The left and Hobby Lobby: fanning the flames
I was curious about the reaction of liberal blogs to the Hobby Lobby ruling, and clicked on HuffPo and immediately saw this, right at the top, filling the width of the entire page:
THE OPERATIVES [in HUGE blue font, with the following in large font, plus the photo]
5 Justices Go After Women, Workers… ‘Baldly Incoherent’ Rulings… Big Blow To Unions… HOBBY LOBBY HAMMER DROPS… Birth Control Cut Off ”“ But Not Vasectomies Or Viagra… 49-Page Ruling Mentioned Women Just 13 Times.
The flames are being fanned: these evil men are waging war on women!
More reaction from the left here. My favorite (and I mean that in a sarcastic sense) is from none other than Harry Reid, our illustrious Majority Leader: “It’s time that five men on the Supreme Court stop deciding what happens to women.”
I’ve got a idea! Let’s pack the Court, and have an equal number of men and women on it, and then have the men decide cases that affect men and the women decide cases that affect women. What could go wrong?
Of course, Reid’s entire attack is also based on a lie about the ruling, since he would like people to believe that employees of companies such as Hobby Lobby won’t get their contraception paid for. First of all, as already pointed out, most contraceptives are actually provided. Secondly, Hobby Lobby and the rest can “tell the government that providing the coverage violates their religious beliefs. At that point, the groups’ insurers or a third-party administrator takes on the responsibility of paying for the birth control.” Nobody’s depriving anyone of anything, nor are they even stopping insurance coverage for contraception. The ruling merely protects the company itself from having to support certain types.
But it would require too much attention to detail to learn that—fortunately for the left. They prey on ignorance and actively foster it.
Watch 4 of those Justices get into mysteriously fatal car crashes, and Hussein replaces them in 2 years.
In the meantime, the tears of leftists are sweet to me.
The traffic on Twitchy is particularly interesting, in a depressing kind of way.
Woe is me – as a history aficionado, I am watching ‘The Big Lie’ played out in real time.
And we on the ‘Religious Right’ (whatever that really means) are happy but still dismayed at the narrowness at the scope.
I am shocked at how many otherwise reasonable people you cannot reason with – or even risk clarifying some points.
Oh, and yeah? We are so planning a trip to Hobby Lobby tomorrow. To spend some money there. Likely we will tell the cashiers exactly why we are spending money there.
A lot of their merchandise is tacky beyond words, IMHO – but they offer really good deals on custom-cut mats for framed pictures, especially in the larger sizes. I go nowhere else for my custom-cut mats. Do I look like I am made of money? I’m not one of the 1%, you know.
Sgt. Mom, they got any swords or steel to cut up zombies?
Oh, boy – I have no doubt that the lawfare will begin against Hobby Lobby, just as the Left has been harassing and suing bakers and photographers into submission. They do not like to lose, and those who stand up to them must be destroyed.
As far as the ‘men can’t make decisions about women’s health’ meme, this is just more of the authenticity b.s. the Left has been peddling for years: unless you’ve served you can’t comment on the Iraq/Afghanistan war, if you’re white you can’t comment on race, Christians cannot comment on science or public school curricula, etc. The rules keep changing, but the game is the same: only some people have a legitimate voice in each debate.
Yep, Lizzy – that seems to be the ‘resort of preference’ . I do recall the versions about our first involvement in the second Gulf War, and being able to cut off certain discussions by pointing out that my own daughter was then serving as a Marine in theater … and that I was a military veteran of 20 years (mostly peacetime) standing.
This is so ironic for me. I was born on the 3rd of July. In a few days I’ll be 47. My dad was an officer in the Army and my mother was in medical school. Talk about a full-plate for both of them! I’m glad to be here my fellow Americans. Was life easy for me? Have I had trials, tribulations, pain, sorrow? Yes, yes, yes, and yes! But I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. I think I will go to Hobby Lobby on my birthday. I don’t have any hobbies…except too infrequent blogging, but maybe something there will strike my fancy. I think when I get there I’m going to say a prayer, and offer my regrets to all my spirit twins that would have been celebrating their own 47th birthday along with me. I’m sorry you guys missed it. You could have had some fun sometimes.
