blacks are brainy. (!) Those (few) Black Americans who have settled back in Africa are famed as being at the top of every African society — essentially a superior caste. This reality is never discussed in American politics.

    And like European Jewry, American Blacks in Africa usually ride on their economic connections to the larger world. They’ve got them, the natives don’t.

    Obviously, the ONLY way that Africa is ever going to escape pervasive poverty is when more American Blacks return to Africa — and provide talent from a cohort that is demographically acceptable all the way around.

    The Peace Corps is a failure largely because it’s got the same person-to-person dynamic of a liberal colonial system. Even great ideas die from cultural disgust and rejection. (Would you believe that clean drinking water is controversial? Fifty-years of effort have established it as the single most divisive policy initiative, period.)


    So, America has been largely built up of the smarter fraction of Europe.

    Mexican immigration has largely favored the smart fraction of Mexico, but not always. Sometimes the better part of an entire village is hired away by some American chicken processor. So, the easier the process, the less selective it is.

    Americans that made the transit in the 17th Century had a harrowing trip. Check out the mortality of the Pilgrims!


    Which brings us to the Chinese and Korean cohorts.

    The reason for their outstanding test scores is that they represent the extreme upper fraction of smarts and drive… genetically. They then carry this on through to completion by studying their tails off.

    But that only gets one so far. You’d better have a phenomenal memory to place at the top. Most tests double as memory tests. I ought to know.

    In my prior life I was a stockbroker. EVERY licensed broker, manager, dealer and line executive falls under the NASD. (The source of NASDAQ.) The NASD vets everyone’s application — and part of that consists of various aptitude tests.

    The real killer is a test and training series called ‘broker-in-a-box.’ It was crafted at major expense by the top four (retail) brokers — but is, IIRC, required by NASD itself. This test (actually a series) covers the water front — crafted by Wonderlic. ( If they’re new to you: they’re the top name in every manner of corporate selection testing. Most of the Progressive Movement has been directed at stopping corporate America from using Wonderlic’s tests. They work too well.)

    For the NASD, a score of 69 and below = instant termination. Such a score norms towards an IQ of only 115. Strictly borderline for someone who has to deal with big money and complicated issues — and life savings.

    As you might imagine, the vast bulk of test scores drop into the low 70s. It’s a brutal test, worse than any of the widely known tests — including any bar exam. Most candidates are frantic with worry as the weekly (partial) scores roll in.

    The highest known score ever attained — across (almost) all of Wall Street was a 93. This extreme score was normed past IQ 175.

    In a fluke of history, I was the first to ever ace the entire series — the perfect 100.

    This was considered so shocking that Wonderlic promptly phoned HQ to inform them that the matter was being referred to their attorneys. Wonderlic was threatening HQ with a massive lawsuit, as it (a perfect score) was considered so far out of range that it had to be a cheat, and they assumed that my boss had handed me the answers.

    So a top exec was sent out from New York to begin building a case for the defense. After interviewing the whole office, he reported back that all was safe.

    [ This test score was just another instance of an astonishing series of test scores over the years. I’ve always tested “out of range.” The usual result is bitterness and jealousy — from adults and rivals, both. This anger was never more pronounced than within my own family — particularly to include both parents. The result was fulsome rejection and alienation. ]

    { Someone with profound NPD and schizoid tendencies ends up having ‘supply’ problems — and turns vindictive in the extreme. }

    Yet, I would claim that the test was as much a memory test as anything. You either have the DNA for an astounding memory — or you don’t.

    And surely you know that MOST formal education consists of memorizing facts and procedures.

    It’s false that I studied particularly hard. I didn’t use ANY of the tricks that are said to aid Asian super students.


    Even in the not so long run, these Asian super students are going to have an out sized impact on American politics.

    They may form another super caste. Such has always been the case elsewhere: Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia…

    The other expectation must be that they will align into just one political party. Expect ethnic bloc voting — and all the rest.

    In Hawaii the Japanese align with the Democrat party, which in this instance, is a misnomer. It really should read: Japanese party.

    Consequently the Chinese (in Hawaii) align with the Republican party.

    Whites come in as Democrats (overwhelmingly, because the state’s reputation positively repels Republicans) and then gradually shift out and over to the Republican party.

    In Hawaii the Republican party is actually a fusion of the mainland Democrat and Republican parties. (!) The typical high profile Hawaii Republican would be deemed a liberal Democrat anywhere else.

    I’d expect the Progressives alienation of Asians to eventually leave a serious mark.

    When the same attitudes were taken against the Ashkenazi Jews the path was set for the next century — and more.

