Home » Top dog?


Top dog? — 19 Comments

  1. I don’t what the big deal is. We have an ever bigger dog in this Country, and he’s #occupying the Oval Office. He’s eating us out of house and home, too.

  2. model_1066: Our big dog is quite well trained — in Alinsky and Marxism.

    Oh, you mean house trained. My bad.

  3. I like dogs too but ‘Freddy’ is evidence that there can be too much of a good thing. To maintain proportionality, owners should be at least 6’6″ in height and maintain large estates in the country for the dog to roam.

  4. Dogs are conservative by nature: loyal, brave, willing to die for the pack if needed, and self sufficient if given a chance.

  5. What a beautiful dog! I have nothing intelligent to say but…. what a beautiful dog.

    I would paint his portrait. He is Landseer material.

    And I love the chintz wallpaper. So English. Or what England used to be. Muslims hate dogs It is in their koran. You may not see this lovely scene in England in a few years if they dont learn what evil is and that good cannot coexist with it.

    Pardon me. This was supposed to be a happy post about dogs.

  6. It’s not a hard-and-fast rule, but bigger dogs do seem to have shorter lifespans: a Bernese Mountain Dog is considered a veteran, for show purposes, at the tender age of six, but the little Schipperke has been known to make it to twenty and beyond.

  7. First a post about Icelandic women, then a post about Danish dogs. I sense a trend, but what’s next?

  8. If women were like dogs the world would be a better place, except they’d only go into heat twice a year.

  9. Didn’t Eve do that to Adam, with a mere piece of fruit? Since men are dogs, a bit of turnaround seems fair play. Sweat of the brow, all I’m saying.

    (Hush, just having a bit o’ fun.)

  10. Why, it’s the bloody Hound of the Baskervilles!

    Here’s a bit of history: Anyone remember the firestorm the Leftists unleashed on Reagan for visiting the cemetery in Bitburg, Germany?

    Well, listen to him explain about the SS soldiers who were buried there:


  11. Neo said: … gargantuousity (and yeah, I know it’s not a real word)

    But it is entertaining and lucid.


    And I am so grateful you (Neo) did not somehow use “enormity,” as is so often done almost always as an affectation. “Enormity” means extreme evil, like the Holocaust. It has nothing to do with being enormous, and I wish people would start using “gargantuousity” instead.

    And while I am on peeves which cause severe irrational annoyance, the word “penultimate” does not mean the most ultimatey ultimate of all, or way beyond ultimate, it means second to last. It is also frequently misused as an affectation.

    I am founder and chairman of The Penultimate Society, present membership five. Our motto is “We are second to last to none!” and we call each other when we spot the misuse of penultimate to congratulate each other on our mutual superiority.

    I may as well throw in “bemused,” which is not some variation of being amused. It means confused.

    And I am also going to throw in confabulation, which means chatting or conversing. People used to have “confabs.” It has become a medical term meaning something entirely different, making stuff up. Now that’s an enormity.

    Dragon, dragon fly, what’s the diff?

  12. I walk a neighbor’s dachshund several miles a day. If I went on a walk with that Great Dane, the Great Dane would walk me.

  13. Tonawanda complains about “confabulation” which has had a medical meaning and usage for as long as I’ve been alive. I offer “discriminating” which was used as a positive personal attribute as recently as the 1960s, as in “discriminating taste”. But no more. It’s tough to be on the losing side of history.

  14. Don Carlos – – I stand corrected about “confabulate”.

    Somewhere in the mists of time I got the impression that the word had migrated to medical science more recently, and it is still puzzling how a perfectly good word meaning to chat together (which originated circa 1613 according to my OED) should come to be used to mean something entirely different in a medical context.

    Plus, just as the other words I cite “sound” as if they ought to mean what folks mistakenly think they mean (enormous/enormity, ultimate/penultimate), confabulate “sounds” like making stuff up (fable or fabricate).

    Reality keeps intruding on my premise that being crotchety means never having to say you’re sorry.

    I just want to note I did put a pedantry warning up (referring to myself).

  15. They should move to the Sun Belt “Edge City” I live in. It’s essentially a big suburb wrapped around a ghetto, and the suburban parts are the domain of Yuppie clones who seem to all have these very large four-legged poop machines to guard the McMansion.

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