Way to go Hobby Lobby!
They wanted you to be in the military to support the Iraq war, so that the Democrats could get you killed in it. It’s what connected me to the Vietnam incident and why I realized they were going to deploy strategic assets in the US, no matter how successful Iraq became under Petraeus and Dick Cheney and that ambassador.
So the VA killing more soldiers in a year than Afghanistan under butcher Hussein, also didn’t surprise me. It fit to standard. Their propaganda is always catch 22, the LEft’s. Either you qualify, in which case you become their victim, totally under their control, or you refuse their authority and be labeled a heretic or hypocrite.
Ryan Crocker.
Denounce Huffpo. This is a street fight. FIght.
Huffpo are authoritarian fascistic elites who think they know what is good for other people, and they will enslave people to get their way.
Huffpo are the enemy of the people; and an enemy of America. They are reactionary totalitarians who seek to reimpose medieval serfdom in the modern age.
Huffpo and ISIS are the same monster, only they dress differently and the one takes longer to take the lives of their enemies than the other. And that’s the only difference.
‘Twas a rather narrow decision. Hobby lobby will pay for 16 of the 20 birth control meds out their. This is hardly an attack on women’s reproductive rights. (Whatever that means!)
And only closely held corporations can do this. Big, widely owned companies must comply with the regs as promulgated by Sibelius.
It was a nose under the tent. If people of religious faith can be forced to pay for medicine that induces abortion, the next step is to force taxpayers of religious faith to pay for abortions. They have lost this round, but they will be back. (Do they remind you of the Terminator?)
Back in the day, the birth control method of many was to keep their knees pressed firmly together. Cost nothing, kept one’s conscience clear, and prevented STDs. And it was a choice, not a government regulation. Quite a bargain. Of course I am a dinosaur.
Old white men and an uncle tom wage war on women folk… excuse me while I yawn.
Any day the far left gets their panties in a bunch is a good day!
Senator Lieawatha, a former Hahvahd law professor, is even more appalling in her ignorance, especially considering her background (no, not the fake Indian background). Just think, this bmbo may be the Dems candidate for president in 2016!
Like Emperor Wearing No Clothes, she got all wee wee’d up over a SCOTUS decision she had not even bothered to read. (Not bothering to read? Hmm, now in what context have I heard that used before in relation to Dems?) The SCOTUS ruling applies to abortifacients, not condoms or the pill or IUDs. Like King Petulant, she may not know the facts pertaining to an issue but she does have an opinion and a Twitter account. (#hashtag politics/diplomacy will be the final nail in this Republic’s coffin. When 140 characters is the maximum limit for a debate, the debate’s over before it even gets rolling.)
This country is so boned when we have such ignoramuses (ignoramusi?) sitting in positions of power making law controlling the daily lives of us little people. Truly disheartening.
WWTJD? (What would Thomas Jefferson do?)
What is really interesting is that people work for this thing called “money”. And with this “money” they can obtain goods and services, even those that their employer might object to.
So I have trouble understanding liberals (as usual), on how an employer not paying for something for their workers is “denying access” when this thing called “money” allows workers to buy whatever the hell they want (even if it were, say, illegal drugs). They live is this pretend land where if something is not provided by an employer it isn’t available at all?
I just don’t get it….
Pigs get free healthcare from the farmer. The Left are in control of not humans, but livestock and slaves essentially. And whenever the slaves don’t get their benefits, they get disgruntled. Horses and cows will kick you or bite you.
It only makes no sense when people think the Left are taking care of humans, with civil rights and voting rights. Then it makes no sense.
Cindy Sheehan had this authority of a ‘Gold Star Mom’, and that’s why she was labeled the Proper Critic for Bush’s war in Iraq.
What about the families of the Benghazi fatalities, what happened to them?
