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Burning fetuses — 20 Comments


    Jill Stueck, a Covanta spokeswoman, said the company is cooperating with the order to suspend, and that it does not seek out the aborted babies as waste to burn.
    “No one is saying bring us fetal tissue,” said Stueck.
    Kristy Anderson, spokeswoman with the British Columbia Health Ministry, said regional health authorities have a contract with waste management firm Stericycle, which sends biomedical waste, including aborted babies, cancerous tissue, and amputated limbs to the Oregon facility.


  2. It is more than mere symbolism in a world where the devaluation of individual human life in favor of the collective ramps up in other areas too, such as healthcare.

  3. As a dad with two of the most beautiful daughters ever on this earth, and a son who I love beyond words – I won’t go deeply into how this makes me feel.

    But may all those involved and otherwise knowledgeable of and allowing it, burn in hell themselves.

  4. br549:

    I understand that you are outraged, disgusted, and angry about it. But I have never understood wishing that sort of punishment on anyone.

  5. I sent you the email a bit ago about the complaint that canada was sending their fetuses to be turned into power in the US…

    Keystone XL – Bad Oil
    Dead Babies – Good Fuel

    Want to know the difference between coal and dead babies? – You cant load coal with a pitchfork.

    Want to know the difference between a train car full of oil and a train car full of dead babies? -the oil car leaks

    Now your dead baby CAN keep you warm at night!

    Soon your Electric Volkswagen will be powered by what?

  6. Slaves have no right to contest their fate or the fate of their offspring. Any more than cattle get to vote on what happens to them or their offspring.

  7. Neo, it’s a form of delayed or delegated authority. If the authority to punish was with humans, then a human would be expected to exact justice or punishment. If the authority is with God, a God that people can’t post open appeals to and get the correct feedback, then it’s not the problem of humans any more.

    It’s a way to get people to stop doing blood feuds, which were often popular in the ancient days of tribes and family clans.

    Of course, modern problems are often the reverse of ancient problems.

  8. When I read, “we shouldn’t be burning cancerous tissue or amputated limbs for fuel, either,” I figure I’m going to be the odd man out, again.

    We are to honor cancerous tissue by interment, should not incinerate? If cremated, the generated energy should/must be wasted? Why is this an issue, given the trivial BTUs generated? I guess because we are engaged in DNA worship. So perhaps cremation of cancer (like cremation of entire humans) is still OK as long as a dedicated incinerator is used?

    Well, I cannot get there. Cancer was my professional enemy. It caused and causes inordinate suffering and death. It is the biological equivalent of Evil. I’m not going to honor it in any way, even if it is mostly my own DNA driving it.

    How aborted babies are disposed of is an absurd distraction. Keep focused on the great evil of abortion on demand, the slaughter of millions each year, and ignore the distraction of the mass graves. The indignity, the sin, is in the abortion, not in the handling of the remains. Gosnell was evil even if he’d lived by PA law.

  9. Burning is the preferred method of destroying many dangerous substances, including biohazardous material and many dangerous chemicals. On that basis alone, it might not be such a bad deal to burn any dead human flesh.

    It is certainly possible to just waste all the heat used in such incineration. But where household garbage is incinerated, it is economically advantageous to use the heat from the fuel and burning garbage to produce steam to make electricity. And if such a facility is available, it seems to me to make good sense to use it to dispose of dead human and animal flesh, noting that the quantities we are talking about here are trifling, and in no way part of the economic generation of electricity.

    Clearly the emotional reaction to destroying fetuses “to generate power” is repugnance, but the assertion is a half-truth. I find abortion abhorrent, but cremation is a better way to handle the result than any other I can think of, and I do not see anything all that bad about the cremation being done in a facility that generates electricity from what would otherwise be wasted head.

  10. It gives me a creepy feeling on one level, but when I think about it intellectually, it is fairly logical.

    Some folks cannot abide the thought of cremation; others wail over burial at sea, or lost at sea in particular.

    I just don’t understand. In my youth, I participated in closed casket ceremonies for friends and squadron mates. Was there anything sacred about what was in those caskets/ I guarantee you that no one wanted to check. I also stood on deck for those who would never be recovered. The rituals were not observed for the remains of those who were gone, but for the comfort of those who remained.

    Who grieves for an aborted fetus?

    Regardless of the religious belief, or lack thereof, the physical body has no relevance after the soul departs. Although, public desecration has a nefarious purpose and painful effect, private disposal is value neutral. The means of disposal, if carried out with some dignity, is irrelevant.

    On another level, can’t help but wonder if the abortionists are among those whose panties are in wad over this.

  11. This EVIL PRACTICE is widespread. There is no limit to the amount of rage that should be directed at the bureaucrats that mandate this horrid practice is allowed; and no mercy for those who participate, how ever much they did so with great sincerity. We need put heads ons stakes. If that message is ignored time to let it burn.

  12. I think using aborted babies for food and vaccines is worse. Admittedly I haven’t done any research beyond snopes and google but it appears to be the case that some food additives and the chickenpox vaccine was grown in fetal cells. Thankfully I never had that vaccine but now I feel like I should be doing more product research…

  13. “Although, public desecration has a nefarious purpose and painful effect, private disposal is value neutral. The means of disposal, if carried out with some dignity, is irrelevant.”

    You underestimate the power of economic systems that later become self sustaining slave plantations under the Left.

  14. I’m not sure all the “news articles” and blog posts on this matter are correct in stating that “aborted fetuses are being burned to provide electricity.” (Your post, Neo, seems to be more “sane” with regards to such claims)

    It seems to me that human tissue (aborted fetuses or otherwise) is made up a large percentage of water and therefore would not make good fuel.

    This seems more along the lines of “how do we dispose of medial waste?”

    And since so many hospitals are trying to contain costs they are finding it cheaper to ship such medical waste off to a facility that burns trash and is willing to burn medical waste as well.

    Clearly, this “news” story originated with the anti-abortion crowd and they are engaging in hyperbole to try to shock folks.

    Sorry, whether coming from the left or the right, I’m not buying such tripe.

  15. Of course abortionists, and perhaps pro-choicers, too, are going to Hell, and eventually their spirits will be destroyed. God commanded to not kill for money, sex, ego, convenience, or as an initiative in a population control protocol. Once, there was even a secular human rights movement which stood against genocide, but abortion/murder seems to be rationalized with a belief in spontaneous conception, and people who support and tolerate it take comfort in this pseudo-scientific myth.

    As for the bodies, they are literally clumps of cells, or a coherent mass of “dust from the ground”, devoid of a mind, devoid of a soul. Did God advise how “dust” should be treated? It seems that respect for our dead is a cultural tradition with an obvious emotional appeal.

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