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Obamacare and employment-based health insurance — 9 Comments

  1. Let your reps know you oppose any bailouts to the companies that sold out to the regime and jumped on the obamacare wagon. This should be an effective talking point for the coming elections, along with the rest of the mess of obamacare.

  2. So not only do government backed monopolies get to force you to buy their shatty products, but when they go bankrupt, you get to pay the taxes that pay their vacation benefits.

  3. Ymarsakar,

    We taxpayers will only have to front 50% of their vacations benefits, the other 50% will be borrowed from those who are still willing to buy T-bonds… a shrinking population largely residing within the Federal Reserve cartel.

  4. “The Obama administration and the IRS act to ensure that employers don’t just dump people onto the exchanges:”

    Predictable consequence; more lay offs, many full time employees hours reduced to part-time at 29 hrs and sharply increased consumer prices.

    “the other 50% will be borrowed from those who are still willing to buy T-bonds” parker

    My understanding is that the Fed is buying up much of the T-Bonds with billions of worthless paper money printed out of thin air. The world’s governments are engaged in a Ponzi scheme, its legalized theft from future generations…

  5. The economic history of Honolulu tells the future.

    The dynamic nature of business turnover ( birth and death of businesses, themselves) will cause 29 hours to be the ‘new normal.’

    Something like this has already happened in France.

    What happens is that crony firms that have indirect access to the government stash can carry on the same old way. Uncle sugar picks up the tab.

    New businesses start up with virtually the entire staff limited to 29 hours per week. The construction trades are already shifting over to this as I type. The other tick is to only ever hire on an as-needed short-term basis. The troops are laid off before they can ever qualify for mandated benefits.

    Plan B is to lay off the ENTIRE old workforce — in a rolling lay-off — and replace them with newbies at drastically lower W-2 wage levels. In this manner, the employer doesn’t pay for 0-care at all.

    Instead, the entire medical burden moves away from employers and onto the backs of the employed. Congress(D) de facto having pre-spent all of the wage gains the labor force has attained over the last two generations.

    Mandated benefits merely reflect pre-spent/ pre-allocated spending dictated by the PTB towards ‘political goods’ that the PTB want to fund — from the public weal.

    Between one thing and another, about half of all wage income is being taxed away towards these ‘political goods’ — starting with anyone with a full time job.

    ( Medical mandatory expenditures are EXTREMELY regressive since they are dictated by mere existence. If your labor output is too low, you are on the dole.)

    Taken as a whole, Barry is vectoring enough wealth towards Black America to have it totally dependent upon his pen. At this point in time, it is impossible for a Black American to NOT be subsidised by Big Government.

    1) Either they are directly on the dole, or…

    2) They are AA’d into heaven, or…

    3) They work in allocated job slots inside Big Government, or…

    4) They sell to Big Government, or…

    5) They work the Reparations Industry….

    Hence, this voting segment is totally politicised.

    Likewise, the medical-pharma-insurance cartel is totally crony’d.

    The aim is towards a one-party state.

    (like Hawaii or Chicago or Indonesia)

  6. Establishment Republicans could hit the cronyism meme hard and peel off disenchanted Democratic voters. It’s obvious that Obama has favored both Wall Street and the insurance industry.
    The problem is, establishment Republicans support cronyism, too.


  7. Republicans clapped when the DC thugs executed a woman that got lost and ran into a DC concrete barricade.

    They know which side of their bread the butter is on.

  8. “My understanding is that the Fed is buying up much of the T-Bonds with billions of worthless paper money printed out of thin air.”

    The Fed is the major purchaser of T-bonds, and have been for over a year. When the petro dollar is dumped on the ash heap by those 19th century regional powers (Russia, China, India, Iran, Brazil, etc.) those who have not been paying attention, though utter ignorance or willful blindness, are going to be in for a big surprise.

    “The world’s governments are engaged in a Ponzi scheme, its legalized theft from future generations…”

    When it comes to an end (2, 5, 10 years?) full blown war will be the only alternative to keep the domestic population(s) from burning down the house.

    Burning down the house, soft version, live:


  9. Printing more money, redistributes wealth right now. It takes the value of the money from the poor and those without political connections, and gives it in pure value to the real estate mogols and powerful corporations backed by Democrat ruthlessness.

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