Home » Obama says “if only Obama knew”…


Obama says “if only Obama knew”… — 20 Comments

  1. I’ve never seen a president who knew so little about so much, yet can still claim that he knows so much about what needs to be done.

  2. Obama has the worst case of innocent bystander I ever saw. He never knows anything until he sees it in the newspaper or on TV.

  3. Well said, Callahan. Who could imagine that the smartest man in the room would also always be the most uninformed?

  4. It’s not stupidity, it’s cupidity. And he knows he can get away with it. It’s another way to give the finger to his opponents.

  5. When I was flying, people used to talk about pilots who were so far behind their aircraft, an accident could happen and they would not show up for an hour. Chairman O reminds me of this. He can’t be that clueless, can he?

  6. Of course he can be that clueless! He’s never actually DONE anything in his life. Why should he start now?

  7. IMO the messiah is a lazy ‘folk’ who doesn’t need to pay attention because VJ runs the show, and the minions running the day to day operations know the desired results without too much need for specific directions. Lois Lerner and others in the IRS knew the Oval Office wanted to squelch the conservative groups and went after them. The dude boy and his fellow apparatchiks knew the OO wanted smoke and mirrors to cover up dereliction of duty when the Benghazi massacre opened up questions about the messiah’s role as CINC.

    Of course the idea that the messiah learned about all these scandals from the MSM is utterly lame. But he also knows he can lie about anything and not be seriously question by the MSM.

  8. VA is single-payer healthcare and a preview of what awaits us. That the VA debacle is as much a case of incompetence as it is inadequate funding changes the realities of single payer not in the least. The UK demonstrates the future of US healthcare, Sarah Palin was absolutely right about the death panel aspect.

    Activist leftists are well aware of this; Former Labor Secretary and Obama adviser Robert Reich speaking at UC Berkeley on Sept. 26, 2007 [to a young, going to live forever audience]

    “And by the way, we are going to have to—if you’re very old, we’re not going to give you all that technology and all those drugs for the last couple of years of your life to keep you maybe going for another couple of months. It’s too expensive, so we’re going to let you die. [applause]

    “Also, I’m going to use the bargaining leverage of the federal government in terms of Medicare, Medicaid—we already have a lot of bargaining leverage—to force drug companies and insurance companies and medical suppliers to reduce their costs. But that means less innovation, and that means less new products and less new drugs on the market, which means you are probably not going to live that much longer than your parents. [applause] Thank you.”

    83% of all health care expenditures are accounted for by 10% of our population. Leftist health care activists are certainly aware of this fact. They’re also aware of the fact that the older the voter, the more likely they are to vote on the right.

    On another blog’s post commenter sesummers correctly if brutally noted that,

    “All we have to do is declare that people on medicare (and maybe medicaid too) don’t get expensive, life extending medical treatments. The first potentially fatal illness you get after you retire is what will kill you.

    Medicare will mercifully pay for all the pain medicine you need to make your death as painless as possible, but no more government funded liver or lung or heart transplants – maybe not even bypass operations – and no more $250,000 chemotherapy treatments.

    Presto – not only do medical costs drop dramatically, but average life expectancy of people who reach retirement age drops from the 80s to the early 70’s, so social security costs drop dramatically too. Problem solved.

    Does anyone here think that the same people who think “late term” abortion should be legal past the moment of birth will have a problem letting old, ‘useless’ people die natural deaths when they reach old age?

    Do those of us who have been enjoying a standard of living funded by borrowing an extra 10% of GDP every year in the name of our children and grandchildren REALLY have a moral right to bankrupt them even further just to extend our idle retirement years an extra decade or so, even if we become senile and don’t even know we’re alive? I don’t think so.”

    For all its sins, the Catholic Church is absolutely right in pointing out where the path that a societal disrespect for life leads.

  9. So I guess this is the presidential version of voting “present?” He’s in charge, yet makes no decisions and is the last to know about his own administration’s incompetence.

  10. G.B.-
    I am no Catholic; my forebears worshipped with Martin Luther. The Catholic Church, like all human endeavors, has its flaws, its crooks and idolators. But the Great Message it has conveyed these many centuries comes directly from Jesus, and if we lose the message amidst the trappings of human frailties the fault is ours.

  11. He certainly lacks any knowledge of historical events and the lessons that can be learned from same. So perhaps it shouldn’t be a surprise that he knows nothing of current events either. Which begs the question, what does he really know and understand.

  12. JJ has the right of it. Obama knows all he wishes to know and what isn’t reported to him is the result of prior direction by him to others. It’s all on his shoulders. Either directly or to ensure ‘plausible deniability’.

  13. It’s not incompetence. It’s engineered failure and emergency rule.

    Incompetence suggests that they tried but couldn’t make it work.

  14. Every Democrat is guilty of this, whether they know it or not. Why? The same reason behind institutional slavery and why white privilege leads to white guilt, whether the whites know it or not.

    If you benefit from evil, you are tainted by evil, no matter whether you willed it or not.

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