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The laughing Hillary — 32 Comments

  1. Looks like at least one or two horses bolted before her minions could shut the barn door. Good. Maybe one or two other responsible members of the media will follow the WFB’s lead and dig up some more skeletons there, before the library moves to deny access to all.

    I, too, was puzzled by the thick regional accent, and initially decided that someone had just pulled a fast one on the conservative pundits who were airing this.

    But at least we have one instance in which she has been consistent, that of defending or covering for serial sexual predators.

  2. Hillary has always been on the make for power and recognition. She is no shrinking violet. Fortunately, her past is not shrouded in mystery as is Obama’s. She can seem quite gracious when she needs to be, but the way she treats staff is despicable. From Ronald Kessler’s book, “In the President’s Secret Service:”
    “Hillary Clinton’s angry clashes with low-level White House employees.”

    Her cold attitude toward the Arkansas State troopers was known during the campaign in 1992.

    Her personal flaws are pretty well known. But that makes no difference to the MSM mandarins. The LIVs have short memories. All the past is forgotten within a few months.

  3. and via its attorneys, the Washington Free Beacon response (H/T Instapundit):


    A sample:

    You cite absolutely no policy that gives you the unilateral authority to exclude journalists from a public [sic] library based on the content of the material that they publish. In addition to clearly violating the First Amendment, this suspension is contrary to Arkansas state law. The Arkansas Freedom of Information Act requires any “agency wholly or partially supported by public funds . . . to provide its records to the public.

  4. Not a single Dem that would vote for Hillary if this was plastered all over the news would blink … and still hit that check box for Hillary Clinton.

  5. This won’t penetrate the thick fog that is leftist feminism. They have very selective attention. The false rape charges against the Duke lacrosse players had them ready to break out the hanging ropes. But they managed to totally ignore the multiple charges of sexual misconduct by Bubba.

  6. I still think Hildabeast is a smoke screen for Mooch or Lieawatha. My money is still on Mooch.

  7. My new favorite person is this conservative guy who confronts creeps like Hillary with the “in your face” truth.

    He went to one of her book signings and asked her to dedicate his book to Chris Stevens. There is video of it and she seems to say,” You’re not Chris Stevens” and he says,
    “What difference does it make.”
    Love that guy!

  8. Heard portions of this tape on Sirius while driving. Honestly, I found it hard to make out what Hillary was saying, although the southern accent and the laugh were pretty clear.

    I was baffled by the accent. I thought she was raised in Chicago and went to Wellesley and Yale? Hard to believe she would pick up that accent after only a few years in Arkansas. Reminds me of Madonna, who started speaking with a British accent after she married an Englishman and moved to London.

    The likeability is an issue for Hillary. IMO, many men (including Dems) seem to intensely dislike her. At least I have encountered more than a few. And she just doesn’t have Obama’s ability to sweep people off their feet with rhetoric.

  9. The witch could eat, on live television, a partial birth abortion female baby with mango-peach salsa while chugging a 5th of tequila and the MSM would conjure a reason why this was a noble act illustrating her endless campaign to better the terrible, terrible injustice that women struggle under in the sexist 57 states of America. HCR will remain remain the standard bearer of the 1st woman president crusade until “Mooch or Lieawatha” throw their pantsuits into the ring. If that happens HRC will be thrown under the bus without hesitation. The fact that she does not recognize this is proof that she is not the smartest woman to walk upon terra firma.

  10. I heard somewhere today that the Washington Free Beacon has recently been banned from the Clinton library for some reason. Revenge?

  11. “I heard somewhere today…… banned… for some reason. Revenge?”

    Banned for exposing the truth that HRC is a filthy bé·â‚¬£# who will do anything to advance her ruthless ambition to assume the throne of Catherine the Great and stomp on the necks of peasants clinging to the Constitution.

  12. This is what happened to the twelve-year-old virgin who was the rape victim:

    In her interview with The Daily Beast, she recounted the details of her attack in 1975 at age 12 and the consequences it had for both her childhood and adult life.

    A virgin before the assault, she spent five days afterwards in a coma, months recovering from the beating that accompanied the rape, and over 10 years in therapy.

    The doctors told her she would probably never be able to have children.

    The victim was put through several forensic procedures, including a lie detector test. At first, she failed the lie detector test; she said that was because she didn’t understand one of the specific sex-related questions. Once that question was explained to her, she passed, she said.

    The victim positively identified her two attackers through one-way glass and they were arrested. But that wasn’t the end of her ordeal.

    She described being afraid of men for years and dealing with anger issues well into her adulthood. At one point, she turned to drugs, a path that ultimately led her to prison.

    Now 52, she has never married or had children. She said she has been sober for several years and has achieved a level of stability, although she remains unemployed and living on disability assistance.