I was talking to a couple of female millennials after the Hobby-Lobby decision and was absolutely floored by their response. Predictably, they believed the right is waging a war on women, and that most people on the right are racist homophobes who are on the verge of taking away a woman’s right to an abortion. Nothing surprising there. But my mouth dropped open when they simultaneously offered a solution: “It’s time to rewrite the Constitution” — a sentiment they assured me was on the mind of most young women and other downtrodden minorities and was a regular topic of conversation among their age group.
I’m too old to know what most twenty-somethings are thinking, and I’m wondering if anyone else has run across this nonsense.
Lizzy Says:
June 30th, 2014 at 8:09 pm
Let’s take the left’s ‘authenticity’ claim to its logical conclusion: people who don’t pay taxes SHOULD NOT VOTE. Pretty simple, actually.
I’m getting the feeling that some people want to define everything as sex, class, and race, and those things only, and anything else (faith, citizenship, whatever) is seen as a threat. I used to see it a little bit, but the way race has surged in the past 10 years, and sex in the past 2, has shocked me. Now, mind you, the obsession on sex labels and on sex in general took some fifty years of planting, but the harvest is only starting to take off.
One of the mothers of the four killed in Benghazi appears on Fox regularly. But of course the rest of the MSM ignores her, because she doesn’t further their agenda.
It has nothing to do with mothers of slain sons and everything to do with furthering the narrative.
The fact that people CAN get fired up about this (as I’ve learned in arguing simple concepts for the last day, like dictating vs. paying for), just proves to me that we are at the point of no return. If people are that ill-equipped to live with logic, then we are all screwed. It’s bad enough that politicians and the media do this; it’s worse that people swallow what they say whole.
RickZ: It’s more likely that Warren does understand the situation, but is responding this way to keep the LIVs’ blood-pressure up. After all, it’s the LIVs who decide elections these days.
BuddaHat – I’m going to make a wild guess that these young women do not, nor have ever, attended church or synagogue.
The Left’s screaming that no religion is “allowed” to stop women from “accessing healthcare” is just depressing.
I Callahan:
The left will play to the lowest common denominator. That group has gotten larger—those who will be moved by lies and demagoguery and scare tactics.
A well-informed voting populace is necessary for the success of a republic if the media and politicians have abdicated their responsibility to tell the truth. So although I blame the people who are uninformed, I blame the press and politicians more for manipulating them. But both things are escalating, and are very depressing.
That’s why the Sarah Palin haters call Fox News, Faux News. Heretical sources of information must be downplayed in the cradle before they can grow up and draw believers from the Faithful fold.
The Left’s narrative is backed by people’s support of Authority. Thus if they believe, even slightly, that Gold Star Moms have a superior morality to decide military logick, that can be played up or down depending on the propagandist.
If a person believes, even slightly, in free choice and equality, they will use it to produce GLAAD and paid for luxuries for women.
The Left uses the method of the weak, guerilla warfare, even as they accumulate stolen wealth and power at the top. Eventually it will flip, if it hasn’t already, and the guerillas will become the occupation and will need to crack down on the insurgency (Fox News, conservatives, Tea Party independents).
On another note, Americans continued for several decades to ignore the dots and clues. They took education problems, like teacher union hiring and firing standards, as being merely a single isolated incident. It wasn’t connected to any other union, any other political problem ,any other political corruption or religious breakdown in sexual morality. It was isolated. It was a simple problem that could be fixed, they thought, by throwing more money at the unions. But it’s not an isolated problem.
They’re all in it together, in an alliance. The teacher unions get kickbacks in return for indoctrinating the population, and the indoctrinated population is thrown into a world where the Left demands compliance and obedience. Other sectors of the fight were handled by other unions and Leftist organizations. All the Left had to do with the previous generations that “knew better” was to either wait for them to die generation wise, kill them via the VA, or get rid of them via Obamacare.
Lizzie — You’re right. The women were atheists and proud of it. One proudly related the story about how she’d refused to hold hands during a grace said at a friend’s house over dinner. Hilarity ensued!
Interestingly, both of them also confessed to having un-PC feelings about the hordes of latinos flowing into the country because so many of them were Catholics, and “might vote with their hearts and not their heads.”
They did agree that Obama wasn’t really a practicing Christian, which was good. They also characterized him as “center-right,” which was bad.
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