    BTW, THAT discrimination was also ‘race norming.’ Harvard and Yale couldn’t bear to see their entire institution given away to the latest immigrant cohort. (Often enough, Ashkenazi fleeing the Pale.)

    Now it’s the Ashkenazi who’re finding the shoe, somewhat, on the other foot. The Asian immigrants have a skewed IQ — up past 120. (A massive population to select within.)

    This is already showing up in the hard sciences. Most breakthroughs at this time have one or more Chinese brains at the heart of the effort. The word gets back to the old country, of course.

  8. Are people really shocked that Democrats and blacks, both racist denominations, try to put the foot down on a different racial tribe?

  9. This is a variation of what Senator Moynahan called defining deviancy down. The goal is to make us all equal and that can only be accomplished by lowering standards, and lowering standards, and lowering standards until there are no standards worth the name. Then we’ll all be happy and equal because there will be no way to discriminate among us, no one will stand out, everyone will be as good as everyone else, and we’ll all get the T-ball prize for just showing up and we’ll all be happy.

    This works fine if you can just talk for a living. It’s not so wonderful if it’s 20 degrees outside, the furnace stops working, and they send the guy who just barely got the T-ball prize.

    This reminds me of a middle aged feminist friend of my grad school girlfriend. The woman was big on non-competitive sports, like standing around in a circle and throwing a beach ball around. Just describing this stuff makes me want to stick needles in my arm to keep me from falling over from boredom.

    Atlas Shrugged isn’t the world’s greatest novel but Ayn Rand sure had this crowd pegged.

  10. The meritocratic side of American society is what allowed new immigrant groups to succeed, it is at the core of the American dream. Without meritocracy there remains only quotas and stasis, as you were born, so you remain.

  11. Ray,
    Just so. I went to the University of Colorado 1950-54. The failure rate among freshman was over 50%. You did the work and passed your courses or you weren’t able to enroll for the next semester. It was fair in giving people a chance, but the standards were not relaxed to help anyone. Ah, will we ever see that again?

  12. As a Caucasian, I just have to say, we REALLY need to haul up our socks and out-compete the new arrivals! This is embarrassing!

    (I don’t understand the mentality that thinks that cutting off someone else’s head makes You taller.)

    But if you think that this is bad, take a gander at this July 21, 2014, article: http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=5781

    “A new policy at the University of Wisconsin – Madison states that good grades should be distributed equally among students of different races.

    “The policy, named the “Framework for Diversity and Inclusive Excellence,” calls for “proportional participation of historically underrepresented racial-ethnic groups at all levels of an institution, including high status special programs, high-demand majors, and in the distribution of grades.”

    — this word “excellence”; it does not mean what they think [sic] it means…..

  13. More:

    “Professors, instead of just awarding the grade that each student earns, would apparently have to adjust them so that academically weaker, ‘historically underrepresented racial/ethnic’ students perform at the same level and receive the same grades as academically stronger students,” he wrote.

    Now, what could Possibly go wrong with this.

    You’re an A student (a real one): are you going to keep busting your butt if someone from a “difference group” (that’s the new word for “race”) other than your own is getting your grade points?

  14. Paul in Boston Says:
    July 22nd, 2014 at 5:05 pm

    Atlas Shrugged isn’t the world’s greatest novel but Ayn Rand sure had this crowd pegged.

    So did Kurt Vonnegut with his short story “Harrison Bergeron”.

    Throughout history and through all cultures the dominant political system has been hereditary aristocracy. One or a few families claim a right to rule, and usually do so by force. This is why the nobility has always hated and resented America, and even more specifically, the middle class. Who do those commoners think they are, living prosperous lives without being dependent on their rulers’ good graces?

    They are terrified of a meritocracy. They know perfectly well that some individuals from the middle and lower classes are smarter, harder-working, and more innovative, and are just waiting for the opportunity to knock the rulers off their privileged perches.

    They really do want to return us to the days of feudalism and serfdom. They just dress it up with talk of “equality” and “fairness”.

  15. Talking to the young woman who adminstered my pulmonary function test, I wondered if there were any Physicians or other Medical professionals left in India. (It seems that at least 3/4 of the Drs and other professionals at the Teaching Hospital where my health plan is centered are Indian or Chinese descent.) She assured me that there were plenty in Inda; but, went on to discuss how competitive life was for young people from ambitious families. She also observed that it continues from generation to generation after they come to the States.

    Nothing really new there. Just interesting to hear this young Indian woman, daughter of a Physician, discuss the situation candidly. The implication was that their options are limited at home, and the alternative to excelling was bleak. (She suggested that she would return home eventually.)