  13. This is the crux of Hildabeast’s lies about the child (much worse than the tape, which is, apart from the heartless laughter, an account of the work defense attorneys are supposed to do for their clients, however unsavory).

    But she was much worse:

    The victim’s allegation that Clinton smeared her following her rape is based on a May 1975 court affidavit written by Clinton on behalf of Thomas Alfred Taylor, one of the two alleged attackers, whom Clinton agreed to defend after being asked by the prosecutor. Taylor had specifically requested a female attorney.

    “I have been informed that the complainant is emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and engage in fantasizing,” Clinton, then named Hillary D. Rodham, wrote in the affidavit. “I have also been informed that she has in the past made false accusations about persons, claiming they had attacked her body. Also that she exhibits an unusual stubbornness and temper when she does not get her way.”

    Clinton also wrote that a child psychologist told her that children in early adolescence “tend to exaggerate or romanticize sexual experiences,” especially when they come from “disorganized families, such as the complainant.”

    The victim vigorously denied Clinton’s accusations and said there has never been any explanation of what Clinton was referring to in that affidavit. She claims she never accused anyone of attacking her before her rape.

    “I’ve never said that about anyone. I don’t know why she said that. I have never made false allegations. I know she was lying,” she said. “I definitely didn’t see older men. I don’t know why Hillary put that in there and it makes me plumb mad.”

    My God, can you imagine? this poor child, a virgin, viciously raped by two men and so savagely beaten that she was in a COMA?

    And Hildabeast just thought it was an amusing little episode to defend one of those monsters.

  14. The tape should be part of a commercial.

    And why was she laughing? She’s a lawyer. It is all about winning.

  15. kit Says:

    He went to one of her book signings and asked her to dedicate his book to Chris Stevens. There is video of it and she seems to say,” You’re not Chris Stevens” and he says, “What difference does it make.”

    Here’s that video. No laughter from her on that one.


    I’ve always thought she was a vile woman. He description of the victims of her rapist hubby as ‘a bimbo eruption’ was horrid. But then she’s a horrid person, herself, so at least she’s consistently horrid.

  16. I am disappointed, though I am not overly surprised. I came to my own fall from the left, partly — through rejecting Obama after campaigning in California for Hillary. I was already on that path however, and Obama was the last straw. I retained an increasingly skeptical affection for Hillary, but after Benghazi I was just thrown. This is another small piece, although actually it is quite large since this was a 12 year old girl, raped, and in a coma for five days etc. The southern accent is baffling, and I remember the Tammy Wynette remark and her accent then, but really – it is amazing how she took so much of that on, not just a twinge, and then – dropped it. Obviously, this woman does not really have a southern accent. The tape, with the laughter, shows a callousness and a “win at any cost” attitude. Many lawyers are that way… however… I think she was not forced, but was * asked * to take the case – that’s my understanding from the tape and description. I can see wanting a challenge as a young lawyer, but really — this type of case is very repugnant – to say the least. Her callousness is pretty over the top I think… though she says it was “sad” etc. I guess it just shows that she is a driven, ambitious woman who will do whatever it takes to get where she wants. It comes as no huge surprise then that she put up with Bill’s philandering all those years… he was also a means to an end. She needed him to get where she has gotten now, although — she may yet outpace him in some way.

    I won’t be voting for her, of course. Politicians can be an oily lot, but really now, there has to be a limit. The Benghazi thing falls in line with this… I really feel for that victim, a “little person” that got run over. I will say this, Hillary was a tenacious and good lawyer — that scumbag was lucky to have her. AGGH-

  17. “I applaud the Washington Free Beacon, which broke the story by going to the archives at the University of Arkansas and locating the tape.”

    Just for the record for we simple folk.
    The university has banned the paper from doing any more research due to this “exposure”. Nothing like liberal universities and their Praetorian Guard defense of their “Leaders” 🙁

  18. If this poor victim went public and made a TV ad, this could be Hillary’s Willie Horton or 47% Mitt tape.

    Can you imagine the emotional power?

    “Hillary freed my rapist. A man she knew was guilty. She laughed about it. Laughed. Hillary conducted a war against me and it was a big joke to her.”

  19. Cornhead Says:

    Nice idea for an ad. Now who would allow it to run?

    If an ad doesn’t ever air, does it make a sound?

  20. I can’t confirm this, since I don’t have any leftist friends (for those of you who do, I would like to hear what those people think), but I’m getting the idea that Hillary is the Mitt Romney of the left, politically-speaking.

    If nominated, it will be because she is the most-electable. I think there may be a concerted effort for “anybody but Hillary” among the die-hard lefties.

  21. Today’s news is that the Washington Free Beacon has been barred from further access to the Clinton archives at the Univ. of Arkansas. Nice. Public documents at a public university. Stupid taxpayers.

