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The candidate as grandmother — 8 Comments

  1. I would like to congratulate and commend Chelsea and her husband for making the right choice.

    As for Hillary, what difference, at this point, does it now make? Enjoy the fresh breath. and perspective, of a new life.

  2. Heck, I’ll bet the fetus has already been signed to a profitable contract as a regular presenter on “The View”. As soon as it kicks, there is an additional bonus, I am sure. And a book contract for a ghost-written autobiography, too.

    The Dem royalty and nobility take good care of their own, I have noticed.

  3. I have nothing personal at all against Chelsea Clinton, but I will not partake of any enthusiasm for having another little leftie fascist-to-be in the world. There are already far too many.

    Plus, the number one female fascist, Mizz Hillary, will get to exploit her grandmotherhood to the fullest. I ain’t playin’.

  4. Unborn children are only valuable to Democrats when they can be used as political props.

  5. Democrat aristocrats believe that only the upper tier gets to have stable marriages, women that stand by men, and stable family trees.

    The Democrats have always believed that inferior variations of humanity, what they consider sub humans, are what broken marriages, divorces destroying family incomes, and psychological damage due to violent family trees are for. Like a caste system, they don’t want the competition rising above their station or their caste. And they don’t want the upper tier devolving to the level of black single mothers either.

    In that fashion, it’s very logickal for Hillary Clinton to promote abortion and single parent households, while not utilizing such handicaps. For the Democrats had the same beliefs about slavery and blacks back in the day.

  6. Dear Sick Co-Dependent in-Chief with Bottomless Ambition: Please, Hillary, EAT MORE STARCH and add another 40-lbs to your vertically challenged frame. The campaign cameras need it. ((-:

  7. I’m pretty sure the pro-abortionists are having a fit keeping their mouths shut about Chelsea refusing to abort.

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