    Here, the incentives to excel among many of our young are eroding, and the options if you don’t are plentiful.

    I do not begrudge the success of Asians, Indians or others here. I believe that we are benefit from their intelligence and drive; even though our government and media seem to think it is the ones swimming the Rio Grand who add value to our society..

  16. Merit cannot co exist with fairness and equality, and when democracy means the fairness of voting, there is no merit in a democracy either.

  17. KL Smith:

    No one said that 70% of Asians are smart. The young people who test well enough to go to these specialized schools are a very very small percentage of any ethnic group, including Asians. It’s just that a large percentage of those who test well enough to go to the specialized schools are Asians.

  18. Neo: true. Was addressing the stereotype. the degree of support for O from Asians (a point or two higher than from Hispanics, I believe) was the most shocking result of 2012, for me. The thought that a group associated with intelligence, hard work, and entrepreneurship would so overwhelmingly support him was surprising and depressing.
    Haven’t been able to go to a Chinese restaurant since then.

  19. The thought that a group associated with intelligence, hard work, and entrepreneurship would so overwhelmingly support him was surprising and depressing.

    That’s because the Republican party is propagandized as the party of exploiting workers and deporting foreigners.

    Propaganda works on more than just Jews, blacks, and Democrat Americans.

  20. A few years ago, my niece (who graduated number 3 in her High School class) was denied admission at Berkeley because there were already too many Asians in the incoming class.

  21. In a zero sum world, somebody has to take the hit for the team. And in this case, it’s those funny looking ching chings that DC has described before.

    The credentials are only for the Ruling Class, the D Class. Chelsea, what do you think she is doing and where do you think she was educated? Hussein’s children, where do you think they are being educated at?

  22. The 70% Asian figure includes classic Democrat party aligned ethnic cohorts that are not from northeast Asia.

    Further, the Democrat party is widely seen by Asians as permissive in the extreme for further immigration.

    This stance trumps all other factors.


    Legally sanctioned immigration is ALREADY blowing the roof off of America’s population growth.

    On current trends, immigration is hollowing out American culture.

    This is seen in the wide spread tendency to get by without learning American English.

  23. I think another factor with the Asians is that many are so focussed on succeeding in school (especially in math and science) that they don’t spend much time thinking about cultural things, including political issues.
    I know a Chinese-born family that was in Germany for 2 years. The woman took her son on a Chinese-organized tour of Italy, and from what her son told me they spent more time having their pictures taken in front of famous buildings than in actually seeing or learning about them. The tour also took them to Chinese restaurants for the whole trip. You would think that the Chinese might have a bit of curiosity about risotto, given the different way they prepare rice.

    While hard work and good grades are great things, but thinking outside the box is also important.

  24. I was a lousy student.

    I would never have been accepted into any of these schools.

    I met only one guy from Bronx Science, and I didn’t like him.

    And this STILL pisses me off.

    Instead of enhancing the level of education for all students, this will decrease the number of highly trained and motivated students. It is a way for the current elite to say, “will the last one in please close the gate?”

  25. expat,

    That’s because the tour was cut-rate cheap (at least for the tour company, if not their charged prices, though likely their prices, too), not because of culture. Later generational, wealthier Asian Americans tour like everyone else.

    The Asians are the latest representative of the American middle-class classic of self-reliant immigrant strivers, which is antithetical to the Left’s narrative of a fixed benevolent elite in league with a beholden dependent underclass. Notice how, once again, the demographic picture presented in the Saffran article is of the top and bottom squeezing the middle.

  26. KLSmith,

    As recently as the mid 90s, Asians voted majority Republican, as expected, in line with their economic and cultural values. The flip from R to D is shocking for those reasons and with how quickly it happened – 1 generation.

    As such, the demographic political change isn’t an Asian phenomenon. It’s an American social-political phenomenon.

    It’s an American activist phenomenon.

    The Republicans shouldn’t have lost the Asian vote in the 1st place – the switch in the Asian vote is a bellwether.

    Republicans should reasonably be able to win back the Asian vote just as they had it a mere generation ago. Asian core values haven’t changed that much in 1 generation. If Republicans can manage to win back the Asians, that will be a bellwether, too.

    My take is the vote for Obama and Democrats in general is less due to Asians being Asian than Asians being city. City social politics are deep blue and it’s not just Asian urbanites voting Democrat.

    IIRC, the minority of Asians who lived in red areas outside of the blue urban centers tend to vote Republican with their neighbors.

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