Hillary Clinton does not believe in free speech
Free speeches, that is. At least, not when they’re hers and Bill’s:
And they called Romney elitist! I cannot imagine that this is a good approach for that would-be populist and champion of the working class, Hillary. But I guess by definition she’s not a rich and clueless fat cat, because she’s a Democrat.
[NOTE: More from DrewM at Ace’s.]
The Clintons are as greedy as they are power-hungry. I recently read that Bill has made over $100 million since leaving office.
I saw something on TV today about Baden Baden. This is a supposedly elegant place with a casino that draws tourists who want to drop a lot of money. Anyway, part of the show featured Bill Clinton, who was apparently showing a group of “friends” the museum there. Afterwards there was a fancy dinner attended by some of the local “nobility.” I wondered how much he got out of his name-dropping “friends.” Talk about using your celebrity.
Hillary 2016: “Because Vagina!”
Sacrifices are for little people.
Hillary is the Wicked Witch of the South. She’s on a par with Obama for being a vicious tyrant, female gender is all.
The only good thing about Obama getting elected was that he beat her. The only good thing about her is that she is old and way too untalented to win against even an amateur nothing like Obama.
The really great thing will be to see the country turning against both of them at the same time.
HRC recalling her & BJ’s ‘poverty’ upon exiting the WH is like her imaginary heroic dodging of sniper fire on the tarmac in Bosnia. Before the Clintons departed the WH HRC had already received $8 million for the right to her autobiography of her reign as FLOTUS. The facts about the financial condition of these grifters circa January, 2001 are easy googled; the lack of seriousness on the part of the MSM is deadly to America.
They’re going to tax you and make you pay for their healthcare and birth control, though.
It’s amazing she can keep a straight face while claiming poverty. In addition to the book deals she and Bill each had ($8 & $10 million, respectively), they had two incomes – and hers as a partner in a law firm (except when she was FLOTUS) and no mortgage and other free utilities while Bill was Governor ad then POTS. If she had any shame she would be embarrassed that thy never managed to save any money for 2+ decades.
If you read all the articles I linked you’ll see that in fact there was a reason they had amassed a lot of debt. It wasn’t that they didn’t save anything, it was huge legal fees. However, (and this is the point) just about as soon as they amassed the debts they got the ability to pay them off. There was virtually no time lag; contracts were signed and the money started flowing. BIG money. So it’s an absurd claim of hers, but the initial debt was real.
That’s how the Clintons do it. There’s always a teeny tiny kernel of truth somewhere in all the lies.
But I blame the MSM more than them. They’re the ones completely without shame, for either not even raising an eyebrow ever so slightly when they make comments like that, or for going that extra mile the way Candy Crowley did when she asked John McCain whether Bergdahl wasn’t worth saving just as much as the young John McCain. I’m still reeling from that one.
Waitaminnit. Of course they are two roaches, but…who pays their fees? The emphasis is misplaced. Who pays their fees? Hell, I’ll give you a speech for a $100K fee anytime.
The question isn’t the fee, the quesiton is the tax. They want to tax people out of business, but strangely enough their business tends not to worry about taxes.
She’s not a rich and clueless fat cat because she’s a Democrat and she “ain’t no ways tired.”
This odious woman never fails to disappoint.
From the NYT:
“The $200,000 she commands appears to be comparable to what Bill Clinton receives for speeches delivered in this country, though Mr. Clinton – who earned $17 million from speeches last year – has collected much more outside the United States, including the $700,000 he was paid when he spoke to a company in Lagos, Nigeria.
Convention organizers are eager to pay Mrs. Clinton, and, since leaving office in February, she has embarked on a packed schedule of events for groups like the American Society of Travel Agents and the National Association of Realtors.”
How the H can she disappoint? You have good expectations of her? Why? About what? Do you live in a cave?
Don Carlos:
Wiki says corporations and philanthropic groups.
The BBC paid him 50,000 pounds for a speech. More:
Here’s another article about the Clintons (and others) and how much they earn from speeches. Excerpt:
So that explains why the White House got ransacked just before they departed DC the first time.
It really isn’t surprising that she can keep a straight face playing the “woe is me card” and the MSM goes along.
Time to get the Hilary lying machine *cranking*
Any day that Hillary needs more cash she can always replicate her staggering success in the cattle futures pits.
The gal never has a losing trade!
And commodities futures are tax advantaged, too.
Here’s our theme: electing Hillary would be Obama’s third term.
Pass it on.
This clip is a wonderful example of the Clintons’ overall attitude: flippant, glib, utterly disdainful. And there is justification for such an attitude. Unless there is a dramatic and unimaginable change in the political landscape, Hillary is virtually guaranteed the Democratic nomination in 2016. Democrats desperately want to hold on to power; a loss of the Senate this year will only intensify this already markedly acute desire. Hillary is their safest, most likely path to that end. Period. QED. No one even dares mounting a serious challenge to her (to those of you who think Elizabeth Warren is doing anything but positioning herself for VP and/or for the 2020 or 2024 nomination, please think again).
Moreover, the MSM desperately wants the Democrats to hold onto power in 2016. They understand Hillary is extremely likely to be the nominee and are highly reticent to do anything that might, even slightly, undercut her chances in the general election.
The Clintons know these truths, all too well. They know they are, for all intents and purposes, above all scrutiny, above all “mainstream” criticism. This interview reflects as such. Hillary was conveying a simple message, long ago echoed by Boss Tweed: What are YOU going to do about it? Diane Sawyer? MSM? Democratic Party? The answer is nothing. We all know that.
Bone chilling in a way, but it’s where we are at.
The common thread seems to be cronyism, with the dues-paying schlubs funding but being disregarded by their “Leadership”, kinda like AARP.. What’s in it for the average travel agent or realtor? What, indeed, is in it for Clinical Pathologists (the blood test crowd) except possibly that LabCorp and the like employ a lot and are large, publicly-traded corporations, so cronyism again, currying favor with Medicare and HHS, a usually poor investment. We sure know what’s in it for Kohlberg KravisRoberts(KKR): soft eyes at the SEC.
Some is just money-laundering, like $ from Susan Axelrod’s group.
Some of it is plain Leftist stupidity, like the 300,000 Pounds from British Jews; what’s the Hill gonna do for them, HaHa?
The puzzler is the Economics Club of Grand Rapids (which i take it is in MI, not MN), but maybe Islams have moved in with turbans and shit since the days of Gerry Ford. Not according to Wiki, which says census data show several offshoots of the Dutch Reformed Church (I suspect liberal) and the United methodist Church (definitely liberal), as well as Catholics(+/_ liberal, depends on the clergy), and still ~65% white.
It turns out the Econ Club of Grand Rapids will take anyone as a member at $150/ or so per yr. Speaker for 2014 is the British Virgin, Richard Branson. Like Groucho Marx, I wouldn’t join, Saints be preserved, even if I had to live there. even if I had to live there I say again. I will not belong to a club that will have me as a member.
The early message seems to be she’ll stay the course from Obama, but she’ll consolidate and smooth out the rough edges.