  22. To anyone that has supported the Clintons or been a Democrat operative, know this. Her crime is your crime. There will be no last 11 minute conversions, as in Born Again Christianity. No absolution for guilt. No atonement by proxy or via payment of cash.

  23. More info about the Examiner now having been essentially barred from the library here.

    I happen to have a lot of contact with the world of professional librarians, and from the point of view of their professed ethical code this is disgraceful. But from the point of view of their predominant and semi-official political stance it’s completely in character.

  24. The Patriot Act only logged people’s library books, to cross reference terrorist records with specific types of books.

    The people in charge of creating propaganda about the Patriot Act, now just closed their libraries.

  25. I do have many hard wing leftists friends, and a few more moderate ones. It is a sorry state in terms of my friends — since like Neo, I’m a “changer” although I think I was far more far left than she.

    Not sure Ymarsaker is referring to me, but I haven’t voted Democrat since the California Presidential primary in 2008, and even registered Republican in 2010, after voting Republican. Possibly for some, my earlier “sins” can never be washed away… But I have nothing to prove here, simply stating my opinion as everyone else. And, I am on this blog for a reason… I have my issues with the Republicans, but they are certainly more in line with my values on national defense etc. than the Dems now. And, the economy – you know, little things like that. Like Neo, I made the switch, better late than never. It is not easy to do. I lost a lot of friends and I assume I will lose more. My own political blog is linked to my name, though I don’t do much with it now, though that may change. I think former lefties are uniquely positioned to take on the left, since we know it from the inside out.

    In any event, my original point is to Matt_se, that I do think that true leftists, not simple progressive lite Dems see Hillary as a “neo con”. Yes, you read that right. They see Hillary Clinton as a “neo conservative” and feel that she’s a wolf, not even in sheep’s clothing. I know she is not Bernadhine Dorhn, but they are wrong of course. But this is the world the very far left lives in, and even some of the slightly milder progressive variety. They would prefer Elizabeth Warren I am sure, though probably even she would be too mild for some. But yes, Warren speaks the redistributionist mantra and in their minds, is not stained by her association with Bill Clinton’s rollback of welfare (time limits). I cannot STAND Warren, and she makes my stomach lurch. I am also (for real) half American Indian on my mother’s side, as she was from the Blood Reserve in Canada, and married my American military father. Any way… Warren is NOT an Indian, even in the slightest, and she is loathsome. God help us if she gets near the White House.

    It does look like now, Hillary is the candidate of choice for the Dems. We, the opposition need to get our act together. We can defeat her. This tape may not do her any good. Though the most ardent Hillary people will ignore it.

  26. Liberty Wolf:

    I know how hard it is with friends after a political change. 99% of my friends and family are, likewise, liberals. A few are of the leftist variety, but very few. It’s still hard all these years later, although big blowups don’t occur any more. I tend to keep my mouth shut with them at this point. Previous discussions did no good, they know about where I stand, and I know about where they stand.

    In 2009 one relative came to me without my prompting and said he had made an error supporting Obama and wanted to tell me so. I forget what the turning point was with him, but I did appreciate him coming forward very much. He was the only one I’ve heard from, though.

    As for the far left, I agree that many of them consider Hillary too far to the right. Many of them consider Obama too far to the right.

  27. Yes, Neo it is very hard, and ongoing – the friend and wider “community” issue (being in the LGBT world, which has been IMHO co-opted by the far left more or less). Also, being an artist (poet and writer) – those worlds tend to slant left. I just moved back to the Bay Area, where I lived for just about all my adult life, and am not entirely certain that was the best move! The “flyover states” might be a bit more cordial, so to speak. I think you would understand that also, being in Boston. At any rate, one just continues and your blog is invaluable — since you did change your mind. Not just to me personally, but to anyone who wonders how that could possibly happen (and they do).

    The left generally does not have a lot of intellectual curiosity about the right. And, I think people in general like to stay in their comfort zones. I don’t blame them, since stepping outside is risky!

    Any way, I am also going to hunt down more folks here who are outside the left wing borg, they are around – even if they are quiet.

    And, yes – Hillary – power driven, smart and ready to do whatever it takes. Let’s hope she doesn’t make it in.

  28. Liberty Wolf:

    Even in the belly of the San Francisco beast there are conservatives to be found.

    And even in the LGBT and the artistic worlds.

    I don’t say it’s not a challenge—it is! But when you find those people the relief and bonding can be quite powerful.

    By the way, for what it’s worth, one of the first people I ever started talking to when I went to a Tea Party demonstration back in the very very early days of the movement was a Hispanic woman who was also a lesbian, and if memory serves me she was also some sort of artist. Boy, did SHE have a lot to say about being odd person out!

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